def init_gerp_dic(motif_dic):
    Read pickle containing motif dic, then 
    extract all the chromosomes and genomic coords
    that will need to be read in RS score.
    motif dic is expected to be of form:
    {miso_event: {region: {subkey1: subval1 ...}}}
    gerp_dic of form:
    {chr1: {coord1: None, coord1: None...}
    chrY: {...}} 
    # Define subkey constants. Should match get_dic_subkeys()
    genomic_coord_str = 'genomic_coordinate'
    # Init chromosome list
    chr_list = get_chr_list()

    # Init gerp_dic
    gerp_dic = {}
    # Create empty subdics, by chromosmoe
    for chromosome in chr_list:
        gerp_dic[chromosome] = {}
    # Iterate through the different subdics, retrieving genomic coords
    # store genomic coords to gerp_dic
    coord_count = 0
    for miso_event in motif_dic:
        for region in motif_dic[miso_event]:
            # get colon separated chr_start_end value.
            chr_start_end_list = \
            # loop through list of coords (mostly length 1)
            for chr_start_end in chr_start_end_list:
                if chr_start_end is not None:
                    # Split by colon
                    chr_start_end_split = chr_start_end.split(':')
                    # Get chromo, start, ends separately.
                    # Start is inclusive in RS score file.
                    # End is not inclusive (so we subtract by 1).
                    chromo = chr_start_end_split[0]
                    start = int(chr_start_end_split[1])
                    end = int(chr_start_end_split[2])
                    # Update gerp_dic containing empty dics
                    # with coordinates as keys, from start to end
                    # Note: end is not inclusive.
                    for coordinate in range(start, end):
                        gerp_dic[chromo][coordinate] = None
                        coord_count += 1
    print '%s coordinates stored into gerp_dic.' %coord_count
    return gerp_dic
def init_gerp_dic(motif_dic):
    Read pickle containing motif dic, then 
    extract all the chromosomes and genomic coords
    that will need to be read in RS score.
    motif dic is expected to be of form:
    {miso_event: {region: {subkey1: subval1 ...}}}
    gerp_dic of form:
    {chr1: {coord1: None, coord1: None...}
    chrY: {...}} 
    # Define subkey constants. Should match get_dic_subkeys()
    genomic_coord_str = 'genomic_coordinate'

