def load(self, data_filename=None): if None in [data_filename]: raise ValueError('data is empty') with open(data_filename) as fp: ctx = json.load(fp) fp.close() for key in ctx.keys(): record, prop = ctx[key], {} image = cv2.imread(record['filename']) if image is None: continue # resize image to be continue num = record['object_num'] labels = [float(val) for val in record['object_labels']] labels = utility.resize(int(num), labels, cfg.max_predictions) bboxes = [float(val) for val in record['object_bboxes']] bboxes = utility.resize(int(num), bboxes, cfg.max_predictions) puts_debug( '{}\nval: \n{}, shape: {}\nval: \n{}, shape: {}'.format( num, labels, np.shape(labels), bboxes, np.shape(bboxes))) prop['raw_data'], prop['num'], prop['labels'], prop[ 'bboxes'] = image / 255., int(num), labels, bboxes self._provider.append(prop) prop = np.concatenate([prop['labels'], prop['bboxes']], axis=1) puts_debug('prop shape: {}'.format(np.shape(prop))) self._groundtruth.append(prop) self._size += 1
def convert(num): counter = 0 print 'Thread: ', num for folder in folders: if ".DS_Store" not in folder: if os.path.exists(outputDir + folder) == False: os.mkdir(outputDir + folder) # continue # else: files = os.listdir(inputDir + folder) print len(files) for file in files: if ".DS_Store" not in file: # print 'Thread: ', num, inputDir + folder + "/" +file if os.path.exists(outputDir + folder + "/" + file) == False: img = cv2.imread(inputDir + folder + "/" + file, 1) if img != None: # image = cv2.resize(img, (224, 224)) img = ut.resize(img) newImg, x, y = ut.scale(img, [], [], imSize=28) cv2.imwrite(outputDir + folder + "/" + file, newImg) # print 'Thread: ', num, "write to : ", outputDir + folder + "/" +file else: pass # print "skip: " + outputDir + folder + "/" +file counter += 1 print counter
def find_components(edges, max_components=10): count = max_components + 1 n = 1 components = None while count > max_components: n += 1 dilated_image = cv2.convertScaleAbs( cv2.dilate(edges / 255, np.ones((3, 3)), iterations=n)) components = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(dilated_image) count = components[0] if imshow: cv2.imshow('Edged', utility.resize(edges, height=650)) cv2.imshow('Edged dilated', utility.resize(255 * dilated_image, height=650)) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() return components
def getDerivatives(self, originalImg, X, Y): # img = np.asarray(originalImg) imgs = [] Xs, Ys = [], [] img = originalImg.copy() mirImage, newX, newY = ut.mirrorImage(img, X, Y) mirImage = mirImage.copy() imgs.append(mirImage) Xs.append(newX) Ys.append(newY) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(mirImage, newX, newY, "mirror") for i in range(self.derivativeNum): img = originalImg.copy() scaleImage, newX, newY = ut.resize(img, X, Y, random=True) imgs.append(scaleImage) Xs.append(newX) Ys.append(newY) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(scaleImage, newX, newY, "scale") for i in range(self.derivativeNum): img = originalImg.copy() rotateImage, newX, newY = ut.rotate(img, X, Y) if rotateImage != None: imgs.append(rotateImage) Xs.append(newX) Ys.append(newY) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(rotateImage, newX, newY, "rotate") for i in range(self.derivativeNum): img = originalImg.copy() cbImage, newX, newY = ut.contrastBrightess(img, X, Y) imgs.append(cbImage) Xs.append(newX) Ys.append(newY) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(cbImage, newX, newY, "contrastBrightness") for i in range(self.derivativeNum): img = originalImg.copy() transImage, newX, newY = ut.translateImage(img, X, Y) if transImage != None: imgs.append(transImage) Xs.append(newX) Ys.append(newY) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(transImage, newX, newY, "trans") return imgs, Xs, Ys
def getOrigin(self, img, X, Y): croppedImage, X, Y = self.crop(img, X, Y) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(croppedImage, X, Y, "cropped") resizedImage, X, Y = ut.resize(croppedImage, X, Y) if self.debug: self.plotLandmarks(resizedImage, X, Y, "resized") return resizedImage, X, Y
