def draw_topK(search_type=0, bar_type=0): # testSampleResultFile.t=0.ns=500.r=1.k=10.nw=1 alg_type = ['SPBase', 'SPBest'] ns = 200 radius = 2 ks = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20] nw = 5 if bar_type==0: ys = [i*1000 for i in range(13)] ys = None y_label = 'Runtime (ms)' elif bar_type==1: ys = [i*100 for i in range(5)] y_label = '# of TQSP Computations' else: ys = [i*10 for i in range(6)] y_label = '# of R-tree nodes accessed' base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\k_nw\\' if bar_type==0: timeBar = Bar(xLabel=r'top-$k$', yLabel=y_label, is_stack=True, title=r'top-k type=' + str(search_type), ys=ys) for i in range(len(alg_type)): datas = [] for k in ks: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_type[i], nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=search_type, ns=200, r=2, k=k, nw=5, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) datas.append(data) timeOthers = [] timeSemantics = [] for data in datas: timeSemantics.append(data.timeSemantic) timeOthers.append(data.timeOther) timeBar.draw_bar(i, timeSemantics, hatch=Bar.hatchx, label=alg_type[i]) timeBar.draw_bar(i, timeOthers, ys=timeSemantics, faceColor='white') else: if 1==bar_type: y_type = 'TQSP' elif 2==bar_type: y_type = 'RTree' bar = Bar(xLabel=r'top-$k$', yLabel=y_label, title=r'top-k type=' + str(search_type), ys=ys, y_type=y_type) for i in range(len(alg_type)): datas = [] for k in ks: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_type[i], nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=search_type, ns=200, r=2, k=k, nw=5, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) datas.append(data) list1 = [] for data in datas: if 1==bar_type: list1.append(data.numTQSP) elif 2==bar_type: list1.append(data.numAccessedRTreeNode) bar.draw_bar(i, list1, label=alg_type[i])
def __init__(self, title='title', xlabel=None, xs=None, ylable=None, yscale='linear', ys=None, ylim=None, fName='test.pdf'): self.linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] self.indexLineStyle = 0 self.dashess = [[2, 2, 2, 2], [4, 4, 4, 4], [6, 6, 6, 6], [6, 2, 6, 2], [10, 5, 10, 5], [12, 12, 12, 12]] self.indexDash = 0 self.title = title self.xlabel = xlabel self.xs = xs self.ylable = ylable self.yscale = yscale self.ys = ys self.ylim = ylim self.fpath = PathUtility.figure_path() + fName # self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(10.1023, 6.5), tight_layout=True) self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(10, 8), tight_layout=True) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
def draw_date_range(label=r'$|q.\delta|$', base_y=None, x_rotation=0, fpath='test.pdf'): if base_y!=None: ys = [base_y+i*100 for i in range(0, 17)] # x_txts = [r'$5\times10^8$', r'$1\times10^8$', r'$5\times10^7$', r'$1\times10^7$', # r'$5\times10^6$', r'$1\times10^6$', r'$5\times10^5$', r'$1\times10^5$', # r'$1\times10^4$', '0'] # x_txts = [0,3,7,15,30,50,100,150,300,600] # drs = [0,3,7,15,30,50,100,150,300,600] drs = [0,3,7,15,30,50,100,150] x_txts = [0,6,14,30,60,100,200,300] xs=[i for i in range(len(drs))] if base_y!=None: chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, ys=ys, yscale='liner', xLabel=label, title=label, yLabel='Runtime (ms)', xlabel_rotation=x_rotation, fpath = fpath) else: chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, xLabel=label, title=label, yLabel='Runtime (ms)', xlabel_rotation=x_rotation, fpath=fpath) base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\dr\\' alg_types=['SPBase', 'SPBest'] for alg_type in alg_types: runtimes = [] for dr in drs: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_type, nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=1, ns=200, r=2, k=5, nw=5, wf=500, dr=dr)) # print(data) runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) print(runtimes) if alg_type=='SPBase': chart.draw_line(runtimes, r'$SPTR$') elif alg_type=='SPBest': chart.draw_line(runtimes, r'$SPTR^*$')
