def get_parameter_latex_names(self, names=None):
        Returns a dictionary mapping parameter names and latex parameter names.
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a dictionary containing parameter names and the LaTeX parameter names. 
        :rtype: :class:`dict`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # get the parameter names:
        # get the names in latex:
        latex_names = {}
        for name in self.get_parameter_list(names_temp):
            for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
                    latex_names[name] = fish.get_param_name_latex(name)
                if latex_names.has_key(name): continue
        return latex_names
Esempio n. 2
    def get_parameter_latex_names(self, names=None):
        Returns a dictionary mapping parameter names and latex parameter names.
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a dictionary containing parameter names and the LaTeX parameter names. 
        :rtype: :class:`dict`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # get the parameter names:

        # get the names in latex:
        latex_names = {}
        for name in self.get_parameter_list(names_temp):
            for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
                    latex_names[name] = fish.get_param_name_latex(name)
                if latex_names.has_key(name): continue

        return latex_names
    def add_fisher_matrix(self, fisher):
        Add a set of Fisher matrices to the already existing set.
        Rejects Fisher matrices if the name is double i.e. the name is the unique 
        identifier of the Fisher matrix.
        Checks wether the elements that are passed are really Fisher matrices.

        :param fisher_list: Fisher matrix or list of Fisher matrices.
        :type fisher_list: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` or :class:`list` of :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix`

        fisher_in = copy.deepcopy(fu.make_list(fisher))
        for i in fisher_in:
            # check wether all the input elements are Fisher matrices:
            if not isinstance( i, fm.fisher_matrix ):
                raise ValueError('The input element is not a Fisher matrix of type fisher_matrix.')
                # get the name of the Fisher matrix:
                name_temp = copy.deepcopy(
                # check wether it is already an element of the list:
                if name_temp in self.fisher_name_list:
                    raise ValueError('A Fisher matrix with name '+name_temp+' already exists.')
                    # add it to the Fisher list:
                    self.fisher_list.append( copy.deepcopy(i) )
Esempio n. 4
    def reshuffle(self, params, names=None):
        Reshuffles all the Fisher matrices. 
        :param params: parameters to reshuffle.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a new Fisher list with the reshuffled Fishers
        :rtype: a :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_plot_analysis.CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # create the empty Fisher list:
        temp = CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis()
        # get the parameter names:
        for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            parameters = [
                par for par in params if par in fish.get_param_names()
            if len(parameters) == 0:
                continue  # skip the element if it has no parameters
            temp.add_fisher_matrix(fisher=fo.reshuffle(fish, parameters))

        return temp
Esempio n. 5
    def marginalise(self, params, names=None):
        Marginalise all the Fisher matrices over all the parameters that are not in params. 
        :param params: list of names of the parameters of the output Fisher matrix,
            in the order that will appear in the output Fisher matrix. All other parameters 
            will be marginalized over.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a new Fisher list with the reshuffled Fishers
        :rtype: a :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_plot_analysis.CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.fisher_name_list)
            names_temp = copy.deepcopy(
                [i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list])

        # create the empty Fisher list:
        temp = CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis()
        # get the parameter names:
        for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            parameters = [
                par for par in params if par in fish.get_param_names()
            if len(parameters) > 0:
                temp.add_fisher_matrix(fisher=fo.marginalise(fish, parameters))

        return temp
    def reshuffle(self, params, names=None):
        Reshuffles all the Fisher matrices. 
        :param params: parameters to reshuffle.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a new Fisher list with the reshuffled Fishers
        :rtype: a :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_plot_analysis.CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # create the empty Fisher list:
        temp = CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis()
        # get the parameter names:
        for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            parameters = [ par for par in params if par in fish.get_param_names() ]
            if len(parameters) == 0: continue # skip the element if it has no parameters
            temp.add_fisher_matrix( fisher = fo.reshuffle( fish, parameters ) )
        return temp
Esempio n. 7
    def delete_fisher_matrix(self, names=None):
        Delete the fisher matrix or the fisher matrices in names from the Fisher list.

