def scoringErrors(coco_analyze, oks, imgs_info, saveDir): loc_dir = saveDir + '/scoring_errors' if not os.path.exists(loc_dir): os.makedirs(loc_dir) f = open('%s/std_out.txt' % loc_dir, 'w') f.write("Running Analysis: [Scoring Errors]\n\n") tic = time.time() paths = {} # set parameters for the scoring errors analysis coco_analyze.params.areaRng = [[32**2, 1e5**2]] coco_analyze.params.areaRngLbl = ['all'] coco_analyze.params.oksThrs = [oks] coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.useGtIgnore = 0 coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.gtIgnoreIds = [] coco_analyze.analyze(check_kpts=False, check_scores=True, check_bckgd=False) coco_analyze.summarize(makeplots=True, savedir=loc_dir, team_name='scoring') paths['opt_score_prc'] = \ '%s/error_prc_[scoring][%d][%s][%d].pdf'%(loc_dir, int(oks*100), coco_analyze.params.areaRngLbl[0], coco_analyze.params.maxDets[0]) corrected_dts = coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] # dictionary of all corrected detections grouped by image id all_dts = {} for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all']: if d['image_id'] not in all_dts: all_dts[d['image_id']] = {} all_dts[d['image_id']]['dts'] = [d] else: all_dts[d['image_id']]['dts'].append(d) subopt_order_images = [] all_gts = {} all_dtgt_oks = {} for imgId in imgs_info: if imgId in all_dts: dts = all_dts[imgId]['dts'] all_dts[imgId]['score'] = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dts], kind='mergesort') all_dts[imgId]['opt_score'] = np.argsort( [-d['opt_score'] for d in dts], kind='mergesort') if list(all_dts[imgId]['score']) != list( all_dts[imgId]['opt_score']): subopt_order_images.append(imgId) else: dts = [] gts = coco_analyze.cocoGt.loadAnns( coco_analyze.cocoGt.getAnnIds(imgIds=imgId)) not_ignore_gts = [] for g in gts: # gt ignores are discarded if g['ignore'] or (g['area'] < coco_analyze.params.areaRng[0][0] or g['area'] > coco_analyze.params.areaRng[0][1]): g['_ignore'] = 1 else: g['_ignore'] = 0 not_ignore_gts.append(g) # compute the oks matrix between the dts and gts of each image image_oks_mat = utilities.compute_oks(dts, not_ignore_gts) if len(image_oks_mat) == 0: all_gts[imgId] = not_ignore_gts all_dtgt_oks[imgId] = [] else: # sort the ground truths by their max oks value with any detection maxoksvals = [ -max(image_oks_mat[:, j]) for j in xrange(len(not_ignore_gts)) ] gtind = np.argsort(maxoksvals, kind='mergesort') all_gts[imgId] = [not_ignore_gts[j] for j in gtind] all_dtgt_oks[imgId] = image_oks_mat[:, gtind] ## check how many images have optimal score and original score with same order perc = 100 * len(subopt_order_images) / float(len(all_dts)) f.write( "Num. of imgs with sub-optimal detections order: [%d]/[%d] (%.2f%%).\n\n" % (len(subopt_order_images), len(all_dts), perc)) ## find scoring errors before and after rescoring min_match_oks = .5 scoring_errors = {'score': [], 'opt_score': []} for score_type in scoring_errors.keys(): for ind, imgId in enumerate(all_dts.keys()): dind = all_dts[imgId][score_type] sorted_dts = [all_dts[imgId]['dts'][i] for i in dind] gtIds = [g['id'] for g in all_gts[imgId]] if len(sorted_dts) * len(gtIds) == 0: continue used_dts = [] for gind, gt in enumerate(all_gts[imgId]): assert (gt['_ignore'] == 0) oks = all_dtgt_oks[imgId][dind, gind] dts_with_oks = np.where(oks >= min_match_oks)[0] # remove the matched dts dts_available = [(i,sorted_dts[i]['id'],oks[i],sorted_dts[i][score_type]) \ for i in dts_with_oks if sorted_dts[i]['id'] not in used_dts] if len(dts_available) == 0: break max_oks_dt = np.argmax([d[2] for d in dts_available]) used_dts.append(dts_available[max_oks_dt][1]) if len(dts_available) > 1: # check for scoring error max_score_dt = np.argmax([d[3] for d in dts_available]) if max_score_dt != max_oks_dt: # this is a scoring error error = {} error['gt'] = gt error['imgId'] = imgId error['matched_dt'] = sorted_dts[ dts_available[max_score_dt][0]] error['top_match_dt'] = sorted_dts[ dts_available[max_oks_dt][0]] error['high_oks'] = dts_available[max_oks_dt][2] error['low_oks'] = dts_available[max_score_dt][2] scoring_errors[score_type].append(error) f.write("Num. of