def __init__(self, obj_type, params, logger): """ :param str obj_type: :param Objects.Params params: :param CustomLogger logger: :rtype: None """ self._type = obj_type self._params = params self._logger = CustomLogger(logger, names=[ self._type.lower(), ]) self.path = self._params.path self.ignored_regions = None = None self.count = 0 self.orig_n_frames = 0 self.start_frame_id = 0 self.end_frame_id = 0 self.n_frames = 0 self.idx = None # iou and index of the max iuo detection with each annotation or # the max iuo annotation with each detection in each frame self.max_cross_iou = None self.max_cross_iou_idx = None # future extensions self.features = None self._resize_factor = 1
def test_loginFailMethod(self): cl.allureLogs("App Opened")
def getDriver(): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG)"=" * 20)"Get Driver") driver = FromBrowser.getFromChrome(FromBrowser) yield driver driver.close()
def getLogin(getDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG)"=" * 20)"Get Login") loginobj = LoginOperation(getDriver) loginobj.login(gcd.getUserName(gcd), gcd.getPassword(gcd)) yield getDriver
class NavigationPage(BasePage): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver #locators for _icon = "//a[@class='navbar-brand header-logo']" _practice_page = "Practice" _login_page = "//a[@class='navbar-link fedora-navbar-link']" _my_courses = "My Courses" _all_courses = "All Courses" _icon_profile = "//a[@class='fedora-navbar-link navbar-link dropdown-toggle open-my-profile-dropdown']" def navigationToIcon(self): self.clickElement(self._icon) def navigationToPracticePage(self): self.clickElement(self._practice_page, locatorType="link") def navigationToLoginPage(self): self.clickElement(self._login_page) def navigationToMyCourses(self): self.clickElement(self._my_courses, locatorType="link") def navigationToAllCourses(self): self.clickElement(self._all_courses, locatorType="link") def navigationToIconProfile(self): self.clickElement(self._icon_profile)
def getSurvey(getDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG)"=" * 20)"Get Survey") loginobj = LoginOperation(getDriver) loginobj.login(gcd.getUserName(gcd), gcd.getPassword(gcd)) cs = CreateSurvey(getDriver) cs.createSurvey() yield getDriver
class LoginPage(BasePage): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver self.nav = NavigationPage(driver) #locators _login_link = "//a[@class='navbar-link fedora-navbar-link']" _email_field = "//*[@id='user_email']" _password_field = "//*[@id='user_password']" _login_button = "//*[@name='commit']" def clickLoginLink(self): self.clickElement(self._login_link) def enterEmail(self, email): self.sendKeys(email, self._email_field) def enterPassword(self, password): self.sendKeys(password, self._password_field) def clickLogin(self): self.clickElement(self._login_button) def logging(self, email="", password=""): self.clickLoginLink() self.enterEmail(email) self.enterPassword(password) self.clickLogin() def clearing(self): self.clearField(self._email_field) self.clearField(self._password_field) def verifyLogin(self): verifier = self.isElementPresent("//img[@class='gravatar']") return verifier def verifyLoginFailed(self): verifier = self.isElementPresent( "//div[contains(text(), 'Invalid email or password.')]") return verifier def verifyLoginTitle(self): #return self.verifyPageTitle("Google") return self.verifyPageTitle("Let's Kode It") def logout(self): self.nav.navigationToIconProfile() self.clickElement("//a[@href='/sign_out']")
class Util(object): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.INFO) def sleep(self, sec, info=""): if info is not None:"Wait: " + str(sec) + " seconds for " + info) try: time.sleep(sec) except InterruptedError: traceback.print_stack() def getAlphaNumeric(self, length, type="letters"): alpha_num = '' if type == 'lower': case = string.ascii_lowercase elif type == 'upper': case = string.ascii_uppercase
class Status(SeleniumDriver): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): super(Status, self).__init__(driver) self.resultList = [] def setResult(self, result, resultMessage): try: if result is not None: if result: self.resultList.append("PASS")"### VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL : " + resultMessage) else: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED : " + resultMessage) self.screenShot(resultMessage) else: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED : " + resultMessage) self.screenShot(resultMessage) except: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### EXCEPTION OCCURED") self.screenShot(resultMessage) print_stack() def mark(self, result, resultMessage): self.setResult(result, resultMessage) def markFinal(self, testName, result, resultMessage): self.setResult(result, resultMessage) if "FAIL" in self.resultList: self.log.error("### " + testName + " FAILED.") self.resultList.clear() assert True == False else:"### " + testName + " SUCCESSFUL.") self.resultList.clear() assert True == True
def verifyContactPage(self): element = self.isDisplayed(self._pagetitle, "text") assert element == True cl.allureLogs("Contact Us Form page opened")
class cHomepage(cSeleniumDriver): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) #locators sSearchIn = "searchDropdownBox" sBooks = "//select[@id='searchDropdownBox']/option[text()='Books']" sSearchTextBox = "twotabsearchtextbox" sSearchIcon = "//input[@value='Go']" sFirstResult = "//li[@id='result_0']//img" sNoResult = "noResultsTitle" sSubNavBar = "//div[@id='nav-subnav']/a[1]/span" sSelectedDepartment = ".//select[@id='searchDropdownBox']/option[@selected='selected']" def __init__(self, driver): super(cHomepage, self).__init__(driver) def ClickSearchDropDown(self): self.ElementClick(self.sSearchIn) def ClickBooksFromDropDown(self): self.ElementClick(self.sBooks,"xpath") def GetSearchBox(self): return self.GetElement(self.sSearchTextBox) def EnterSearchKey(self, sSearchKey): self.SendKeys(sSearchKey, self.sSearchTextBox) def ClickSearchIcon(self): self.ElementClick(self.sSearchIcon, "xpath") def ClickFirstResult(self): self.ElementClick(self.sFirstResult, "xpath") def GetNoResultsText(self): return self.GetText(self.sNoResult) def GetTitle(self): time.sleep(2) return self.driver.title def GetSubNavBarPresence(self): return self.IsElementPresent(self.sSubNavBar, "xpath") def GetSelectedDepartmentText(self): return self.GetText(self.sSelectedDepartment, "xpath") def SearchBook(self, sSearchKey): self.ClickSearchDropDown() self.ClickBooksFromDropDown() self.EnterSearchKey(sSearchKey) time.sleep(2) self.ClickSearchIcon() def SelectBook(self): self.ClickFirstResult() def VerifyNoResultText(self, sSearchKey): self.SearchBook(sSearchKey) bResult = self.IsElementDisplayed(self.sNoResult) sSearchResultText = self.GetNoResultsText() return bResult, sSearchResultText def ClearSearchBar(self): self.GetSearchBox().clear() def VerifySubNavigationBarPresence(self): return self.GetSubNavBarPresence()
def objectSetup(self, getDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG)"=" * 20)"Login Operation") self.lo = LoginOperation(getDriver)
