def initialize():
    [called during startup]
    register_debug_menu_command("Test: virtual site from selatoms",
Esempio n. 2
def initialize():  #bruce 071005 added this wrapping function
    if have_pyrex_test:
        register_debug_menu_command("count bonds (pyrex_test)",
        register_debug_menu_command("count bonds (stub)", count_bonds_cmd)
def initialize():
    if (Initialize.startInitialization(__name__)):
    # initialization code (note: it's all a kluge, could be cleaned up pretty easily)

    # Note: the global declarations are needed due to the kluge above
    # involving globals()[example_command_classname]
    classnames = [ ] # extended below

    global ExampleCommand1
    from prototype.test_commands import ExampleCommand1

    global ExampleCommand2
    from prototype.test_commands import ExampleCommand2

    global test_connectWithState
    from prototype.test_connectWithState import test_connectWithState

    global ExampleCommand2E
    from prototype.example_expr_command import ExampleCommand2E

    for classname in classnames:
        cmdname = classname # for now
        register_debug_menu_command( cmdname, (lambda widget, classname = classname: enter_example_command(widget, classname)) )
Esempio n. 4
def initialize():  # called from
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        register_debug_menu_command("Import all source files",
        register_debug_menu_command("Export command table",
def initialize():
    [called during startup]
    register_debug_menu_command( "Test: virtual site from selatoms",
                                 virtual_site_from_selatoms_command )
Esempio n. 6
    def register_display_mode_class(clas):  # staticmethod
        Register the given subclass of ChunkDisplayMode as a new display mode for whole chunks,
        able to be drawn with, read/written in mmp files, and offered in the UI.

        @warning: The order in which this is called for different display styles
                  must correspond with the order in which disp index constants (diWhatever)
                  are defined for them in (This needs cleanup.)
                  [bruce 080212 comment; related code has comments with same signature]
        # Make sure we can read mmp files which refer to it as clas.mmp_code.
        # This also covers statusbar display and writemmp.
        # This works by calling _register_for_readmmp, which also stores clas.disp_label as needed
        # to show this display mode in the statusbar, when it's in use for the entire GLPane.
        # (As of 060608 there is no good reason to go through files_mmp to do this,
        #  but in the future it might need to keep its own record of this use of mmp_code.)
        # (It's probably a kluge that the registering of clas.disp_label goes through files_mmp in any way.
        #  The fault for that lies mainly with the requirement for constants.dispLabel and constants.dispNames
        #  to be lists with corresponding indices. If they were revamped, this could be cleaned up.
        #  But doing so is not trivial, assuming their ordering by bond cylinder radius is required.)

        # bruce 071017 -- remove register_for_readmmp and replace it with what it did,
        # since it's more confusing than worthwhile
        # (but see above comment for the motivation of the old way, which had some legitimacy):
        ## import files_mmp
        ## files_mmp.register_for_readmmp( clas)
        smethod = clas._register_for_readmmp

        # The above also made it possible to draw chunks in this display mode, via _display_mode_handlers
        # and special cases in Chunk draw-related methods.
        ###e highlighting not yet done
        # Now add something to the UI so users can change chunks, or the GLPane, to this display mode.
        # (As a quick hack, just add a debug menu command (always visible) which acts like pressing a toolbutton for this mode.)
        disp_name = clas.mmp_code
        inst = _display_mode_handlers[disp_name]
            "setDisplayStyle_of_selection(%s)" % clas.disp_label,
        ##e should we do something so users can use it as a prefs value for preferred display mode, too?
Esempio n. 7
    def register_display_mode_class(clas): # staticmethod
        Register the given subclass of ChunkDisplayMode as a new display mode for whole chunks,
        able to be drawn with, read/written in mmp files, and offered in the UI.

