def analyzeGraph(fileName, numHops):
    print outputDir
    Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
    #Graph = loadGraph()
    graphNodes = Graph.keys()
    visitedNodes = set()
    currIndex = 1
    while currIndex <= NUMITERATIONS:
        startIdx = random.randint(0, len(graphNodes))
        startNode = graphNodes[startIdx]
        if startNode not in visitedNodes:
            print "Random Walk"
            runRW(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
            print "Uniform sample"
            getUniformSample(numHops, Graph, currIndex)
            print "BFS"
            #runBFS(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
            bfs(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
            print "RDS"
                runRDS(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
                print "RDS: StartNode %s Run %s bombed......................." % (
                    startNode, currIndex)
            currIndex += 1
def analyzeGraph(fileName, numHops):
  print outputDir
  Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
  #Graph = loadGraph()
  graphNodes = Graph.keys()
  visitedNodes = set()
  currIndex = 1
  while currIndex <= NUMITERATIONS:
    startIdx = random.randint(0, len(graphNodes))
    startNode = graphNodes[startIdx]
    if startNode not in visitedNodes:
      print "Random Walk"
      runRW(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
      print "Uniform sample"
      getUniformSample(numHops, Graph, currIndex)
      print "BFS"
      #runBFS(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
      bfs(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
      print "RDS"
        runRDS(startNode, numHops, Graph, currIndex)
        print "RDS: StartNode %s Run %s bombed......................."%(startNode, currIndex)
      currIndex += 1
def analyzeGraph(fileName, numHops):
  Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
  #Graph = loadGraph()
  graphNodes = Graph.keys()
  startIdx = random.randint(0, len(graphNodes))   #FIXME start node should be explicit 
  startNode = graphNodes[startIdx]
  print "startIdx = %s, startNode = %s"%(startIdx, startNode)

  print "Random Walk"
  RWalkDict, RWalkList = runRW(startNode, numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
  print RWalkDict
  zEst = utilities.getZEstimate(RWalkList, Graph)
  print "Z-estimate = %s"%zEst

  print "Uniform sample:"
  UNI = getUniformSample(numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
  print UNI

  print "BFS"
  BFSWalk = runBFS(startNode, numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
  print BFSWalk
def getRawData(fileName):
  opfile = "rawDataDegree_%s"%fileName
  degDistFile = "rawDataDistribution_%s"%fileName
  distDict = {}   #distribution count
  Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
  graphNodes = Graph.keys()
  for neighborList in Graph.values():
    degree = len(neighborList)
    if distDict.has_key(degree):
      distDict[degree] += 1
      distDict[degree] = 1
  fp = open(opfile, "w")
  fp2 = open(degDistFile, "w")
  for node in graphNodes:
    fp.write("%s\t%s\n"%(node, len(Graph[node])))
    fp2.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(len(Graph[node]), \
    distDict[len(Graph[node])], distDict[len(Graph[node])] / len(Graph))) 
  print ("Files saved: %s, %s"%(opfile, degDistFile))
def getRawData(fileName):
    opfile = "rawData/rawDataDegree_%s" % fileName
    degDistFile = "rawData/rawDataDistribution_%s" % fileName
    distDict = {}  #distribution count
    Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
    graphNodes = Graph.keys()
    for neighborList in Graph.values():
        degree = len(neighborList)
        if distDict.has_key(degree):
            distDict[degree] += 1
            distDict[degree] = 1
    fp = open(opfile, "w")
    fp2 = open(degDistFile, "w")
    for node in graphNodes:
        fp.write("%s\t%s\n" % (node, len(Graph[node])))
        fp2.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(len(Graph[node]), \
        distDict[len(Graph[node])], distDict[len(Graph[node])] / len(Graph)))
    print("Files saved: %s, %s" % (opfile, degDistFile))
Esempio n. 6
def analyzeGraph(fileName, numHops):
    Graph = utilities.getGraph(fileName)
    #Graph = loadGraph()
    graphNodes = Graph.keys()
    startIdx = random.randint(
        0, len(graphNodes))  #FIXME start node should be explicit
    startNode = graphNodes[startIdx]
    print "startIdx = %s, startNode = %s" % (startIdx, startNode)

    print "Random Walk"
    RWalkDict, RWalkList = runRW(startNode, numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
    print RWalkDict
    zEst = utilities.getZEstimate(RWalkList, Graph)
    print "Z-estimate = %s" % zEst

    print "Uniform sample:"
    UNI = getUniformSample(numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
    print UNI

    print "BFS"
    BFSWalk = runBFS(startNode, numHops, Graph, ITERNUM)
    print BFSWalk