        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices to delete.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # get names to delete:
        names_to_delete = [i for i in names_temp if i in self.fisher_name_list]
        # get indeces to delete:
        indexes_to_delete = [
            i for i, s in enumerate(self.fisher_name_list)
            if s in names_to_delete
        # delete them. We have to use this way because fisher_matrix might not have a delete method and we do not want to move in memory the arrays.
        for i in xrange(len(indexes_to_delete)):
            self.fisher_name_list.pop(indexes_to_delete[i] - i)
            self.fisher_list.pop(indexes_to_delete[i] - i)
Esempio n. 8
    def get_fisher_matrix(self, names=None):
        Returns the list of Fisher matrices corresponding to the given names.

        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a list containing the desired Fisher matrices. Notice if the name is not found
            in the list no error is risen and and the entrance is just ignored.
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` 

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_list = []
        for name in names_temp:
            for fish in self.fisher_list:
                if == name:

        return fisher_list
Esempio n. 9
    def add_fisher_matrix(self, fisher):
        Add a set of Fisher matrices to the already existing set.
        Rejects Fisher matrices if the name is double i.e. the name is the unique 
        identifier of the Fisher matrix.
        Checks wether the elements that are passed are really Fisher matrices.

        :param fisher_list: Fisher matrix or list of Fisher matrices.
        :type fisher_list: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` or :class:`list` of :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix`

        fisher_in = copy.deepcopy(fu.make_list(fisher))
        for i in fisher_in:
            # check wether all the input elements are Fisher matrices:
            if not isinstance(i, fm.fisher_matrix):
                raise ValueError(
                    'The input element is not a Fisher matrix of type fisher_matrix.'
                # get the name of the Fisher matrix:
                name_temp = copy.deepcopy(
                # check wether it is already an element of the list:
                if name_temp in self.fisher_name_list:
                    raise ValueError('A Fisher matrix with name ' + name_temp +
                                     ' already exists.')
                    # add it to the Fisher list:
    def marginalise(self, params, names=None):
        Marginalise all the Fisher matrices over all the parameters that are not in params. 
        :param params: list of names of the parameters of the output Fisher matrix,
            in the order that will appear in the output Fisher matrix. All other parameters 
            will be marginalized over.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a new Fisher list with the reshuffled Fishers
        :rtype: a :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_plot_analysis.CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = copy.deepcopy( self.fisher_name_list )
            names_temp = copy.deepcopy( [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ] )
        # create the empty Fisher list:
        temp = CosmicFish_FisherAnalysis()
        # get the parameter names:
        for fish in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            parameters = [ par for par in params if par in fish.get_param_names() ]
            if len(parameters)>0:
                temp.add_fisher_matrix( fisher = fo.marginalise( fish, parameters ) )

        return temp
Esempio n. 11
def parse():

    csv_place = csv.reader(open('csv/rel_places.csv', 'r'))
    place_list = utilities.make_list(csv_place)

    csv_art = csv.reader(open('csv/nbf_artists.csv', 'r'))
    artist_list = utilities.make_list(csv_art)

    graph = Graph()

    art_json = open('graphs/fng-data-dc.json', 'r')
    parsed_json = json.load(art_json)
    x = 1000
    for element in parsed_json['descriptionSet']:
        for type in element['type']:
            if 'type' in type:
                if type['type'] == 'artwork':
                    x = add_place_relations(graph, element, place_list,
                                            artist_list, x)

    graph.serialize('relations/fng_depicts_place.ttl', format='turtle')
    def delete_fisher_matrix(self, names=None):
        Delete the fisher matrix or the fisher matrices in names from the Fisher list.

        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices to delete.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # get names to delete:
        names_to_delete = [ i for i in names_temp if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # get indeces to delete:
        indexes_to_delete = [ i for i, s in enumerate(self.fisher_name_list) if s in names_to_delete ]
        # delete them. We have to use this way because fisher_matrix might not have a delete method and we do not want to move in memory the arrays.
        for i in xrange(len(indexes_to_delete)):
    def get_parameter_list(self, names=None):
        Returns the list of parameter names of all the matrices identified in names.
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a list containing the parameter names. 
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`string`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # get the parameter names:
        parameter_names = []
        for i in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            for j in i.param_names:
                if j not in parameter_names: parameter_names.append(j)
        return parameter_names
Esempio n. 14
    def get_parameter_list(self, names=None):
        Returns the list of parameter names of all the matrices identified in names.
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a list containing the parameter names. 
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`string`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # get the parameter names:
        parameter_names = []
        for i in self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp):
            for j in i.param_names:
                if j not in parameter_names: parameter_names.append(j)

        return parameter_names
    def get_fisher_matrix(self, names=None):
        Returns the list of Fisher matrices corresponding to the given names.