        @warning: The order in which this is called for different display styles
                  must correspond with the order in which disp index constants (diWhatever)
                  are defined for them in (This needs cleanup.)
                  [bruce 080212 comment; related code has comments with same signature]
        # Make sure we can read mmp files which refer to it as clas.mmp_code.
        # This also covers statusbar display and writemmp.
        # This works by calling _register_for_readmmp, which also stores clas.disp_label as needed
        # to show this display mode in the statusbar, when it's in use for the entire GLPane.
        # (As of 060608 there is no good reason to go through files_mmp to do this,
        #  but in the future it might need to keep its own record of this use of mmp_code.)
        # (It's probably a kluge that the registering of clas.disp_label goes through files_mmp in any way.
        #  The fault for that lies mainly with the requirement for constants.dispLabel and constants.dispNames
        #  to be lists with corresponding indices. If they were revamped, this could be cleaned up.
        #  But doing so is not trivial, assuming their ordering by bond cylinder radius is required.)

        # bruce 071017 -- remove register_for_readmmp and replace it with what it did,
        # since it's more confusing than worthwhile
        # (but see above comment for the motivation of the old way, which had some legitimacy):
        ## import files_mmp
        ## files_mmp.register_for_readmmp( clas)
        smethod = clas._register_for_readmmp

        # The above also made it possible to draw chunks in this display mode, via _display_mode_handlers
        # and special cases in Chunk draw-related methods.
        ###e highlighting not yet done
        # Now add something to the UI so users can change chunks, or the GLPane, to this display mode.
        # (As a quick hack, just add a debug menu command (always visible) which acts like pressing a toolbutton for this mode.)
        disp_name = clas.mmp_code
        inst = _display_mode_handlers[disp_name]
        register_debug_menu_command("setDisplayStyle_of_selection(%s)" % clas.disp_label, inst.setDisplay_command)
        ##e should we do something so users can use it as a prefs value for preferred display mode, too?
Esempio n. 8
def initialize(): #bruce 071005 added this wrapping function
    if have_pyrex_test:
        register_debug_menu_command("count bonds (pyrex_test)", count_bonds_cmd)
        register_debug_menu_command("count bonds (stub)", count_bonds_cmd)
Esempio n. 9
    #e more updates?

def mark_atom_by_name_command(glpane):
    # review: is this really what the arg always is? i bet it's whatever widget this appeared in...
    ok, text = grab_text_using_dialog( default = "Ss3-564",
                                       title = "Mark atom by name",
                                       label = "atom name or number:" )
    if ok:
        name = text
        assy = glpane.assy
        mark_atom_by_name(assy, name)

# todo: should do this in an initialize function!
register_debug_menu_command( "Mark atom by name...", mark_atom_by_name_command )

#e could also: select multiple atoms by list of names

def select_atoms_with_errors_command(glpane):
    current part only...
    count = 0
    assy =
    for mol in assy.molecules: # current part only
        for atom in mol.atoms.itervalues():
            if atom._dna_updater__error:
                count += 1 # whether or not already selected
                atom.pick() # should be safe inside itervalues
                    ### REVIEW: selection filter effect not considered
Esempio n. 10
def debug_make_BorrowerChunk_raw(do_addmol = True):
    win = env.mainwindow()
    atomset = win.assy.selatoms
    if not atomset:
        env.history.message(redmsg("Need selected atoms to make a BorrowerChunk (for debugging only)"))
        atomset = dict(atomset) # copy it, since we shouldn't really add singlets to assy.selatoms...
        for atom in atomset.values(): # not itervalues, we're changing it in the loop!
            # BTW Python is nicer about this than I expected:
            # exceptions.RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
            for bp in atom.singNeighbors(): # likely bugs if these are not added into the set!
                atomset[bp.key] = bp
            assy = atom.molecule.assy # these are all the same, and we do this at least once
        chunk = BorrowerChunk(assy, atomset)
        if do_addmol:
        import __main__
        __main__._bc = chunk
        env.history.message(orangemsg("__main__._bc = %s (for debugging only)" % quote_html(safe_repr(chunk))))
    win.win_update() #k is this done by caller?

