Esempio n. 1
def heralick_from_image(input, outdir, params,xyoff,nbands=8, debug = False):
    :param input:
    :param outdir:
    :param params:
    :param xyoff:
    :param nbands:
    :param debug:

    if not os._exists(outdir):

    for i in range(1, nbands + 1):
        params[4] = str(i)  # set the channel

        # get image min and max
        min, max = utility.get_minmax(inputimage, i)
        print(min, max)

        params[8] = str(min)
        params[10] = str(max)

        # update parameters with the offset angle
        for x, y in xyoff:
            newparams = params + ['-parameters.xoff', str(x), '-parameters.yoff', str(y)]
            newparams[12] = outdir + '/HaralickChannel' + newparams[4] + newparams[6] + 'xoff' + newparams[
                14] + 'yoff' + newparams[16] + '.tif'  # set output
            print("computing haralick for " + newparams[2] + "\n" + "channel " + newparams[4] + " wait for a few hours :D ")
            msg, err = compute_haralick(newparams, debug)
            if err:
                if not (err == "\r\n" or err == "\r" or err == "\n"):  # windows, oldmac, unix
                    print(" some heraick from the image could not be created , script is stopping")
Esempio n. 2
def heralick_NDI(rootpath, ndipath, params, xyoff,  inimgfrmt = ['.tif'], debug=False):
    :param rootpath:
    :param ndipath:
    :param params:
    :param xyoff:
    :param inimgfrmt:
    :param debug:

    imgs = os.listdir(ndipath)
    if not os.path.exists(rootpath + "haralick"):
        os.mkdir(rootpath + "haralick")
    if not os.path.exists(rootpath + "haralick/NDI"):
        os.mkdir(rootpath + "haralick/NDI")

    outdir = rootpath + "haralick/NDI"
    for i in imgs:
        if os.path.isfile(ndipath + '/' + i) and (os.path.splitext(ndipath + '/' + i)[-1] in inimgfrmt):
            params[2] = ndipath + '/' + i
            params[4] = '1'

            # get image min and max
            min, max = utility.get_minmax(ndipath + '/' + i)
            print(min, max)

            params[8] = str(min)
            params[10] = str(max)

            # update parameters with the offset angle
            for x, y in xyoff:
                newparams = params + ['-parameters.xoff', str(x), '-parameters.yoff', str(y)]
                newparams[12] = outdir + '/' + i + 'HaralickChannel' + newparams[4] + newparams[6] \
                                + 'xoff' + newparams[14] + 'yoff' + newparams[16] + '.tif'  # set output
                print("computing haralick for " + params[2] + "\n" + "channel " + params[4]
                      + " wait for a few hours :D ")

                if debug:
                    import datetime as time
                    starttime =

                msg, err = compute_haralick(newparams, debug)
                if debug:
                    endtime =
                    print('elapsed time')
                    print(endtime - starttime)  # about 2h 25 minutes
                if err:
                    if not (err == "\r\n" or err == "\r" or err == "\n"):  # windows, oldmac, unix
                        print(" some NDI heralick images could not be created , script is stopping")