    # Init chromosome list
    chr_list = get_chr_list()

    # Init gerp_dic
    gerp_dic = {}

    # Create empty subdics, by chromosmoe
    for chromosome in chr_list:
        gerp_dic[chromosome] = {}

    # Iterate through the different subdics, retrieving genomic coords
    # store genomic coords to gerp_dic
    coord_count = 0
    for miso_event in motif_dic:
        for region in motif_dic[miso_event]:
            # get colon separated chr_start_end value.
            chr_start_end_list = \
            # loop through list of coords (mostly length 1)
            for chr_start_end in chr_start_end_list:
                if chr_start_end is not None:
                    # Split by colon
                    chr_start_end_split = chr_start_end.split(':')
                    # Get chromo, start, ends separately.
                    # Start is inclusive in RS score file.
                    # End is not inclusive (so we subtract by 1).
                    chromo = chr_start_end_split[0]
                    start = int(chr_start_end_split[1])
                    end = int(chr_start_end_split[2])
                    # Update gerp_dic containing empty dics
                    # with coordinates as keys, from start to end
                    # Note: end is not inclusive.
                    for coordinate in range(start, end):
                        gerp_dic[chromo][coordinate] = None
                        coord_count += 1
    print '%s coordinates stored into gerp_dic.' % coord_count
    return gerp_dic
def main():
    usage = 'usage: %prog pickle_filepath gerp_directory output_file\n'\
        'Two args must be specified in commandline: \n'\
        '1) Path to pickle from\n'\
        '2) Directory containing GERP RS score text files by chromosome\n'\
        '3) Output file to which results will be written.\n'
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option('-p', '--gerp_pickle_fname', dest='gerp_pickle_fname',
                      help='gerp scores pickle filename.\n'\
                        'Default gerp_pickle.pkl')
    parser.add_option('-l', '--presaved_gerp_dic_path', dest='gerp_presaved_path',
                      help='If a gerp dic has been presaved, use this flag to'\
                        'indicate the file path to directly open the gerp file. '\
                        'Reduces need for multiprocessing.')
    parser.add_option('-o', '--updated_dic_fname', dest='updated_dic_fname',
                      help='Filename to updated meme_summary.pkl'
                        ' with gerp scores,\n'\
                        'Default "meme_summary.gerp_updated.pkl"')
    parser.add_option('-t', '--conservation_type', dest='cons_type',
                      help='Either "rs" or "phastcons"')
    parser.add_option('-m', '--multiprocessing', dest='multiprocessing',
                      help='True or False. Sets multiprocessing or not.')
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) < 2:
        print 'Incorrect number of parameters specified.'
        print usage
    motif_pickle_path = args[0]
    gerp_dir = args[1]
    output_path = args[2]
    # parse options
    gerp_pickle_fname = options.gerp_pickle_fname
    gerp_presaved_pkl_path = options.gerp_presaved_path
    updated_dic_fname = options.updated_dic_fname
    cons_type = options.cons_type
    if cons_type not in ['rs', 'phastcons']:
        print 'Conservation type must be "rs" or "phastcons". %s found.' \
    # Load motif dic, obtained from summarize_meme_results
    pickle_file = open(motif_pickle_path, 'rb')
    motif_dic = pickle.load(pickle_file)
    # Get chromosome list
    chr_list = get_chr_list()
    # Create dic containing chromosomes and genomic coordinates
    # relevant to our motifs by reading pickled dictionary.
    gerp_dic = init_gerp_dic(motif_dic)
    # Multithread only if presaved_gerp_dic_path flag is None.
    if gerp_presaved_pkl_path == None:
        print 'Beginning multiprocessing.'
        q = Queue()
        process_list = []
        # For each chromosome, open relevant gerp file and retrieve
        # RS scores associated with the coordinates.
        for chromosome in chr_list:
            p = Process(target=add_rs_scores_to_gerp_dic,
                        args=(gerp_dic, chromosome, gerp_dir, q, cons_type))
            print 'Calculating RS scores for %s' %chromosome
        print 'Finsihed calculating RS scores.'
        for _ in chr_list:
            # Update dic for every process that started.
            # the actual chromosoem doesn't matter. It's the
            # number of iterations that matter.
            (gerp_dic_chromo, chromo) = q.get()
            print 'Updating dictionary for chromo: %s' %chromo
            # Find which chromosome this came from by looking at key
        # Wait for all threads to be done before continuing.
        for p in process_list:
        print 'Done multiprocessing.'
        # save gerp dic as pickle
        gerp_pickle_dir = os.path.dirname(motif_pickle_path)
        gerp_pickle_fpath = os.path.join(gerp_pickle_dir, gerp_pickle_fname)
        with open(gerp_pickle_fpath, 'wb') as gerp_pickle_file:
            pickle.dump(gerp_dic, gerp_pickle_file, -1)
        print 'Saved pickle object to: %s' %gerp_pickle_fpath 
        # Try to open pickle path from options.gerp_path
        with open(gerp_presaved_pkl_path, 'rb') as presaved_pkl:
        print 'Loaded presaved pickle from %s' %gerp_presaved_pkl_path
    # Update motif_dic with gerp_dic
    motif_dic = update_motif_dic_with_gerp_dic(motif_dic, gerp_dic)
    # Save updated motif dic to pickle
    updated_dic_dir = os.path.dirname(motif_pickle_path)
    updated_dic_path = os.path.join(updated_dic_dir, updated_dic_fname)
    with open(updated_dic_path, 'wb') as updated_dic_file:
        pickle.dump(motif_dic, updated_dic_file, -1)
    print 'Updated dic saved to: %s' %updated_dic_path
    # Write updated gerp_dic to file
    # add GERP scores as a subkey in subkey_list
    subkeys_list = get_dic_subkeys()
    rs_score_subkey = get_rs_score_subkey()
    # Write updated motif dic to file
    write_outdic_to_file(motif_dic, output_path, subkeys_list)
def main():
    usage = 'usage: %prog pickle_filepath gerp_directory output_file\n'\
        'Two args must be specified in commandline: \n'\
        '1) Path to pickle from\n'\
        '2) Directory containing GERP RS score text files by chromosome\n'\
        '3) Output file to which results will be written.\n'
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option('-p', '--gerp_pickle_fname', dest='gerp_pickle_fname',
                      help='gerp scores pickle filename.\n'\
                        'Default gerp_pickle.pkl')
    parser.add_option('-l', '--presaved_gerp_dic_path', dest='gerp_presaved_path',
                      help='If a gerp dic has been presaved, use this flag to'\
                        'indicate the file path to directly open the gerp file. '\
                        'Reduces need for multiprocessing.')
    parser.add_option('-o', '--updated_dic_fname', dest='updated_dic_fname',
                      help='Filename to updated meme_summary.pkl'
                        ' with gerp scores,\n'\
                        'Default "meme_summary.gerp_updated.pkl"')
                      help='Either "rs" or "phastcons"')
                      help='True or False. Sets multiprocessing or not.')
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) < 2:
        print 'Incorrect number of parameters specified.'
        print usage
    motif_pickle_path = args[0]
    gerp_dir = args[1]
    output_path = args[2]

