def find_mean_cloudlet_velocity(cloudlets, 
                                u, v, w, 
    dx, dy, dz, dt = MC['dx'], MC['dy'], MC['dz'], MC['dt']                                
    ug, vg = MC['ug'], MC['vg']
    for cloudlet in cloudlets:
        if len(cloudlet['condensed']) > 0:
            K, J, I = index_to_zyx( cloudlet['condensed'], MC )
            # find the mean motion of the cloudlet
            u_mean = u[K, J, I].mean()-ug
            v_mean = v[K, J, I].mean()-vg
            w_mean = w[K, J, I].mean()
            cloudlet['u_condensed'] = round(u_mean*dt/dx)
            cloudlet['v_condensed'] = round(v_mean*dt/dy)
            cloudlet['w_condensed'] = round(w_mean*dt/dz)
            cloudlet['u_condensed'] = 0.
            cloudlet['v_condensed'] = 0.
            cloudlet['w_condensed'] = 0.

        K, J, I = index_to_zyx( cloudlet['plume'], MC )
        # find the mean motion of the cloudlet
        u_mean = u[K, J, I].mean()-ug
        v_mean = v[K, J, I].mean()-vg
        w_mean = w[K, J, I].mean()
        cloudlet['u_plume'] = round(u_mean*dt/dx)
        cloudlet['v_plume'] = round(v_mean*dt/dy)
        cloudlet['w_plume'] = round(w_mean*dt/dz)

    return cloudlets
def calc_env(index, shellindex, edgeindex, MC):
    if len(shellindex) > 0:
        K_J_I = index_to_zyx(shellindex, MC)

        n = 6
        for i in range(n):
            # Find all the points just outside the clouds
            stacklist = [K_J_I, ]
            for item in ((0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0),
                         (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)):
                stacklist.append( K_J_I + numpy.array(item)[:, numpy.newaxis] )

            maskindex = numpy.hstack(stacklist)
            maskindex[1, :] = maskindex[1, :] % MC['ny']
            maskindex[2, :] = maskindex[2, :] % MC['nx']            
            maskindex = numpy.unique( zyx_to_index(maskindex[0, :],
                                                   maskindex[1, :],
                                                   maskindex[2, :],
                                                   MC) )

            # From the expanded mask, select the points outside the cloud
            envindex = numpy.setdiff1d(maskindex, index, assume_unique = True)

            K_J_I = index_to_zyx(envindex, MC)
        # Select the points within 4 grid cells of cloud
        r = calc_radii(envindex, edgeindex, MC)
        mask = r < 4.5
        envindex = envindex[mask]
        envindex = []

    return envindex
Esempio n. 3
def find_mean_cloudlet_velocity(cloudlets, u, v, w, MC):
    dx, dy, dz, dt = MC['dx'], MC['dy'], MC['dz'], MC['dt']
    ug, vg = MC['ug'], MC['vg']
    for cloudlet in cloudlets:
        if len(cloudlet['condensed']) > 0:
            K, J, I = index_to_zyx(cloudlet['condensed'], MC)
            # find the mean motion of the cloudlet
            u_mean = u[K, J, I].mean() - ug
            v_mean = v[K, J, I].mean() - vg
            w_mean = w[K, J, I].mean()

            cloudlet['u_condensed'] = round(u_mean * dt / dx)
            cloudlet['v_condensed'] = round(v_mean * dt / dy)
            cloudlet['w_condensed'] = round(w_mean * dt / dz)
            cloudlet['u_condensed'] = 0.
            cloudlet['v_condensed'] = 0.
            cloudlet['w_condensed'] = 0.

        K, J, I = index_to_zyx(cloudlet['plume'], MC)
        # find the mean motion of the cloudlet
        u_mean = u[K, J, I].mean() - ug
        v_mean = v[K, J, I].mean() - vg
        w_mean = w[K, J, I].mean()

        cloudlet['u_plume'] = round(u_mean * dt / dx)
        cloudlet['v_plume'] = round(v_mean * dt / dy)
        cloudlet['w_plume'] = round(w_mean * dt / dz)

    return cloudlets
Esempio n. 4
def calc_env(index, shellindex, edgeindex, MC):
    if len(shellindex) > 0:
        K_J_I = index_to_zyx(shellindex, MC)

        n = 6
        for i in range(n):
            # Find all the points just outside the clouds
            stacklist = [
            for item in ((0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)):
                stacklist.append(K_J_I + numpy.array(item)[:, numpy.newaxis])

            maskindex = numpy.hstack(stacklist)
            maskindex[1, :] = maskindex[1, :] % MC['ny']
            maskindex[2, :] = maskindex[2, :] % MC['nx']
            maskindex = numpy.unique(
                zyx_to_index(maskindex[0, :], maskindex[1, :], maskindex[2, :],

            # From the expanded mask, select the points outside the cloud
            envindex = numpy.setdiff1d(maskindex, index, assume_unique=True)

            K_J_I = index_to_zyx(envindex, MC)