def draw_differ_size(line_type=0, title='Graph Vertex Size (in million)', fpath='test.pdf'): # testSampleResultFile.t=0.ns=500.r=1.k=10.nw=1 xs = [1, 2, 3, 4] x_txts = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0] if line_type==0: yLabel='Runtime (ms)' elif line_type==1: yLabel = '# of R-tree nodes accessed' chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, xLabel=r'Graph Vertex Size (in million)', yLabel=yLabel, title=title, fpath=fpath) alg_types = ['SPBase', 'SPBest'] ts = [0, 1] sizes = ['2000000', '4000000', '6000000', 'org'] alg_names = [r'$SPTD$', r'$SPTR$', r'$SPTD^*$', r'$SPTR^*$'] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\diff_size\\' alg_names_index = 0 for alg_type in alg_types: for t in ts: runtimes = [] for i in range(len(sizes)): data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir + sizes[i] + '\\', sp=alg_type, nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=t, ns=200, r=2, k=5, nw=5, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) if line_type==0: runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) elif line_type==1: runtimes.append(data.numAccessedRTreeNode) chart.draw_line(runtimes, label=alg_names[alg_names_index]) alg_names_index = alg_names_index + 1
def draw_nw(base_y=None, fpath='test.pdf'): ys = None if base_y != None: ys = [base_y+i*100 for i in range(0, 11)] x_txts = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0] xs=[i for i in range(len(x_txts))] yLabel = 'Runtime (ms)' chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, ys=ys, xLabel=r'|$q.\psi$|', yLabel=yLabel, title=r'|$q.\psi$|', fpath=fpath) alg_types = ['SPBase', 'SPBest'] search_types = [0, 1] type = None nws = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\k_nw\\' for search_index in range(len(search_types)): for alg_index in range(len(alg_types)): if alg_index==0: if search_index==0: type=r'$SPTD$' else: type=r'$SPTR$' else: if search_index==0: type=r'$SPTD^*$' else: type=r'$SPTR^*$' runtimes = [] for nw in nws: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_types[alg_index], nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=search_types[search_index], ns=200, r=2, k=5, nw=nw, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) chart.draw_line(runtimes, type)
def draw_n_words(search_type=0): # testSampleResultFile.t=0.ns=500.r=1.k=10.nw=1 xs = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5] x_txts = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0] ys = [i*100 for i in range(15)] alg_type = ['SPBase', 'SPBest'] ns = 200 radius = 2 k = 5 nws = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\k_nw\\' timeBar = Bar(xLabel=r'|$q.\psi$|', yLabel='Runtime (ms)', is_stack=True, title='n_wrods type=' + str(search_type), ys=ys, xs=xs, x_txts=x_txts, y_type='NW') for i in range(len(alg_type)): datas = [] for nw in nws: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_type[i], nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=search_type, ns=200, r=2, k=5, nw=nw, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) datas.append(data) timeOthers = [] timeSemantics = [] for data in datas: timeSemantics.append(data.timeSemantic) timeOthers.append(data.timeOther) timeBar.draw_bar(i, timeSemantics, hatch=Bar.hatchx, label=alg_type[i]) timeBar.draw_bar(i, timeOthers, ys=timeSemantics, faceColor='white')
def __init__(self, numBar, title=None, widthBar=0.14, spanBars=0.03, xlabel=None, xTxts=None, xTxtY=None, xRotateAngle=0, ylabel=None, yscale='linear', ys=None, ylim=None, loc=1, fName=None): self.hatchxes = ['x', '.', '+', 'O'] self.hatchIndex = 0 if title == None: self.title = fName self.numBar = numBar self.widthBar = widthBar self.spanBars = spanBars # 两个相邻bar之间相隔的宽度 self.spanXTick = 5 / (len(xTxts) + 1) self.xs = [self.spanXTick * i for i in range(len(xTxts) + 2)] self.baseStartXOfBar = self.xs[1] - (widthBar * numBar + spanBars * (numBar - 1)) / 2 self.spanNextBar = widthBar + spanBars # 两个相邻bar的左边x坐标之差 self.xlabel = xlabel self.xTxts = xTxts self.xTxtY = xTxtY # 设置x轴的txt所在y self.xRotateAngle = xRotateAngle self.ylabel = ylabel self.yscale = yscale self.ys = ys self.ylim = ylim self.loc = loc self.fpath = PathUtility.figure_path() + fName # figure设置 # self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(10.1023, 6.5), tight_layout=True) self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(10, 8), tight_layout=True) # self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(8, 6), tight_layout=True) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(self.title) # 设置全局字体大小 plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 25 = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
