Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import utilities  # User defined module, has functions to read in data and display it properly

sequences = utilities.setup(
)  # Read in our data and return a list of three sequences

ATcontent = []  # Create a new list to hold AT content for our sequences

for seq in sequences:  # For every sequence in our list of sequences
    thisAT = 0  # Start a counter for the AT content of this sequence
    for base in seq:  # For every base in our sequence
        if base == 'A' or base == 'T':  # If the base is an 'A' or 'T'
            thisAT += 1  # Add one to our AT content counter
    thisAT = round(thisAT / len(seq) * 100.0,
                   2)  # Change our AT counter to reflect percent AT
    ATcontent.append(thisAT)  # Append the percent AT to our AT content list

    ATcontent)  # Print the AT content to the screen all pretty-like
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import utilities # User defined module, has functions to read in data and display it properly

sequences = utilities.setup() # Read in our data and return a list of three sequences

ATcontent = [] # Create a new list to hold AT content for our sequences

for seq in sequences: # For every sequence in our list of sequences
    thisAT = 0 # Start a counter for the AT content of this sequence
    for base in seq: # For every base in our sequence
            if base == 'A' or base == 'T': # If the base is an 'A' or 'T'
                    thisAT += 1 # Add one to our AT content counter
    thisAT = round(thisAT / len(seq) * 100.0, 2) # Change our AT counter to reflect percent AT
    ATcontent.append(thisAT) # Append the percent AT to our AT content list

utilities.showAT(ATcontent) # Print the AT content to the screen all pretty-like
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import utilities  # Import user-defined module

sequences = utilities.setup()  # Setup or list of sequences

checkAT = lambda base: base == 'A' or base == 'T'  # Lambda expression to check a single base to see if we have an 'A' or a 'T'
getAT = lambda sequence: round(
    sum(map(checkAT, sequence)) / len(sequence) * 100, 2
)  # A lambda expression that maps the first lambda expression to a sequence. Since Python converts `True' to 1 and `False' to 0, we use `sum' to add up all of the `Trues', divide it by the length of the sequence, converts it to a percentage, and rounds to two decimal places
allAT = list(
    map(getAT, sequences)
)  # Map the second lambda expression to all sequences provided and make a list out of it

)  # Special `print' wrapper that makes the AT content all nice and pretty
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import utilities # Import user-defined module

sequences = utilities.setup() # Setup or list of sequences

checkAT = lambda base : base == 'A' or base == 'T' # Lambda expression to check a single base to see if we have an 'A' or a 'T'
getAT = lambda sequence : round(sum(map(checkAT, sequence))/len(sequence)*100, 2) # A lambda expression that maps the first lambda expression to a sequence. Since Python converts `True' to 1 and `False' to 0, we use `sum' to add up all of the `Trues', divide it by the length of the sequence, converts it to a percentage, and rounds to two decimal places
allAT = list(map(getAT, sequences)) # Map the second lambda expression to all sequences provided and make a list out of it

utilities.showAT(allAT) # Special `print' wrapper that makes the AT content all nice and pretty