def getDataByFiles(self): counter = 0 files = os.listdir(self.rawDataDir) print "len(files): ", len(files) for file in files: # if file != ".DS_Store" in file: if ".pts39" in file: fileHeader = file.split(".")[0] print "fileHeader: ", fileHeader img = cv2.imread(self.rawDataDir + fileHeader + ".jpg") print "img.shape: ", img.shape print "file name: ", file pts = np.loadtxt(self.rawDataDir + file) print "type(pts): ", type(pts) print "pts.shape: ", pts.shape x, y = self.unpackLandmarks(pts) if self.debug: cv2.imshow("originalImg", img) img, x, y = ut.resize(img, x, y, random=False, size=(self.imSize, self.imSize)) # img, x, y = ut.scale(img, x, y, self.imSize) print "after resize img.shape: ", img.shape # if self.debug: # img = ut.plotLandmarks(img, x, y, imSize = self.imSize, ifReturn = True, circleSize = 2) if self.debug: cv2.imshow("resizedImg", img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imwrite(self.outputDir + fileHeader + '.jpg', img) info = "" info += (self.outputDir + fileHeader + '.jpg') for index in range(len(x)): info += (" " + str(x[index])) info += (" " + str(y[index])) if os.path.exists(self.outputDir + 'menpo39Data.txt') and self.init == False: f = open(self.outputDir + 'menpo39Data.txt', 'a') else: f = open(self.outputDir + 'menpo39Data.txt', 'w') self.init = False f.write(info) f.write('\n') f.close()
# cv2.imwrite("original.jpg",img) # raise "debug" # print imgName # print labelsPTS.shape counter = 0 while True: # imgName = "testFiles/image_100_05.png" # img = cv2.imread(imgName) # print img.shape # (w, h, _) = img.shape # resizeImg = None x, y = ut.unpackLandmarks(labelsPTS, 256) resizeImg, x, y = ut.resize(img, x, y, random=True) print type(resizeImg) print resizeImg.shape resizeImg = ut.plotLandmarks(resizeImg, x, y, name=None, ifRescale=False, ifReturn=True) # cv2.imshow("resize"+ str(counter), resizeImg) # cv2.imshow("original",img)
def augmentation(imgPath, name): # generateFunc = ["original", "mirror", "rotate", "translate", "brightnessAndContrast"] # generateFunc = ["mirror", "rotate", "translate", "brightnessAndContrast", "blur"] generateFunc = ["mirror", "brightnessAndContrast", "blur"] if debug: print "imgPath + name: ", imgPath + name img = cv2.imread(imgPath + name) x, y = [], [] img = ut.resize(img) newImg, x, y = ut.scale(img, [], [], imSize=224) print "name: ", name print "type(img): ", type(img) print "img.shape: ", img.shape if img != None: if debug: print "FIND image: ", imgPath + name print "img.shape: ", img.shape derivateNum = len(generateFunc) for index in range(derivateNum): (w, h, _) = img.shape # method = random.choice(generateFunc) method = generateFunc[index] # if index == 0: # method = "original" # if method == "resize": # newImg, newX, newY = ut.resize(img, x, y, xMaxBound = w, yMaxBound = h, random = True) if method == "rotate": newImg, newX, newY = ut.rotate(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "mirror": newImg, newX, newY = ut.mirror(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "translate": newImg, newX, newY = ut.translate(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "brightnessAndContrast": newImg, newX, newY = ut.contrastBrightess(img, x, y) elif method == "original": newImg, newX, newY = img, x, y elif method == "blur": newImg, newX, newY = blur = cv2.blur(img, (5, 5)), x, y # newImg, newX, newY = ut.scale(img, x, y, imSize = imSize) # elif method == "scale": # newImg, newX, newY = ut.scale(img, x, y) else: raise "not existing function" if debug: print "name: ", name print "index: ", index print "newImg.shape: ", newImg.shape print "method: ", method cv2.imshow("img", img) cv2.imshow("newImg", newImg) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imwrite( path + name.replace(".jpg", "") + "_" + str(index) + ".jpg", newImg) print "saving to ............" print path + name.replace(".jpg", "") + "_" + str(index) + ".jpg"
