def __init__(self): """Load map data from cache and collect shapes of all the intersections.""" self.map_datum = {} # map to Shapely MultiPolygon for junction entrance/exits self.map_to_smpolys = {} # map to Shapely Circle covering junction region self.map_to_scircles = {}"Retrieve map from cache.") for map_name in CARLA_MAP_NAMES: cachepath = f"{CACHEDIR}/map_data.{map_name}.pkl" with open(cachepath, "rb") as f: payload = dill.load(f, encoding="latin1") self.map_datum[map_name] = util.AttrDict( road_polygons=payload["road_polygons"], white_lines=payload["white_lines"], yellow_lines=payload["yellow_lines"], junctions=payload["junctions"], )"Retrieving some data from map.") for map_name in CARLA_MAP_NAMES: for _junction in self.map_datum[map_name].junctions: f = lambda x, y, yaw, l: util.vertices_from_bbox( np.array([x, y]), yaw, np.array([5.0, 0.95 * l])) vertex_set = util.map_to_ndarray( lambda wps: util.starmap(f, wps), _junction.waypoints) smpolys = util.map_to_list(vertex_set_to_smpoly, vertex_set) util.setget_list_from_dict(self.map_to_smpolys, map_name).extend(smpolys) x, y = _junction.pos scircle = shapely.geometry.Point(x, y).buffer( self.TLIGHT_DETECT_RADIUS) util.setget_list_from_dict(self.map_to_scircles, map_name).append(scircle)
def __plot_ev_current_bbox(self, ax): """Box of current ego vehicle position.""" vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox([:2],[2], self.ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc=util.plu.modify_alpha("black", 0.2), ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb)
def __plot_ev_predicted_bbox(self, ax, t): """Get vertices of EV and plot its bounding box.""" if t < 2: vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(self.ctrl_result.X_star[t, :2], self.ctrl_result.X_star[t, 2], self.ego_bbox) else: """Make EV bbox look better on far horizons by fixing the heading angle.""" heading = np.arctan2( self.ctrl_result.X_star[t, 1] - self.ctrl_result.X_star[t - 1, 1], self.ctrl_result.X_star[t, 0] - self.ctrl_result.X_star[t - 1, 0]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(self.ctrl_result.X_star[t, :2], heading, self.ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc='none', ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb)
def __plot_ov_clusters(self, ax, t): """Plot other vehicles""" ovehicle_colors = get_ovehicle_color_set() for ov_idx, ovehicle in enumerate(self.ovehicles): color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][0] ax.plot(ovehicle.past[:, 0], ovehicle.past[:, 1], marker='o', markersize=2, color=color) heading = np.arctan2(ovehicle.past[-1, 1] - ovehicle.past[-2, 1], ovehicle.past[-1, 0] - ovehicle.past[-2, 0]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(ovehicle.past[-1], heading, np.array([ovehicle.bbox])) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color=color, fc=util.plu.modify_alpha(color, 0.2), ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) for latent_idx in range(ovehicle.n_states): color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][latent_idx] # Plot overapproximation A = self.ctrl_result.A_union[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] b = self.ctrl_result.b_union[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] util.npu.plot_h_polyhedron(ax, A, b, ec=color, ls='-', alpha=1) # Plot vertices vertices = self.ctrl_result.vertices[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] X = vertices[:, 0:2].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 2:4].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 4:6].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 6:8].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2)
def plot_multiple_coinciding_controls_timestep(ax, pred_result, ovehicles, params, ctrl_result, X_star, t, traj_idx, latent_indices, ego_bbox, extent=None): """Helper function for plot_multiple_coinciding_controls() Parameters ========== ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The plot to make. pred_result : util.AttrDict Prediction payload containing: scene, timestep, nodes, predictions, z, latent_probs, past_dict, ground_truth_dict. ovehicles : list of OVehicle Vehicles present in the scene. params : util.AttrDict Parameters of optimization. ctrl_result : util.AttrDict Control optimization payload containing: cost, U_star, X_star, goal, A_unions, b_unions, vertices. X_star : ndarray The predicted states including initial state from optimization. t : int The timestep of predicted state we want to show for this plot. The state corresponding to timestep 1 is X_star[t + 1]. traj_idx : int latent_indices : ndarray of int ego_bbox : list of int Ego bounding box (longitudinal, lateral) dimensions. extent : tuple of number Extent of plot (x min, x max, y min, y max). """ ovehicle_colors = get_ovehicle_color_set() render_scene(ax, pred_result.scene, global_coordinates=True) ax.plot(ctrl_result.goal[0], ctrl_result.goal[1], marker='*', markersize=8, color="yellow") # Plot ego vehicle past trajectory past = None minpos = np.array([pred_result.scene.x_min, pred_result.scene.y_min]) for node in pred_result.nodes: if == 'ego': past = pred_result.past_dict[pred_result.timestep][node] + minpos break ax.plot(past[:, 0], past[:, 1], '-ko', markersize=2) # Box of current ego vehicle position vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox([:2],[2], ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc=util.plu.modify_alpha("black", 0.2), ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) # Plot ego vehicle planned trajectory ax.plot(X_star[:(t + 2), 0], X_star[:(t + 2), 1], 'k-o', markersize=2) # Get vertices of EV and plot its bounding box if t < 2: vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(X_star[t + 1, :2], X_star[t + 1, 2], ego_bbox) else: # Make EV bbox look better on far horizons by fixing the heading angle heading = np.arctan2(X_star[t + 1, 1] - X_star[t, 1], X_star[t + 1, 0] - X_star[t, 0]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(X_star[t + 1, :2], heading, ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc='none', ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) # Plot other vehicles for ov_idx, ovehicle in enumerate(ovehicles): # Plot past trajectory latent_idx = latent_indices[ov_idx] color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][0] ax.plot(ovehicle.past[:, 0], ovehicle.past[:, 1], marker='o', markersize=2, color=color) # Plot overapproximation color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][latent_idx] A = ctrl_result.A_unions[traj_idx][t][ov_idx] b = ctrl_result.b_unions[traj_idx][t][ov_idx] try: util.npu.plot_h_polyhedron(ax, A, b, ec=color, alpha=1) except scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError as e: print(f"Failed to plot polyhedron at timestep t={t}") # Plot vertices vertices = ctrl_result.vertices[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] X = vertices[:, 0:2].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 2:4].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 4:6].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 6:8].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) if extent is not None: ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[1]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[2], extent[3]]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(f"t = {t + 1}") ax.set_aspect('equal')
def plot_oa_simulation_2_timestep(scene, scene_df, actual_trajectory, frame_idx, planned_frame, planned_trajectory, planned_control, road_segs, ego_bbox, step_horizon, step_size, n_frames, filename="oa_simulation", road_boundary_constraints=True): """Helper function of plot_oa_simulation_2() """ # Generate plots for map, velocity, heading and steering fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) axes = axes.ravel() ax = axes[0] render_scene(ax, scene, global_coordinates=True) if road_boundary_constraints: for A, b in road_segs.polytopes: util.npu.plot_h_polyhedron(ax, A, b, fc='b', ec='b', alpha=0.2) ovehicle_colors = get_ovehicle_color_set() frame_df = scene_df.loc[scene_df['frame_id'] == frame_idx] frame_df = frame_df.loc[frame_df['node_id'] != 'ego'] for idx, (_, node_s) in enumerate(frame_df.iterrows()): """Plot OV positions""" position = node_s[['position_x', 'position_y']].values heading = node_s['heading_°'] # lw = node_s[['length', 'width']].values # no bounding box in dataset lw = np.array([3.70, 1.79]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(position, heading, lw) color = ovehicle_colors[idx][0] bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color=color, fc=util.plu.modify_alpha(color, 0.2)) ax.add_patch(bb) "EV bounding box at current position" position = actual_trajectory[frame_idx, :2] heading = actual_trajectory[frame_idx, 2] vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(position, heading, ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color="k", fc=util.plu.modify_alpha("black", 0.2)) ax.add_patch(bb) """Plot EV planned trajectory. This is computed from CPLEX using LTI vehicle dynamics.""" planned_xy = planned_trajectory[:, :2] ax.plot(planned_xy.T[0], planned_xy.T[1], "--bo", zorder=20, markersize=2) """Plot EV planned trajectory. This