def guard_and_time(msg, fn, tic, *args, **kwargs): info('Starting', msg, 'at', tic) try: fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: email_exc() info('Done at', np.datetime64('now'))
def __init__(self, dir, filename=None, parser=parseint89, elmin=None): UserList.__init__(self) if filename is None: if not canread(dir): raise ValueError('Given path ' + dir + ' does not lead to a readable file.') filename = os.path.basename(dir) dir = os.path.dirname(dir) = filename[:4] self.doy = int(filename[4:7]) self.year = fullyear(int(filename[9:11])) try: self.rxloc = sitelocs[] except KeyError: info( 'First four characters of filename, ' + + ', are not a recognized site name. Receiver location unknown.') with fileread(os.path.join(dir, filename)) as fid: for l in fid: try: rec = parser(l) except ValueError as e: info(e, end=' on line ' + str(fid.lineno) + '\n') continue if elmin is not None and rec.el < elmin: continue if rec.snr > 0: self.append(rec) self.sort(key=lambda x: x.sod)
def read_rinex_nav(file): """Parse RINEX nav message file to Pandas DataFrame. file: URL, file path, or open (binary-mode) file object. """ lines = getlines(file) try: idx, = [ i for i, l in enumerate(lines) if l.strip() == b'END OF HEADER' ] except ValueError: info( 'Incorrectly formatted RINEX 2 nav file (END OF HEADER does not appear once).' ) return lines = [ b''.join(lines[i:i + 8]).replace(b'D', b'E') for i in range(idx + 1, len(lines), 8) ] names = [ 'PRN', 'ToC', 'Bias', 'Drift', 'Rate', 'IODE', 'Crs', 'Δn', 'M0', 'Cuc', 'Ecc', 'Cus', 'SqrtA', 'ToE', 'Cic', 'Ω', 'CIS', 'i0', 'Crc', 'ω', 'dΩ', 'di', 'CL2', 'Week', 'L2P', 'Acc', 'Health', 'TGD', 'IODC', 'ToM', 'Fit' ] widths = np.array([2, 20] + [19] * 29) widths[5::4] += 3 dtype = [np.uint8, 'M8[ms]'] + [np.float] * 29 nnav = np.genfromtxt(lines, names=names, delimiter=widths, comments=None, converters={1: epoc2dt64}, dtype=dtype) return pd.DataFrame(nnav).set_index(['ToC', 'PRN'])
def __callback(self, ip, port, message = '', daemon = False): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if not daemon:"Responding to [" + ip + ":" + str(port) + "]") s.sendto(str(message).encode('utf-8'), (ip, port)) except Exception as e: utility.warn(str(e) + "\n>>> Continue ...")
def getnewtime(line, curtime, name): thetime = nptime(line) if curtime is not None: thegap = thetime - curtime if thegap > gapthresh: info('Gap of', thegap.astype('m8[m]'), 'in file', name) return thetime
def send_email(self, subject='Person Detected', body='__PERSON_DETECTED__', filename=None): now = time() if self.last_email_at is None or (now - self.last_email_at > self.email_debounce): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = self.username msg['To'] = ', '.join(self.recipients) msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) if filename: attachment = open(filename, 'rb') p = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') p.set_payload( encoders.encode_base64(p) p.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename={}'.format(filename)) msg.attach(p) self.last_email_at = now self.login() email_text = msg.as_string() self.server.sendmail(self.username, self.recipients, email_text) self.logout() info('__EMAIL_SENT__')
def setCID(cid, daemon=False): if not daemon:'[MXA] Setting Cell ID to [' + str(cid) + ']') if str(cid).isdigit(): connectMXA('EVM:DLINk:SYNC:CID:AUTO OFF', 5, True) connectMXA('EVM:DLINk:SYNC:CID ' + str(cid), 5, True) else: connectMXA('EVM:DLINk:SYNC:CID:AUTO ON', 5, True)
