Esempio n. 1
    def runClassifier(self, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test):
        classalgs = {
            'Logistic_Regression': algs.LogisticRegression1(),
            'Gauassian_SVM': algs.SVM1(),
            'Logistic_Regression_weighted ': algs.LogisticRegression1wt(),
            'Gauassian_SVM_weighted': algs.SVM1wt()

        for learnername, learner in classalgs.iteritems():
            print 'Running learner = ' + learnername
            learner.learn(X_train, Y_train)
            predictions = learner.predict(X_test)
            recall = util.getRecall(Y_test, predictions)
            print '\n Recall for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(recall)
            precision = util.getPrecision(Y_test, predictions)
            print '\n Precision for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(precision)
            f5_score = util.getF5(precision, recall)
            print '\n F5 Score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(f5_score)
            AUCROC = util.getAUCROC(Y_test, predictions)
            print '\n AUC ROC Score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(AUCROC)
            AUCROCPlotPoints = util.getAUCROCPlotPoints(Y_test, predictions)
            print('\n tpr : {0} fpr : {1} auc_roc : {2} learnername : {3}'
                  ).format(AUCROCPlotPoints[0], AUCROCPlotPoints[1],
                           AUCROCPlotPoints[2], learnername)
            self.plotGraph(AUCROCPlotPoints, learnername)
            f1_score = util.fscore(Y_test, predictions)
            print '\n f1_score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(f1_score)
            accuracy = util.getaccuracy(Y_test, predictions)
            print 'Accuracy for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(accuracy)
	def runClassifier(self,X_train,Y_train,X_test,Y_test):
		classalgs = {
		               'Logistic_Regression' : algs.LogisticRegression1(),
		               'Gauassian_SVM' :algs.SVM1(),
		               'Logistic_Regression_weighted ' : algs.LogisticRegression1wt(),
		               'Gauassian_SVM_weighted' :algs.SVM1wt()

		for learnername, learner in classalgs.iteritems():
		    print 'Running learner = ' + learnername
		    learner.learn(X_train, Y_train)
		    predictions = learner.predict(X_test)
		    recall = util.getRecall(Y_test, predictions)
		    print '\n Recall for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(recall)
		    precision=util.getPrecision(Y_test, predictions)
		    print '\n Precision for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(precision)
		    print '\n F5 Score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(f5_score)
		    AUCROC =util.getAUCROC(Y_test, predictions)
		    print '\n AUC ROC Score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(AUCROC)
		    AUCROCPlotPoints =util.getAUCROCPlotPoints(Y_test, predictions)
		    print('\n tpr : {0} fpr : {1} auc_roc : {2} learnername : {3}').format(AUCROCPlotPoints[0],AUCROCPlotPoints[1],AUCROCPlotPoints[2],learnername)
		    f1_score = util.fscore(Y_test, predictions)
		    print '\n f1_score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(f1_score)
		    accuracy = util.getaccuracy(Y_test, predictions)
		    print 'Accuracy for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(accuracy)
Esempio n. 3
validation_sets = [u1_test, u2_test, u3_test, u4_test, u5_test]
validation_answers = [u1_test_ans, u2_test_ans, u3_test_ans, u4_test_ans, u5_test_ans]

print('Data has been loaded, now running algorithm.')

k = 161
n_folds = 5
accuracy_total = 0
naive_accuracy_total = 0
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(0, n_folds):
	print('Making predictions for the ' + str(i+1) + '-th fold')
	predictions, naive_rating = alg.predict_from_set(X_train=datasets[i], X_test=validation_sets[i], movie_info=movie_info, k=k, distance='euclidean')
	print('Computing Accuracy for predictions')
	accuracy = utils.getaccuracy(validation_answers[i], predictions)
	naive_accuracy = utils.get_mean_accuracy(validation_answers[i], naive_rating)
	print('Accuracy for ' + str(i + 1) + '-th fold: ' + str(accuracy))
	print('Naive Accuracy for ' + str(i + 1) + '-th fold: ' + str(naive_accuracy))
	accuracy_total += accuracy
	naive_accuracy_total += naive_accuracy
t1 = time.time()

# this will make a prediction for every user for every movie, dataset can be any specified set
# that is of the form of the datasets in the 'datasets' array above
# need this to run on all users
# users = user_data[['user_id']].get_values()
# predictions, naive_rating = alg.predict_all_users(dataset, users, movie_info, k, distance='euclidean')