def scan(im_path, show=True): im = cv2.imread(im_path) orig = im.copy() downscaled_height = 700.0 im, scale = utility.downscale(im, downscaled_height) gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kern_size = 5 gray_blurred = cv2.medianBlur(gray, kern_size) threshold_lower = 40 threshold_upper = 150 edged = cv2.Canny(gray_blurred, threshold_lower, threshold_upper) edged_copy = edged.copy() edged_copy = cv2.GaussianBlur(edged_copy, (3, 3), 0) cv2.imwrite('edged.jpg', edged) if show: cv2.imshow('Edged', edged) cv2.imshow('Edged blurred', edged_copy) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(edged_copy, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = sorted(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)[:4] screenCnt = [] for c in cnts: peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.015 * peri, True) debugging = False if debugging: cv2.drawContours(im, [approx], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('Outline', im) cv2.waitKey(0) if len(approx) == 4: screenCnt = approx break if screenCnt.__len__() != 0: if show: cv2.drawContours(im, [screenCnt], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite('outlined.jpg', im) cv2.imshow('Outline', im) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() warped = four_point_transform(orig, screenCnt.reshape(4, 2) * scale) else: warped = orig warped = cv2.cvtColor(warped, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) warped = warped > threshold_local(warped, 251, offset=10) warped = warped.astype('uint8') * 255 if show: cv2.imshow('Original', utility.resize(orig, height=650)) cv2.imshow('Scanned', utility.resize(warped, height=650)) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imwrite('deskewed.jpg', warped)
def DataGenBB(self, DataStrs, train_start, train_end): generateFunc = [ "original", "scale", "rotate", "translate", "scaleAndTranslate", "brightnessAndContrast" ] # generateFunc = ["original", "scale", "rotate", "translate", "scaleAndTranslate"] InputData = np.zeros( [self.batch_size * len(generateFunc), self.imSize, self.imSize, 3], dtype=np.float32) # InputLabel = np.zeros([self.batch_size * len(generateFunc), 7], dtype = np.float32) InputLabel = np.zeros([self.batch_size * len(generateFunc), 3], dtype=np.float32) InputNames = [] count = 0 for i in range(train_start, train_end): strLine = DataStrs[i] strCells = strLine.rstrip(' \n').split(' ') imgName = strCells[0] labels = np.array(strCells[1:]).astype(np.float) if len(labels) == 78: # print "switch to menpo39" labelsPTS = labels[:136].reshape([39, 2]) self.ifMenpo39Data = True else: # print "not menpo39" labelsPTS = labels[:136].reshape([68, 2]) self.ifMenpo39Data = False # if self.debug: # print "imgName: ", imgName img = cv2.imread(imgName) if img != None: # print "find image: ", imgName # print "img.shape: ", img.shape img = cv2.resize(img, (self.imSize, self.imSize)) # print "img.shape: ", img.shape if self.ifMenpo39Data: x, y = self.unpackLandmarks(labelsPTS) else: x, y = ut.unpackLandmarks(labelsPTS, self.imSize) # newImg, newX, newY = img, x, y for index in range(len(generateFunc)): method = generateFunc[index] (w, h, _) = img.shape # tag = random.choice(generateFunc) if method == "resize": newImg, newX, newY = ut.resize(img, x, y, xMaxBound=w, yMaxBound=h, random=True) elif method == "rotate": newImg, newX, newY = ut.rotate(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "mirror": newImg, newX, newY = ut.mirror(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "translate" or method == "scaleAndTranslate": newImg, newX, newY = ut.translate(img, x, y, w=w, h=h) elif method == "brightnessAndContrast": newImg, newX, newY = ut.contrastBrightess(img, x, y) elif method == "original": newImg, newX, newY = img, x, y elif method == "scale": newImg, newX, newY = img, x, y else: raise "not existing function" # if self.debug: # plotOriginal = ut.plotLandmarks(img, x, y, self.imSize, ifReturn = True) # plotNew = ut.plotLandmarks(newImg, newX, newY, self.imSize, ifReturn = True) # cv2.imwrite(self.outputDir + 'testOriginal' + str(count) + '.jpg', img) # cv2.imwrite(self.outputDir + 'testNew' + str(count) + '.jpg', newImg) # cv2.imwrite(self.outputDir + 'plotOriginal' + str(count) + '.jpg', plotOriginal) # cv2.imwrite(self.outputDir + 'plotNew' + str(count) + '.jpg', plotNew) # print "before normalize: ", newX # normX = ut.normalize(newX) # normY = ut.normalize(newY) # print "after normalize: ", newX # print "after denormalize again: ", ut.deNormalize(newX) # normXMin = min(normX) # normYMin = min(normY) # normXMax = max(normX) # normYMax = max(normY) # normXMean = (normXMax + normXMin)/2.0 # normYMean = (normYMax + normYMin)/2.0 # normEdge = max(normYMax - normYMin, normXMax - normXMin) newXMin = min(newX) newYMin = min(newY) newXMax = max(newX) newYMax = max(newY) newXMean = (newXMax + newXMin) / 2.0 newYMean = (newYMax + newYMin) / 2.0 edge = max(newYMax - newYMin, newXMax - newXMin) # if method == "scale": # cv2.imshow("originalImg", newImg) # cv2.waitKey(0) if method == "scale" or method == "scaleAndTranslate": newEdge = np.random.uniform(0.7, 0.9) * edge newXMin = int(newXMean - newEdge / 2.0) newXMax = int(newXMean + newEdge / 2.0) newYMin = int(newYMean - newEdge / 2.0) newYMax = int(newYMean + newEdge / 2.0) newXMean = newXMean - newXMin newYMean = newYMean - newYMin # print "newXMin, newYMin, newXMax, newYMax: ", newXMin, newYMin, newXMax, newYMax newImg = Image.fromarray(newImg.astype(np.uint8)) cropImg = newImg.crop( (newXMin, newYMin, newXMax, newYMax)) newImg = np.array(cropImg) # cv2.imshow("processing", newImg) # cv2.waitKey(0) w, h, _ = newImg.shape edge = edge * self.imSize / w newXMean = newXMean * self.imSize / w newYMean = newYMean * self.imSize / h newImg = cv2.resize(newImg, (self.imSize, self.imSize)) # print "newXMin: ", newXMin # print "newYMin: ", newYMin # print "newXMax: ", newXMax # print "newYMax: ", newYMax # print "newXMean: ", newXMean # print "newYMean: ", newYMean # print "newEdge: ", newEdge # if method == "scale": # newImg = ut.plotTarget(newImg, [newXMean, newYMean, edge], ifSquareOnly = True, ifGreen = True) # cv2.imshow("newImg", newImg) # cv2.waitKey(0) # if self.ifMenpo39Data == False: print "imgName: ", imgName.split("/")[-2] + imgName.split( "/")[-1].split(".")[0] print "inputCheck/" + imgName.split( "/")[-2] + imgName.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + str( method) + str(count) + '.jpg' cv2.imwrite( "inputCheck/" + imgName.split("/")[-2] + imgName.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + str(method) + str(count) + '.jpg', newImg) normX = ut.normalize(newX, self.imSize) normY = ut.normalize(newY, self.imSize) # normPTS = np.asarray(ut.packLandmarks(normX, normY)) normXMean, normYMean, normEdge = ut.normalize( newXMean, self.imSize), ut.normalize( newYMean, self.imSize), ut.normalize(edge, self.imSize) # print "newPTS: ", newPTS.shape # print "ut.deNormalize(normXMin): ", ut.deNormalize(normXMin) # print "ut.deNormalize(normYMin): ", ut.deNormalize(normYMin) # print "ut.deNormalize(normXMax): ", ut.deNormalize(normXMax) # print "ut.deNormalize(normYMax): ", ut.deNormalize(normYMax) # print "ut.deNormalize(normXMean): ",ut.deNormalize(normXMean) # print "ut.deNormalize(normYMean): ",ut.deNormalize(normYMean) # print "ut.deNormalize(normEdge): ", ut.deNormalize(normEdge) # print "method: ", method # print "newImg.shape: ", newImg.shape # print "len(InputData): ", len(InputData) InputData[count, ...] = newImg # labels = np.array([normPTS[27][0], normPTS[27][1], normPTS[8][0], # normPTS[8][1], normXMean, normYMean, normEdge]) labels = np.array([normXMean, normYMean, normEdge]) InputLabel[count, ...] = labels InputNames.append(imgName) # print "count: ", count count += 1 else: print "cannot : ", imgName return InputData, InputLabel, np.asarray(InputNames)
import utility import imutils detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor( '/home/rahul/Programming/Github-Content/Chrome-Dinosaur-Pythonified/Face-detection/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat' ) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: _, orig = _, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray, ratio = utility.resize(gray, width=120) rects = detector(gray, 1) for (i, rect) in enumerate(rects): shape = predictor(gray, rect) shape = utility.shape_to_np(shape) (x, y, w, h) = utility.rect_to_bb(rect) #cv2.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0,255,0),2) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(x / ratio), int(y / ratio)), (int(w / ratio), int(h / ratio)), (255, 0, 0), 5) for (x, y) in shape:, (int(x / ratio), int(y / ratio)), 2, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('frame', frame)