scoring errors:\n") f.write(" - Original Score: %d\n" % len(scoring_errors['score'])) f.write(" - Optimal Score: %d\n" % len(scoring_errors['opt_score'])) f.write("\nMost relevant scoring errors:\n") ## print the top scoring errors of the algorithm ori_scoring_errors = scoring_errors['score'] ori_scoring_errors.sort( key=lambda k: -np.sqrt((k['matched_dt']['score'] - k['top_match_dt'][ 'score']) * (k['high_oks'] - k['low_oks']))) for ind, err in enumerate(ori_scoring_errors[0:12]): relevance = np.sqrt( (err['matched_dt']['score'] - err['top_match_dt']['score']) * (err['high_oks'] - err['low_oks'])) f.write("================================================\n") f.write("- gt id: [%d]\n" % err['gt']['id']) f.write("- dt id, high score, low oks: [%d][%.3f][%.3f]\n" % (err['matched_dt']['id'], err['matched_dt']['score'], err['low_oks'])) f.write("- dt id, low score, high oks: [%d][%.3f][%.3f]\n" % (err['top_match_dt']['id'], err['top_match_dt']['score'], err['high_oks'])) f.write("- Relevance: [%.3f]\n\n" % relevance) name = 'score_err_%d_high_score' % ind paths[name] = '%s/%s.pdf' % (loc_dir, name) utilities.show_dets([err['matched_dt']], [err['gt']], imgs_info[err['imgId']], save_path=paths[name]) name = 'score_err_%d_high_oks' % ind paths[name] = '%s/%s.pdf' % (loc_dir, name) utilities.show_dets([err['top_match_dt']], [err['gt']], imgs_info[err['imgId']], save_path=paths[name]) # for all the images with dts and gts compute the following quantities # - number of dts with oks > min_match_oks for each gt # - histogram of oks for the detection with highest oks # - histogram of oks for all the other detections # - histogram of original/optimal scores for the detection with highest oks # - histogram of original/optimal scores for all the other detections num_dts_high_oks = [] high_oks_dt_oks_hist = [] other_dt_oks_hist = [] high_oks_dt_ori_score_hist = [] other_dt_ori_score_hist = [] high_oks_dt_opt_score_hist = [] other_dt_opt_score_hist = [] for ind, imgId in enumerate(all_dts.keys()): dts = [(d['id'], d['score'], d['opt_score']) for d in all_dts[imgId]['dts']] gtIds = [g['id'] for g in all_gts[imgId]] if len(dts) * len(gtIds) == 0: continue for gind, gt in enumerate(all_gts[imgId]): assert (gt['_ignore'] == 0) dts_oks = all_dtgt_oks[imgId][:, gind] dts_high_oks_i = np.where(dts_oks > .1)[0] num_dts_high_oks.append(len(dts_high_oks_i)) if len(dts_high_oks_i) >= 2: # study the case where multiple detections have high oks # add the oks of the detections to the histogram of oks oks_vals = sorted([(dts_oks[i], dts[i]) for i in dts_high_oks_i], key=lambda k: -k[0]) high_oks_dt_oks_hist.append(oks_vals[0][0]) other_dt_oks_hist.extend([k[0] for k in oks_vals[1:]]) high_oks_dt_ori_score_hist.append(oks_vals[0][1][1]) other_dt_ori_score_hist.extend([k[1][1] for k in oks_vals[1:]]) high_oks_dt_opt_score_hist.append(oks_vals[0][1][2]) other_dt_opt_score_hist.extend([k[1][2] for k in oks_vals[1:]]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax.set_facecolor('lightgray') plt.hist(num_dts_high_oks, bins=[i - .5 for i in xrange(max(num_dts_high_oks) + 1)], color='green') plt.grid() plt.xticks([i for i in xrange(max(num_dts_high_oks))]) plt.title('Histogram of Detection Redundancy', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Number of Detections with OKS > .1', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Number of Ground Truth Instances', fontsize=20) path = '%s/num_dts_high_oks.pdf' % loc_dir paths['num_dts_high_oks'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) y1, binEdges = np.histogram(high_oks_dt_ori_score_hist, bins=19) bincenters1 = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) ax.plot(bincenters1, y1, '-', linewidth=3, c='b', label='Max OKS Detection') min_val1 = min(bincenters1) max_val1 = max(bincenters1) y2, binEdges = np.histogram(other_dt_ori_score_hist, bins=19) bincenters2 = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) ax.plot(bincenters2, y2, '--', linewidth=3, c='b', label='Lower