class SeleniumDriver(): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def screenShot(self, resultMessage): fileName = resultMessage + "." + str(round( time.time() * 1000)) + ".png" screenShootDir = "../screenshots/" relativeFileName = screenShootDir + fileName currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) destinationFile = os.path.join(currentDirectory, relativeFileName) destinationDirectory = os.path.join(currentDirectory, screenShootDir) try: if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory): os.makedirs(destinationDirectory) self.driver.save_screenshot(destinationFile)"Screenshot saved to directory: " + destinationFile) except: self.log.error("Exception occured when taking screenshot.") print_stack() def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title def getByType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT elif locatorType == "partial": return By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT else:"Locator type " + locatorType + " not correct/supported") return False def getElement(self, locator, locatorType="xpath"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def getElementList(self, locator, locatorType="xpath"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def clickElement(self, locator, locatorType="xpath", element=None): try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType)"Clicked on the element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Can't click on the element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def sendKeys(self, data, locator, locatorType="xpath", element=None): try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.send_keys(data)"Send keys to the element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Couldn't send keys to the element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def getText(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None, info=""): try: if locator: self.log.debug("In locator condition") element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) self.log.debug("Before finding text") text = element.text self.log.debug("After finding element, size is: " + str(len(text))) if len(text) == 0: text = element.get_attribute("innerText") if len(text) != 0:"Getting text on element: " + info)"The text is: '" + text + "'") text = text.strip() except: self.log.error("Failed to get text on element " + info) print_stack() text = None return text def clearField(self, locator, locatorType="xpath"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.clear()"Cleared element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Couldn't clear element with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def isElementPresent(self, locator, locatorType="xpath", element=None): try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return True else:"Element NOT present with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return False except:"Element not found") return False def isElementDisplayed(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): isDisplayed = False try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None: isDisplayed = element.is_displayed()"Element is displayed with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return isDisplayed except: print("Element not found") return False def elementPresenceCheck(self, locator, byType): try: elementList = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elementList) > 0:"Element found") return True else:"Element not found") except:"Element not found") return False def waitForElement(self, locator, locatorType="xpath", timeout=10, pollFrequency=0.5): element = None try: byType = self.getByType(locatorType)"Waiting for maximum :: " + str(timeout) + " :: seconds for element to be clickable") wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout=timeout, poll_frequency=pollFrequency, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException ]) element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((byType, locator)))"Element appeared on the web page") except:"Element not appeared on the web page") print_stack() return element def webScroll(self, direction): if direction == "up": self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, -1000);") elif direction == "down": self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, 1000);") else: dir = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, direction) self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", dir) def switchToFrame(self, locator, locatorType="xpath", index=None): byType = self.getByType(locatorType) if index is not None: self.driver.switch_to.frame(index) elif byType == "xpath" or byType == "name": loc = self.getElement(locator, byType) self.driver.switch_to.frame(loc)"Swapped to locator " + locator + " with locatorType " + locatorType) else: + " is not supported for this operation") def SwitchFrameByIndex(self, locator, locatorType="xpath"): ''' Get iframe index using element locator inside iframe given locatorType Returns: index inside iframe Exception: None ''' result = False try: iframe_list = self.getElementList("//iframe", "xpath")"Length of the iframe list is: ") for i in range(len(iframe_list)): self.switchToFrameByIndex(index=iframe_list[i]) result = self.isElementPresent(locator, locatorType) if result:"iframe index is ") break self.driver.switch_to.default_content() return result except: print("iframe index not found") return result
class BasePage: log = cl.customLogger() def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def waitForElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() element = None wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 25, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoSuchElementException]) if locatorType =="id": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_id(locatorValue)) elif locatorType == "class": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_class_name(locatorValue)) return element elif locatorType == "des": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('UiSelector().description("%s")' % (locatorValue))) return element elif locatorType == "index": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_android_uiautomator("UiSelector().index(%d)" % int(locatorValue))) return element elif locatorType == "text": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('text("%s")' % locatorValue)) return element elif locatorType == "xpath": element = wait.until(lambda x: x.find_element_by_xpath('%s' % (locatorValue))) return element else:"Locator value " + locatorValue + "not found") return element def getElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() element = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType)"Element found with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) except: "Element not found with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) return element def clickElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() element = self.getElement(locatorValue, locatorType) "Clicked on Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) except: "Unable to click on Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) def sendText(self, text, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() element = self.getElement(locatorValue, locatorType) element.send_keys(text) "Send text on Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) except: "Unable to send text on Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue) self.takeScreenshot(locatorType) assert False def isDisplayed(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() element = self.getElement(locatorValue, locatorType) element.is_displayed() " Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue + "is displayed ") return True except: " Element with LocatorType: " + locatorType + " and with the locatorValue :" + locatorValue + " is not displayed") self.takeScreenshot(locatorType) return False def screenShot(self, screenshotName): fileName = screenshotName + "_" + (time.strftime("%d_%m_%y_%H_%M_%S")) + ".png" screenshotDirectory = "../screenshots/" screenshotPath = screenshotDirectory + fileName try: self.driver.save_screenshot(screenshotPath)"Screenshot save to Path : " + screenshotPath) except:"Unable to save Screenshot to the Path : " + screenshotPath) def takeScreenshot(self, text): allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name=text, attachment_type=AttachmentType.PNG) def keyCode(self, value): self.driver.press_keycode(value)