def __discover(self, delay = 1, daemon = False): while True: try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind(('', self.this_device['PORT'])) while True: message = utility.strToDict(s.recvfrom(self.buffer_size)[0].decode('utf-8')) if message and message['HOST'] != self.this_device['HOST']: if message['HOST'] not in self.device_list or (message['HOST'] in self.device_list and self.device_list[message['HOST']]['STATUS'] != 'REACHABLE'): self.device_list[message['HOST']] = message try: hs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) hs.settimeout(2) hs.sendto('PING!'.encode('utf-8'), (message['IP'], message['PORT'] + 1)) return_message = hs.recvfrom(self.buffer_size) hs.settimeout(None) if return_message[0].decode('utf-8') != 'PONG!': utility.warn("Handshake with device at [" + message['IP'] + ":" + str(message['PORT']) + "] Failed! Mark device [" + message['HOST'] + "] UNKNOWN" , False) self.device_list[message['HOST']]['STATUS'] = 'UNKNOWN' else: self.device_list[message['HOST']]['STATUS'] = 'REACHABLE' if not daemon:"Discovered device [" + message['HOST'] + "] at [" + message['IP'] + "]") except Exception as e: if not daemon: utility.warn("Handshake with device at [" + message['IP'] + ":" + str(message['PORT']) + "] Failed! Mark device [" + message['HOST'] + "] UNREACHABLE" , False) self.device_list[message['HOST']]['STATUS'] = 'UNREACHABLE' finally: hs.close() break utility.sleep(delay, True) except Exception as e: utility.warn(str(e) + "\n>>> Continue ...") finally: s.close()
def bigjump(file, curtime): """Return true if the time difference between the next line of file and curtime is big.""" jump = nexttime(file) - curtime if jump > thresh: info('Jump of', jump.astype('m8[m]'), 'seen in file', return True return False
def __healthCheck(self, interval = 300, daemon = False): while True: utility.sleep(interval, True) for key in self.device_list: if key is 'SELF': next ## if self.device_list[key]['STATUS'] is 'UNREACHABLE': next # Skip the unreachable devices else: try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(2) s.sendto('PING!'.encode('utf-8'), (self.device_list[key]['IP'], self.device_list[key]['PORT'] + 1)) message = s.recvfrom(self.buffer_size) s.settimeout(None) if message[0].decode('utf-8') != 'PONG!': utility.warn("Health check device at [" + self.device_list[key]['IP'] + ":" + str(self.device_list[key]['PORT']) + "] not responding correctly! Mark device [" + key+ "] UNKNOWN" , False) self.device_list[key]['STATUS'] = 'UNKNOWN' else: self.device_list[key]['STATUS'] = 'REACHABLE' except Exception as e: if key in self.device_list and self.device_list[key]['STATUS'] == 'REACHABLE': utility.warn("Health check device at [" + self.device_list[key]['IP'] + "] failed! Mark device [" + key + "] UNREACHABLE" , False) self.device_list[key]['STATUS'] = 'UNREACHABLE' finally: s.close() if not daemon:" Health Check Result:\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for device in self.device_list: print(self.device_list[device]['STATUS'] + ' ' + self.device_list[device]['HOST'] + ': [' + self.device_list[device]['IP'] + ']')
def midnightplots(SNRs, HK, day=None, ddir=None): """Make 24-hour archive page in *ddir* (default config.DAILYDIR). *day* is a numpy datetime64 in the desired day (default: the immediately preceding day.) *SNRs* and *HK* should include data for the desired 24 hours. """ if ddir is None: ddir = config.DAILYDIR if day is None: day = np.datetime64('now') - np.timedelta64(6, 'h') day = day.astype('M8[D]') ddir = fmt_timesite(ddir, day) try: os.makedirs(ddir, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError as e: info('Could not create directory', ddir, '\n ', e) return etime = day + np.timedelta64(1, 'D') makeplots(SNRs, HK, domove=False, plotdir=ddir, snr_hours=24, hk_hours=24, endtime=etime, figlength=14, doazel=False, snrminel=15) index = os.path.join(fmt_timesite(config.PLOTDIR, day), 'index.html') try: shutil.copy(index, ddir) except OSError: info('Could not copy index.html from plot dir to daily dir.') ylink = os.path.join(ddir, 'yesterlink.html') yday = day - np.timedelta64(1, 'D') with open(ylink, 'wt') as fid: fid.write(yday.tolist().strftime('../../%Y/%j'))