OKS Detection(s)') min_val2 = min(bincenters2) max_val2 = max(bincenters2) min_val = min(min_val1, min_val2) max_val = max(max_val1, max_val2) overlapbins = [min(x, y) for x, y in zip(y1, y2)] width = (max_val - min_val) / 20., max_val, 19), overlapbins, color='red', alpha=.65, width=width, align='center') plt.grid() plt.xlim([ min_val - (max_val - min_val) / 20., max_val + (max_val - min_val) / 20. ]) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=20) plt.title('Histogram of Original Detection Scores', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Original Confidence Score', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Number of Detections', fontsize=20) path = '%s/dts_ori_score_hist.pdf' % loc_dir paths['dts_ori_score_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) y1, binEdges = np.histogram(high_oks_dt_opt_score_hist, bins=19) bincenters1 = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) ax.plot(bincenters1, y1, '-', linewidth=3, c='b', label='Max OKS Detection') min_val1 = min(bincenters1) max_val1 = max(bincenters1) y2, binEdges = np.histogram(other_dt_opt_score_hist, bins=19) bincenters2 = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) ax.plot(bincenters2, y2, '--', linewidth=3, c='b', label='Lower OKS Detection(s)') min_val2 = min(bincenters2) max_val2 = max(bincenters2) min_val = min(min_val1, min_val2) max_val = max(max_val1, max_val2) overlapbins = [min(x, y) for x, y in zip(y1, y2)] width = (max_val - min_val) / 20., max_val, 19), overlapbins, color='red', alpha=.65, width=width, align='center') plt.grid() plt.xlim([ min_val - (max_val - min_val) / 20., max_val + (max_val - min_val) / 20. ]) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=20) plt.title('Histogram of Optimal Detection Scores', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Optimal Confidence Score', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Number of Detections', fontsize=20) path = '%s/dts_opt_score_hist.pdf' % loc_dir paths['dts_opt_score_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() f.write("\nDone, (t=%.2fs)." % (time.time() - tic)) f.close() return paths
def backgroundFalsePosErrors(coco_analyze, imgs_info, saveDir): loc_dir = saveDir + '/background_errors/false_positives' if not os.path.exists(loc_dir): os.makedirs(loc_dir) f = open('%s/std_out.txt' % loc_dir, 'w') f.write("Running Analysis: [Background False Positives]\n\n") tic = time.time() paths = {} oksThrs = [.5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95] areaRngs = [[32**2, 1e5**2]] areaRngLbls = ['all'] coco_analyze.params.areaRng = areaRngs coco_analyze.params.areaRngLbl = areaRngLbls coco_analyze.params.oksThrs = oksThrs coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.useGtIgnore = 0 coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.gtIgnoreIds = [] coco_analyze.analyze(check_kpts=False, check_scores=False, check_bckgd=True) badFalsePos = coco_analyze.false_pos_dts['all', '0.5'] for tind, t in enumerate(coco_analyze.params.oksThrs): badFalsePos = badFalsePos & coco_analyze.false_pos_dts['all', str(t)] fp_dts = [ d for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] if d['id'] in badFalsePos ] f.write("Num. detections: [%d]\n" % len(coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'])) for oks in oksThrs: f.write("OKS thresh: [%f]\n" % oks) f.write(" - Matches: [%d]\n" % len(coco_analyze.bckgd_err_matches[areaRngLbls[0], str(oks), 'dts'])) f.write(" - Bckgd. FP: [%d]\n" % len(coco_analyze.false_pos_dts[areaRngLbls[0], str(oks)])) sorted_fps = sorted(fp_dts, key=lambda k: -k['score']) show_fp = sorted_fps[0:4] + sorted_fps[-4:] f.write("\nBackground False Positive Errors:\n") for tind, t in enumerate(show_fp): name = 'bckd_false_pos_%d' % tind paths[name] = "%s/%s.pdf" % (loc_dir, name) f.write("Image_id, detection_id, score: [%d][%d][%.3f]\n" % (t['image_id'], t['id'], t['score'])) utilities.show_dets([t], [], imgs_info[t['image_id']], paths[name]) a = [d['score'] for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all']] p_20 = np.percentile(a, 