Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, constraint_0, constraint_1, mode: str):
        """Creates line
                Point object or ndarray representing a vector to (first) base point
                Point object or ndarray representing a vector to second base point
                or ndarray representing vector parallel to line
            mode (str): 'point' for defining line with two points or 'vector' for point and vector form
        mode = utility.modecheck_type(mode)
        utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, constraint_0)
        utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, constraint_0, constraint_1)

        self.__point_a = utility.vec(constraint_0)
        if mode == 'point':
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, constraint_1)
            self.__point_b = utility.vec(constraint_1)
            self.__vector = self.__point_b - self.__point_a
        elif mode == 'vector':
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vector, constraint_1)
            self.__vector = utility.vec(constraint_1)
            self.__point_b = self.__point_a + self.__vector
            e_str = f"Line parameter \'mode\' takes either \'point\' or \'vector\' as argument. Unknown argument {mode}"
            raise ValueError(e_str)
Esempio n. 2
def map_xyz_to_uv(origin, u_axis: np.ndarray, normal: np.ndarray, point, norm: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
    """Map coordinates of a point in 3D space to local UV coordinates.
        origin: Origin of local coordinate system. Either Point object or vector.
        u_axis (np.ndarray): vector defining local U axis
        normal (np.ndarray): normal pointing out of UV plane
            i.e. the plane in 3D space on which the UV coordinate system resides
        point: Point to be translated to UV projection. Either Point object or vector.
        norm (bool): normalize UV coordinate system (default: True) or use U vector to scale UV system.
        uv_coords (UVPoint): UVPoint object on UV plane.
    origin = utility.vec(origin)
    point = utility.vec(point)
    utility.argcheck_dim(3, origin, u_axis, normal, point)

    point = point - origin
    v_axis = np.cross(u_axis, -normal)
    if norm:
        #normalize coordinate system
        u_axis = u_axis / np.linalg.norm(u_axis)
        v_axis = v_axis / np.linalg.norm(v_axis)
    uv_system = np.stack((u_axis, v_axis))
    uv_coords =, point)
    return uv_coords
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, point_0: UVPoint, point_1: UVPoint, point_2: UVPoint):
        utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, point_0, point_1, point_2)
        utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, point_0)
        utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, point_1)
        utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, point_2)

        self.__point_a = utility.vec(point_0)
        self.__point_b = utility.vec(point_1)
        self.__point_c = utility.vec(point_2)
        self.__edge_a = UVLine(self.__point_a, self.__point_b)
        self.__edge_b = UVLine(self.__point_b, self.__point_c)
        self.__edge_c = UVLine(self.__point_c, self.__point_a)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, vert_0, vert_1):
     """Creates Edge
         vert_0: Vertex object or ndarray representing vector to vertex
         vert_1: Vertex object or ndarray representing vector to vertex
     utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, vert_0)
     utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, vert_1)
     utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, vert_0, vert_1)
     self.__vertex_a = utility.vec(vert_0)
     self.__vertex_b = utility.vec(vert_1)
     self.__vector = self.__vertex_b - self.__vertex_a
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, constraint_0, constraint_1, constraint_2, mode: str):
        """Creates a plane. 3 forms of representation are possible:
        - three points
        - point and two vectors defining plane
        - point, vector parallel to plane and vector normal to plane
                Point object or ndarray representing vector to base point
                Point object or ndarray representing vector to second base point
                or ndarray representing vector parallel to plane
                Point object or ndarray representing vector to third base point
                or ndarray representing second vector parallel to plane (non-parallel to constraint_1)
                or ndarray representing vector normal to plane
            mode (str): "point", "vector", "normal" for plane representation
        utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, constraint_0, constraint_1, constraint_2)
        utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, constraint_0)
        mode = utility.modecheck_type(mode)

        self.__point_a = utility.vec(constraint_0)
        if mode == 'point':
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, constraint_1)
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, constraint_2)

            self.__point_b = utility.vec(constraint_1)
            self.__point_c = utility.vec(constraint_2)
            self.__vector_u = self.__point_b - self.__point_a
            self.__vector_v = self.__point_c - self.__point_a
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vector, constraint_1)
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vector, constraint_2)