def _move(srcs, suf): """Move each filename in *srcs* to the name obtained by removing *suf*.""" for src in srcs: if not src: continue if src.count(suf) != 1: info('Suffix', suf, 'not found uniquely in filename', src) continue os.replace(src, src.replace(suf, '', 1))
def getDevice(self, name = 'SELF', daemon = False): if name in self.device_list: if not daemon:"Getting device " + name + " from devices list\n----------------------------------------------") utility.pp(self.device_list[name]) return self.device_list[name] else: utility.warn("Device [" + str(name) + "] NOT found, return SELF", False) return self.device_list['SELF']
def start_workers(self): with self.glock: if util.file_exists(self.pidfile): util.error("pidfile already exists: " + self.pidfile) sys.exit(-1) for pname in self.workers.keys():"{}: worker starting...".format(pname)) self.workers[pname].start() pass
def connectSQLite(db_path, daemon = False): global sqlite_file if db_path is None: db_path = sqlite_file try: if not daemon:"Connecting to DB: " + db_path) conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) return conn except sqlite3.Error: utility.error("Connection to " + db_path + " failed") exit(1)
def rewriteall(odir=vdir, ndir=ndir): import glob files = glob.glob(os.path.join(odir, '*.snr89')) for path in files: file = os.path.basename(path) nfile = os.path.join(ndir, file) if os.path.isfile(nfile): info(file + ' already present in ' + ndir + '. Skipping...') continue rewrite(odir, ndir, file)
def setRefCRSPort(port, daemon=False): if str(port).isdigit(): port = 'P' + str(port) if not daemon:'[MXA] Setting the Reference C-RS Port [' + str(port) + '] to use') if 'AUTO' in str(port) or 'Auto' in str(port) or 'auto' in str(port): connectMXA('EVM:DLINk:SYNC:ANTenna:PORT:AUTO ON', 5, True) else: connectMXA('EVM:DLIN:SYNC:ANT:PORT:AUTO OFF', 5, True) connectMXA('EVM:DLIN:SYNC:ANT:PORT ' + str(port), 5, True)
def readsync(strm): """Read a sync byte from the stream. If we don't see one, scan forward for it.""" read = b'' r = while r != SYNC: if not r: raise EOFError('End of file encountered before sync byte') read += r r = if read: info("Skipped", len(read), "bytes before SYNC:", read.hex())
def readhk(file): """Read housekeeping (HK) line. Check for proper format, then discard.""" hk = if not hk: info("Housekeeping line expected; instead found end of file?", return if not hkline.fullmatch(hk): info( 'The 50 characters following a blank line do not match expected HK format:\n', hk.decode())
def getMXAResult(daemon=False): if not daemon:"############# " + Fore.YELLOW + "Reading MXA Report" + Style.RESET_ALL + " #############") name = (connectMXA('CALC:EVM:DATA4:TABL:NAM?', daemon=True).replace('"', '')).split(',') value = (connectMXA('CALC:EVM:DATA4:TABL:STR?', daemon=True).replace('"', '')).split(',') result = {} for i in range(0, len(name)): result[name[i]] = value[i] return result
def __init__(self, lock, appfile): self.glock = lock self.workers = {} self.stopfile = appfile + ".FORCESTOP" self.pidfile = appfile + ".PID""stopfile: {}".format(self.stopfile))"pidfile: {}".format(self.pidfile)) self.curtime = time.time() pass
def write_all_snr88(SNRs, prefix='rx'): """Write out each receiver's snr records in a file in the current directory. Filename is rx##DOY0.YY.snr88. This assumes that all the data is from the same GPS day. """ for rxid, SNR in SNRs.items(): epoch = SNR[0]['time'] fname = prefix + '{:02}'.format(rxid) + epoch.tolist().strftime( '%j0.%y.snr88') info('Writing', fname, '...') out_snr88(SNR, fname)
