def get_oof(clfs, raw_texts, raw_labels, test_data, word2index, attr_dict): NFOLDS = len(clfs) n_train = len(raw_texts) n_test = len(test_data.sentences) class_num = 10 oof_train = np.zeros((n_train, class_num)) oof_train_y = np.zeros((n_train, class_num)) oof_test = np.zeros((n_test, class_num)) oof_test_skf = np.zeros((NFOLDS, n_test, class_num)) kf = 0 for (train_index, test_index), checkpoint in zip(kfold_split(n_train, NFOLDS), clfs): print(checkpoint) clf = torch.load(checkpoint) kf += 1 print("FOLD:", kf) print("TRAIN:", str(len(train_index)), "TEST:", str(len(test_index))) # train_index, test_index = train_index.tolist(), test_index.tolist() dev_texts, dev_labels = [raw_texts[i] for i in test_index ], [raw_labels[i] for i in test_index] dev_data = Data((dev_texts, dev_labels), word2index, attr_dict, args) if args.use_elmo != 0: dev_elmo = load_elmo(dev_texts) dev_data.add_feature(dev_elmo) with torch.no_grad(): dev_predict, oof_dev = train.predict_with_logit( clf, dev_data, args) pred_acc_p = score(dev_predict, dev_data.labels) print("[p:%.4f, r:%.4f, f:%.4f] acc:%.4f" % (pred_acc_p[0], pred_acc_p[1], pred_acc_p[2], pred_acc_p[3])) # label_prf = label_analysis(dev_predict, dev_data.labels) # for i in range(len(label_prf)): # print("%s : [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f] %.4f" % # (list(attr_dict.keys())[i], label_prf[i][0], label_prf[i][1], label_prf[i][2], label_prf[i][3])) oof_train[test_index] = oof_dev dev_y = [l[0].detach().numpy() for l in dev_data.labels] oof_train_y[test_index] = dev_y _, oof_test_skf[kf - 1, :, :] = train.predict_with_logit( clf, test_data, args) oof_test[:] = oof_test_skf.mean(axis=0) dir = os.path.dirname(clfs[0]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'npy')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, 'npy')) print(dir), 'npy', "oof_train"), oof_train), 'npy', "oof_train_y"), oof_train_y), 'npy', "oof_test"), oof_test) return oof_train, oof_train_y, oof_test
def train_from_data(self, train_raw_data, test_raw_data, W, word2index, attr_dict, args, Fold=0): word_embed_dim = W.shape[1] hidden_size = args.n_hidden vocab_size = len(W) output_size = len(attr_dict) if args.model == 'LSTM': self.classifier = networks.LSTM(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) elif args.model == 'Fasttext': self.classifier = networks.Fasttext(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) elif args.model == 'Average_LSTM2': self.classifier = networks.Average_LSTM2(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) elif args.model == 'AttA3': self.classifier = networks.AttA3(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) aspect_e_l = [] for a in attr_dict: # print(a) if a == '舒适性': a = '舒适' a_e = torch.FloatTensor(W[word2index[a]]) aspect_e_l.append(a_e) aspect_embeds =, 0) # print(aspect_embeds) # print(attr_dict) self.classifier.AE.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(aspect_embeds) elif args.model == 'Binary_LSTM': self.classifier = networks.Binary_LSTM(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) elif args.model == 'CNN': self.classifier = networks.CNN(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) elif args.model == 'Attn_LSTM': self.classifier = networks.Attn_LSTM(word_embed_dim, output_size, vocab_size, args) train_elmo, test_elmo = [], [] if args.use_elmo != 0: import h5py elmo_dict = h5py.File('../embedding/embeddings_elmo_ly-1.hdf5', 'r') for s in train_raw_data[0]: sentence = '\t'.join(s) sentence = sentence.replace('.', '$period$') sentence = sentence.replace('/', '$backslash$') # print(sentence) embeddings = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(elmo_dict[sentence])) train_elmo.append(embeddings) for s in test_raw_data[0]: sentence = '\t'.join(s) sentence = sentence.replace('.', '$period$') sentence = sentence.replace('/', '$backslash$') embeddings = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(elmo_dict[sentence])) test_elmo.append(embeddings) elmo_dict.close() print("finish elmo") train_data = Data(train_raw_data, word2index, attr_dict, args) # if args.use_dev: # dev_data = Data(args, dev_input_s, dev_input_t, dev_y_tensor) # else: # dev_data = None test_data = Data(test_raw_data, word2index, attr_dict, args) if args.use_elmo != 0: train_data.add_feature(train_elmo) test_data.add_feature(test_elmo) best_dict, max_acc = train.train(self.classifier, train_data, test_data, test_data, attr_dict, W, args=args) best_model = "%s/" % ( args.check_dir, args.model, max_acc, Fold) if != 0:, best_model) pass
def stacking(): saved = True if args.saved != 0 else False f_train = "../data/train.txt" test_file = "../data/test.txt" test_texts = load_test_data(test_file) raw_texts, raw_labels = load_attr_data(filename=f_train) word2index = pickle.load(open("../data/vocabulary.pkl", 'rb')) f_dict = "../dataset/attribute.json" attr_list, attr_dict = parse_json(f_dict) paths = args.test_dir.split('#') models_files = [] for path in paths: models_files.append([ os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)) ]) test_data = Data((test_texts, None), word2index) if args.use_elmo != 0: test_elmo = load_elmo(test_texts) test_data.add_feature(test_elmo) x_train = [] y_train = [] # TODO replace x_test = [] for dir, checkpoints_per_model in zip(paths, models_files): print(dir, checkpoints_per_model) if saved == 1 and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(dir, 'npy', "oof_train.npy")): oof_train, oof_train_y, oof_test = load_oof(dir) else: NFOLDS = len(checkpoints_per_model) print(NFOLDS) assert NFOLDS == args.folds clfs = [None for i in range(NFOLDS)] for cp in checkpoints_per_model: fold = int(cp.replace('_', '.').split('.')[-2]) print(fold) clfs[fold - 1] = cp oof_train, oof_train_y, oof_test = get_oof(clfs, raw_texts, raw_labels, test_data, word2index, attr_dict) x_train.append(oof_train) if y_train == []: y_train = oof_train_y else: assert (y_train == oof_train_y).all() x_test.append(oof_test) x_train = np.stack(x_train, axis=2) x_test = np.stack(x_test, axis=2) print(x_train.shape) num_train = x_train.shape[0] num_test = x_test.shape[0] test_predict = [] for c in range(x_train.shape[1]): x_train_c = x_train[:, c, :].reshape(num_train, -1) x_test_c = x_test[:, c, :].reshape(num_test, -1) meta_clf_c = LogisticRegression() y_train_c = y_train[:, c], y_train_c) test_predict_c = meta_clf_c.predict_proba(x_test_c)[:, 1] test_predict.append(test_predict_c) test_predict = np.stack(test_predict, axis=1) print(test_predict.shape) fw ="../data/test_predict_aspect_ensemble.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') for prob in test_predict: attributes = [] voted = [0 for a in range(len(attr_list))] for i in range(len(prob)): p = prob[i] # print(p) if p > args.threshold: voted[i] = 1 # categories.append(attrC[i]) if sum(voted) == 0: voted[prob.argmax()] = 1 for i, l in enumerate(voted): if l != 0: attributes.append(attr_list[i]) fw.write('|'.join(attributes) + '\n') time_stamp = time.asctime().replace(':', '_').split() fw.close() shutil.copy2( "../data/test_predict_aspect_ensemble.txt", "../data/backup/test_predict_aspect_ensemble_%s.txt" % time_stamp)