class cBookSearch(unittest.TestCase): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def ObjectSetup(self, OneTimeSetUp): self.oHomePage = cHomepage(self.driver) self.oBook = cProductBook(self.driver) self.oTS = cTestStatus(self.driver) self.bResult = True self.lFailureMsg = [] @data(*GetCSVData(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"testdata.csv"))) @unpack def test_3_VerifyBookSearch(self, sBookToSearch): try: self.PrintStep("3 : test_VerifyBookSearch") self.oHomePage.SearchBook(sBookToSearch) self.assertEqual("Books", self.oHomePage.GetSelectedDepartmentText()) sTitle = self.oHomePage.GetTitle() self.assertEqual(sTitle, " " + sBookToSearch + ": Books") bPresent = self.oHomePage.VerifySubNavigationBarPresence() if not bPresent: self.UpdateResult(False, "Sub Navigation Bar Verification") self.oHomePage.SelectBook() sTitle, dAuthorInfo = self.oBook.GetBookInfo() dBookPrice = self.oBook.GetBookPrice() sRatings = self.oBook.GetBookRatings()"\n")"------------------")" BOOK INFORMATION ")"------------------") if sTitle != None:"Book Title : " + str(sTitle)) else: self.UpdateResult(False, "Unable to get Title") if len(dAuthorInfo) >= 1: for sAuthor in dAuthorInfo.keys():"By : " + str(sAuthor))"Contribution : " + str(dAuthorInfo[sAuthor])) else: self.UpdateResult(False, "Unable to get Author Info") if sRatings != None:"Ratings : " + sRatings) else: self.UpdateResult(False, "Unable to get Ratings") if len(dBookPrice) >= 1:"Available modes and price :") for sMode in dBookPrice.keys(): + " : " + str(dBookPrice[sMode])) else: self.UpdateResult(False, "Unable to get Book Price") if not self.bResult: self.oTS.FinalResult("test_3_VerifyBookSearch", self.bResult, str(self.lFailureMsg)) else: self.oTS.FinalResult("test_3_VerifyBookSearch", self.bResult, "Book Information") except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError) as Ex: self.log.error("Error Occured : " + str(Ex)) self.oTS.FinalResult("test_3_VerifyBookSearch", False, "KeyError, ValueError, TypeError") except AssertionError as Ex: self.log.error("Assertion Error : " + str(Ex)) self.oTS.FinalResult("test_3_VerifyBookSearch", False, "Assertion Fail") def test_2_VerifyNoResults(self): try: self.PrintStep("2 : test_VerifyNoResults") sSearchKey = "Kurudhipunal" self.bResult, sSearchResulText = self.oHomePage.VerifyNoResultText(sSearchKey) self.assertEqual("Books", self.oHomePage.GetSelectedDepartmentText()) sTitle = self.oHomePage.GetTitle() self.assertEqual(sTitle, " " + sSearchKey + ": Books") if self.bResult: self.assertIn(sSearchKey, sSearchResulText) self.oTS.FinalResult("test_VerifyNoResults", self.bResult, "No Result Verification") except AssertionError as Ex: self.log.error("Assertion Error : " + str(Ex)) self.oTS.FinalResult("test_NoResult", False, "Assertion Fail") # def test_1_VerifyTitle(self): try: self.PrintStep("1 : test_VerifyTitle") sTitle = self.oHomePage.GetTitle() self.assertEqual(sTitle, " Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more") self.oTS.FinalResult("test_VerifyTitle", self.bResult, "Title Verification") except AssertionError as Ex: self.log.error("Assertion Error : " + str(Ex)) self.oTS.FinalResult("test_VerifyTitle", False, "Assertion Fail") def PrintStep(self, sTestName):"******************************")"Test " + sTestName)"******************************")"\n") def UpdateResult(self, bResult, sMsg): self.bResult = bResult self.lFailureMsg.append(sMsg) self.oTS.StepResult(self.bResult, sMsg) def tearDown(self): self.oHomePage.ClearSearchBar()
class SeleniumDriver(): log = cl.Custom_Logger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self,driver): self.driver = driver def getByType(self,locatortype): if locatortype == 'id': return By.ID elif locatortype == 'name': return By.NAME elif locatortype == 'xpath': return By.XPATH elif locatortype == 'class': return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatortype == "tag_name": return By.TAG_NAME elif locatortype == 'css_selector': return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatortype == 'link_text': return By.LINK_TEXT else:"Not Supported locator") return False def getElement(self,locator,locatortype): try: byType = self.getByType(locatortype) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element Found " + locator +" and the locator type is " + locatortype) return element except:"Element not found " + locator) def elementClick(self, locator, locatortype): element = self.getElement(locator,locatortype) def sendkeys(self, data, locator, locatortype): element = self.getElement(locator,locatortype) element.send_keys(data) def isElementPresent(self, locator, locatortype): element = self.getElement(locator,locatortype) if element is not None:"Element is present in the screen " + locator) return True else:"Element is not present in the screen " + locator) return False def clearfields(self, locator, locatortype): element = self.getElement(locator,locatortype) element.clear() def mousehover(self, locator1, locatortype1, locator2, locatortype2): element1 = self.getElement(locator1, locatortype1) element2 = self.getElement(locator2, locatortype2) action = ActionChains(self.driver) action.move_to_element(element1).move_to_element(element2).click().perform()
def clickContactFormButton(self): self.clickElement(self._contactFromButton, "id") cl.allureLogs("Clicked on Contact us From Button")
def initialize(self, seq_set_id, seq_id, seq_type_id, logger=None): """ :type seq_set_id: int :type seq_id: int :type seq_type_id: int :type logger: CustomLogger :rtype: bool """ if logger is not None: self.__logger = logger if seq_set_id < 0 or seq_id < 0:'Using external sequence') return self.seq_set = self.sets[seq_set_id] self.seq_name = self.sequences[self.seq_set][seq_id][0] self.seq_n_frames = self.sequences[self.seq_set][seq_id][1] self._logger = CustomLogger(self.__logger, names=(self.seq_name, ), key='custom_header') seq_ratios = self.ratios[self.seq_set][seq_id] start_offset = self.params.offsets[seq_type_id] if seq_type_id == 0: seq_type = 'training' seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] else: seq_type = 'testing' if seq_ratios[1] == 0: """ test on all non-training frames """ if seq_ratios[0] < 0: """training samples from end""" seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] + 1 else: seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] - 1 else: seq_ratio = seq_ratios[1] self.start_frame_id, self.end_frame_id = self.get_sub_seq_idx( seq_ratio, start_offset, self.seq_n_frames) if self.seq_n_frames <= self.start_frame_id or \ self.start_frame_id < 0 or \ self.seq_n_frames <= self.end_frame_id or \ self.end_frame_id <= 0 or \ self.end_frame_id < self.start_frame_id: self._logger.error( 'Invalid {:s} ratio: {:.2f} or start frame id: {:d} ' 'specified'.format(seq_type, seq_ratio, start_offset, self.seq_n_frames)) return False'seq_ratios: {}'.format(seq_ratios))'seq_ratio: {:f}'.format(seq_ratio))'start_offset: {:d}'.format(start_offset)) self.is_initialized = True return True