def __broadcast(self, delay = 1, daemon = False): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) if not daemon:"Starting broadcasting at: [" + self.this_device['BROADCAST_IP'] + ":" + str(self.this_device['PORT']) + "]") while True: self.__loadConfig(self.this_device['PORT']) s.sendto(str(self.this_device).encode('utf-8'), (self.this_device['BROADCAST_IP'], int(self.this_device['PORT']))) utility.sleep(delay, True) except Exception as e: utility.warn(str(e) + "\n>>> Continue ...") finally: s.close()
def translate(fid): """Translate BINEX data to ASCII formats. Read in data from the provided file object, and write out snr88 files and a housekeeping report in the current directory. """ SNRs, HK = readall(fid) write_all_snr88(SNRs) hkfile = HK[0]['time'].tolist().strftime( 'HK_%j.%y.txt') # we need a site identifier! info('Writing', hkfile, '...') with open(hkfile, 'wt') as fid: hkreport(HK, fid)
def healthCheck(command='RAA', daemon=False): if not daemon:"################ " + Fore.YELLOW + 'JFW Health Check' + Style.RESET_ALL + " ###############") data = connectJFW(command, 2, True) result = {} for line in data.split('\n'): keys = utility.regex(line, 'Atten\s*#*(\d+)\s*=*\s*(\d+)..') if keys: if not daemon:"Attenuator #" + keys[0] + " - " + keys[1] + "dB") result[keys[0]] = keys[1] return result
def posneg(arr): """Check that input consists of some positive entries followed by negative entries, with no mixing. Return index of first negative entry, or None.""" neg = False ind = None for i, k in enumerate(arr): if not neg and k < 0: ind = i neg = True if neg and k > 0: info("{} (entry {}) is positive, after negative entry at {}!". format(k, i, ind)) return ind return ind
def checkline(line, name): if b'HK' in line: info('HK found in line not following a blank line in', name, '-- What?') #raise OSError('Gave up parsing these files') return False elif len(line) < 20: return False elif not goodline.fullmatch(line): info('Bad line in', name, line.decode().strip()) return False elif int(line[15:17]) >= 70: return False return True
def executeSQLite(command, conn = None, daemon = False): if not daemon:"############### " + Fore.YELLOW + "Connecting and Executing SQLite Query" + Style.RESET_ALL+ " ###############") if conn is None: conn = __init(None, daemon) try: c = conn.cursor() if not daemon:"Executing query: " + command) result = c.execute(command).fetchall() if not daemon: for row in result: i = 0"======= Entry " + str(i+1) + " =======") for name in names: + ': ' + str(row[i])) i += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: utility.error(str(e) + "\n Query " + command + " executeion failed") return None if not result: return None else: names = list(map(lambda x:x[0], c.description)) return buildJson(names, result)
def execute(self, device, command, timeout = 20, daemon = False): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(timeout) if not daemon:"Sending command: [" + str(command) + "] to " + device['IP'] + ":" + str(device['PORT'] + 1)) s.sendto(str(command).encode('utf-8') ,(device['IP'], device['PORT'] + 1)) response = s.recvfrom(self.buffer_size) s.settimeout(None) if response:"Response from [" + response[1][0] + ":" + str(response[1][1]) + "]\n" + response[0].decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: utility.warn(str(e) + "\n>>> Continue ...") finally: s.close() return response[0].decode('utf-8')
def google_ht(lat, lon, bestguess=0): """Fetch height above the geoid (m) from Google Maps at the given coordinates (decimal degrees.) Falls back to third parameter bestguess (default 0) if the HTTP request fails. """ gurl = '' params = {'locations': '{},{}'.format(lat, lon)} if config.GKEY: params['key'] = config.GKEY try: resp = jsonfetch(gurl, **params) return resp['results'][0]['elevation'] except (HTTPError, KeyError, IndexError) as e: info(e) return bestguess