        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :returns: a list containing the desired Fisher matrices. Notice if the name is not found
            in the list no error is risen and and the entrance is just ignored.
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` 

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_list = []
        for name in names_temp:
            for fish in self.fisher_list:
                if == name:
        return fisher_list
Esempio n. 16
    def compute_gaussian(self,
        Function that computes the (1D) gaussian distribution of a given parameter.
        Returns a dictionary with all the meaningul information about the gaussian.

        :param params: name of the parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param num_points: number of (x,y) points. 
        :type num_points: :class:`int`
        :param normalized: wether the distribution is normalized or not.
        :type normalized: :class:`bool`
        :param nice_bounds: wether the x range is properly rounded to be nice or not.
        :type nice_bounds: :class:`bool`
        :returns: a dictionary mapping name and parameter to a tuple of: [x, y, [fiducial,sigma]]
        :rtype: :class:`dict`
        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params == None:
            params_temp = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(params) if i in total_paramnames_list
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient(confidence_level)
        # get the plot ranges:
        plot_ranges = self.compute_plot_range(
        # get the distributions:
        gaussian_distro = {}
        for par1 in params_temp:
            dict_names = {}
            for mat, name in zip(fisher_temp_list, names_temp):
                # get the index of the parameter:
                    index = mat.get_param_index(par1)
                    dict_names[name] = [
                        np.array([0.0]), [0.0, 0.0]
                # get sigma and fiducial:
                sigma = math.sqrt(mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index, index])
                fiducial = mat.get_fiducial(par1)
                # get optimal x:
                if nice_bounds:
                    lower_bound = plot_ranges[par1][0]
                    upper_bound = plot_ranges[par1][1]
                    lower_bound = fiducial - confidence_coefficient * sigma
                    upper_bound = fiducial + confidence_coefficient * sigma
                x_points = np.linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, num_points)
                # get y:
                if normalized:
                    y_points = np.array([
                        np.exp(-(x - fiducial)**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2)) /
                        (sigma * np.sqrt(2.0 * math.pi)) for x in x_points
                    y_points = np.array([
                        np.exp(-(x - fiducial)**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))
                        for x in x_points

                dict_names[name] = [x_points, y_points, [fiducial, sigma]]
            gaussian_distro[par1] = dict_names

        return gaussian_distro
Esempio n. 17
    def compute_plot_range(self,
        Function that computes a meaningfull plot range for the plots involving the specified parameters
        and the specified Fisher names.

        :param params: name of the parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param nice: wether the number is properly rounded to be nice.
        :type nice: :class:`bool`
        :returns: a dictionary of name and bounds
        :rtype: :class:`dict`

        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params == None:
            params_temp = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(params) if i in total_paramnames_list
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient(confidence_level)
        # get the ranges:
        range = []
        for i in params_temp:
            lower_bound = []
            upper_bound = []
            for j in fisher_temp_list:
                # get the index of the parameter:
                    index = j.get_param_index(i)
                # get sigma and fiducial:
                sigma = j.get_fisher_inverse()[index, index]
                sigma = math.sqrt(sigma)
                fiducial = j.get_fiducial(i)
                # apply a coefficient to safeguard:
                if not nice:
                    sigma = confidence_coefficient * sigma
                # store the values:
                if nice:
                            (fiducial - confidence_coefficient * sigma, sigma),
                            (fiducial + confidence_coefficient * sigma, sigma),
                    lower_bound.append(fiducial - sigma)
                    upper_bound.append(fiducial + sigma)
            # decide what to use:
            upper_bound = np.array(upper_bound)
            lower_bound = np.array(lower_bound)

        dict = {}
        for i, j in zip(params_temp, xrange(len(params_temp))):
            dict[i] = range[j]

        return dict
    def search_fisher_path(self, fisher_path, search_fisher_guess=False, with_derived=True ):
        Searches a path for fisher matrices. 
        Will detect wether fisher_path contains directly the paths to the Fisher files or folder.
        If a list of folders is passed all the folders will be searched, first for Fisher matrices
        then for derived Fisher matrices.

