def getData(social): cn = sniCn() cursor = cn.cursor() colNames, colTypes = getColHeads('snimonthlypay', cursor, lower=True) sqlgetData = 'select ' + ','.join(colNames) + ' from snimonthlypay where mssn = ? order by mbegindate asc' data = cursor.execute(sqlgetData,social).fetchall() return data, colNames
def reporthtml(self): clientcols = getColHeads('clients', cursor)[0] sql_client = 'select ' + ','.join(clientcols) + ' from clients' cursor.execute(sql_client) clients = cursor.fetchall() year = str( project = year + ' Actuarial Tasks' taskcols = getColHeads('tasks', cursor)[0] sql_tasks = "select " + ",".join(taskcols) + " from tasks where tproject = '{0}'".format(project) tasks = cursor.execute(sql_tasks).fetchall() # now we have the raw data let's make the tasks and data stores task_data = OrderedDict() for cli in clients: task_data[cli.clientcode] = OrderedDict(zip(clientcols,cli)) tskDict = {} for t in tasks: tsk = Task(cc=None,user=None,tclient=t.tclient,tproject=t.tproject,taskdata=t) tskDict[(t.tclient,t.tdescription)] = tsk task_order = ['8955-SSA','FundVal or Alloc','Acct Val BoY','Acct Val EoY','STMT','PBGC','5500','SAR/AFN','SB'] output = HTML.Table(header_row = clientcols + task_order) for cli in clients: row = list(cli) for task in task_order: if (cli.clientcode,task) in tskDict: t = tskDict[(cli.clientcode, task)] colour = t.colour()[0] coloured_cell = HTML.TableCell(t.duedateout(), bgcolor = colour) row.append(coloured_cell) else: row.append('No data') output.rows.append(row) keys = t.return_constants() k = HTML.Table(header_row=['Key']) for key in keys: cell = HTML.TableCell(key[1],bgcolor=key[0]) k.rows.append([cell]) return str(k) + str(output)
def __init__(self, parent, IBPanel): self.parent = parent self.IBPanel = IBPanel wx.Panel.__init__(self, self.parent, -1) # set up the cursor to get at the to do lists self.td_conn = pyodbc.connect(ConnString(11)) self.td_cur = self.td_conn.cursor() self.td_cols, self.td_typs = getColHeads("vw_all", self.td_cur) self.projectcol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tProject") self.taskcol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tTaskid") self.clientcol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tClient") self.statuscol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tStatus") self.responsiblecol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tResponsible") self.expectedcol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tExpected") self.progresscol_ix = self.td_cols.index("tProgress") self.user = os.environ["USERNAME"]
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) size = wx.GetDisplaySize() self.maxsize = (size[0] * 0.9, size[1] * 0.8) # Set up the buttons btnSize = (130, 25) cbSize = (150, 20) cn = sniCn() cursor = cn.cursor() self.fileName = None colNames, colTypes = getColHeads("snimonthlypay", cursor, lower=True) self.btnChooseInFile = wx.Button(self, -1, "Choose file to load", size=btnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClickChooseInFile, self.btnChooseInFile) self.btnLoadFile = wx.Button(self, -1, "Load file", size=btnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClickLoadDBFile, self.btnLoadFile) self.btnShowChanges = wx.Button(self, -1, "ShowChanges", size=btnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClickShowChanges, self.btnShowChanges) self.btnShowData = wx.Button(self, -1, "Show Data", size=btnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClickShowData, self.btnShowData) socialtxt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Enter social", size=btnSize) self.socialEntered = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=btnSize) self.chkXLFormat = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Save file in Excel format", size=btnSize) self.chkDBFormat = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Save file to Database", size=btnSize) self.chkXLFormat.SetValue(True) self.chkDBFormat.SetValue(True) self.txtLoadFile = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "") ffBox = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Load monthly file") dbBox = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Inquiry about social") colBoxload = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Select columns to load") colBoxinq = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Select columns to compare") ffBoxSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(ffBox, wx.VERTICAL) inqBoxSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(dbBox, wx.VERTICAL) colBoxloadsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(colBoxload, wx.VERTICAL) colBoxinqsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(colBoxinq, wx.VERTICAL) self.loadChecks = OrderedDict( zip(colNames, [wx.CheckBox(self, -1, name[1:], size=cbSize) for name in colNames]) ) self.inqChecks = OrderedDict(zip(colNames, [wx.CheckBox(self, -1, name[1:], size=cbSize) for name in colNames])) for checks in [self.loadChecks, self.inqChecks]: for check in checks.values(): check.SetValue(True) # start by setting them all on. Then edit a few below. for check in [ self.loadChecks["mbegindate"], self.loadChecks["menddate"], self.inqChecks["mbegindate"], self.inqChecks["menddate"], self.loadChecks["mssn"], self.inqChecks["mssn"], ]: check.Enable(False) for check in [ self.inqChecks["mearns"], self.inqChecks["mbonusearns"], self.inqChecks["mhours"], self.inqChecks["mbegindate"], self.inqChecks["menddate"], self.inqChecks["mssn"], ]: check.SetValue(False) # lay out the screen # load panels first h1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) for thing in [self.btnChooseInFile, self.chkXLFormat, self.chkDBFormat, self.btnLoadFile]: h1.Add(thing) h1.Add((5, 5)) for chk in self.loadChecks.values(): colBoxloadsizer.Add(chk) for thing in [h1, self.txtLoadFile, colBoxloadsizer]: ffBoxSizer.Add(thing, 0, wx.ALL, 2) # query panel now h2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) for thing in [socialtxt, self.socialEntered, self.btnShowChanges, self.btnShowData]: h2.Add(thing) h2.Add((5, 5)) for chk in self.inqChecks.values(): colBoxinqsizer.Add(chk) for thing in [h2, colBoxinqsizer]: inqBoxSizer.Add(thing, 0, wx.ALL, 2) h3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) for thing in [ffBoxSizer, inqBoxSizer]: # h3.Add((20,20),1) h3.Add((5, 5)) h3.Add(thing) v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) v1.Add((10, 10)) v1.Add(h3) self.SetSizerAndFit(v1)