# ==

register_debug_menu_command("make BorrowerChunk", debug_make_BorrowerChunk)
register_debug_menu_command("make BorrowerChunk (no addmol)", debug_make_BorrowerChunk_no_addmol)

# end

Esempio n. 11
    #e more updates?

def mark_atom_by_name_command(glpane):
    # review: is this really what the arg always is? i bet it's whatever widget this appeared in...
    ok, text = grab_text_using_dialog( default = "Ss3-564",
                                       title = "Mark atom by name",
                                       label = "atom name or number:" )
    if ok:
        name = text
        assy = glpane.assy
        mark_atom_by_name(assy, name)

# todo: should do this in an initialize function!
register_debug_menu_command( "Mark atom by name...", mark_atom_by_name_command )

#e could also: select multiple atoms by list of names

def select_atoms_with_errors_command(glpane):
    current part only...
    count = 0
    assy =
    for mol in assy.molecules: # current part only
        for atom in mol.atoms.itervalues():
            if atom._dna_updater__error:
                count += 1 # whether or not already selected
                atom.pick() # should be safe inside itervalues
                    ### REVIEW: selection filter effect not considered
Esempio n. 12
def _register_our_debug_menu_commands():
    register_debug_menu_command( "DNA: rescan all atoms", rescan_all_atoms )
    register_debug_menu_command( "DNA: rescan selected atoms", rescan_selected_atoms )
    register_debug_menu_command( "DNA: add basepair handles", add_basepair_handles_to_selected_atoms )
# ==

def reload_undo(target=None):
    # does this work at all, now that undo_UI was split out of undo_manager? [bruce 071217 Q]
    import foundation.undo_archive as undo_archive
    import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
    import foundation.undo_internals as undo_internals
    print "\nreloaded 3 out of 4 undo_*.py files; open a new file and we'll use them\n"  #e (works, but should make reopen automatic)

register_debug_menu_command("reload undo", reload_undo)

# ==

def keep_under_key(thing, key, obj, attr):
    obj.attr[key] = thing, creating obj.attr dict if necessary
    if DEBUG_PRINT_UNDO and 0:
        print "keepkey:", key, "keepon_obj:", obj  # also print attr to be complete
        # This shows unique keys, but just barely (name is deleg for lots of QActions)
        # so we'll have to worry about it, and maybe force all keys unique during init.
        # If some keys are not unique, result might be that some user actions
        # (or for worse bugs, internal signals) silently stop working. [bruce 050921]
    if not hasattr(obj, attr):
Esempio n. 14
            # count them all before changing them or destroying any bonds,
            # in case some atomtypes weren't initialized yet
            # (since their getattr method looks at number of bonds)
    for atm in atmlist:
        for b in atm.bonds[:]:
            atm2 = b.other(atm)
            if atm2.key in atmdict:
                ###e to also zap singlets we'd need "or atm2.element is Singlet" and to prevent b.bust from remaking them!
                # (singlets can't be selected)
                n_bonds_destroyed += 1 # (count real bonds only)
        atm.set_atomtype(atm.element.atomtypes[0]) ###k this might remake singlets if it changes atomtype
        #e future optim: revise above to also destroy singlets and bonds to them
        # (btw I think make_bonds doesn't make any singlets as it runs)
    n_bonds_made = make_bonds(atmlist)
        #e it would be nice to figure out how many of these are the same as the ones we destroyed, etc
    for atm in atmlist:
        "on %d selected atoms, replaced %d old bond(s) with %d new (or same) bond(s); changed %d atomtype(s) to default" %
        (n_atoms, n_bonds_destroyed, n_bonds_made, n_atomtypes_changed)
    #e note, present implem marks lots of atoms as changed (from destroying and remaking bonds) which did not change;
    # this only matters much for redrawing speed (of unchanged chunks) and since file is always marked as changed
    # even if nothing changed at all.

register_debug_menu_command( "Remake Bonds", remake_bonds_in_selection )

Esempio n. 15
if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():

# ==

def reload_undo(target = None):
    # does this work at all, now that undo_UI was split out of undo_manager? [bruce 071217 Q]
    import foundation.undo_archive as undo_archive
    import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
    import foundation.undo_internals as undo_internals
    print "\nreloaded 3 out of 4 undo_*.py files; open a new file and we'll use them\n" #e (works, but should make reopen automatic)

register_debug_menu_command("reload undo", reload_undo)