# write our predictions to a csv file
# print('writing results to csv...')
            for learnername, learner in classalgs.iteritems():
                print 'Running learner = ' + learnername
                learner.learn(Xtrain, Ytrain)
                predictions = learner.predict(Xtest)
                recall = util.getRecall(Ytest, predictions)
                print '\n Recall for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(recall)
                AUCROC =util.getAUCROC(Ytest, predictions)
                print '\n AUC ROC Score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(AUCROC)
                AUCROCPlotPoints =util.getAUCROCPlotPoints(Ytest, predictions)
                print('\n tpr : {0} fpr : {1} auc_roc : {2} learnername : {3}').format(AUCROCPlotPoints[0],AUCROCPlotPoints[1],AUCROCPlotPoints[2],learnername)
                f1_score = util.fscore(Ytest, predictions)
                print '\n f1_score for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(f1_score)
                accuracy = util.getaccuracy(Ytest, predictions)
                print 'Accuracy for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(accuracy)

    def plotGraph(self,AUCROCPlotPoints,learnerName):
		Plot the AUC-ROC plot for each classifier.
        roc_auc= metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

def classify():
    # init variables
    run = True
    plot = True
    trainsize = 12500
    testsize = 12500
    numruns = 1
    k_fold = False
    dataset_file = "data.csv"

    classalgs = {'Logistic Regression': algs.LogitReg()}
    numalgs = len(classalgs)

    num_steps = 1
    parameters = (
            'regularizer': 'None',
            'stepsize': 0.001,
            'num_steps': num_steps,
            'batch_size': 2
        #{'regularizer': 'None', 'stepsize':0.01, 'num_steps':300, 'batch_size':20},
    numparams = len(parameters)

    accuracy = {}
    for learnername in classalgs:
        accuracy[learnername] = np.zeros((numparams, numruns))

    # load dataset & shuffle
    dataset = dp.readcsv(dataset_file)
    Y = cc.getData("ia_success")
    Y = np.array(Y).astype(np.float)
    #X = cc.getListedData("fbp_HFI")
    X = cc.getListedDataList([
        'fbp_CFB', 'fbp_CFC', 'fbp_HFI', 'fbp_RAZ', 'fbp_ROS', 'fbp_SFC',
        'fbp_TFC', 'fbp_HFI_class'
    #X = cc.getListedDataList(['assessment_result',  'max_size', 'first_size', 'first_status_held', 'sec_to_uc', 'aircraft_n_Fixed', 'aircraft_n_Rotary', 'aircraft_n_total', 'aircraft_hr_Fixed', 'aircraft_hr_Rotary', 'aircraft_hr_total', 'n_firefighters', 'n_non_firefighters', 'hr_firefighters', 'hr_non_firefighters', 'drop_amount_retardant', 'drop_amount_water', 'drop_amount_total', 'n_fire_past_1',
    #'n_fire_past_7', 'n_fire_past_30', 'response_time', 'general_cause', 'year', 'month', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'assessment_size', 'fire_spread_rate', 'fire_position_on_slope', 'temperature', 'relative_humidity', 'wind_direction', 'wind_speed', 'weather_conditions_over_fire', 'equipment_Transportation', 'equipment_Water_Delivery', 'equipment_Sustained_Action', 'equipment_Fire_Guard_Building',
    #'equipment_Crew_Gear', 'equipment_Base_Camp', 'equipment_WaterTruck_Transportation', 'wstation_dry_bulb_temperature', 'wstation_relative_humidity', 'wstation_wind_speed_kmh', 'wstation_wind_direction', 'wstation_precipitation', 'wstation_fine_fuel_moisture_code', 'wstation_duff_moisture_code', 'wstation_drought_code', 'wstation_build_up_index', 'wstation_initial_spread_index', 'wstation_fire_weather_index', 'wstation_daily_severity_rating', 'fuelgrid_C', 'fuelgrid_D', 'fuelgrid_M', 'fuelgrid_Nonfuel', 'fuelgrid_O',
    #'fuelgrid_S', 'fuelgrid_Unclassified', 'fuelgrid_Water', 'fuel_type2', 'grouped_fuel_type2', 'fbp_CFB', 'fbp_CFC', 'fbp_FD', 'fbp_HFI', 'fbp_RAZ', 'fbp_ROS', 'fbp_SFC', 'fbp_TFC', 'fbp_HFI_class', 'fuel_type', 'grouped_fuel_type', 'test_i'
    X = cc.getListedDataList([
        'max_size', 'first_size', 'first_status_held', 'sec_to_uc',
        'aircraft_n_Fixed', 'aircraft_n_Rotary', 'aircraft_n_total',
        'aircraft_hr_Fixed', 'aircraft_hr_Rotary', 'aircraft_hr_total',
        'n_firefighters', 'n_non_firefighters', 'hr_firefighters',
        'hr_non_firefighters', 'drop_amount_retardant', 'drop_amount_water',
        'drop_amount_total', 'n_fire_past_1', 'n_fire_past_7',
        'n_fire_past_30', 'response_time', 'general_cause', 'year', 'month',
        'latitude', 'longitude', 'assessment_size', 'fire_spread_rate',
        'fire_position_on_slope', 'temperature', 'relative_humidity',
        'wind_direction', 'wind_speed', 'weather_conditions_over_fire',
        'equipment_Transportation', 'equipment_Water_Delivery',
        'equipment_Sustained_Action', 'equipment_Fire_Guard_Building',
        'equipment_Crew_Gear', 'equipment_Base_Camp',
        'equipment_WaterTruck_Transportation', 'wstation_dry_bulb_temperature',
        'wstation_relative_humidity', 'wstation_wind_speed_kmh',
        'wstation_wind_direction', 'wstation_precipitation',
        'wstation_fine_fuel_moisture_code', 'wstation_duff_moisture_code',
        'wstation_drought_code', 'wstation_build_up_index',
        'wstation_initial_spread_index', 'wstation_fire_weather_index',
        'wstation_daily_severity_rating', 'fuelgrid_C', 'fuelgrid_D',
        'fuelgrid_M', 'fuelgrid_Nonfuel', 'fuelgrid_O', 'fuelgrid_S',
        'fuelgrid_Unclassified', 'fuelgrid_Water', 'fuel_type2',
        'grouped_fuel_type2', 'fbp_CFB', 'fbp_CFC', 'fbp_FD', 'fbp_HFI',
        'fbp_RAZ', 'fbp_ROS', 'fbp_SFC', 'fbp_TFC', 'fbp_HFI_class',
        'fuel_type', 'grouped_fuel_type', 'test_i'
    X = np.array(X).astype(np.float)
    #trainX, testX = pickle. load(open(dataset_file, "rb"))

