Esempio n. 1
 def __canHit(self, x, y, startX, startY, destX, destY, orientation):
     if(not self._Entity__isVisible):
         return False
     if orientation is None:
         orientation = self.__orientation
     canHit = False
     ux = x - startX
     uy = y - startY
     dotP = maths.getDotProduct(orientation.x, orientation.y, ux, uy) / pow(maths.getEuclidianDistance(0, 0, orientation.x, orientation.y), 2)
     if dotP >= 0:        
         px = startX + dotP*orientation.x
         py = startY + dotP*orientation.y
         #px py should be on the line
         if (px >= min(startX, destX) and px <= max(startX, destX) and py >= min(startY, destY) and py <= max(startY, destY) and (not, startY, px, py)) and maths.getEuclidianDistance(px, py, x, y) <= actions.ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE):
             canHit = True
         elif(maths.getEuclidianDistance(destX, destY, x, y) <= actions.ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE and (not, startY, destX, destY)) and (not, y, destX, destY))):
             canHit = True
     return canHit
Esempio n. 2
 def wouldHitPlayer(self, player, destination):
     Returns whether the player can hit the specified player if he shoots at the specified destination. It doesn't check for collisions with other players along the way, but checks for collisions with walls. Returns false if one of the players isn't currently visible.
     :param player: Player object
     :param destination: Point object
     :returns: bool variable
     if (not self.isVisible) or (not player.isVisible) or (destination.x == self.x and destination.y == self.y):
         return False
     startX = self.x
     startY = self.y
     dist = maths.getEuclidianDistance(destination, self.point)
     oriX = (destination.x - self.x) / dist
     oriY = (destination.y - self.y) / dist
     if(dist > actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE):
         endX = (startX + oriX - startX) * (actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE) + startX
         endY = (startY + oriY - startY) * (actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE) + startY
         endX = destination.x
         endY = destination.y
     return player._Entity__canHit(player.x, player.y, startX, startY, endX, endY, Point(oriX, oriY))
Esempio n. 3
 def isInHitRange(self, player):
     Returns whether the current player is within the specified player hit range (according to ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE, ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE, self.canSee).
     :param player: Player object
     :returns: bool variable
     if (not self.canSee(player)) or (not player.isVisible):
         return False
     return (maths.getEuclidianDistance(self.x, self.y, player.x, player.y) <= actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE + actions.ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE) and self.canSee(player)
Esempio n. 4
 def canBeHitBy(self, *args):
     args[0] is a Snowball:
     Returns whether the player can be hit by the snowball. Snowball hits if it travels close to the point (<= ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE).
     It doesn't check for collisions with other players along the way, but checks for collisions with walls.
     Returns false if the snowball or player isn't currently visible.
     args[0] is a Player:
     Returns whether the player can be hit by the specified player. The specified player has to be currently throwing.
     If the specified player is not in the current team, the throwing distance is assumed to be ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE.
     The specified player orientation is used to determine the snowball trajectory. Snowball hits if it travels close to the point (<= ThrowAction.MIN_HIT_DISTANCE).
     It doesn't check for collisions with other players along the way, but checks for collisions with walls.
     Returns false if one of the players isn't currently visible.
     :returns: bool variable
     if(isinstance(args[0], Snowball)):
         snowball = args[0]
         if (not self.isVisible) or (not snowball.isVisible):
             return False
         return snowball.canHit(self)
     elif(isinstance(args[0], Player)):
         player = args[0]
         if (not self.isVisible) or (not player.isVisible):
             return False
         if player.playerState.stateType == StateType.Throwing:
             startX = player.x
             startY = player.y 
             dist = maths.getEuclidianDistance(0, 0, player.orientation.x, player.orientation.y)
             endX = 0.0
             endY = 0.0
             action = player.playerState.currentAction
             if(action is not None):
                 endX = action.destination.x
                 endY = action.destination.y
                 endX = (startX + player.orientation.x - startX) * (actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE / dist) + startX
                 endY = (startY + player.orientation.y - startY) * (actions.ThrowAction.MAX_DISTANCE / dist) + startY
             startX = (startX + player.orientation.x - startX) * (20.0 / dist) + startX
             startY = (startY + player.orientation.y - startY) * (20.0 / dist) + startY
             return player._Entity__canHit(self.x, self.y, startX, startY, endX, endY, None)
         return False