        :param fisher_path: path or list of paths to search for Fisher matrices. If this contains Fisher matrices files those are imported as well.
        :type fisher_path: :class:`string` or :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param search_fisher_guess: wether to guess the Fisher matrix name or not. 
            Guessing assumes that the Fisher matrices have 'fisher_matrix' and '.dat' in the name as happens
            with Fisher matrices produced with CosmicFish.
        :type search_fisher_guess: :class:`bool`
        :param with_derived: wether to search for derived Fisher matrices to add to the base Fisher that are found.
        :type with_derived: :class:`bool`
        fisher_path = copy.deepcopy( fu.make_list(fisher_path) )
        # explore all paths:
        fisher_files = []
        derived_fisher_files = []
        for path in fisher_path:
            if os.path.isfile(path):
            if search_fisher_guess:
                # search for all files with fisher_matrix in the name and fisher_matrix_derived in the name
                # this is the standard cosmicfish output and should be safe if you are using cosmicfish.
                # get the file list:
                files = [ os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(path, f) )]
                # filter the list by guessing the names to get Fisher matrices:
                for f in files:
                    f_temp = os.path.basename(f)
                    if 'fisher_matrix' in f_temp and '.dat' in f_temp and '_derived' not in f_temp:
                        fisher_files.append( f )
                # filter the list by guessing the names to get derived Fisher matrices:
                for f in files:
                    f_temp = os.path.basename(f)
                    if 'fisher_matrix' in f_temp and '_derived' in f_temp and '.dat' in f_temp:
                        derived_fisher_files.append( f )  
                # search for all the files and try to import them as fisher matrices then as derived fishers
                # get the file list:
                files = [ os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(path, f) )]
                for f in files:
                    fisher_files.append( f )
                    derived_fisher_files.append( f ) 
        # import fisher matrices:
        for file in fisher_files:
            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'Trying to import: '+file+' as a Fisher matrix: ',
                self.fisher_list.append( fm.fisher_matrix( file_name = file ))
                self.fisher_name_list.append( self.fisher_list[-1].name )
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'SUCCESS'
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ == 1: print 'Imported as a Fisher matrix: '+file
                # remove from the derived fishers if necessary:
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'
        # import derived fisher matrices:
        if with_derived:
            for file in derived_fisher_files:
                # get the derived matrix:
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'Trying to import: '+file+' as a derived Fisher matrix: ',
                    fisher_derived = fd.fisher_derived( file_name = file )
                    if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'SUCCESS'
                    fisher_derived = None
                    if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'
                # add derived to the fisher matrix when possible:
                if fisher_derived is not None:
                    for i in xrange( len( self.fisher_name_list) ):
                        if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'Trying to add derived from: '' to the Fisher matrix: '+self.fisher_list[i].name,
                            self.fisher_list[i] = fisher_derived.add_derived( fisher_matrix=self.fisher_list[i], preserve_input=True )
                            self.fisher_name_list[i] = self.fisher_list[i].name 
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'SUCCESS'
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ == 1: print 'Added derived parameters from: '' to Fisher matrix: '+self.fisher_list[i].name
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'
    def compute_gaussian( self, params=None, confidence_level=0.68, names=None, num_points=100, normalized=False, nice_bounds=True ):
        Function that computes the (1D) gaussian distribution of a given parameter.
        Returns a dictionary with all the meaningul information about the gaussian.