class Data: """ :type params: Data.Params """ class Params: """ :ivar ratios: 'two element tuple to indicate fraction of frames in each sequence on which' ' (training, testing) is to be performed; ' 'negative values mean that frames are taken from the end of the sequence; ' 'zero for the second entry means that all frames not used for training are used for ' 'testing in each sequence; ' 'if either entry is > 1, it is set to the corresponding value for the sequence set being used', :ivar offsets: 'two element tuple to indicate offsets in the start frame ID with respect to the sub sequence' ' obtained from the (train, test) ratios on which (training, testing) is to be performed;' 'ratios and offsets together specify the subsequences, if any, on which the two components' ' of the program are to be run', :ivar ratios_gram: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the GRAM dataset', :ivar ratios_idot: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the IDOT dataset', :ivar ratios_detrac: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the DETRAC dataset', :ivar ratios_lost: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the LOST dataset', :ivar ratios_isl: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the ISL dataset', :ivar ratios_mot2015: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the MOT2015 dataset', :ivar ratios_kitti: 'train and test ratios for sequences in the KITTI dataset', """ def __init__(self): self.ratios = [1., 1.] self.offsets = [0., 0.] self.ratios_gram = [1., 0.] self.ratios_idot = [1., 0.] self.ratios_detrac = [1., 0.] self.ratios_lost = [1., 0.] self.ratios_isl = [1., 1.] self.ratios_mot2015 = [1., 0.] self.ratios_mot2017 = [1., 0.] self.ratios_mot2017_sdp = [1., 0.] self.ratios_mot2017_dpm = [1., 0.] self.ratios_kitti = [1., 0.] self.ratios_mnist_mot = [1., 1.] def synchronize(self, _id=0): attrs = paramparse.get_valid_members(self) for attr in attrs: if attr == 'tee_log': continue attr_val = list(getattr(self, attr)) attr_val[1 - _id] = attr_val[_id] setattr(self, attr, attr_val) def __init__(self, params, logger): """ :type params: Data.Params :type logger: logging.RootLogger | CustomLogger :rtype: None """ self.params = params self._logger = logger self.__logger = logger self.sets, self.sequences, self.ratios = self.get_sequences() self.seq_set = None self.seq_name = None self.seq_n_frames = 0 # self.seq_ratios = list(self.params.ratios) self.start_frame_id = 0 self.end_frame_id = 0 self.is_initialized = False def initialize(self, seq_set_id, seq_id, seq_type_id, logger=None): """ :type seq_set_id: int :type seq_id: int :type seq_type_id: int :type logger: CustomLogger :rtype: bool """ if logger is not None: self.__logger = logger if seq_set_id < 0 or seq_id < 0:'Using external sequence') return self.seq_set = self.sets[seq_set_id] self.seq_name = self.sequences[self.seq_set][seq_id][0] self.seq_n_frames = self.sequences[self.seq_set][seq_id][1] self._logger = CustomLogger(self.__logger, names=(self.seq_name, ), key='custom_header') seq_ratios = self.ratios[self.seq_set][seq_id] start_offset = self.params.offsets[seq_type_id] if seq_type_id == 0: seq_type = 'training' seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] else: seq_type = 'testing' if seq_ratios[1] == 0: """ test on all non-training frames """ if seq_ratios[0] < 0: """training samples from end""" seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] + 1 else: seq_ratio = seq_ratios[0] - 1 else: seq_ratio = seq_ratios[1] self.start_frame_id, self.end_frame_id = self.get_sub_seq_idx( seq_ratio, start_offset, self.seq_n_frames) if self.seq_n_frames <= self.start_frame_id or \ self.start_frame_id < 0 or \ self.seq_n_frames <= self.end_frame_id or \ self.end_frame_id <= 0 or \ self.end_frame_id < self.start_frame_id: self._logger.error( 'Invalid {:s} ratio: {:.2f} or start frame id: {:d} ' 'specified'.format(seq_type, seq_ratio, start_offset, self.seq_n_frames)) return False'seq_ratios: {}'.format(seq_ratios))'seq_ratio: {:f}'.format(seq_ratio))'start_offset: {:d}'.format(start_offset)) self.is_initialized = True return True def get_sub_seq_idx(self, seq_ratio, start_offset, n_frames): if seq_ratio < 0: """ sample from end """ start_idx = int(n_frames * (1 + seq_ratio)) - start_offset end_idx = int(round(n_frames - start_offset - 1)) else: start_idx = int(start_offset) end_idx = int(round(n_frames * seq_ratio)) + start_offset - 1 if start_idx < 0: start_idx = 0 if end_idx >= n_frames: end_idx = n_frames - 1 return start_idx, end_idx def get_inv_sub_seq_idx(self, sub_seq_ratio, start_offset, n_frames): if sub_seq_ratio < 0: inv_sub_seq_ratio = sub_seq_ratio + 1 else: inv_sub_seq_ratio = sub_seq_ratio - 1 return self.get_sub_seq_idx(inv_sub_seq_ratio, start_offset, n_frames) def combine_sequences(self, seq_lists): combined_sequences = {} offset = 0 for sequences in seq_lists: for key in sequences: combined_sequences[key + offset] = sequences[key] offset += len(sequences) return combined_sequences def get_sequences(self): # names of sequences and the no. of frames in each sequences_mot2015 = { # train 0: ('ADL-Rundle-6', 525), 1: ('ADL-Rundle-8', 654), 2: ('ETH-Bahnhof', 1000), 3: ('ETH-Pedcross2', 837), 4: ('ETH-Sunnyday', 354), 5: ('KITTI-13', 340), 6: ('KITTI-17', 145), 7: ('PETS09-S2L1', 795), 8: ('TUD-Campus', 71), 9: ('TUD-Stadtmitte', 179), 10: ('Venice-2', 600), # test 11: ('ADL-Rundle-1', 500), 12: ('ADL-Rundle-3', 625), 13: ('AVG-TownCentre', 450), 14: ('ETH-Crossing', 219), 15: ('ETH-Jelmoli', 440), 16: ('ETH-Linthescher', 1194), 17: ('KITTI-16', 209), 18: ('KITTI-19', 1059), 19: ('PETS09-S2L2', 436), 20: ('TUD-Crossing', 201), 21: ('Venice-1', 450), } sequences_mot2017 = { # train 0: ('MOT17-02-FRCNN', 600), 1: ('MOT17-04-FRCNN', 1050), 2: ('MOT17-05-FRCNN', 837), 3: ('MOT17-09-FRCNN', 525), 4: ('MOT17-10-FRCNN', 654), 5: ('MOT17-11-FRCNN', 900), 6: ('MOT17-13-FRCNN', 750), # test 7: ('MOT17-01-FRCNN', 450), 8: ('MOT17-03-FRCNN', 1500), 9: ('MOT17-06-FRCNN', 1194), 10: ('MOT17-07-FRCNN', 500), 11: ('MOT17-08-FRCNN', 625), 12: ('MOT17-12-FRCNN', 900), 13: ('MOT17-14-FRCNN', 750), } sequences_mot2017_sdp = { # train 0: ('MOT17-02-SDP', 600), 1: ('MOT17-04-SDP', 1050), 2: ('MOT17-05-SDP', 837), 3: ('MOT17-09-SDP', 525), 4: ('MOT17-10-SDP', 654), 5: ('MOT17-11-SDP', 900), 6: ('MOT17-13-SDP', 750), # test 7: ('MOT17-01-SDP', 450), 8: ('MOT17-03-SDP', 1500), 9: ('MOT17-06-SDP', 1194), 10: ('MOT17-07-SDP', 500), 11: ('MOT17-08-SDP', 625), 12: ('MOT17-12-SDP', 900), 13: ('MOT17-14-SDP', 750), } sequences_mot2017_dpm = { # train 0: ('MOT17-02-DPM', 600), 1: ('MOT17-04-DPM', 1050), 2: ('MOT17-05-DPM', 837), 3: ('MOT17-09-DPM', 525), 4: ('MOT17-10-DPM', 654), 5: ('MOT17-11-DPM', 900), 6: ('MOT17-13-DPM', 750), # test 7: ('MOT17-01-DPM', 450), 8: ('MOT17-03-DPM', 1500), 9: ('MOT17-06-DPM', 1194), 10: ('MOT17-07-DPM', 500), 11: ('MOT17-08-DPM', 625), 12: ('MOT17-12-DPM', 900), 13: ('MOT17-14-DPM', 750), } sequences_kitti = { 0: ('train_0000', 154), 1: ('train_0001', 447), 2: ('train_0002', 233), 3: ('train_0003', 144), 4: ('train_0004', 314), 5: ('train_0005', 297), 6: ('train_0006', 270), 7: ('train_0007', 800), 8: ('train_0008', 390), 9: ('train_0009', 803), 10: ('train_0010', 294), 11: ('train_0011', 373), 12: ('train_0012', 78), 13: ('train_0013', 340), 14: ('train_0014', 106), 15: ('train_0015', 376), 16: ('train_0016', 209), 17: ('train_0017', 145), 18: ('train_0018', 339), 19: ('train_0019', 1059), 20: ('train_0020', 837), 21: ('test_0000', 465), 22: ('test_0001', 147), 23: ('test_0002', 243), 24: ('test_0003', 257), 25: ('test_0004', 421), 26: ('test_0005', 809), 27: ('test_0006', 114), 28: ('test_0007', 215), 29: ('test_0008', 165), 30: ('test_0009', 349), 31: ('test_0010', 1176), 32: ('test_0011', 774), 33: ('test_0012', 694), 34: ('test_0013', 