def cxfreeze_build(source_name, source_folder, working_dir, project_name, build_target, includes_folder, setup_file, buttons_to_disable, cur_self): try: for button in buttons_to_disable: button.setDisabled(True) #Создаем временную папку по пути working_dir и компилируем в ней проект os.chdir(working_dir) shutil.rmtree('tmp2', ignore_errors=True) try: shutil.copytree(source_folder, 'tmp2') except Exception: shutil.rmtree('tmp2', ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(source_folder, 'tmp2') os.chdir('tmp2') shutil.copyfile(setup_file, '') path = os.getcwd() command = str(sys.executable) + ' build' except Exception: Message.errorMessage(cur_self, ' ', 'Unknown error ocurred.\nYou can try to restart application.', os.path.join(working_dir, 'Resources', 'empt.ico')) os.chdir(working_dir) shutil.rmtree('tmp2', ignore_errors=True) for button in buttons_to_disable: button.setDisabled(False) return #Исполняем команду компиляции, выводя логи в QTextEdit cur_self.log = BuildLog(command, Builder._cxfreeze_continue, working_dir, buttons_to_disable, [source_name, source_folder, working_dir, project_name, build_target, includes_folder, setup_file, buttons_to_disable, cur_self, path])
def chooseSetupFile(self): dial = QFileDialog() file = None try: if self.firstOpen: name = dial.getOpenFileName(self, 'Choose file', QDir.homePath()) self.firstOpen = False else: name = dial.getOpenFileName(self, 'Choose file') file = str( name )[2:-6 - self. filepathStrNum] #('C:/Users/Nikita/Desktop/spiral iz', '') file = file.replace('/', os.path.sep) except Exception: dial.accept() return if file: if os.path.basename(file).split('.')[1] != 'py': Message.warningMessage(self, ' ', 'Setup file must be .py') else: self.cxbldle.setText(file)
def addSourceFile(self): #Т.к. файл с исходным кодом может быть лишь один, нужно удалить выбранный #чтобы выбрать новый if != 0: item = os.remove(os.path.join('tmp', str(item.text()))) dial = QFileDialog() #Получение нужного для добавления файла try: if self.firstOpen: name = dial.getOpenFileName(self, "Choose file", QDir.homePath()) self.firstOpen = False else: name = dial.getOpenFileName(self, "Choose file") file = str( name )[2:-6 - self. filepathStrNum] #('C:/Users/Nikita/Desktop/spiral iz', '') file = file.replace('/', os.path.sep) parts = file.split(os.path.sep) self.fullsource = file if not (('.py' in parts[-1]) or ('pyw' in parts[-1])): #Проверка верности расширения файла if file: #self.warnlbl.setText('Source file must be .py or .pyw') Message.warningMessage(self, ' ', 'Source file must be .py') self.source = None return shutil.copyfile(file, os.path.join( 'tmp', parts[-1])) #parts[-1] Собственно имя файла except Exception: dial.accept() return else: self.source = parts[-1] #self.warnlbl.setText(' ') #Получение нужной иконки исходя из расширения файла ext = '.' + parts[-1].split('.')[1] try: iconpath = self.extensions[ext] except Exception: iconpath = os.path.join(self.resourceFolder, 'blank.ico') a = QListWidgetItem(parts[-1]) a.setIcon(QIcon(iconpath)) a.setSizeHint( QSize(100 / 1920 * self.screenWidth, 35 / 1080 * self.screenHeight)) a.setFlags(a.flags() and Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
def readStdError(self): try: self.edit.append( bytes( self.buildProcess.readAllStandardError()).decode('utf-8')) except Exception: Message.errorMessage( self, ' ', 'Unknown error ocurred.\nYou can try to restart application.')
