Esempio n. 1
def discretize_angle(discret_angles, angle):
    max_distance = math.pi
    new_angle = 0.0
    for discret_angle in discret_angles:
        distance_angle = statistics.euclidean_distance(angle, discret_angle)
        if distance_angle <= max_distance:
            max_distance = distance_angle
            new_angle = discret_angle
    return new_angle
Esempio n. 2
def draw_ellipse(center, pixels, ys, xs):
	white, red = (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0)
	yc, xc = center
	point_a = ()
	point_b = ()
	for y in xrange(yc, 0, -1):
		if pixels[xc, y] == white:
			point_a = (y + 1, xc)
	for x in xrange(xc, xs):
		if pixels[x, yc] == white:
			point_b = (yc, x - 1)
	distance_a = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_a)
	distance_b = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_b)
	semi_major_axis, semi_minor_axis = 0.0, 0.0
	if distance_a >= distance_b:
		semi_major_axis = distance_b
		semi_minor_axis = distance_a
		semi_major_axis = distance_b
		semi_minor_axis = distance_a
	limit = math.pow(semi_minor_axis, 2)
	x = (limit * (-1.0))
	while x <= limit:
		#x = pix.getXCoordinate(xpi, xc * 2.0)
		xpi = pix.getXPixel(x, xc * 2.0)
		aux1 = math.pow(x, 2)
		aux2 = math.pow(semi_major_axis, 2)
		aux3 = math.pow(semi_minor_axis, 2)
		aux4 = aux1/aux2
		aux5 = (1 - aux4) * aux3
		if aux5 >= 0.0:
			y1 = math.sqrt(aux5)
			y2 = (-1.0) * y1
			ypix1 = pix.getYPixel(y1, yc * 2.0)
			ypix2 = pix.getYPixel(y2, yc * 2.0)
			if ypix1 >= 0 and ypix1 < ys:
				pixels[xpi, ypix1] = red
			if ypix2 >= 0 and ypix2 < ys:
				pixels[xpi, ypix2] = red
		x += 0.0001
	return None
Esempio n. 3
def define_circles(image):
	mask_to_use = "prewittdg"
	whitecolor = (255, 255, 255)
	shape_image_info = shape.floodfill(image, True, whitecolor)
	shape_image, shape_info = shape_image_info[0], shape_image_info[1]
	gradients = edge.find_edges(shape_image, mask_to_use, False)
	pixels = shape_image.load()
	xs, ys = shape_image.size
	y_center, x_center = int((ys / 2.0)), int((xs / 2.0))
	for shape_info_key in shape_info:
		info = shape_info[shape_info_key]
		y_shape, x_shape = info[0][0], info[0][1]
		lower_y, upper_y = y_shape[0], y_shape[1]
		lower_x, upper_x = x_shape[0], x_shape[1]
		bounding_box = (y_shape, x_shape)
		edge_shape = {}
		color_shape = shape_info_key
		for y in xrange(lower_y, upper_y + 1):
			for x in xrange(lower_x, upper_x + 1):
				check = (y, x)
				if check in gradients:
					edge_shape[check] = gradients[check]
		if len(edge_shape) == 0:
			print "Weird bug"
		gradients_angles.define_angles(gradients, 3) #discretize angles of gradients, check later
		max_distance = statistics.euclidean_distance((upper_y, upper_x), (lower_y, lower_x)) / 2.0
		min_distance = statistics.euclidean_distance((lower_y, lower_x), (lower_y, upper_x)) / 2.0
		voting_pixels_dict = {}
		for edge_sample in edge_shape:
			y, x = edge_sample
			angle = edge_shape[edge_sample][1]
			find_voting_pixels_circle(y, x, angle, min_distance, max_distance, ys, xs, pixels, voting_pixels_dict, color_shape)
		center = voting.voting_process(voting_pixels_dict, pixels, ys, xs)
		draw_circle(center, pixels, ys, xs, shape_image)
		print center
	return shape_image
Esempio n. 4
def buscar_croquetas(image, list_of_colors):
    threshold = 100
    xs, ys = image.size
    pixels = image.load()
    for y in xrange(ys):
        for x in xrange(xs):
            bool_color = False
            pixel_value = pixels[x, y]
            for color_sample in list_of_colors:
                distance = statistics.euclidean_distance(
                    pixel_value, color_sample)
                if distance <= threshold:
                    bool_color = True
            if bool_color:
                pixels[x, y] = (0, 0, 0)
                pixels[x, y] = (255, 255, 255)
    return image
Esempio n. 5
def define_ellipses(image):
	mask_to_use = "prewittdg"
	whitecolor = (255, 255, 255)
	shape_image_info = shape.floodfill(image, True, whitecolor)
	shape_image, shape_info = shape_image_info[0], shape_image_info[1]
	gradients = edge.find_edges(shape_image, mask_to_use, False)
	pixels = shape_image.load()
	xs, ys = shape_image.size