def __init__(self, fig=None, xs=None, ys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title='title', pathBgImg=None, yscale='linear', showXY=True, markerscale=1, fName='test.pdf'): plt.rcParams['axes.ymargin'] = 0 plt.rcParams['axes.autolimit_mode'] = 'round_numbers' if fig is None: # self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(10.1023, 6.5), tight_layout=True) self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000), figsize=(8, 6.5), tight_layout=True) else: self.fig = fig # self.fig = plt.figure(random.randint(1, 10000)) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) # # = None # if yscale != None: # self.yscale = yscale # else: # self.yscale = 'linear' self.markerscale = markerscale self.yscale = yscale self.xs = xs self.ys = ys self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim self.pathBgImg = pathBgImg self.showXY = showXY self.fpath = PathUtility.figure_path() + fName plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) plt.margins(0) if fig is None: = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
def draw_radius(type=0, base_y=600, title='TEST', fpath='test.pdf'): ys = [base_y+i*50 for i in range(0, 11)] xs=[i for i in range(0, 4)] x_txts = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0] chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, ys=ys, yscale='liner', xLabel=r'$\alpha$-radius', yLabel='Runtime (ms)', title=title, fpath=fpath) # chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, xLabel=r'$\alpha$-radius', yLabel='Runtime (ms)') radius = [1, 2, 3, 5] ks = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\radius_k\\' for k in ks: runtimes = [] for r in radius: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=type, ns=200, r=r, k=k, nw=5, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) chart.draw_line(runtimes, 'k=' + str(k))
def draw_k(show_type, base_y=None, fpath='test.pdf'): ys = None ys = [i*100 for i in range(17)] if base_y != None: ys = [base_y+i*100 for i in range(0, 17)] x_txts = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0] xs=[i for i in range(len(x_txts))] yLabel = None yscale = 'liner' if 0==show_type: yLabel = 'Runtime (ms)' elif 1==show_type: yLabel = '# of TQTSP Computations' yscale='log' elif 2==show_type: yLabel = '# of R-tree nodes accessed' chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, ys=ys, yscale=yscale, xLabel=r'top-$k$', yLabel=yLabel, title=r'top-$k$', fpath=fpath) alg_types = ['SPBase', 'SPBest'] search_types = [0, 1] type = None ks = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\k_nw\\' for search_index in range(len(search_types)): for alg_index in range(len(alg_types)): if alg_index==0: if search_index==0: type=r'$SPTD$' else: type=r'$SPTR$' else: if search_index==0: type=r'$SPTD^*$' else: type=r'$SPTR^*$' runtimes = [] for k in ks: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, sp=alg_types[alg_index], nwlen=1000000, mds=1000, t=search_types[search_index], ns=200, r=2, k=k, nw=5, wf=500, dr=7)) print(data) if 0==show_type: runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) elif 1==show_type: runtimes.append(data.numTQSP) elif 2==show_type: runtimes.append(data.numAccessedRTreeNode) chart.draw_line(runtimes, type)
def loadCsv(dir, rFanout=50, alpha=0.5, steepD=0.1, h=15, om=1, oe='1.0E-4', ns=50, t=1, k=5000, nw=2, mpts=5, eps='0.001', xi='0.001', maxPNeiByte=2147483631): fp = PathUtility.sample_res_path(dir, rFanout, alpha, steepD, h, om, oe, ns, t, k, nw, mpts,eps, xi, maxPNeiByte) filename = fp[fp.rindex('res') + 4:] alldata = [] reader = IterableReader(fp) index = 0 for line in reader: if index == 0: index += 1 continue strArr = line.split(',') data = Data(filename) data.numSample = 1 data.numRangeRtree = int(strArr[7]) data.numOpticFastRange = int(strArr[16]) data.numOpticLuceneRange = int(strArr[18]) data.timeTotal = int(strArr[24]) data.numCluster = int(strArr[25]) alldata.append(data) return alldata
def draw_word_frequency(title='WORD_FREQUENCY', base_y=None, rotation=0, fpath='test.pdf'): if base_y!=None: ys = [base_y+i*100 for i in range(0, 14)] xs=[i for i in range(0, 10)] x_txts = [0, r'$5\times10^1$', r'$1\times10^2$', r'$5\times10^2$', r'$1\times10^3$', r'$5\times10^3$', r'$1\times10^4$', r'$5\times10^4$', r'$1\times10^5$', r'$1\times10^6$' ] if base_y!=None: chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, ys=ys, yscale='liner', xLabel=title, yLabel='Runtime (ms)', title=title, xlabel_rotation=rotation, fpath = fpath) else: chart = LineChart(xs, x_txts, xLabel=title, yLabel='Runtime (ms)', title=title, xlabel_rotation=rotation, fpath = fpath) #'on') wfs = [0, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 1000000] base_dir = 'D:\\nowMask\KnowledgeBase\\sample_result\\yago2s_single_date\\word_fequency_test\\' runtimes = [] for wf in wfs: data = Data.getData(fp=PathUtility.sample_res_path(base_dir, wf=wf)) runtimes.append(data.timeTotal) chart.draw_line(runtimes, r'$SPTD^*$')