def _updateLabelersStats(self, expertise, expertId, regionName, userData):
     Generates the statistics for the labeling users 
     Calculates that what percentage of the labeling
     users lie in a certain city within in a given 
     userLocation = userData[2], userData[3]
     region = self._regions[regionName]
     regionCenter = region['center']
     distance = Utility.haversine(regionCenter[0], regionCenter[1], userLocation[0], userLocation[1])
     if expertise not in self._labelerStatsDict:
         self._labelerStatsDict[expertise] = {}
     if expertId not in self._labelerStatsDict[expertise]:
         self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId] = {}
         for regionName in self._regions:
             self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId][regionName] = {}
             self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId][regionName]['inside'] = 0
             self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId][regionName]['outside'] = 0
     if distance < self._getEffectiveRadius(regionName):
         self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId][regionName]['inside'] += 1
         self._labelerStatsDict[expertise][expertId][regionName]['outside'] += 1
 def _getScore(self, userData, regionName):
     Calculates the score for an expert given by a user
     the score is discounted using the log10(distance)
     therefore the user far away from the expertise location
     of the expert will be ble to assign a lower score for 
     that expertise. 
     userLocation = userData[2], userData[3]
     regionCenter = self._regions[regionName]['center']
     distance = Utility.haversine(regionCenter[0], regionCenter[1], userLocation[0], userLocation[1])
     # This is the equation used for calculating the score for the
     # expert.
     score = self._getEffectiveRadius(regionName)/ (self._Dmin + distance)
     score = pow(score, self._alpha)
     return score
Esempio n. 3
 def _bucketUserData(self):
     #print 'Bucketing ', len(self._usersData), ' users !'
     #count = 0
     expertise = self._region.getExpertise()
     #print 'bucketing for ', self._region.getName()
     for userData in self._usersData:
         userLocation = (userData[2], userData[3])
         # print userData
         # The root expertise region from which this child has descended
         parentRegion = None
         if self._region.isParent():
             parentRegion = self._region
             parentRegion = self._region.getParent()
         if parentRegion.boundsLocation(userData):
             #count += 1
             # if the user data is corresponding to a location 
             # belonging to the expertise region only then we include it in
             # our calculation
             userConfidence = userData[1]
             userDistance = Utility.haversine(self._center[1], self._center[0], userLocation[1], userLocation[0])
             isExpert = (expertise == userData[4])
             distanceBucketKey = self._getBucketKey(userDistance)
             requiredKey, nonRequiredKey = self._getKeys(isExpert)
             if not distanceBucketKey in self._bucketedUserData:
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey] = {}
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey][requiredKey] = {'distanceSum': userDistance,
                                                                   'confidenceSum': userConfidence,
                                                                   'usersCount': 1
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey][nonRequiredKey] = {'distanceSum': 0.0,
                                                                           'confidenceSum': 0.0,
                                                                           'usersCount': 0
                 # calculating the sum of all users' distance and confidence within a 
                 # certain radius denoted by the bucketKey
                 #print 'Incrementing------------------------------------'
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey][requiredKey]['distanceSum'] += userDistance
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey][requiredKey]['confidenceSum'] += userConfidence
                 self._bucketedUserData[distanceBucketKey][requiredKey]['usersCount'] += 1