        :param params: name of the parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param num_points: number of (x,y) points. 
        :type num_points: :class:`int`
        :param normalized: wether the distribution is normalized or not.
        :type normalized: :class:`bool`
        :param nice_bounds: wether the x range is properly rounded to be nice or not.
        :type nice_bounds: :class:`bool`
        :returns: a dictionary mapping name and parameter to a tuple of: [x, y, [fiducial,sigma]]
        :rtype: :class:`dict`
        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params==None:
            params_temp = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(params) if i in total_paramnames_list ]
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient( confidence_level )
        # get the plot ranges:
        plot_ranges = self.compute_plot_range( params=params_temp, confidence_level=confidence_level, names=names_temp, nice=nice_bounds )
        # get the distributions:
        gaussian_distro = {}
        for par1 in params_temp:
            dict_names = {}
            for mat,name in zip(fisher_temp_list,names_temp):
                # get the index of the parameter:
                    index = mat.get_param_index(par1)
                    dict_names[name] = [np.array([0.0]), np.array([0.0]), [0.0,0.0]]
                # get sigma and fiducial:
                sigma    = math.sqrt( mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index,index] )
                fiducial = mat.get_fiducial(par1)
                # get optimal x:
                if nice_bounds:
                    lower_bound = plot_ranges[par1][0]
                    upper_bound = plot_ranges[par1][1]
                    lower_bound = fiducial -confidence_coefficient*sigma
                    upper_bound = fiducial +confidence_coefficient*sigma
                x_points = np.linspace( lower_bound, upper_bound, num_points )
                # get y:
                if normalized:
                    y_points = np.array([ np.exp( -( x-fiducial )**2/(2.0*sigma**2) )/( sigma*np.sqrt(2.0*math.pi) ) for x in x_points ])
                    y_points = np.array([ np.exp( -( x-fiducial )**2/(2.0*sigma**2) ) for x in x_points ])
                dict_names[name] = [x_points, y_points, [fiducial,sigma]]
            gaussian_distro[par1] = dict_names
        return gaussian_distro
    def compute_plot_range(self, params=None, confidence_level=0.68, names=None, nice=True ):
        Function that computes a meaningfull plot range for the plots involving the specified parameters
        and the specified Fisher names.

        :param params: name of the parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param nice: wether the number is properly rounded to be nice.
        :type nice: :class:`bool`
        :returns: a dictionary of name and bounds
        :rtype: :class:`dict`

        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params==None:
            params_temp = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(params) if i in total_paramnames_list ]
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient( confidence_level )
        # get the ranges:
        range = []
        for i in params_temp:
            lower_bound = []
            upper_bound  = []
            for j in fisher_temp_list:
                # get the index of the parameter:
                    index = j.get_param_index(i)
                # get sigma and fiducial:
                sigma    = j.get_fisher_inverse()[index,index]
                sigma    = math.sqrt( sigma )
                fiducial = j.get_fiducial(i)
                # apply a coefficient to safeguard:
                if not nice:
                    sigma = confidence_coefficient*sigma
                # store the values:
                if nice:
                    lower_bound.append(fu.significant_digits( (fiducial-confidence_coefficient*sigma, sigma), mode=2 ) )
                    upper_bound.append(fu.significant_digits( (fiducial+confidence_coefficient*sigma, sigma), mode=0 ) )
            # decide what to use:
            upper_bound = np.array(upper_bound)
            lower_bound = np.array(lower_bound)
            range.append([ float(str(np.amin(lower_bound))), float(str(np.amax(upper_bound))) ])
        dict = {}
        for i,j in zip(params_temp,xrange(len(params_temp))):
            dict[i] = range[j]
        return dict
Esempio n. 21
    def compute_ellipse(self,
        Function that computes the (2D) ellipses for a given parameters combination.
        Returns a dictionary with all the meaningul information about the ellipses.