    # parse options
    gerp_pickle_fname = options.gerp_pickle_fname
    gerp_presaved_pkl_path = options.gerp_presaved_path
    updated_dic_fname = options.updated_dic_fname
    cons_type = options.cons_type
    if cons_type not in ['rs', 'phastcons']:
        print 'Conservation type must be "rs" or "phastcons". %s found.' \

    # Load motif dic, obtained from summarize_meme_results
    pickle_file = open(motif_pickle_path, 'rb')
    motif_dic = pickle.load(pickle_file)

    # Get chromosome list
    chr_list = get_chr_list()

    # Create dic containing chromosomes and genomic coordinates
    # relevant to our motifs by reading pickled dictionary.
    gerp_dic = init_gerp_dic(motif_dic)

    # Multithread only if presaved_gerp_dic_path flag is None.
    if gerp_presaved_pkl_path == None:
        print 'Beginning multiprocessing.'
        q = Queue()
        process_list = []
        # For each chromosome, open relevant gerp file and retrieve
        # RS scores associated with the coordinates.
        for chromosome in chr_list:
            p = Process(target=add_rs_scores_to_gerp_dic,
                        args=(gerp_dic, chromosome, gerp_dir, q, cons_type))
            print 'Calculating RS scores for %s' % chromosome
        print 'Finsihed calculating RS scores.'
        for _ in chr_list:
            # Update dic for every process that started.
            # the actual chromosoem doesn't matter. It's the
            # number of iterations that matter.
            (gerp_dic_chromo, chromo) = q.get()
            print 'Updating dictionary for chromo: %s' % chromo
            # Find which chromosome this came from by looking at key

        # Wait for all threads to be done before continuing.
        for p in process_list:

        print 'Done multiprocessing.'

        # save gerp dic as pickle
        gerp_pickle_dir = os.path.dirname(motif_pickle_path)
        gerp_pickle_fpath = os.path.join(gerp_pickle_dir, gerp_pickle_fname)
        with open(gerp_pickle_fpath, 'wb') as gerp_pickle_file:
            pickle.dump(gerp_dic, gerp_pickle_file, -1)
        print 'Saved pickle object to: %s' % gerp_pickle_fpath

        # Try to open pickle path from options.gerp_path
        with open(gerp_presaved_pkl_path, 'rb') as presaved_pkl:
        print 'Loaded presaved pickle from %s' % gerp_presaved_pkl_path

    # Update motif_dic with gerp_dic
    motif_dic = update_motif_dic_with_gerp_dic(motif_dic, gerp_dic)

    # Save updated motif dic to pickle
    updated_dic_dir = os.path.dirname(motif_pickle_path)
    updated_dic_path = os.path.join(updated_dic_dir, updated_dic_fname)
    with open(updated_dic_path, 'wb') as updated_dic_file:
        pickle.dump(motif_dic, updated_dic_file, -1)
    print 'Updated dic saved to: %s' % updated_dic_path

    # Write updated gerp_dic to file
    # add GERP scores as a subkey in subkey_list
    subkeys_list = get_dic_subkeys()
    rs_score_subkey = get_rs_score_subkey()

    # Write updated motif dic to file
    write_outdic_to_file(motif_dic, output_path, subkeys_list)