152), 35: ('test_0014', 850), 36: ('test_0015', 701), 37: ('test_0016', 510), 38: ('test_0017', 305), 39: ('test_0018', 180), 40: ('test_0019', 404), 41: ('test_0020', 173), 42: ('test_0021', 203), 43: ('test_0022', 436), 44: ('test_0023', 430), 45: ('test_0024', 316), 46: ('test_0025', 176), 47: ('test_0026', 170), 48: ('test_0027', 85), 49: ('test_0028', 175) } sequences_gram = { 0: ('M-30', 7520), 1: ('M-30-HD', 9390), 2: ('Urban1', 23435), # 3: ('M-30-Large', 7520), # 4: ('M-30-HD-Small', 9390) } sequences_idot = { 0: ('idot_1_intersection_city_day', 8991), 1: ('idot_2_intersection_suburbs', 8990), 2: ('idot_3_highway', 8981), 3: ('idot_4_intersection_city_day', 8866), 4: ('idot_5_intersection_suburbs', 8851), 5: ('idot_6_highway', 8791), 6: ('idot_7_intersection_city_night', 8964), 7: ('idot_8_intersection_city_night', 8962), 8: ('idot_9_intersection_city_day', 8966), 9: ('idot_10_city_road', 7500), 10: ('idot_11_highway', 7500), 11: ('idot_12_city_road', 7500), 12: ('idot_13_intersection_city_day', 8851), # 13: ('idot_1_intersection_city_day_short', 84) } sequences_lost = { 0: ('009_2011-03-23_07-00-00', 3027), 1: ('009_2011-03-24_07-00-00', 5000) } sequences_isl = { 0: ('isl_1_20170620-055940', 10162), 1: ('isl_2_20170620-060941', 10191), 2: ('isl_3_20170620-061942', 10081), 3: ('isl_4_20170620-062943', 10089), 4: ('isl_5_20170620-063943', 10177), 5: ('isl_6_20170620-064944', 10195), 6: ('isl_7_20170620-065944', 10167), 7: ('isl_8_20170620-070945', 10183), 8: ('isl_9_20170620-071946', 10174), 9: ('isl_10_20170620-072946', 10127), 10: ('isl_11_20170620-073947', 9738), 11: ('isl_12_20170620-074947', 10087), 12: ('isl_13_20170620-075949', 8614), 13: ('ISL16F8J_TMC_SCU2DJ_2016-10-05_0700', 1188000), 14: ('DJI_0020_masked_2000', 2000), 15: ('debug_with_colors', 10) } sequences_detrac = { # train 0: ('detrac_1_MVI_20011', 664), 1: ('detrac_2_MVI_20012', 936), 2: ('detrac_3_MVI_20032', 437), 3: ('detrac_4_MVI_20033', 784), 4: ('detrac_5_MVI_20034', 800), 5: ('detrac_6_MVI_20035', 800), 6: ('detrac_7_MVI_20051', 906), 7: ('detrac_8_MVI_20052', 694), 8: ('detrac_9_MVI_20061', 800), 9: ('detrac_10_MVI_20062', 800), 10: ('detrac_11_MVI_20063', 800), 11: ('detrac_12_MVI_20064', 800), 12: ('detrac_13_MVI_20065', 1200), 13: ('detrac_14_MVI_39761', 1660), 14: ('detrac_15_MVI_39771', 570), 15: ('detrac_16_MVI_39781', 1865), 16: ('detrac_17_MVI_39801', 885), 17: ('detrac_18_MVI_39811', 1070), 18: ('detrac_19_MVI_39821', 880), 19: ('detrac_20_MVI_39851', 1420), 20: ('detrac_21_MVI_39861', 745), 21: ('detrac_22_MVI_39931', 1270), 22: ('detrac_23_MVI_40131', 1645), 23: ('detrac_24_MVI_40141', 1600), 24: ('detrac_25_MVI_40152', 1750), 25: ('detrac_26_MVI_40161', 1490), 26: ('detrac_27_MVI_40162', 1765), 27: ('detrac_28_MVI_40171', 1150), 28: ('detrac_29_MVI_40172', 2635), 29: ('detrac_30_MVI_40181', 1700), 30: ('detrac_31_MVI_40191', 2495), 31: ('detrac_32_MVI_40192', 2195), 32: ('detrac_33_MVI_40201', 925), 33: ('detrac_34_MVI_40204', 1225), 34: ('detrac_35_MVI_40211', 1950), 35: ('detrac_36_MVI_40212', 1690), 36: ('detrac_37_MVI_40213', 1790), 37: ('detrac_38_MVI_40241', 2320), 38: ('detrac_39_MVI_40243', 1265), 39: ('detrac_40_MVI_40244', 1345), 40: ('detrac_41_MVI_40732', 2120), 41: ('detrac_42_MVI_40751', 1145), 42: ('detrac_43_MVI_40752', 2025), 43: ('detrac_44_MVI_40871', 1720), 44: ('detrac_45_MVI_40962', 1875), 45: ('detrac_46_MVI_40963', 1820), 46: ('detrac_47_MVI_40981', 1995), 47: ('detrac_48_MVI_40991', 1820), 48: ('detrac_49_MVI_40992', 2160), 49: ('detrac_50_MVI_41063', 1505), 50: ('detrac_51_MVI_41073', 1825), 51: ('detrac_52_MVI_63521', 2055), 52: ('detrac_53_MVI_63525', 985), 53: ('detrac_54_MVI_63544', 1160), 54: ('detrac_55_MVI_63552', 1150), 55: ('detrac_56_MVI_63553', 1405), 56: ('detrac_57_MVI_63554', 1445), 57: ('detrac_58_MVI_63561', 1285), 58: ('detrac_59_MVI_63562', 1185), 59: ('detrac_60_MVI_63563', 1390), # test 60: ('detrac_61_MVI_39031', 1470), 61: ('detrac_62_MVI_39051', 1120), 62: ('detrac_63_MVI_39211', 1660), 63: ('detrac_64_MVI_39271', 1570), 64: ('detrac_65_MVI_39311', 1505), 65: ('detrac_66_MVI_39361', 2030), 66: ('detrac_67_MVI_39371', 1390), 67: ('detrac_68_MVI_39401', 1385), 68: ('detrac_69_MVI_39501', 540), 69: ('detrac_70_MVI_39511', 380), 70: ('detrac_71_MVI_40701', 1130), 71: ('detrac_72_MVI_40711', 1030), 72: ('detrac_73_MVI_40712', 2400), 73: ('detrac_74_MVI_40714', 1180), 74: ('detrac_75_MVI_40742', 1655), 75: ('detrac_76_MVI_40743', 1630), 76: ('detrac_77_MVI_40761', 2030), 77: ('detrac_78_MVI_40762', 1825), 78: ('detrac_79_MVI_40763', 1745), 79: ('detrac_80_MVI_40771', 1720), 80: ('detrac_81_MVI_40772', 1200), 81: ('detrac_82_MVI_40773', 985), 82: ('detrac_83_MVI_40774', 950), 83: ('detrac_84_MVI_40775', 975), 84: ('detrac_85_MVI_40792', 1810), 85: ('detrac_86_MVI_40793', 1960), 86: ('detrac_87_MVI_40851', 1140), 87: ('detrac_88_MVI_40852', 1150), 88: ('detrac_89_MVI_40853', 1590), 89: ('detrac_90_MVI_40854', 1195), 90: ('detrac_91_MVI_40855', 1090), 91: ('detrac_92_MVI_40863', 1670), 92: ('detrac_93_MVI_40864', 1515), 93: ('detrac_94_MVI_40891', 1545), 94: ('detrac_95_MVI_40892', 1790), 95: ('detrac_96_MVI_40901', 1335), 96: ('detrac_97_MVI_40902', 1005), 97: ('detrac_98_MVI_40903', 1060), 98: ('detrac_99_MVI_40904', 1270), 99: ('detrac_100_MVI_40905', 1710), } sequences_mnist_mot = { # train 0: ('train_0', 1968), 1: ('train_1', 1989), 2: ('train_2', 1994), 3: ('train_3', 1958), 4: ('train_4', 1895), 5: ('train_5', 1962), 6: ('train_6', 1959), 7: ('train_7', 1928), 8: ('train_8', 1991), 9: ('train_9', 1946), 10: ('train_10', 1994), 11: ('train_11', 1982), 12: ('train_12', 1957), 13: ('train_13', 1999), 14: ('train_14', 1964), 15: ('train_15', 1976), 16: ('train_16', 1904), 17: ('train_17', 1913), 18: ('train_18', 1942), 19: ('train_19', 1929), 20: ('train_20', 1982), 21: ('train_21', 1913), 22: ('train_22', 1988), 23: ('train_23', 1890), 24: ('train_24', 1984), # test 25: ('test_0', 1965), 26: ('test_1', 1952), 27: ('test_2', 1938), 28: ('test_3', 1941), 29: ('test_4', 1981), 30: ('test_5', 1941), 31: ('test_6', 1969), 32: ('test_7', 1981), 33: ('test_8', 1959), 34: ('test_9', 1974), 35: ('test_10', 1929), 36: ('test_11', 1999), 37: ('test_12', 1957), 38: ('test_13', 1928), 39: ('test_14', 1976), 40: ('test_15', 1968), 41: ('test_16', 2000), 42: ('test_17', 1998), 43: ('test_18', 1998), 44: ('test_19', 1977), 45: ('test_20', 1923), 46: ('test_21', 1971), 47: ('test_22', 1973), 48: ('test_23', 1992), 49: ('test_24', 1980), } # combined GRAM, IDOT, LOST and ISL for convenience of inter-dataset training and testing sequences_combined = self.combine_sequences(( sequences_gram, # 0 - 2 sequences_idot, # 3 - 15 # sequences_detrac, # 17 - 116 # sequences_lost, # 117 - 118 # sequences_isl # 120 - 135 )) sets = { 0: 'MOT2015', 1: 'MOT2017', 2: 'MOT2017_SDP', 3: 'MOT2017_DPM', 4: 'KITTI', 5: 'GRAM_ONLY', 6: 'IDOT', 7: 'DETRAC', 8: 'LOST', 9: 'ISL', 10: 'GRAM', # combined sequence set; named GRAM for convenience 11: 'MNIST_MOT', } sequences = dict( zip([sets[i] for i in range(len(sets))], [ sequences_mot2015, sequences_mot2017, sequences_mot2017_sdp, sequences_mot2017_dpm, sequences_kitti, sequences_gram, sequences_idot, sequences_detrac, sequences_lost, sequences_isl, sequences_combined, sequences_mnist_mot, ])) ratios_mot2015 = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_mot2015)), [self.params.ratios_mot2015] * len(sequences_mot2015))) ratios_mot2017 = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_mot2017)), [self.params.ratios_mot2017] * len(sequences_mot2017))) ratios_mot2017_sdp = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_mot2017_sdp)), [self.params.ratios_mot2017_sdp] * len(sequences_mot2017_sdp))) ratios_mot2017_dpm = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_mot2017_dpm)), [self.params.ratios_mot2017_dpm] * len(sequences_mot2017_dpm))) ratios_kitti = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_kitti)), [self.params.ratios_kitti] * len(sequences_kitti))) ratios_gram = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_gram)), [self.params.ratios_gram] * len(sequences_gram))) ratios_idot = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_idot)), [self.params.ratios_idot] * len(sequences_idot))) ratios_detrac = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_detrac)), [self.params.ratios_detrac] * len(sequences_detrac))) ratios_lost = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_lost)), [self.params.ratios_lost] * len(sequences_lost))) ratios_isl = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_isl)), [self.params.ratios_isl] * len(sequences_isl))) ratios_mnist_mot = dict( zip(range(len(sequences_mnist_mot)), [self.params.ratios_mnist_mot] * len(sequences_mnist_mot))) ratios_combined = self.combine_sequences(( ratios_gram, # 0 - 2 ratios_idot, # 3 - 15 # ratios_detrac, # 19 - 78 # ratios_lost, # 79 - 80 # ratios_isl # 81 - 95 )) ratios = dict( zip([sets[i] for i in range(len(sets))], [ ratios_mot2015, ratios_mot2017, ratios_mot2017_sdp, ratios_mot2017_dpm, ratios_kitti, ratios_gram, ratios_idot, ratios_detrac, ratios_lost, ratios_isl, ratios_combined, ratios_mnist_mot, ])) return sets, sequences, ratios
class cTestStatus(cSeleniumDriver): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): """ Inits CheckPoint class """ super(cTestStatus, self).__init__(driver) self.lResultList = [] def SetResult(self, bResult, sResultMessage): try: if bResult is not None: if bResult: self.lResultList.append("PASS")"\n")"### VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL :: + " + sResultMessage)"\n") else: self.lResultList.append("FAIL")"\n") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED :: + " + sResultMessage) self.ScreenShot(sResultMessage) else: self.lResultList.append("FAIL")"\n") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED :: + " + sResultMessage) self.ScreenShot(sResultMessage) except: self.lResultList.append("FAIL")"\n") self.log.error("### Exception Occurred !!!") self.ScreenShot(sResultMessage) print_stack() def StepResult(self, bResult, sResultMessage): """ Mark the bResult of the verification point in a test case """ self.SetResult(bResult, sResultMessage) def FinalResult(self, testName, bResult, sResultMessage): """ Mark the final bResult of the verification point in a test case This needs to be called at least once in a test case This should be final test status of the test case """ self.SetResult(bResult, sResultMessage) if "FAIL" in self.lResultList:"\n") self.log.error(testName + " ### TEST FAILED")"\n") self.lResultList.clear() assert True == False else:"\n") + " ### TEST SUCCESSFUL")"\n") self.lResultList.clear() assert True == True
class Objects: """ set of labeled objects - abstracts out the common components of detections and annotations :ivar _params: :type _params: Objects.Params :ivar _logger: :type _logger: CustomLogger """ class Params: def __init__(self, name): self.path = '' self.src_dir = MultiPath(name) self.fix_frame_ids = 1 self.sort_by_frame_ids = 0 self.ignore_ioa_thresh = 0.5 self.allow_missing = 0 = { 'path': 'path of the text file in MOT format from where the objects data is to be read;' 'if this is empty, then a default path is constructed from the sequence and dataset names', 'fix_frame_ids': 'convert the frame IDs in the annotations and detections from 1-based ' '(default MOT challenge format) to 0-based that is needed for internal' ' processing convenience', 'sort_by_frame_ids': 'sort data by frame IDs', 'ignored_regions': '1: read ignored_regions from annotations; ' '2: discard the regions after reading' } def __init__(self, obj_type, params, logger): """ :param str obj_type: :param Objects.Params params: :param CustomLogger logger: :rtype: None """ self._type = obj_type self._params = params self._logger = CustomLogger(logger, names=[ self._type.lower(), ]) self.path = self._params.path self.ignored_regions = None = None self.count = 0 self.orig_n_frames = 0 self.start_frame_id = 0 self.end_frame_id = 0 self.n_frames = 0 self.idx = None # iou and index of the max iuo detection with each annotation or # the max iuo annotation with each detection in each frame self.max_cross_iou = None self.max_cross_iou_idx = None # future extensions self.features = None self._resize_factor = 1 def initialize(self, orig_n_frames, start_frame_id=-1, end_frame_id=-1): """ :type orig_n_frames: int :type start_frame_id: int :type end_frame_id: int :rtype: None """ self.orig_n_frames = orig_n_frames self.start_frame_id = start_frame_id if start_frame_id >= 0 else 0 self.end_frame_id = end_frame_id if end_frame_id > 0 else self.orig_n_frames - 1 self.n_frames = self.end_frame_id - self.start_frame_id + 1 def _sanity_check(self): """ sanity checks """ """frame IDs""" if ([:, 0] < 0).any(): self._logger.error('Negative frame IDs found in data') return False """scores""" invalid_score_ids = np.where( np.logical_or([:, 6] < 0,[:, 6] > 1))[0] if invalid_score_ids.size > 0: self._logger.error( 'Invalid scores outside the range [0, 1] found in data') return False return True def _remove_ignored(self, ignored_regions): ioa_1 = np.empty(([0], ignored_regions.shape[0])) compute_overlaps_multi(None, ioa_1, None,[:, 2:6], ignored_regions) valid_idx = np.flatnonzero( np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.all( np.less_equal(x, self._params.ignore_ioa_thresh)), axis=1, arr=ioa_1)) n_invalid =[0] - valid_idx.size if n_invalid > 0: f'Removing {n_invalid} {self._type} having IOA > {self._params.ignore_ioa_thresh} ' f'with {ignored_regions.shape[0]} ignored regions') =[valid_idx, ...] def _curtail(self): if self.start_frame_id > 0 or self.end_frame_id < self.orig_n_frames - 1:'Curtailing data to frames {:d} - {:d}'.format( self.start_frame_id, self.end_frame_id)) valid_idx = np.logical_and([:, 0] >= self.start_frame_id,[:, 0] <= self.end_frame_id) =[valid_idx, :] if self.start_frame_id > 0:[:, 0] -= self.start_frame_id def _process(self, resize_factor): self._resize_factor = resize_factor if self._params.sort_by_frame_ids: # sort by frame ID'sorting by frame IDs') =[[:, 0].argsort(kind='mergesort')] if self._params.fix_frame_ids: # convert frame IDs from 1-based to 0-based'converting frame IDs to 0-based')[:, 0] -= 1 if resize_factor != 1:'resizing by factor: {}'.format(resize_factor))[:, 2:6] *= resize_factor def _read(self): if not self._params.path: raise IOError('Data file path is not provided') if not os.path.isfile(self._params.path): msg = 'Data file does not exist: {:s}'.format(self._params.path) if self._params.allow_missing: self._logger.error(msg) return False else: raise IOError(msg) self.path = self._params.path'Reading from {:s}'.format(self._params.path)) = np.loadtxt(self._params.path, delimiter=',', ndmin=2) return True def _build_index(self): """ :rtype: None """ """locations where consecutive frame IDs are not equal these are decremented by 1 when compared to the original data vector since the vectors being compared are one less in size""" end_ids = np.flatnonzero( np.not_equal([1:, 0],[:-1, 0])) self.idx = [None] * self.n_frames start_id = 0 for i in range(end_ids.size): frame_id = int([start_id, 0]) end_id = end_ids[i] + 1 self.idx[frame_id] = np.arange(start_id, end_id) start_id = end_id frame_id = int([start_id, 0]) self.idx[frame_id] = np.arange(start_id, self.count) def _build_index_slow(self): """ :rtype: None """ # must be stable sorting to ensure that the indices for each object are sorted by frame ID frame_sort_idx = np.argsort([:, 0], kind='mergesort') sorted_frame_ids =[frame_sort_idx, 0] end_ids = np.flatnonzero( np.not_equal(sorted_frame_ids[1:], sorted_frame_ids[:-1])) self.idx = [None] * self.n_frames start_id = 0 for i in range(end_ids.size): frame_id = int([frame_sort_idx[start_id], 0]) end_id = end_ids[i] + 1 self.idx[frame_id] = frame_sort_idx[start_id:end_id] start_id = end_id frame_id = int([frame_sort_idx[start_id], 0]) self.idx[frame_id] = frame_sort_idx[start_id:self.count]
