Esempio n. 1
    def grow(self, day, date, fdecay, rdecay):
        """Evolve plant state, photosynthesis, distribute N and C"

        day : intefer
            simulation day
        date : date string object
            date object string (yr/mth/day)
        fdecay : float
            foliage decay rate
        rdecay : float
            fine root decay rate
        daylen = day_length(date, self.params.latitude)

        # calculate NPP
        self.carbon_production(date, day, daylen)

        # calculate water balance and adjust C production for any water stress.
        # If we are using the MATE model then water stress is applied directly
        # through the Ci:Ca reln, so do not apply any scalar to production.
        if self.control.water_model == 1:
            self.wb.calculate_water_balance(day, daylen)
            # adjust carbon production for water limitations, all models except
            # MATE!
            if self.control.assim_model != 7:

        # leaf N:C as a fraction of Ncmaxyoung, i.e. the max N:C ratio of
        # foliage in young stand
        nitfac = min(1.0, self.state.shootnc / self.params.ncmaxfyoung)

        # figure out allocation fractions for C
        (alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
            alroot_exudate) = self.allocate_carbon(nitfac)

        # Distribute new C and N through the system
        (ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew) = self.calculate_ncwood_ratios(nitfac)
        self.nitrogen_distribution(ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew, fdecay, rdecay, 
                                    alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
        self.carbon_distribution(alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
                                 alroot_exudate, nitfac)
        self.update_plant_state(fdecay, rdecay)
Esempio n. 2
def calc_npp(M, control, params, state, fluxes, met_data):
    state.lai = (params.slainit * const.M2_AS_HA /
                            const.KG_AS_TONNES / params.cfracts *
    # Specific LAI (m2 onesided/kg DW)
    state.sla = params.slainit
    year = str(control.startyear)
    month = str(control.startmonth)
    day = str(control.startday)
    datex = datetime.datetime.strptime((year + month + day), "%Y%m%d")
    npp = np.zeros(0)
    for project_day in xrange(365):
        state.shootnc = state.shootn / state.shoot
        state.ncontent = (state.shootnc * params.cfracts /
                                state.sla * const.KG_AS_G)
        daylen = day_length(datex, params.latitude)
        state.wtfac_root = 1.0
        #state.lai = laidata[project_day]
        if float_lt(state.lai, params.lai_cover):
            frac_gcover = state.lai / params.lai_cover
            frac_gcover = 1.0
        state.light_interception = ((1.0 - math.exp(-params.kext *
                                            state.lai / frac_gcover)) *

        M.calculate_photosynthesis(project_day, daylen)
        npp = np.append(npp, fluxes.npp_gCm2)
        datex += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return npp.sum()
Esempio n. 3

    for project_day in xrange(len(met_data['prjday'])):
        state.shootnc = state.shootn / state.shoot
        # when it reads the duke file the shootn is very low and it buggers
        # this up if ur running standalone to test so play with the shootnc
        # ratio. Checked and the actual code seems fine
        #state.shootnc = 0.02
        state.ncontent = (state.shootnc * params.cfracts /
                                state.sla * const.KG_AS_G)
        daylen = day_length(datex, params.latitude)

        if float_lt(state.lai, params.lai_cover):
            frac_gcover = state.lai / params.lai_cover
            frac_gcover = 1.0

        B.calculate_photosynthesis(frac_gcover, datex, project_day, daylen)

        print fluxes.gpp_gCm2

        datex += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
Esempio n. 4
    #laidata = np.loadtxt(laifname)

    fdecay = 0.5
    rdecay = 0.5
    fluxes.deadleaves = 0.0
    fluxes.ceaten = 0.0
    fluxes.neaten = 0.0
    fluxes.deadroots = 0.0
    fluxes.deadbranch = 0.0
    fluxes.deadstems = 0.0
    for project_day in xrange(len(met_data['prjday'])):

        state.shootnc = state.shootn / state.shoot
        state.ncontent = (state.shootnc * params.cfracts / state.sla *
        daylen = day_length(datex, params.latitude)
        state.wtfac_root = 1.0
        #state.lai = laidata[project_day]

        if float_lt(state.lai, params.lai_cover):
            frac_gcover = state.lai / params.lai_cover
            frac_gcover = 1.0

        state.fpar = ((1.0 - exp(-params.kext * state.lai / frac_gcover)) *

        PG.grow(project_day, datex, fdecay, rdecay)
        print fluxes.gpp / const.HA_AS_M2 * const.TONNES_AS_G

        datex += datetime.timedelta(days=1)