        # Select the points within 4 grid cells of cloud
        r = calc_radii(envindex, edgeindex, MC)
        mask = r < 4.5
        envindex = envindex[mask]
        envindex = []

    return envindex
Esempio n. 5
def calc_com(mask, MC):
    ny, nx = MC['ny'], MC['nx']
    pts = index_to_zyx( mask, MC )

    z = pts[0,:].astype(float).mean()
    # Correct Center of Mass for reentrant domain
    y1 = pts[1,:].astype(float)
    x1 = pts[2,:].astype(float)
    y2 = (y1 < ny/2.)*y1 + (y1>= ny/2.)*(y1 - ny)
    x2 = (x1 < nx/2.)*x1 + (x1>= nx/2.)*(x1 - nx)
    y1m = y1.mean()
    y2m = y2.mean()
    x1m = x1.mean()
    x2m = x2.mean()

    if numpy.var(y2 - y2m) > numpy.var(y1 - y1m):
        y = y1m
	y = (y2m + .5)%ny - .5

    if numpy.var(y2 - y2m) > numpy.var(y1 - y1m):
        y = y1m
	y = (y2m + .5)%ny - .5

    if numpy.var(x2 - x2m) > numpy.var(x1 - x1m):
        x = x1m
	x = (x2m + .5)%nx - .5

    return numpy.array(([z], [y], [x]))
def calc_com(mask, MC):
    ny, nx = MC['ny'], MC['nx']
    pts = index_to_zyx(mask, MC)

    z = pts[0, :].astype(float).mean()
    # Correct Center of Mass for reentrant domain
    y1 = pts[1, :].astype(float)
    x1 = pts[2, :].astype(float)
    y2 = (y1 < ny / 2.) * y1 + (y1 >= ny / 2.) * (y1 - ny)
    x2 = (x1 < nx / 2.) * x1 + (x1 >= nx / 2.) * (x1 - nx)
    y1m = y1.mean()
    y2m = y2.mean()
    x1m = x1.mean()
    x2m = x2.mean()

    if numpy.var(y2 - y2m) > numpy.var(y1 - y1m):
        y = y1m
        y = (y2m + .5) % ny - .5

    if numpy.var(y2 - y2m) > numpy.var(y1 - y1m):
        y = y1m
        y = (y2m + .5) % ny - .5

    if numpy.var(x2 - x2m) > numpy.var(x1 - x1m):
        x = x1m
        x = (x2m + .5) % nx - .5

    return numpy.array(([z], [y], [x]))
Esempio n. 7
def save_text_file(clouds, t, MC):
    count = 0

    for id in clouds:
        for point_type in clouds[id]:
            count = count + len(clouds[id][point_type])

    recarray = numpy.zeros(count,
                           dtype=[('id', 'i4'), ('type', 'a14'), ('x', 'i4'),
                                  ('y', 'i4'), ('z', 'i4')])

    count = 0
    for id in clouds:
        for point_type in clouds[id]:
            data = clouds[id][point_type]
            n = len(data)
            if n == 0: continue
            recarray['id'][count:n + count] = id
            recarray['type'][count:n + count] = point_type
            z, y, x = index_to_zyx(data, MC)
            recarray['x'][count:n + count] = x
            recarray['y'][count:n + count] = y
            recarray['z'][count:n + count] = z
            count = count + n

    recarray.tofile(open('output/clouds_at_time_%08g.txt' % t, 'w'), '\r\n')
Esempio n. 8
def advect_indexes(indexes, u, v, w, MC):
    K_J_I = index_to_zyx(indexes, MC)
    K_J_I[0, :] = K_J_I[0, :] - w
    K_J_I[1, :] = K_J_I[1, :] - v
    K_J_I[2, :] = K_J_I[2, :] - u

    K_J_I[0, K_J_I[0, :] >= MC['nz']] = MC['nz'] - 1
    K_J_I[0, K_J_I[0, :] < 0] = 0
    K_J_I[1, :] = K_J_I[1, :] % MC['ny']
    K_J_I[2, :] = K_J_I[2, :] % MC['nx']

    advected_indexes = zyx_to_index(K_J_I[0, :], K_J_I[1, :], K_J_I[2, :], MC)

    return advected_indexes
def advect_indexes(indexes, u, v, w, MC):
    K_J_I = index_to_zyx(indexes, MC)
    K_J_I[0, :] = K_J_I[0, :] - w
    K_J_I[1, :] = K_J_I[1, :] - v
    K_J_I[2, :] = K_J_I[2, :] - u
    K_J_I[0, K_J_I[0, :] >= MC['nz']] = MC['nz']-1
    K_J_I[0, K_J_I[0, :] < 0] = 0
    K_J_I[1, :] = K_J_I[1, :] % MC['ny']
    K_J_I[2, :] = K_J_I[2, :] % MC['nx']

    advected_indexes = zyx_to_index(K_J_I[0,:], K_J_I[1,:], K_J_I[2,:], MC)
    return advected_indexes
Esempio n. 10
def save_text_file(clouds, t, MC):
    count = 0

    for id in clouds:
        for point_type in clouds[id]:
            count = count + len(clouds[id][point_type])

    recarray = numpy.zeros(count, dtype=[('id', 'i4'),('type', 'a14'),('x','i4'),('y', 'i4'), ('z', 'i4')])

    count = 0
    for id in clouds:
        for point_type in clouds[id]:
            data = clouds[id][point_type]
            n = len(data)
            if n == 0: continue
            recarray['id'][count:n + count] = id
            recarray['type'][count:n + count] = point_type
            z, y, x = index_to_zyx(data, MC)
            recarray['x'][count:n + count] = x
            recarray['y'][count:n + count] = y
            recarray['z'][count:n + count] = z
            count = count + n
    recarray.tofile(open('output/clouds_at_time_%08g.txt' % t, 'w'), '\r\n')