def enterName(self): self.sendText("Bob I.T.", self._enterName, "text") cl.allureLogs("Entered Name")
def run(data, tester_params, test_params, logger): """ test a trained target :type trained_target: Target :type data: Data :type tester_params: Tester.Params :type test_params: Test.Params :type logger: logging.RootLogger | logging.logger | CustomLogger :type logging_dir: str :type args_in: list :rtype: bool """ global_logger = logger assert test_params.start < len(test_params.seq), f"Invalid start_id: {test_params.start} " \ f"for {len(test_params.seq)} sequences" tester = Tester(tester_params, global_logger) success = True eval_path = load_dir = None evaluate = test_params.evaluate eval_dist_type = test_params.eval_dist_type results_dir = test_params.results_dir results_dir_root = test_params.results_dir_root if results_dir_root: results_dir = linux_path(results_dir_root, results_dir) if test_params.seq_set_info: results_dir = linux_path(results_dir, test_params.seq_set_info) save_txt = f'saving results to: {results_dir}' save_prefix = test_params.save_prefix if save_prefix: save_txt += f' with save_prefix: {save_prefix}' n_seq = len(test_params.seq) for _id, test_id in enumerate(test_params.seq[test_params.start:]): 'Running tester on sequence {:d} in set {:d} ({:d} / {:d} )'. format(test_id, test_params.seq_set, _id + test_params.start + 1, n_seq)) if not data.initialize( test_params.seq_set, test_id, 1, logger=global_logger): global_logger.error( 'Data module failed to initialize with sequence {:d}'. format(test_id)) success = False break load_dir = results_dir load_prefix = test_params.load_prefix if load_prefix: load_dir = linux_path(load_dir, load_prefix) save_dir = results_dir if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) save_prefix = test_params.save_prefix if save_prefix: save_dir = linux_path(save_dir, save_prefix) eval_dir = test_params.eval_dir if not eval_dir: eval_dir = save_dir eval_path = linux_path(eval_dir, test_params.eval_file) seq_logger = CustomLogger(global_logger, names=(data.seq_name, ), key='custom_header') if not tester.initialize(data, seq_logger): seq_logger.error( 'Tester initialization failed on sequence {:d} : {:s}'. format(test_id, data.seq_name)) success = False break if tester.annotations is None: seq_logger.warning( 'Tester annotations unavailable so disabling evaluation') evaluate = 0 """load existing tracking results and optionally visualize or evaluate""" if test_params.subseq_postfix: load_fname = '{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.txt'.format( data.seq_name, data.start_frame_id + 1, data.end_frame_id + 1) else: load_fname = '{:s}.txt'.format(data.seq_name) load_path = linux_path(load_dir, load_fname) if evaluate: if not tester.load(load_path): seq_logger.error( 'Tester loading failed on sequence {:d} : {:s}'.format( test_id, data.seq_name)) success = False break if evaluate: eval_dir = test_params.eval_dir if not eval_dir: eval_dir = load_dir eval_path = linux_path(eval_dir, test_params.eval_file) acc = tester.eval(load_path, eval_path, eval_dist_type) if not acc: seq_logger.error( 'Tester evaluation failed on sequence {:d} : {:s}'. format(test_id, data.seq_name)) success = False break if evaluate == 2: tester.accumulative_eval(load_dir, eval_path, seq_logger) continue if evaluate: tester.accumulative_eval(load_dir, eval_path, global_logger) return success
def enterEmail(self): self.sendText("*****@*****.**", self._enterEmail, "text") cl.allureLogs("Entered Email")
class cProductBook(cSeleniumDriver): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) # locators sBookTitle = "productTitle" sAuthors = "//div[@id='bylineInfo']/span[contains(@class,'author')]" sMainAuthor = "./span/a[1]" sOtherAuthor = ".//a[1]" # sAuthors = "//div[@id='byline']/span[contains(@class,'author')]/span/a[1]" # sContributions = "//div[@id='byline']//span[@class = 'contribution']/span" sContributions = "//div[@id='bylineInfo']//span[@class = 'contribution']/span" sAverageCustomerReview = "//div[@id='averageCustomerReviews']//span[contains(text(),'stars')]" sMediaTab = "mediaTabsHeadings" sMediaTabHeadings = "//div[@id='mediaTabsHeadings']/ul/li" sMediaTabTitle = ".//span[contains(@class,'mediaTab_title')]" sMediaTabSubTitle = ".//span[contains(@class,'mediaTab_subtitle')]" sSwatches = "tmmSwatches" sAnnounces = "//div[@id='tmmSwatches']//span[@class='a-button-inner']" sAnnounceTitle = ".//span[1]" sAnnounceSubTitle = ".//span[2]/span" def __init__(self,driver): super(cProductBook, self).__init__(driver) self.sTitle = "" self.dAuthorInfo = OrderedDict() self.sRatings = "" self.dBookPrice = OrderedDict() # Element Action Methods def GetBookTitle(self): return self.GetText(self.sBookTitle) def GetAuthors(self): elAuthors = [] elAuthorClass = self.GetElementList(self.sAuthors, "xpath", bWaitForElement=True) #"len of elAuthors : " + str(len(elAuthorClass))) for eAuthorClass in elAuthorClass: eAuthor = self.GetElement(self.sMainAuthor, "xpath", element=eAuthorClass, isLog=False) if eAuthor is None: eAuthor = self.GetElement(self.sOtherAuthor, "xpath", element=eAuthorClass) elAuthors.append(eAuthor) return elAuthors def GetContributions(self): return self.GetElementList(self.sContributions, "xpath", bWaitForElement=True) def GetAverageCustomerReview(self): return self.GetText(self.sAverageCustomerReview, "xpath") def GetMediaTab(self): return self.GetElement(self.sMediaTab, isLog=False) def GetMediaTabHeadings(self): elMediaTabHeadings = None eMediaTab = self.GetMediaTab() if eMediaTab != None: elMediaTabHeadings = self.GetElementList(self.sMediaTabHeadings,"xpath",) return elMediaTabHeadings def GetSwatches(self): return self.GetElement(self.sSwatches) def GetAnnounces(self): elAnnounces = None eSwatches = self.GetSwatches() if eSwatches != None: elAnnounces = self.GetElementList(self.sAnnounces, "xpath") return elAnnounces # Functionality Methods def GetBookInfo(self): self.sTitle = self.GetBookTitle() elAuthors = self.GetAuthors() elContributions = list(self.GetContributions()) #"len of elcontribution : " + str(len(elContributions))) for (eAuthor, eContribution) in zip(elAuthors,elContributions): self.dAuthorInfo[self.GetText(element=eAuthor)] = self.GetText(element=eContribution) return self.sTitle, self.dAuthorInfo def GetBookPrice(self): elMediaTabHeadings = self.GetMediaTabHeadings() if elMediaTabHeadings != None and len(elMediaTabHeadings) >= 1: for eHeading in elMediaTabHeadings: if self.IsElementDisplayed(element=eHeading): eMediaTabTitle = self.GetElement(self.sMediaTabTitle, "xpath", eHeading) sMediaTabTitle = self.GetText(element=eMediaTabTitle) ePrice = self.GetElement(self.sMediaTabSubTitle, "xpath", eHeading) sPrice = self.GetText(element=ePrice) self.dBookPrice[sMediaTabTitle] = sPrice else: elAnnounces = self.GetAnnounces() if elAnnounces != None and len(elAnnounces) >= 1: for eAnnounce in elAnnounces: if self.IsElementDisplayed(element=eAnnounce): eAnnounceTitle = self.GetElement(self.sAnnounceTitle, "xpath", eAnnounce) sAnnounceTitle = self.GetText(element=eAnnounceTitle) ePrice = self.GetElement(self.sAnnounceSubTitle, "xpath", eAnnounce) sPrice = self.GetText(element=ePrice) self.dBookPrice[sAnnounceTitle] = sPrice return self.dBookPrice def GetBookRatings(self): self.sRatings = self.GetAverageCustomerReview() self.WebScroll("down", "-200") return self.sRatings