        :param params1: name of the first parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params1: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param params2: name of the second parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params3: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param num_points: number of (x,y) points. 
        :type num_points: :class:`int`
        :returns: a dictionary mapping name and parameters to a tuple of: [x, y, [fiducial_x, fiducial_y, coeff_a, coeff_b, theta_0]]
        :rtype: :class:`dict`    
        # process names:
        if names == None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params1 == None:
            params_temp_1 = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp_1 = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(params1) if i in total_paramnames_list
        if params2 == None:
            params_temp_2 = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp_2 = [
                i for i in fu.make_list(params2) if i in total_paramnames_list
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient(confidence_level)
        # get the distributions:
        gaussian_distro = {}
        for par1 in params_temp_1:
            dict_names_1 = {}
            for par2 in params_temp_2:
                dict_names_2 = {}
                for mat, name in zip(fisher_temp_list, names_temp):
                    # get the index of the parameter:
                        index_1 = mat.get_param_index(par1)
                        index_2 = mat.get_param_index(par2)
                        dict_names_2[name] = [
                            np.array([0.0]), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                    # get sigmas:
                    sigma_x = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_1, index_1]
                    sigma_y = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_2, index_2]
                    sigma_xy = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_1, index_2]
                    # get fiducial:
                    fiducial_x = mat.get_fiducial(par1)
                    fiducial_y = mat.get_fiducial(par2)
                    # compute the ellipse coefficients:
                    coeff_a = confidence_coefficient * math.sqrt(
                        (sigma_x + sigma_y) / 2.0 +
                        math.sqrt((sigma_x - sigma_y)**2 / 4.0 + sigma_xy**2))
                    coeff_b = confidence_coefficient * math.sqrt(
                        (sigma_x + sigma_y) / 2.0 -
                        math.sqrt((sigma_x - sigma_y)**2 / 4.0 + sigma_xy**2))
                    theta_0 = math.atan2((2.0 * sigma_xy),
                                         (sigma_x - sigma_y)) / 2.0
                    # generate the ellipses
                    angles = np.linspace(0, 2.0 * math.pi, num_points)
                    x_points = np.array([
                        +coeff_a * math.cos(theta) * math.cos(theta_0) -
                        coeff_b * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(theta_0) +
                        fiducial_x for theta in angles
                    y_points = np.array([
                        +coeff_a * math.cos(theta) * math.sin(theta_0) +
                        coeff_b * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(theta_0) +
                        fiducial_y for theta in angles
                    # save the result:
                    dict_names_2[name] = [
                        x_points, y_points,
                        [fiducial_x, fiducial_y, coeff_a, coeff_b, theta_0]
                dict_names_1[par2] = dict_names_2
            gaussian_distro[par1] = dict_names_1

        return gaussian_distro

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ***************************************************************************************
    def compute_ellipse(self, params1=None, params2=None, confidence_level=0.68, names=None, num_points=100):
        Function that computes the (2D) ellipses for a given parameters combination.
        Returns a dictionary with all the meaningul information about the ellipses.

        :param params1: name of the first parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params1: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param params2: name of the second parameter or list of names of parameters.
        :type params3: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param confidence_level: (optional) Confidence Level of the bounds. Default 68%.
        :type confidence_level: :class:`float`
        :param names: names of the Fisher matrices.
        :type names: a :class:`string` or a :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param num_points: number of (x,y) points. 
        :type num_points: :class:`int`
        :returns: a dictionary mapping name and parameters to a tuple of: [x, y, [fiducial_x, fiducial_y, coeff_a, coeff_b, theta_0]]
        :rtype: :class:`dict`    
        # process names:
        if names==None:
            names_temp = self.fisher_name_list
            names_temp = [ i for i in fu.make_list(names) if i in self.fisher_name_list ]
        # process parameters:
        total_paramnames_list = self.get_parameter_list(names_temp)
        if params1==None:
            params_temp_1 = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp_1 = [ i for i in fu.make_list(params1) if i in total_paramnames_list ]
        if params2==None:
            params_temp_2 = total_paramnames_list
            params_temp_2 = [ i for i in fu.make_list(params2) if i in total_paramnames_list ]    
        # get the fishers:
        fisher_temp_list = self.get_fisher_matrix(names_temp)
        # compute the confidence coefficient:
        confidence_coefficient = fu.confidence_coefficient( confidence_level )
        # get the distributions:
        gaussian_distro = {}
        for par1 in params_temp_1:
            dict_names_1 = {}
            for par2 in params_temp_2:
                dict_names_2 = {}
                for mat,name in zip(fisher_temp_list,names_temp):
                    # get the index of the parameter:
                        index_1 = mat.get_param_index(par1)
                        index_2 = mat.get_param_index(par2)
                        dict_names_2[name] = [np.array([0.0]), np.array([0.0]), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
                    # get sigmas:
                    sigma_x  = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_1,index_1]
                    sigma_y  = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_2,index_2]
                    sigma_xy = mat.get_fisher_inverse()[index_1,index_2]
                    # get fiducial:
                    fiducial_x = mat.get_fiducial(par1)
                    fiducial_y = mat.get_fiducial(par2)
                    # compute the ellipse coefficients:
                    coeff_a = confidence_coefficient*math.sqrt((sigma_x + sigma_y)/2.0 + math.sqrt( (sigma_x - sigma_y)**2/4.0 + sigma_xy**2 ))
                    coeff_b = confidence_coefficient*math.sqrt((sigma_x + sigma_y)/2.0 - math.sqrt( (sigma_x - sigma_y)**2/4.0 + sigma_xy**2 ))
                    theta_0 = math.atan2( (2.0*sigma_xy), (sigma_x - sigma_y) )/2.0
                    # generate the ellipses
                    angles  = np.linspace( 0, 2.0*math.pi, num_points )
                    x_points = np.array( [+coeff_a*math.cos(theta)*math.cos(theta_0)
                                          -coeff_b*math.sin(theta)*math.sin(theta_0) + fiducial_x for theta in angles ] )
                    y_points = np.array( [+coeff_a*math.cos(theta)*math.sin(theta_0)
                                          +coeff_b*math.sin(theta)*math.cos(theta_0) + fiducial_y for theta in angles ] )
                    # save the result:
                    dict_names_2[name] = [x_points, y_points, [fiducial_x, fiducial_y, coeff_a, coeff_b, theta_0]]
                dict_names_1[par2] = dict_names_2
            gaussian_distro[par1] = dict_names_1