	y_center, x_center = int((ys / 2.0)), int((xs / 2.0))
	for shape_info_key in shape_info: #maybe i can move this for to a general function
		info = shape_info[shape_info_key]
		y_shape, x_shape = info[0][0], info[0][1]
		lower_y, upper_y = y_shape[0], y_shape[1]
		lower_x, upper_x = x_shape[0], x_shape[1]
		bounding_box = (y_shape, x_shape)
		edge_shape = {}
		color_shape = shape_info_key
		for y in xrange(lower_y, upper_y + 1):
			for x in xrange(lower_x, upper_x + 1):
				check = (y, x)
				if check in gradients:
					edge_shape[check] = gradients[check]
		if len(edge_shape) == 0:
			print "Weird bug"
		gradients_angles.define_angles(gradients, 3) #discretize angles of gradients, check later
		min_distance = statistics.euclidean_distance((upper_y, upper_x), (lower_y, lower_x)) / 2.0
		edge_pixels_key = structures.dict_to_list(edge_shape, True, True)
		edge_sample_list = random.sample(edge_shape, 16)
		voting_pixels_dict = {}
		ignore_pair_pixels = []
		for edge_sample in edge_sample_list:
			find_voting_pixels_ellipse(edge_sample, edge_shape, min_distance, ys, xs, pixels, bounding_box, voting_pixels_dict, ignore_pair_pixels)
		center = voting.voting_process(voting_pixels_dict, pixels, ys, xs)
		draw_ellipse(center, pixels, ys, xs)
	return shape_image
Esempio n. 6
def find_voting_pixels_ellipse(edge_pixel, edge_shape, min_distance, ys, xs, pixels, bounding_box, voting_pixels_dict, ignore_pair_pixels):
	ya, xa = edge_pixel
	for edge_key in edge_shape:
		if edge_pixel > edge_key:
			check_pair = (edge_pixel, edge_key)
			check_pair = (edge_key, edge_pixel)
		if check_pair not in ignore_pair_pixels:
			yb, xb = edge_key
			distance = statistics.euclidean_distance((ya, xa), (yb, xb))
			if distance > min_distance:
				angle_a, angle_b = edge_shape[edge_pixel][4], edge_shape[edge_key][4] #slope
				pa, pb = line.define_line_p(ya, xa, angle_a, ys, xs), line.define_line_p(yb, xb, angle_b, ys, xs)
				info_first, info_second = (pa, ya, xa, angle_a), (pb, yb, xb, angle_b) 
				yp, xp = line.find_intersection(info_first, info_second, ys, xs)
				if yp is not None and xp is not None:
					point_a = (info_first[1], info_first[2])
					point_b = (info_second[1], info_second[2])
					point_c = (yp, xp)
					point_d = line.define_midpoint(point_a, point_b, ys, xs)
					line_pixels = line.get_pixels_line_slope(point_c, point_d, ys, xs, pixels, True)
					voting.update_pixels_voting(bounding_box, pixels, line_pixels, voting_pixels_dict) #update the total_voting_pixels dictionary
	return None
Esempio n. 7
def draw_circle(center, pixels, ys, xs, image):
	white, red = (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0)
	yc, xc = center
	pixels[xc, yc] = (255, 0, 255)
	point_a = ()
	point_b = ()
	point_c = ()
	point_d = ()
	for y in xrange(yc, 0, -1):
		if pixels[xc, y] == white:
			point_a = (y + 1, xc)
			#pix.draw_point(point_a, pixels)
	for x in xrange(xc, xs):
		if pixels[x, yc] == white:
			point_b = (yc, x - 1)
			#pix.draw_point(point_b, pixels)
	for y in xrange(yc, ys):
		if pixels[xc, y] == white:
			point_c = (y - 1, xc)
			#pix.draw_point(point_c, pixels)
	for x in xrange(xc, 0, - 1):
		if pixels[x, yc] == white:
			point_d = (yc, x + 1)
			#pix.draw_point(point_d, pixels)
	distances = []
	if point_a is not None:
		distance = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_a)
	if point_b is not None:
		distance = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_b)
	if point_c is not None:
		distance = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_c)
	if point_d is not None:
		distance = statistics.euclidean_distance(center, point_d)
	radius = statistics.average(distances)
	limit = math.pow(radius, 2)
	x = (limit * (-1.0))
	while x <= limit:
		#x = pix.getXCoordinate(xpi, xc * 2.0)
		xpi = pix.getXPixel(x, xc * 2.0)
		aux1 = math.pow(radius, 2)
		aux2 = math.pow(x, 2)
		aux3 = aux1 - aux2
		if aux3 >= 0.0:
			y1 = math.sqrt(aux3)
			y2 = (-1.0) * y1
			ypix1 = pix.getYPixel(y1, yc * 2.0)
			ypix2 = pix.getYPixel(y2, yc * 2.0)
			if ypix1 >= 0.0 and ypix1 < ys and xpi >= 0 and xpi < xs:
				pixels[xpi, ypix1] = red
			if ypix2 >= 0.0 and ypix2 < ys and xpi >= 0 and xpi < xs:
				pixels[xpi, ypix2] = red
		x += 0.01
	return None