def enterAddress(self): self.sendText("Turkey", self._enterAddress, "text") cl.allureLogs("Entered Address")
class RegisterCoursesPage(BasePage): log = cl.CustomLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver # locators _login_button = "//*[@name='commit']" _search_box = "//*[@id='search-courses']" _course = "//div[@data-course-id='56740']" _enroll_button = "//button[@id='enroll-button-top']" _cc_num = "//div//span//div//input[@name='cardnumber']" _cc_exp = "//input[@name='exp-date']" _cc_cvv = "//input[@name='cvc']" _cc_post = "//input[@name='postal']" _terms_checkbox = "//input[@id='agreed_to_terms_checkbox']" _submit_enroll = "//label[@for='spc-primary-submit']" _enroll_error_message = "//div[@class='payment-error-box only-on-mobile']" def enterCourseName(self, name): self.sendKeys(name, self._search_box) cCN = self.getElement("//div[contains(text(),'" + name + "')]") def clickEnrollButton(self): self.clickElement(self._enroll_button) def creditCardNumber(self, num): self.switchToFrame("//iframe[@name='__privateStripeFrame12']") self.waitForElement(self._cc_num) self.webScroll(self._cc_num) self.sendKeys(num, self._cc_num) self.driver.switch_to.default_content() def creditCardExp(self, exp): self.switchToFrame("//iframe[@name='__privateStripeFrame13']") self.waitForElement(self._cc_exp) self.sendKeys(exp, self._cc_exp) self.driver.switch_to.default_content() def creditCardCVV(self, cvv): self.switchToFrame("//iframe[@name='__privateStripeFrame14']") self.waitForElement(self._cc_cvv) self.sendKeys(cvv, self._cc_cvv) self.driver.switch_to.default_content() def cityPost(self, post): self.switchToFrame("//iframe[@name='__privateStripeFrame15']") #self.SwitchFrameByIndex(self._cc_post) self.waitForElement(self._cc_post) self.sendKeys(post, self._cc_post) self.driver.switch_to.default_content() def enterCreditCardInfo(self, num, exp, cvv, post): self.creditCardNumber(num) self.creditCardExp(exp) self.creditCardCVV(cvv) self.cityPost(post) def clickTermsCheckbox(self): self.clickElement(self._terms_checkbox) def clickEnrollSubmitButton(self): self.clickElement(self._submit_enroll) def verifyEnrollFailed(self): verify = self.isElementPresent('//button[@class="btn btn-primary spc__button is-disabled"]') return verify
def enterMNumber(self): self.sendText("573654210", self._enterMobileNumber, "index") cl.allureLogs("Entered Mobile Number")
class SeleniumDriver(): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def screenShot(self, resultMessage): """ Takes screenshot of the current open web page """ fileName = resultMessage + "." + str(round( time.time() * 1000)) + ".png" screenshotDirectory = "../screenshots/" relativeFileName = screenshotDirectory + fileName currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) destinationFile = os.path.join(currentDirectory, relativeFileName) destinationDirectory = os.path.join(currentDirectory, screenshotDirectory) try: if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory): os.makedirs(destinationDirectory) self.driver.save_screenshot(destinationFile)"Screenshot save to directory: " + destinationFile) except: self.log.error("### Exception Occurred when taking screenshot") print_stack() def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title def getByType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT else:"Locator type " + locatorType + " not correct/supported") return False def getElement(self, locator, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def getElementList(self, locator, locatorType="id"): """ NEW METHOD Get list of elements """ element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator)"Element list found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element list not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def elementClick(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Click on an element -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType)"Clicked on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot click on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def sendKeys(self, data, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Send keys to an element -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.send_keys(data)"Sent data on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot send data on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def clearField(self, locator="", locatorType="id"): """ Clear an element field """ element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.clear()"Clear field with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) def getText(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None, info=""): """ NEW METHOD Get 'Text' on an element Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) text = element.text if len(text) == 0: text = element.get_attribute("innerText") if len(text) != 0:"Getting text on element :: " + info)"The text is :: '" + text + "'") text = text.strip() except: self.log.error("Failed to get text on element " + info) print_stack() text = None return text def isElementPresent(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Check if element is present -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return True else:"Element not present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return False except: print("Element not found") return False def isElementDisplayed(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ NEW METHOD Check if element is displayed Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ isDisplayed = False try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None: isDisplayed = element.is_displayed()"Element is displayed") else:"Element not displayed") return isDisplayed except: print("Element not found") return False def elementPresenceCheck(self, locator, byType): """ Check if element is present """ try: elementList = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elementList) > 0:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + str(byType)) return True else:"Element not present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + str(byType)) return False except:"Element not found") return False def waitForElement(self, locator, locatorType="id", timeout=10, pollFrequency=0.5): element = None try: byType = self.getByType(locatorType)"Waiting for maximum :: " + str(timeout) + " :: seconds for element to be clickable") wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout=timeout, poll_frequency=pollFrequency, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException ]) element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((byType, locator)))"Element appeared on the web page") except:"Element not appeared on the web page") print_stack() return element def webScroll(self, direction="up"): """ NEW METHOD """ if direction == "up": # Scroll Up self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, -1000);") if direction == "down": # Scroll Down self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, 1000);")
def clickSubmitButton(self): self.clickElement(self._submitButton, "text") cl.allureLogs("Clicked on Submit button")