def setUp(self): self.incident_type = IncidentType.GAS_LEAK_CONTROL self.region = Region.CS incident1 = Incident(, incident_region=self.region.value, incident_category=self.incident_type.value, incident_status=IncidentStatus.NEW.value) self.message_new = Message(, IncidentStatus.NEW) self.message_resolved = Message(, IncidentStatus.RESOLVED)
def onFinished(self): if self.killed: #Поток прекращен вручную return if self.finished = True #Передача управления вызвавшей функции self.callback(*self.args) Message.infoMessage( self, ' ', 'Finished. You can now check log for errors.', QIcon(os.path.join(self.projectDir, 'Resources', 'empt.ico')))
def openInIdle(current_self, fullsource): python = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) idle = os.path.join(python, "Lib", "idlelib") #Директория с idle if os.path.isdir(idle): if 'idle.bat' in os.listdir(idle): idle = os.path.join(idle, 'idle.bat') try: command = idle + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Что-то типа: ...\\idle.bat ...\\(source).py time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) #Ждем sleepTime и проверяем, смог ли запуститься процесс if result.poll(): #result.poll() - процесс не работает Message.errorMessage(current_self, "Fail", "Failed to open IDLE") except Exception: pass elif '' in os.listdir(idle): idle = os.path.join(idle, '') try: command = idle + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Что-то типа: ...\\ ...\\(source).py time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) if result.poll(): Message.errorMessage(current_self, "Fail", "Failed to open IDLE") except Exception: pass else: try: command = 'idle3' + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) if result.poll(): try: command = 'idle' + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) if result.poll(): Message.errorMessage(current_self, "Fail", "Failed to open IDLE") except Exception: pass except Exception: pass else: try: command = 'idle3' + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) if result.poll(): try: command = 'idle' + (' "%s"' % fullsource) result = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(IdleOpener.sleepTime) if result.poll(): Message.errorMessage(current_self, "Fail", "Failed to open IDLE") except Exception: pass except Exception: pass
def detail(request, incident_id): try: incident = Incident.objects.get(id=incident_id) form = ContactForm3(request.POST) if request.method == 'POST': if form.is_valid(): incident = Incident.objects.get(id=incident_id) incident.incident_status = form.cleaned_data['incident_status'] message = Message(, IncidentStatus.from_str(incident.incident_status)) info_dist = InformationDistributor.get_instance() info_dist.distribute(message) context = {'form': form, 'incident': incident} return render(request, 'statustrack/detail.html', context) else: form = ContactForm3() context = {'form': form, 'incident': incident} return render(request, 'statustrack/detail.html', context) except Incident.DoesNotExist: raise Http404("Incident does not exist")
def setUp(self): incident1 = Incident(, incident_region=Region.SE.value, incident_category=IncidentType.GAS_LEAK_CONTROL.value, incident_status=IncidentStatus.RESOLVED.value) self.message = Message(, incident1.incident_status)
def setUp(self): incident1 = Incident(, incident_region=Region.NE.value, incident_category=IncidentType.RESCUE_AND_EVACUATION.value, incident_status=IncidentStatus.NEW.value) self.message = Message(, incident1.incident_status)
def createSetupFile(self): startDir = os.getcwd( ) #После работы необходимо будет вернуться в директорию, в которой мы находились на моменты вызова метода try: os.chdir(os.path.join(self.projectDir, 'tmp')) if "" in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): os.chdir(startDir) Message.warningMessage(self, " ", "Setup file is already created") return with open('', 'w') as _: pass self.cxbldle.setText(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '')) self.openSetupInIDLE() os.chdir(startDir) #Возврат в стартовую директорию except Exception: os.chdir(startDir)
def okay(self): if str(self.bldbox.currentText()) == 'PyInstaller': curdir = os.getcwd() #удаляем setup файл если он остался после работы с cx_Freeze try: os.chdir(os.path.join(self.projectDir, 'tmp')) os.remove('') os.chdir(curdir) except Exception: os.chdir(curdir) self.le.setText('PyInstaller') with open(os.path.join('data', 'build_settings.pkl'), 'wb') as fl: info = ['PyInstaller', str(self.instbldle.text())] pickle.dump(info, fl) self.done(0) elif str(self.bldbox.currentText()) == 'cx_Freeze': path = str(self.cxbldle.text()) if not path or path.isspace(): Message.warningMessage(self, ' ', 'You have to specify setup file') else: self.le.setText('cx_Freeze') with open(os.path.join('data', 'build_settings.pkl'), 'wb') as fl: info = ['cx_Freeze', path] pickle.dump(info, fl) self.done(0) else: self.done(0)