            self.__vector_u = utility.vec(constraint_1)
            self.__point_b = self.__point_a + self.__vector_u
            if mode == 'vector':
                self.__vector_v = utility.vec(constraint_2)
            elif mode == 'normal':
                # generate second plane defining vector to calculate points on plane
                self.__vector_v = cross(self.__point_c, self.__vector_u)
                e_str = f"Plane parameter \'mode\' takes either \'point\', \'vector\' or \'normal\' as argument. " \
                        f"Unknown argument {mode}"
                raise ValueError(e_str)
            self.__point_c = self.__point_a + self.__vector_v
        self.__normal = cross(self.__vector_u, self.__vector_v)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, element_0, element_1, element_2 = None):
        sigma = 1e-8
        c_in_tol = lambda coord, tolerance: abs(coord) <= tolerance
        tol_comp = lambda c0, c1: c0 and c1

        # Accounting for all initialization modes
        if element_2 is not None:
            # Vertex initialization mode
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, element_0)
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, element_1)
            utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, element_2)
            self.__vertex_a = utility.vec(element_0)
            self.__vertex_b = utility.vec(element_1)
            self.__vertex_c = utility.vec(element_2)
            if type(element_0) == self._argtypes_edge[0] and type(element_1) == self._argtypes_edge[0]:
                # Two Edge initialization mode
                v0a = utility.vec(element_0.vertex_a)
                v0b = utility.vec(element_0.vertex_b)
                v1a = utility.vec(element_1.vertex_a)
                v1b = utility.vec(element_1.vertex_b)
                if reduce(tol_comp, c_in_tol(v0a - v1a, sigma)) or reduce(tol_comp, c_in_tol(v0a - v1b, sigma)):
                    self.__vertex_a = v0b
                elif reduce(tol_comp, c_in_tol(v0b - v1a, sigma)) or reduce(tol_comp, c_in_tol(v0b - v1b, sigma)):
                    self.__vertex_a = v0a
                    raise ValueError("Passed Edge objects do not share at least 1 Vertex.")
                self.__vertex_b = v1a
                self.__vertex_c = v1b
                # Vertex and Edge initialization mode
                args = [element_0, element_1]
                self.__vertex_a = utility.vec(next(filter(lambda a: type(a) != Edge, args)))
                utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, self.__vertex_a)
                arg_edge = next(filter(lambda a: type(a) == Edge, args))
                self.__vertex_b = utility.vec(arg_edge.vertex_a)
                self.__vertex_c = utility.vec(arg_edge.vertex_b)
        utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, self.__vertex_a, self.__vertex_b, self.__vertex_c)

        self.__edge_a = Edge(self.__vertex_a, self.__vertex_b)
        self.__edge_b = Edge(self.__vertex_b, self.__vertex_c)
        self.__edge_c = Edge(self.__vertex_c, self.__vertex_a)

        self.__vector_u = self.__vertex_b - self.__vertex_a
        self.__vector_v = self.__vertex_c - self.__vertex_a
        self.__normal = cross(self.__vector_u, self.__vector_v)
Esempio n. 7
 def vertex_b(self, new_vert):
     utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, new_vert)
     utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, new_vert)
     self.__vertex_b = utility.vec(new_vert)
     self.__vector = self.__vertex_b - self.__vertex_a
Esempio n. 8
 def vertex_c(self, new_vert):
     utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_vert, new_vert)
     utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, new_vert)
     self.__vertex_c = utility.vec(new_vert)
Esempio n. 9
 def point_c(self, new_const):
     utility.argcheck_type(self._argtypes_point, new_const)
     utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, new_const)
     self.__point_c = utility.vec(new_const)
Esempio n. 10
 def point_b(self, new_const):
     utility.argcheck_type( self._argtypes_point, new_const)
     utility.argcheck_dim(self._dimension, new_const)
     self.__point_b = utility.vec(new_const)
     self.__vector = self.__point_b - self.__point_a