Esempio n. 1
def batch_parse(text_dir, stanford_dir):
    """Function to parse multi-sentence input using StanfordNLP in batch mode.
    The function parses the input, and performs pronoun coreferencing where
    appropriate. Coreferences are linked across sentences.


    text_dir: String.
                Directory of text files to parse using StanfordNLP.

    stanford_dir: String.
                    Directory that contains the StanfordNLP files.


    output_dict : Dictionary.
                    Parsed and formated output for each input event or news
                    story. This dictionary contains the info that should pass
                    to the event coder and other postprocessing utilites.
                    Output dictionary format is of the following form. The
                    main level has story IDs, e.g., story1.txt, as keys
                    with values dictionaries as values. At this stage, the
                    value dictionary has one key, `sent_info`, which has
                    another dictionary as the value. Within the `sent_info`
                    dictionary are keys `sents` and `coref_info`. Each has
                    dictionaries as their values. The `sents` dictionary has
                    integers as keys, which represent the different sentences
                    within a text input. Each individual sentence dictionary
                    contains the keys `parse_tree` (nltk.tree),
                    `dependencies` (list), `np_words` (list),
                    `word_info` (list), `verb_phrases` (list),
                    `vp_words` (list), and `noun_phrases` (list).
                    The `coref_info` dictionary has a
                    similar structure, with each sentence having its own
                    individual dictionary with keys `shift` (integer) and
                    `corefs` (list). Given this, the final structure of the
                    output resembles:
                    {'event_id': {'sent_info': {'sents': {0: {'parse_tree': tree
                                                              'dependencies': list}
                                                          1: {...}}
                                                'coref_info': {0: {'shift': 0
                                                               'corefs': []}}

    output_dict = dict()
    results = corenlp.batch_parse(text_dir, stanford_dir)
    for index in xrange(len(results)):
        parsed = results[index]
        name = parsed['file_name']
        output = parse_sents(name, parsed)
    for article in output_dict:
        utilities.coref_replace(output_dict, article)

    return output_dict
Esempio n. 2
def parse(event_dict, stanford_dir):
    """Function to parse single-sentence input using StanfordNLP. The function
    parses the input, and performs pronoun coreferencing where appropriate. If
    the input is longer than one setence as determined by StanfordNLP, the
    program will pass on that input.


    event_dict : Dictionary
                Dictionary of that contains the events and text. Excepts story
                IDs as keys with an additional dictionary as the value. Within
                each story ID value dictionary should be an item named 'story'.

    stanford_dir: String.
                    Directory that contains the StanfordNLP files.


    output_dict : Dictionary
                    Parsed and formated output for each input event or news
                    story. This dictionary contains the info that should pass
                    to the event coder and other postprocessing utilites.
                    Output dictionary format is of the following form. The
                    main level has story IDs, e.g., story1.txt, as keys
                    with values dictionaries as values. At this stage, the
                    value dictionary has one key, `sent_info`, which has
                    another dictionary as the value. Within the `sent_info`
                    dictionary are keys `sents` and `coref_info`. Each has
                    dictionaries as their values. The `sents` dictionary has
                    integers as keys, which represent the different sentences
                    within a text input. Each individual sentence dictionary
                    contains the keys `parse_tree` (nltk.tree),
                    `dependencies` (list), `np_words` (list),
                    `word_info` (list), `verb_phrases` (list),
                    `vp_words` (list), and `noun_phrases` (list).
                    The `coref_info` dictionary has a
                    similar structure, with each sentence having its own
                    individual dictionary with keys `shift` (integer) and
                    `corefs` (list). Given this, the final structure of the
                    output resembles:
                    {'event_id': {'sent_info': {'sents': {0: {'parse_tree': tree
                                                              'dependencies': list}
                                                          1: {...}}
                                                'coref_info': {0: {'shift': 0
                                                               'corefs': []}}
    output_dict = dict()
    corenlp_dir = stanford_dir
    core = corenlp.StanfordCoreNLP(corenlp_dir)
    for key in event_dict:
        result = core.raw_parse(event_dict[key]['story'])
        if len(result['sentences']) == 1:
            output = parse_sents(key, result)
            if 'coref' in result:
                utilities.coref_replace(output_dict, key)
            print """Key {} is longer than one sentence, passing. Please check
the input format if you would like this key to be parsed!""".format(key)

    return output_dict