def dlm_dump(self): output = os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.DLM_DUMP_F) if not utillib.do_which('dlm_tool'): return dlm_file_info = 'NOTICE - Lockspace overview:\n' dlm_file_info = dlm_file_info + utillib.do_command(['dlm_tool', 'ls']) dlm_pro = subprocess.Popen(['dlm_tool', 'ls'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) grep_pro = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'name'], stdin=dlm_pro.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) dlm_list = grep_pro.communicate()[0].split('\n') for d in dlm_list: strd = d.split() for X, N in strd: dlm_file_info = dlm_file_info + '\n' + 'NOTICE - Lockspace ' + N dlm_file_info = dlm_file_info + utillib.do_command( ['dlm_tool', 'lock_dump', N]) dlm_file_info = dlm_file_info + '\nNOTICE - Lockspace histoty:\n' dlm_file_info = dlm_file_info + utillib.do_command( ['dlm_tool', 'dump']) utillib.writefile(output, dlm_file_info)
def sys_info(self, filename): ''' create file WORKDIR/sysinfo.txt ''' msg = '' f = open(filename, 'w') support = __import__(self.import_support()) cluster_version = support.cluster_info() msg = cluster_version msg = msg + utillib.do_command( [envir.HA_NOARCHBIN + '/hb_report', '-V']) msg = msg + 'resource-agents: ' + utillib.do_grep_file( '/usr/lib/ocf/lib/heartbeat/ocf-shellfuncs', 'Build version:') msg = msg + utillib.crm_info() msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['booth', '--version']) msg = msg + utillib.pkg_version() if envir.SKIP_LVL >= 1: msg = msg + utillib.verify_packages() msg = msg + 'Platform: ' + platform.system() + '\n' msg = msg + 'Kernel release: ' + platform.release() + '\n' msg = msg + 'Architecture: ' + platform.machine() + '\n' if platform.system() == 'Linux': dist_name = utillib.distro() + '\n' msg = msg + dist_name f.write(msg) f.close()
def find_logseg(self, logf, from_time, to_time): logseg_path = os.path.join(envir.HA_NOARCHBIN, 'print_logseg') if os.access(logseg_path, os.F_OK) and os.access(logsef_path, os.X_OK): utillib.do_command([logseg_path, logf, from_time, to_time]) cat = self.find_decompressor(logf).split() cat.append(logf) srcstr = utillib.do_command(cat) srcf = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] self.RM_FILES.append(srcf) srcfd = open(srcf, 'w') srcfd.write(srcstr) srcfd.close() if from_time == 0: FROM_LINE = 1 else: FROM_LINE = utillib.findln_by_time(self, srcf, from_time) if not FROM_LINE: warning("couldn't find line for time " + from_time + '; corrupt log file?') return '' TO_LINE = 0 if to_time != 0: TO_LINE = utillib.findln_by_time(self, srcf, to_time) if not TO_LINE: utillib.warning("couldn't find for time " + to_time + '; corrupt log file?') return '' utillib.debug('including log segment[' + str(FROM_LINE) + '-' + str(TO_LINE) + '] from' + logf) return '\n'.join(srcstr.split('\n')[FROM_LINE:TO_LINE])
def is_our_log(self, logf, from_time, to_time): ''' check if log contains a piece of our segment ''' cat = self.find_decompressor(logf).split() cat.append(logf) head_msg = utillib.do_command(['head', '-10'], utillib.do_command(cat)) first_time = self.find_first_ts(head_msg) tail_msg = utillib.do_command(['tail', '-10'], utillib.do_command(cat)) tail_msg = utillib.do_command(['tac'], tail_msg) last_time = self.find_first_ts(tail_msg) if from_time > last_time: #we're pass good logs; exit return 2 elif from_time >= first_time: #this is last good log return 3 elif to_time == 0 or to_time >= first_time: #have to go further back #include this log return 1 else: #donot include this log return 0
def corosync_blackbox(self): outf = os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.COROSYNC_RECORDER_F) from_time = envir.FROM_TIME to_time = envir.TO_TIME inpf = utillib.find_files(self, ['/var/lib/corosync']) if os.path.isfile(' '.join(inpf)): blkbox_info = utillib.do_command(['corosync-blackbox']) utillib.writefile(outf, blkbox_info) utillib.do_command(['touch', '-r', inpf, outf])