def incidentCreation(request): if request.method == 'GET': form = ContactForm2(request.GET) print("The incident creation function is called") print(form.errors.as_data()) # form is valid if form.is_valid(): print(form.clean()) incident = Incident() print(form.is_valid()) incident.caller_name = form.cleaned_data['caller_name'] incident.mobile_number = form.cleaned_data['mobile_number'] incident.incident_location = form.cleaned_data['incident_location'] incident.incident_region = form.cleaned_data['incident_region'] incident.incident_category = form.cleaned_data['incident_category'] incident.incident_type = form.cleaned_data['incident_type'] incident.incident_description = form.cleaned_data[ 'incident_description'] if incident.incident_category == 'Emergency Ambulance': incident.incident_department = 'Singapore Civil Defence Force' if incident.incident_category == 'Rescue and Evacuation': incident.incident_department = 'Singapore Civil Defence Force' if incident.incident_category == 'Fire Fighting': incident.incident_department = 'Singapore Civil Defence Force' if incident.incident_category == 'Gas Leak Control': incident.incident_department = 'Singapore Power' message = Message(, IncidentStatus.NEW) info_dist = InformationDistributor.get_instance() info_dist.distribute(message) # print("A new incident is saved\n\n\n\n") # print(incident.errors.as_json()) # return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')) # return render_to_response('/callcentre/',{'form':form},RequestContext(request)) return HttpResponseRedirect('/callcentre/') else: form = ContactForm2() return render_to_response('callcentre/incidentCreation.html', {'form': form}, RequestContext(request))
def statusTrack(request): if request.method == 'GET': form = ContactForm3(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): # print("The form is valid\n\n\n\n") incident = Incident.objects.get(id=5) incident.incident_status = form.cleaned_data['incident_status'] message = Message(, IncidentStatus.from_str(incident.incident_status)) info_dist = InformationDistributor.get_instance() info_dist.distribute(message) # print("A new incident is saved\n\n\n\n") return render_to_response('statustrack/statustrack_home.html', {'form': form}, RequestContext(request)) else: form = ContactForm3() return render_to_response('statustrack/statustrack_home.html', {'form': form}, RequestContext(request))
def build(self): missing = [] if (self.le.text() == '') or (self.le.text().isspace()): missing.append("Project name") if (self.source is None): missing.append("Source file") if not hasattr( self, 'folder' ): #folder - папка в которую нужно будет перенести скомпилированный проект missing.append("Target folder") if (not self.toolle.text()): missing.append("Build tool") if any(missing): warning_text = 'You have to specify:\n' for i in range(len(missing) - 1): warning_text += missing[i] + '\n' warning_text += missing[-1] Message.warningMessage(self, ' ', warning_text) return src = os.path.join(self.projectDir, 'tmp') build_info = None btns_to_disable = [ self.buildbtn, self.settingsbtn, self.choosebtn, self.choosefoldbtn, self.addbtn, self.delbtn ] try: f = open(os.path.join('data', 'build_settings.pkl'), 'rb') build_info = pickle.load(f) f.close() except Exception: try: f.close() except Exception: pass try: shutil.copyfile( self.fullsource, os.path.join('tmp', self.source) ) # Повторно скопировать файл с исходным кодом в папку с проектом pass # на случай его изменения except Exception: pass if build_info: if build_info[0] == 'PyInstaller': Builder.pyinstaller_build(source_name=self.source, source_folder=src, working_dir=self.projectDir, project_name=self.le.text(), build_target=self.folder, includes_folder=src, build_options=build_info[1], buttons_to_disable=btns_to_disable, cur_self=self) elif build_info[0] == 'cx_Freeze': Builder.cxfreeze_build(source_name=self.source, source_folder=src, working_dir=self.projectDir, project_name=self.le.text(), build_target=self.folder, includes_folder=src, setup_file=build_info[1], buttons_to_disable=btns_to_disable, cur_self=self) else: pass