        return gaussian_distro

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ***************************************************************************************
Esempio n. 23
    def search_fisher_path(self,
        Searches a path for fisher matrices. 
        Will detect wether fisher_path contains directly the paths to the Fisher files or folder.
        If a list of folders is passed all the folders will be searched, first for Fisher matrices
        then for derived Fisher matrices.

        :param fisher_path: path or list of paths to search for Fisher matrices. If this contains Fisher matrices files those are imported as well.
        :type fisher_path: :class:`string` or :class:`list` of :class:`string`
        :param search_fisher_guess: wether to guess the Fisher matrix name or not. 
            Guessing assumes that the Fisher matrices have 'fisher_matrix' and '.dat' in the name as happens
            with Fisher matrices produced with CosmicFish.
        :type search_fisher_guess: :class:`bool`
        :param with_derived: wether to search for derived Fisher matrices to add to the base Fisher that are found.
        :type with_derived: :class:`bool`
        fisher_path = copy.deepcopy(fu.make_list(fisher_path))
        # explore all paths:
        fisher_files = []
        derived_fisher_files = []
        for path in fisher_path:
            if os.path.isfile(path):
            if search_fisher_guess:
                # search for all files with fisher_matrix in the name and fisher_matrix_derived in the name
                # this is the standard cosmicfish output and should be safe if you are using cosmicfish.
                # get the file list:
                files = [
                    os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))
                # filter the list by guessing the names to get Fisher matrices:
                for f in files:
                    f_temp = os.path.basename(f)
                    if 'fisher_matrix' in f_temp and '.dat' in f_temp and '_derived' not in f_temp:
                # filter the list by guessing the names to get derived Fisher matrices:
                for f in files:
                    f_temp = os.path.basename(f)
                    if 'fisher_matrix' in f_temp and '_derived' in f_temp and '.dat' in f_temp:
                # search for all the files and try to import them as fisher matrices then as derived fishers
                # get the file list:
                files = [
                    os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))
                for f in files:

        # import fisher matrices:
        for file in fisher_files:
            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1:
                print 'Trying to import: ' + file + ' as a Fisher matrix: ',
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'SUCCESS'
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ == 1:
                    print 'Imported as a Fisher matrix: ' + file
                # remove from the derived fishers if necessary:
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'
        # import derived fisher matrices:
        if with_derived:
            for file in derived_fisher_files:
                # get the derived matrix:
                if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1:
                    print 'Trying to import: ' + file + ' as a derived Fisher matrix: ',
                    fisher_derived = fd.fisher_derived(file_name=file)
                    if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'SUCCESS'
                    fisher_derived = None
                    if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'
                # add derived to the fisher matrix when possible:
                if fisher_derived is not None:
                    for i in xrange(len(self.fisher_name_list)):
                        if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1:
                            print 'Trying to add derived from: ' + + ' to the Fisher matrix: ' + self.fisher_list[
                            self.fisher_list[i] = fisher_derived.add_derived(
                            self.fisher_name_list[i] = self.fisher_list[i].name
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1:
                                print 'SUCCESS'
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ == 1:
                                print 'Added derived parameters from: ' + + ' to Fisher matrix: ' + self.fisher_list[
                            if CosmicFishPyLib.__feedback__ > 1: print 'FAIL'