    #trainY = np.append(np.zeros(len(trainX[0][2500:])),np.ones(len(trainX[1][2500:])))
    #testY = np.append(np.zeros(len(testX[0])),np.ones(len(testX[1])))
    #valY = np.append(np.zeros(2500),np.ones(2500))

    #valX = np.append(trainX[0][:2500], trainX[1][:2500], axis=0)
    #trainX = np.append(trainX[0][2500:], trainX[1][2500:], axis=0)
    #testX = np.append(testX[0], testX[1], axis=0)


    trainX = X[:len(X) // 2]
    valX = X[len(X) // 2:len(X) * 3 // 4]
    testX = X[len(X) * 3 // 4:]

    trainY = Y[:len(Y) // 2]
    valY = Y[len(Y) // 2:len(Y) * 3 // 4]
    testY = Y[len(Y) * 3 // 4:]

    # Run
    if run:
        for r in range(numruns):
                ('Running on train={0}, val={1}, test={2} samples for run {3}'
                 ).format(trainX.shape[0], valX.shape[0], testX.shape[0], r))

            # test different parameters (only one for this assignment)
            for p in range(numparams):
                params = parameters[p]

                # only one algorithm for now
                for learnername, learner in classalgs.items():
                    # Reset learner for new parameters
                    print('Running learner = ' + learnername +
                          ' on parameters ' + str(learner.getparams()))
                    # Train model
                    #print("trainset0: ", trainset[0])
                    learner.learn(trainX, trainY, valX, valY, testX, testY)
                    # Test model
                    predictions = learner.predict(testX)
                    acc = utils.getaccuracy(testY, predictions)
                    print('accuracy for ' + learnername + ': ' + str(acc))
                    accuracy[learnername][p, r] = acc

    # plot
    if plot == True:
        accuracy_val, accuracy_test, accuracy_train, best_accuracy, best_weight = pickle.load(
            open("learning_acc.pkl", "rb"))
        print("best_accuracy : val,train,test", accuracy_val, accuracy_train,
        epi = np.arange(0, num_steps, 1)
        plt.plot(epi, accuracy_val, label='validation accuracy : 1')
        plt.plot(epi, accuracy_test, label='test accuracy : 2')
        plt.plot(epi, accuracy_train, label='train accuracy : 3')
        plt.ylabel('Accuracy %')