is with original non-linear dyamics and controls from CPLEX.""" gt_planned_trajectory = compute_nonlinear_dynamical_states( planned_trajectory[0], planned_trajectory.shape[0] - 1, step_size, planned_control, l_r=0.5 * ego_bbox[0], L=ego_bbox[0]) gt_planned_xy = gt_planned_trajectory[:, :2] ax.plot(*gt_planned_xy.T, "--go", zorder=20, markersize=2) "Plot EV actual trajectory" # plans are made in current frame, and carried out next frame actual_xy = actual_trajectory[:, :2] idx = frame_idx + 1 ax.plot(actual_xy[:idx, 0], actual_xy[:idx, 1], '-ko') ax.plot(actual_xy[idx:(idx + step_horizon), 0], actual_xy[idx:(idx + step_horizon), 1], '-o', color="orange") ax.plot(actual_xy[(idx + step_horizon):, 0], actual_xy[(idx + step_horizon):, 1], '-ko') "Configure plot" min_x, min_y = np.min(planned_xy, axis=0) - 20 max_x, max_y = np.max(planned_xy, axis=0) + 20 x_mid, y_mid = (max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2 extent = (x_mid - 30, x_mid + 30, y_mid - 30, y_mid + 30) ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[1]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[2], extent[3]]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(f"frame {frame_idx + 1}") ax.set_aspect('equal') """Plot v, which is the vehicle speed""" ax = axes[1] planned_v = planned_trajectory[:, 3] gt_planned_v = gt_planned_trajectory[:, 3] actual_v = actual_trajectory[:, 3] ax.plot(range(1, n_frames + 1), actual_v, "-k.", label="ground truth") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + planned_v.size), planned_v, "-b.", label="under LTI") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + gt_planned_v.size), gt_planned_v, "-g.", label="without LTI") ax.set_title("$v$ speed of c.g., m/s") ax.set_ylabel("m/s") """Plot psi, which is the vehicle longitudinal angle in global coordinates""" ax = axes[2] planned_psi = planned_trajectory[:, 2] gt_planned_psi = gt_planned_trajectory[:, 2] actual_psi = actual_trajectory[:, 2] ax.plot(range(1, n_frames + 1), actual_psi, "-k.", label="ground truth") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + planned_psi.size), planned_psi, "-b.", label="under LTI") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + gt_planned_psi.size), gt_planned_psi, "-g.", label="without LTI") ax.set_title("$\psi$ longitudinal angle, radians") ax.set_ylabel("rad") """Plot delta, which is the turning angle""" ax = axes[3] planned_delta = planned_trajectory[:, 4] gt_planned_delta = gt_planned_trajectory[:, 4] actual_delta = actual_trajectory[:, 4] ax.plot(range(1, n_frames + 1), actual_delta, "-k.", label="under LTI") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + planned_delta.size), planned_delta, "-b.", label="under LTI") ax.plot(range(idx, idx + gt_planned_delta.size), gt_planned_delta, "-g.", label="without LTI") ax.set_title("$\delta$ turning angle, radians") ax.set_ylabel("rad") """Plot a, which is acceleration control input""" ax = axes[4] planned_a = planned_control[:, 0] ax.plot(range(idx, idx + planned_a.size), planned_a, "-.", color="orange") ax.set_title("$a$ acceleration input $m/s^2$") ax = axes[5] planned_ddelta = planned_control[:, 1] ax.plot(range(idx, idx + planned_ddelta.size), planned_ddelta, "-.", color="orange") ax.set_title("$\dot{\delta}$ turning rate input rad/s") for ax in axes[1:4]: ax.set_xlabel("time, s") ax.grid() ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join('out', f"{filename}_idx{frame_idx}.png")) fig.clf()
def plot_oa_simulation_1_timestep(scene, scene_df, actual_trajectory, frame_idx, planned_frame, planned_trajectory, planned_controls, road_segs, ego_bbox, step_horizon, filename="oa_simulation", road_boundary_constraints=True): """Helper function of plot_oa_simulation_1() """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) render_scene(ax, scene, global_coordinates=True) if road_boundary_constraints: for A, b in road_segs.polytopes: util.npu.plot_h_polyhedron(ax, A, b, fc='b', ec='b', alpha=0.2) ovehicle_colors = get_ovehicle_color_set() frame_df = scene_df.loc[scene_df['frame_id'] == frame_idx] frame_df = frame_df.loc[frame_df['node_id'] != 'ego'] for idx, (_, node_s) in enumerate(frame_df.iterrows()): """Plot OV positions""" position = node_s[['position_x', 'position_y']].values heading = node_s['heading_°'] # lw = node_s[['length', 'width']].values # no bounding box in dataset lw = np.array([3.70, 1.79]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(position, heading, lw) color = ovehicle_colors[idx][0] bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color=color, fc=util.plu.modify_alpha(color, 0.2)) ax.add_patch(bb) "EV