# ==

def keep_under_key(thing, key, obj, attr):
    obj.attr[key] = thing, creating obj.attr dict if necessary
    if DEBUG_PRINT_UNDO and 0:
        print "keepkey:",key,"keepon_obj:",obj # also print attr to be complete
            # This shows unique keys, but just barely (name is deleg for lots of QActions)
            # so we'll have to worry about it, and maybe force all keys unique during init.
            # If some keys are not unique, result might be that some user actions
            # (or for worse bugs, internal signals) silently stop working. [bruce 050921]
    if not hasattr(obj, attr):
        setattr(obj, attr, {})
Esempio n. 16
def initialize():
    debug.register_debug_menu_command("%s" % cmdname, select_bad_atoms_cmd)
Esempio n. 17
        atomset = dict(
        )  # copy it, since we shouldn't really add singlets to assy.selatoms...
        for atom in atomset.values(
        ):  # not itervalues, we're changing it in the loop!
            # BTW Python is nicer about this than I expected:
            # exceptions.RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
            for bp in atom.singNeighbors(
            ):  # likely bugs if these are not added into the set!
                atomset[bp.key] = bp
            assy = atom.molecule.assy  # these are all the same, and we do this at least once
        chunk = BorrowerChunk(assy, atomset)
        if do_addmol:
        import __main__
        __main__._bc = chunk
            orangemsg("__main__._bc = %s (for debugging only)" %
    win.win_update()  #k is this done by caller?

# ==

register_debug_menu_command("make BorrowerChunk", debug_make_BorrowerChunk)
register_debug_menu_command("make BorrowerChunk (no addmol)",

# end
Esempio n. 18
def _register_our_debug_menu_commands():
    register_debug_menu_command("DNA: rescan all atoms", rescan_all_atoms)
    register_debug_menu_command("DNA: rescan selected atoms",
    register_debug_menu_command("DNA: add basepair handles",
        # otherwise, explicit gl_update iight be needed.

    detailLevel = property( _get_detailLevel,
                             doc = "detail level of spheres (when made of triangles)"


# == UI for entering this command

def _enter_test_graphics_command(glpane):

register_debug_menu_command( "Test Graphics Performance ...", _enter_test_graphics_command )

# or for entering at startup due to debug_pref:

def enter_TestGraphics_Command_at_startup(win):
    Meant to be called only from startup_misc.just_before_event_loop().
    To cause this to be called then (in current code as of 081006),
    set the debug_pref "startup in Test Graphics command (next session)?".
    # set properties the way we want them (from globals in test_drawing module).
    # KLUGE: this has to be done before entering command, so UI in
    # command.propMgr is set up properly.
    from prototype import test_drawing
    cached_command_instance = win.commandSequencer._find_command_instance( 'TEST_GRAPHICS')
    cached_command_instance.bypass_paintgl = True
Esempio n. 20
    detailLevel = property(
        doc="detail level of spheres (when made of triangles)")


# == UI for entering this command

def _enter_test_graphics_command(glpane):

register_debug_menu_command("Test Graphics Performance ...",

# or for entering at startup due to debug_pref:

def enter_TestGraphics_Command_at_startup(win):
    Meant to be called only from startup_misc.just_before_event_loop().
    To cause this to be called then (in current code as of 081006),
    set the debug_pref "startup in Test Graphics command (next session)?".
    # set properties the way we want them (from globals in test_drawing module).
    # KLUGE: this has to be done before entering command, so UI in
    # command.propMgr is set up properly.
    from prototype import test_drawing
    cached_command_instance = win.commandSequencer._find_command_instance(
Esempio n. 21
def initialize():
    debug.register_debug_menu_command("%s" % cmdname, select_bad_atoms_cmd)
Esempio n. 22
def initialize(): # called from
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        register_debug_menu_command( "Import all source files", import_all_modules_cmd )
        register_debug_menu_command( "Export command table", export_command_table_cmd )