20) p_40 = np.percentile(a, 40) p_60 = np.percentile(a, 60) p_80 = np.percentile(a, 80) f.write("\nPercentiles of the scores of all Detections:\n") f.write( " - 20th perc. score:[%.3f]; num. dts:[%d]\n" % (p_20, len([ d for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] if d['score'] <= p_20 ]))) f.write( " - 40th perc. score:[%.3f]; num. dts:[%d]\n" % (p_40, len([ d for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] if d['score'] <= p_40 ]))) f.write( " - 60th perc. score:[%.3f]; num. dts:[%d]\n" % (p_60, len([ d for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] if d['score'] <= p_60 ]))) f.write( " - 80th perc. score:[%.3f]; num. dts:[%d]\n" % (p_80, len([ d for d in coco_analyze.corrected_dts['all'] if d['score'] <= p_80 ]))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray') bins = [min(a), p_20, p_40, p_60, p_80, max(a)] plt.hist([d['score'] for d in sorted_fps], bins=bins, color='b') plt.xticks(bins, ['', '20th%', '40th%', '60th%', '80th%', ''], rotation='vertical') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('All Detection Score Percentiles', fontsize=20) plt.title('Histogram of False Positive Scores', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_scores_histogram.pdf" % (loc_dir) paths['false_pos_score_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() high_score_fp = [d for d in sorted_fps if p_80 <= d['score']] max_height = max([d['bbox'][3] for d in high_score_fp]) min_height = min([d['bbox'][3] for d in high_score_fp]) max_width = max([d['bbox'][2] for d in high_score_fp]) min_width = min([d['bbox'][2] for d in high_score_fp]) f.write("\nBackground False Positives Bounding Box Dimenstions:\n") f.write(" - Min width: [%d]\n" % min_width) f.write(" - Max width: [%d]\n" % max_width) f.write(" - Min height: [%d]\n" % min_height) f.write(" - Max height: [%d]\n" % max_height) ar_pic = np.zeros((int(max_height) + 1, int(max_width) + 1)) ar_pic_2 = np.zeros((30, 30)) ar_bins = range(10) + range(10, 100, 10) + range(100, 1000, 100) + [1000] ar_pic_3 = np.zeros((10, 10)) ar_bins_3 = [np.power(2, x) for x in xrange(11)] areaRngs = [[0, 32**2], [32**2, 64**2], [64**2, 96**2], [96**2, 128**2], [128**2, 1e5**2]] areaRngLbls = ['small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge', 'xxlarge'] small = 0 medium = 0 large = 0 xlarge = 0 xxlarge = 0 num_people_ranges = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 4], [5, 8], [9, 100]] num_people_labels = ['none', 'one', 'small grp.', 'large grp.', 'crowd'] no_people = 0 one = 0 small_grp = 0 large_grp = 0 crowd = 0 for t in high_score_fp: t_width = int(t['bbox'][2]) t_height = int(t['bbox'][3]) ar_pic[0:t_height, 0:t_width] += 1 if t_width < 1024 and t_height < 1024: col = [ i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins) - 1) if ar_bins[i] < t_width < ar_bins[i + 1] ] row = [ i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins) - 1) if ar_bins[i] < t_height < ar_bins[i + 1] ] ar_pic_2[row, col] += 1 col = [ i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins_3) - 1) if ar_bins_3[i] < t_width < ar_bins_3[i + 1] ] row = [ i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins_3) - 1) if ar_bins_3[i] < t_height < ar_bins_3[i + 1] ] ar_pic_3[row, col] += 1 else: print "False Positive bbox has a side larger than 1024 pixels." print "Change lists ar_bins_2 and ar_bins_3 to include larger bins." assert (False) area = t_width * t_height * .5 if areaRngs[0][0] <= area < areaRngs[0][1]: small += 1 elif areaRngs[1][0] <= area < areaRngs[1][1]: medium += 1 elif areaRngs[2][0] <= area < areaRngs[2][1]: large += 1 elif areaRngs[3][0] <= area < areaRngs[3][1]: xlarge += 1 elif areaRngs[4][0] <= area < areaRngs[4][1]: xxlarge += 1 anns = coco_analyze.cocoGt.loadAnns( coco_analyze.cocoGt.getAnnIds(t['image_id'])) iscrowd = [ann['iscrowd'] for ann in anns] num_people = len(anns) if sum(iscrowd) == 0 else 100 if num_people_ranges[0][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[0][1]: no_people += 1 elif num_people_ranges[1][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[1][1]: one += 1 elif num_people_ranges[2][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[2][1]: small_grp += 1 elif num_people_ranges[3][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[3][1]: large_grp += 1 elif num_people_ranges[4][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[4][1]: crowd += 1 f.write("\nNumber of people in images with Background False Positives:\n") f.write(" - No people: [%d]\n" % no_people) f.write(" - One person: [%d]\n" % one) f.write(" - Small group (2-4): [%d]\n" % small_grp) f.write(" - Large Group (5-8): [%d]\n" % large_grp) f.write(" - Crowd (>=9): [%d]\n" % crowd) f.write("\nArea size (in pixels) of Background False Positives:\n") f.write(" - Small (%d,%d): [%d]\n" % (areaRngs[0][0], areaRngs[0][1], small)) f.write(" - Medium (%d,%d): [%d]\n" % (areaRngs[1][0], areaRngs[1][1], medium)) f.write(" - Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n" % (areaRngs[2][0], areaRngs[2][1], large)) f.write(" - X-Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n" % (areaRngs[3][0], areaRngs[3][1], xlarge)) f.write(" - XX-Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n" % (areaRngs[4][0], areaRngs[4][1], xxlarge)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic, origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_bbox_aspect_ratio.pdf" % (loc_dir) plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic_2, origin='lower') plt.xticks(xrange(1, len(ar_bins) + 1), ["%d" % (x) for x in ar_bins], rotation='vertical') plt.yticks(xrange(1, len(ar_bins) + 1), ["%d" % (x) for x in ar_bins]) plt.colorbar() plt.grid() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_bbox_aspect_ratio_2.pdf" % (loc_dir) plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic_3, origin='lower') plt.xticks([-.5 + x for x in range(11)], ["%d" % (x) for x in ar_bins_3]) plt.yticks([-.5 + x for x in range(11)], ["%d" % (x) for x in ar_bins_3]) plt.colorbar() plt.grid() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_bbox_aspect_ratio_3.pdf" % (loc_dir) paths['false_pos_bbox_ar'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray'), [small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge], color='g', align='center') plt.xticks(xrange(5), areaRngLbls) plt.grid() plt.title('Histogram of Area Size', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_area_histogram.pdf" % (loc_dir) paths['false_pos_bbox_area_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray'), [no_people, one, small_grp, large_grp, crowd], color='g', align='center') plt.xticks(xrange(5), num_people_labels) plt.grid() plt.title('Histogram of Num. of People in Images', fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_pos_num_people_histogram.pdf" % (loc_dir) paths['false_pos_num_ppl_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() f.write("\nDone, (t=%.2fs)." % (time.time() - tic)) f.close() return paths
def backgroundFalseNegErrors( coco_analyze, imgs_info, saveDir ): loc_dir = saveDir + '/background_errors/false_negatives' if not os.path.exists(loc_dir): os.makedirs(loc_dir) f = open('%s/std_out.txt'%loc_dir, 'w') f.write("Running Analysis: [False Negatives]\n\n") tic = time.time() paths = {} oksThrs = [.5,.55,.6,.65,.7,.75,.8,.85,.9,.95] areaRngs = [[32**2,1e5**2]] areaRngLbls = ['all'] coco_analyze.params.areaRng = areaRngs coco_analyze.params.areaRngLbl = areaRngLbls coco_analyze.params.oksThrs = oksThrs coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.useGtIgnore = 0 coco_analyze.cocoEval.params.gtIgnoreIds = [] coco_analyze.analyze(check_kpts=False, check_scores=False, check_bckgd=True) badFalseNeg = coco_analyze.false_neg_gts['all',str(.5)] for tind, t in enumerate(coco_analyze.params.oksThrs): badFalseNeg = badFalseNeg & coco_analyze.false_neg_gts['all',str(t)] # bad false negatives are those that are false negatives at all oks thresholds fn_gts = [coco_analyze.cocoGt.loadAnns(b)[0] for b in badFalseNeg] f.write("Num. annotations: [%d]\n"%len(coco_analyze.cocoGt.loadAnns(coco_analyze.cocoGt.getAnnIds()))) for oks in oksThrs: f.write("OKS thresh: [%f]\n"%oks) f.write(" - Matches: [%d]\n"%len(coco_analyze.bckgd_err_matches[areaRngLbls[0], str(oks), 'gts'])) f.write(" - Bckgd. FN: [%d]\n"%len(coco_analyze.false_neg_gts[areaRngLbls[0],str(oks)])) sorted_fns = sorted(fn_gts, key=lambda k: -k['num_keypoints']) sorted_fns = [fff for fff in sorted_fns if fff['num_keypoints']>0] show_fn = sorted_fns[0:4] + sorted_fns[-4:] f.write("\nBackground False Negative Errors:\n") for tind, t in enumerate(show_fn): name = 'bckd_false_neg_%d'%tind paths[name] = "%s/%s.pdf"%(loc_dir,name) f.write("Image_id, ground_truth id, num_keypoints: [%d][%d][%d]\n"%(t['image_id'],t['id'],t['num_keypoints'])) utilities.show_dets([],[t],imgs_info[t['image_id']],paths[name]) max_height = max([d['bbox'][3] for d in fn_gts]) min_height = min([d['bbox'][3] for d in fn_gts]) max_width = max([d['bbox'][2] for d in fn_gts]) min_width = min([d['bbox'][2] for d in fn_gts]) f.write("\nBackground False Negatives Bounding Box Dimenstions:\n") f.write(" - Min width: [%d]\n"%min_width) f.write(" - Max width: [%d]\n"%max_width) f.write(" - Min height: [%d]\n"%min_height) f.write(" - Max height: [%d]\n"%max_height) ar_pic = np.zeros((int(max_height)+1,int(max_width)+1)) ar_pic_2 = np.zeros((30,30)) ar_bins = range(10)+range(10,100,10)+range(100,1000,100)+[1000] ar_pic_3 = np.zeros((10,10)) ar_bins_3 = [np.power(2,x) for x in xrange(11)] num_fn_keypoints = {} areaRngs = [[0, 32 ** 2],[32 ** 2, 64 ** 2],[64 ** 2, 96 ** 2],[96 ** 2, 128 ** 2],[128 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]] areaRngLbls = ['small','medium','large','xlarge','xxlarge'] small = 0; medium = 0; large = 0; xlarge = 0; xxlarge = 0 num_people_ranges = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,4],[5,8],[9,100]] num_people_labels = ['none','one','small grp.','large grp.', 'crowd'] no_people = 0; one = 0; small_grp = 0; large_grp = 0; crowd = 0 segm_heatmap = np.zeros((128,128)) for i,b in enumerate(fn_gts): if b['num_keypoints'] in num_fn_keypoints: num_fn_keypoints[b['num_keypoints']] += 1 else: num_fn_keypoints[b['num_keypoints']] = 1 if b['num_keypoints']==0: continue b_width = int(b['bbox'][2]) b_height = int(b['bbox'][3]) ar_pic[0:b_height,0:b_width] += 1 if b_width < 1024 and b_height < 1024: col = [i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins)-1) if ar_bins[i]<b_width<ar_bins[i+1]] row = [i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins)-1) if ar_bins[i]<b_height<ar_bins[i+1]] ar_pic_2[row,col] += 1 col = [i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins_3)-1) if ar_bins_3[i]<b_width<ar_bins_3[i+1]] row = [i for i in xrange(len(ar_bins_3)-1) if ar_bins_3[i]<b_height<ar_bins_3[i+1]] ar_pic_3[row,col] += 1 else: print "False Positive bbox has a side larger than 1024 pixels." print "Change lists ar_bins_2 and ar_bins_3 to include larger bins." assert(False) area = b_width * b_height * .5 if areaRngs[0][0] <= area < areaRngs[0][1]: small += 1 elif areaRngs[1][0] <= area < areaRngs[1][1]: medium += 1 elif areaRngs[2][0] <= area < areaRngs[2][1]: large += 1 elif areaRngs[3][0] <= area < areaRngs[3][1]: xlarge += 1 elif areaRngs[4][0] <= area < areaRngs[4][1]: xxlarge += 1 anns = coco_analyze.cocoGt.loadAnns(coco_analyze.cocoGt.getAnnIds(b['image_id'])) iscrowd = [ann['iscrowd'] for ann in anns] num_people = len(anns) if sum(iscrowd)==0 else 100 if num_people_ranges[0][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[0][1]: no_people += 1 elif num_people_ranges[1][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[1][1]: one += 1 elif num_people_ranges[2][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[2][1]: small_grp += 1 elif num_people_ranges[3][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[3][1]: large_grp += 1 elif num_people_ranges[4][0] <= num_people <= num_people_ranges[4][1]: crowd += 1 if b['iscrowd']==1: continue nx, ny = imgs_info[b['image_id']]['width'],imgs_info[b['image_id']]['height'] the_mask = np.zeros((ny,nx)) # Create vertex coordinates for each grid cell... # (<0,0> is at the top left of the grid in this system) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() points = np.vstack((x,y)).T for poly_verts in b['segmentation']: path = mplPath.Path(np.array([[x,y] for x,y in zip(poly_verts[0::2],poly_verts[1::2])])) grid = path.contains_points(points) grid = grid.reshape((ny,nx)) the_mask += np.array(grid, dtype=int) segm_heatmap += imresize(the_mask,(128,128)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(segm_heatmap) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_heatmaps.pdf"%(loc_dir) paths['false_neg_hm'] = path plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() f.write("\nNumber of people in images with Background False Negatives:\n") f.write(" - No people: [%d]\n"%no_people) f.write(" - One person: [%d]\n"%one) f.write(" - Small group (2-4): [%d]\n"%small_grp) f.write(" - Large Group (5-8): [%d]\n"%large_grp) f.write(" - Crowd (>=9): [%d]\n"%crowd) f.write("\nArea size (in pixels) of Background False Negatives:\n") f.write(" - Small (%d,%d): [%d]\n"%(areaRngs[0][0],areaRngs[0][1],small)) f.write(" - Medium (%d,%d): [%d]\n"%(areaRngs[1][0],areaRngs[1][1],medium)) f.write(" - Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n"%(areaRngs[2][0],areaRngs[2][1],large)) f.write(" - X-Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n"%(areaRngs[3][0],areaRngs[3][1],xlarge)) f.write(" - XX-Large (%d,%d): [%d]\n"%(areaRngs[4][0],areaRngs[4][1],xxlarge)) f.write("\nNumber of visible keypoints for Background False Negatives:\n") for k in num_fn_keypoints.keys(): if k == 0: continue f.write(" - [%d] kpts: [%d] False Neg.\n"%(k,num_fn_keypoints[k])) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic,origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio',fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)',fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)',fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_bbox_aspect_ratio.pdf"%(loc_dir) plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic_2,origin='lower') plt.xticks(xrange(1,len(ar_bins)+1),["%d"%(x) for x in ar_bins],rotation='vertical') plt.yticks(xrange(1,len(ar_bins)+1),["%d"%(x) for x in ar_bins]) plt.colorbar() plt.grid() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio',fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)',fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)',fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_bbox_aspect_ratio_2.pdf"%(loc_dir) plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) plt.imshow(ar_pic_3,origin='lower') plt.xticks([-.5 + x for x in range(11)],["%d"%(x) for x in ar_bins_3]) plt.yticks([-.5 + x for x in range(11)],["%d"%(x) for x in ar_bins_3]) plt.colorbar() plt.grid() plt.title('BBox Aspect Ratio',fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Width (px)',fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Height (px)',fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_bbox_aspect_ratio_3.pdf"%(loc_dir) paths['false_neg_bbox_ar'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray'),[small,medium,large,xlarge,xxlarge],color='g',align='center') plt.xticks(xrange(5),areaRngLbls) plt.grid() plt.title('Histogram of Area Size',fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_bbox_area_hist.pdf"%(loc_dir) paths['false_neg_bbox_area_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray'),[no_people,one,small_grp,large_grp,crowd],color='g',align='center') plt.xticks(xrange(5),num_people_labels) plt.grid() plt.title('Histogram of Num. of People in Images',fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_num_people_histogram.pdf"%(loc_dir) paths['false_neg_num_ppl_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))[k for k in num_fn_keypoints.keys() if k!=0],[num_fn_keypoints[k] for k in num_fn_keypoints.keys() if k!= 0],align='center') plt.title("Histogram of Number of Keypoints",fontsize=20) path = "%s/bckd_false_neg_num_keypoints_histogram.pdf"%(loc_dir) paths['false_neg_num_kpts_hist'] = path plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() f.write("\nDone, (t=%.2fs)."%(time.time()-tic)) f.close() return paths