def return_result(self): ''' Return logs to master through scp create tarfile in WORKDIR ''' tarname = self.WE + '.tar' tarpath = os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, tarname) start = time.time() tar =, 'w') curr_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.WORKDIR)) tar.add(os.path.basename(self.WORKDIR)) tar.close() os.chdir(curr_dir) command = [ 'scp', tarpath, 'root@' + envir.MASTER + ':' + envir.MASTER_WORKDIR ] print command msg = utillib.do_command(command) print msg self.RM_FILES.append(self.WORKDIR) self.RM_FILES.append(tarpath)
def getbacktraces(self): flist = [] bt_files = utillib.find_files(self, envir.CORES_DIRS) for f in bt_files: bf = os.path.basename(f) bf_num = utillib.do_command(['expr', 'match', bf, 'core']) if bf_num > 0: flist.append(f) if len(flist): utillib.getbt(flist, os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.BT_F)) utillib.debug('found basktraces: ' + ' '.join(flist))
def pe2dot(self, path): pef = os.path.basename(path) if pef.endswith('.bz2'): dotf = pef[0:len(pef) - 4] if not len(envir.PTEST): return False try: msg = utillib.do_command([envir.PTEST, '-D', 'dotf', '-x', pef]) except: utillib.debug(envir.PTEST + ' faild! ') return
def diffcheck(self, file1, file2, outfd): ''' if file1 not as same as file2, return True else return False ''' dir1 = os.path.dirname(file1) dir2 = os.path.dirname(file2) outf = os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.ANALYSIS_F) if not os.path.isfile(file1): utillib.writefile(outf, file1 + ' does not exist') return False if not os.path.isfile(file2): utillib.writefile(outf, file1 + ' does not exist') return False base = os.path.basename(file1) if base == envir.CIB_F: if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir1, 'RUNNING')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir2, 'RUNNING'))) or ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir1, 'STOPPED')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir2, 'STOPPED'))): msg = utillib.do_command( ['crm_diff', '-c', '-n', file1, '-o', file2]) outfd.write(msg) else: outfd.write( 'cannot compare cibs from running and stop systems') #confdiff #elif base == envir.B_CONF: else: msg = utillib.do_command(['diff', '-bBu', file1, file2]) outfd.write(msg) return len(msg)
def sys_stats(self): msg = '' f = open(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.SYSSTATS_F), 'w') msg = msg + self.WE + '\n' msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['uptime']) # msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['ps','axf']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['ps', 'auxw']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['top', '-b', '-n', '1']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['ip', 'addr']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['netstat', '-i']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['arp', '-an']) if os.path.isdir('/proc'): cpu_f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') cpu_info = cpu_f.readline() while len(cpu_info): msg = msg + cpu_info cpu_info = cpu_f.readline() msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['lsscsi']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['lspci']) msg = msg + utillib.do_command(['mount']) #df can block, run in background, allow for 5 seconds df_pro = subprocess.Popen(['df'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) timer = threading.Timer(5.0, df_pro.kill) timer.start() df_info = df_pro.communicate()[0] if timer.is_alive(): #df exited naturally, cancel timer timer.cancel() msg = msg + '\n' + df_info f.write(msg) f.close()
def time_status(self): output = os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, envir.TIME_F) time_info = utillib.do_command(['date']) time_info = time_info + utillib.do_command(['ntpdc', '-pn']) utillib.writefile(output, time_info)
def touch_DC_if_dc(self): dc = utillib.do_command(['crmadmin', '-D']) dc = dc.split()[len(dc.split()) - 1] if self.WE == dc: utillib.writefile(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, 'DC'), '')