bounding box at current position" position = actual_trajectory[frame_idx, :2] heading = actual_trajectory[frame_idx, 2] vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(position, heading, ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color="k", fc=util.plu.modify_alpha("black", 0.2)) ax.add_patch(bb) "Plot EV planned trajectory" planned_xy = planned_trajectory[:, :2] ax.plot(planned_xy.T[0], planned_xy.T[1], "--bo", zorder=20, markersize=2) "Plot EV actual trajectory" # plans are made in current frame, and carried out next frame actual_xy = actual_trajectory[:, :2] idx = frame_idx + 1 ax.plot(actual_xy[:idx, 0], actual_xy[:idx, 1], '-ko') ax.plot(actual_xy[idx:(idx + step_horizon), 0], actual_xy[idx:(idx + step_horizon), 1], '-o', color="orange") ax.plot(actual_xy[(idx + step_horizon):, 0], actual_xy[(idx + step_horizon):, 1], '-ko') "Configure plot" min_x, min_y = np.min(planned_xy, axis=0) - 20 max_x, max_y = np.max(planned_xy, axis=0) + 20 x_mid, y_mid = (max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2 extent = (x_mid - 30, x_mid + 30, y_mid - 30, y_mid + 30) ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[1]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[2], extent[3]]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(f"frame {frame_idx + 1}") ax.set_aspect('equal') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join('out', f"{filename}_idx{frame_idx}.png")) fig.clf()
def plot_lcss_prediction_timestep(ax, pred_result, ovehicles, params, ctrl_result, X_star, t, ego_bbox, extent=None): ovehicle_colors = get_ovehicle_color_set() render_scene(ax, pred_result.scene, global_coordinates=True) ax.plot(ctrl_result.goal[0], ctrl_result.goal[1], marker='*', markersize=8, color="yellow") # Plot ego vehicle past trajectory past = None minpos = np.array([pred_result.scene.x_min, pred_result.scene.y_min]) for node in pred_result.nodes: if == 'ego': past = pred_result.past_dict[pred_result.timestep][node] + minpos break ax.plot(past[:, 0], past[:, 1], '-ko', markersize=2) # Box of current ego vehicle position vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox([:2],[2], ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc=util.plu.modify_alpha("black", 0.2), ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) # Plot ego vehicle planned trajectory ax.plot(X_star[:(t + 2), 0], X_star[:(t + 2), 1], '--ko', markersize=2) # Get vertices of EV and plot its bounding box if t < 2: vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(ctrl_result.X_star[t, :2], ctrl_result.X_star[t, 2], ego_bbox) else: # Make EV bbox look better on far horizons by fixing the heading angle heading = np.arctan2( ctrl_result.X_star[t, 1] - ctrl_result.X_star[t - 1, 1], ctrl_result.X_star[t, 0] - ctrl_result.X_star[t - 1, 0]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(ctrl_result.X_star[t, :2], heading, ego_bbox) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color='k', fc='none', ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) # Plot other vehicles for ov_idx, ovehicle in enumerate(ovehicles): color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][0] ax.plot(ovehicle.past[:, 0], ovehicle.past[:, 1], marker='o', markersize=2, color=color) heading = np.arctan2(ovehicle.past[-1, 1] - ovehicle.past[-2, 1], ovehicle.past[-1, 0] - ovehicle.past[-2, 0]) vertices = util.vertices_from_bbox(ovehicle.past[-1], heading, np.array([ovehicle.bbox])) bb = patches.Polygon(vertices.reshape(( -1, 2, )), closed=True, color=color, fc=util.plu.modify_alpha(color, 0.2), ls='-') ax.add_patch(bb) for latent_idx in range(ovehicle.n_states): color = ovehicle_colors[ov_idx][latent_idx] # Plot overapproximation A = ctrl_result.A_union[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] b = ctrl_result.b_union[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] try: util.npu.plot_h_polyhedron(ax, A, b, ec=color, ls='-', alpha=1) except scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError: print(f"Failed to plot polyhedron at timestep t={t}") # Plot vertices vertices = ctrl_result.vertices[t][latent_idx][ov_idx] X = vertices[:, 0:2].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 2:4].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 4:6].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) X = vertices[:, 6:8].T ax.scatter(X[0], X[1], color=color, s=2) if extent is not None: ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[1]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[2], extent[3]]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(f"t = {t + 1}") ax.set_aspect('equal')