Esempio n. 1
    def calc_block_point(self):
        ball_pos =
            goal = VecPos(-550, 0)
            goal = VecPos(550, 0)
        # goal.x *= -1
        theta = degree_to_radian(degree_between(goal, ball_pos))

        block_point = VecPos()
        block_point.x = ball_pos.x - AVOID_DIS * 1.5 * cos(theta)
        block_point.y = ball_pos.y - AVOID_DIS * 1.5 * sin(theta)
        block_point.z = degrees(theta)

        return block_point
Esempio n. 2
def calc_final_dest(enable_kick, ball_field, ball_global, target):
    theta = angle_between(target, ball_global)

    closer_to_left_foot = ball_field.y > 0

    # FIXME(MWX): may blur
    if not enable_kick or (not cfg.left_kick and not cfg.right_kick):
        kick_point = closer_to_left_foot and cfg.left_kick_point or cfg.right_kick_point
        kick_point = cfg.left_kick and cfg.left_kick_point or cfg.right_kick_point

    res = VecPos()
    res.x = ball_global.x + kick_point.x * cos(theta)
    res.y = ball_global.y + kick_point.x * sin(theta)

    theta2 = angle_between(target, res)
    res.z = degrees(theta2 + PI)
    return res
Esempio n. 3
    def fast(self, localDest):
        sx_star, sy_star, st_star = 0, 0, 0
        mirror = False
        dest = localDest.copy()

        if dest.y < 0:
            dest.y = -dest.y
            dest.z = -dest.z
            mirror = True

        xInput = self.vx
        thetaP = dest.slope()
        thetaAttack = dest.z

        thetaSafe = min(thetaP, THETA_SAFE)
        thetaAttackP = thetaAttack - thetaP

        aDest = dest.copy()

        if thetaAttackP > thetaP:
            thetaMax = thetaP
        elif thetaAttackP > thetaSafe:
            thetaMax = thetaAttackP
            thetaMax = thetaSafe

        thetaMax = min(thetaMax, thetaSafe)
        thetaMax = min(thetaMax, thetaP)

        dt = 1
        stepnumMin = 999999

        i = 0
        if abs(thetaMax) < TOP_THETA_MAX:
            sx_star, sy_star, st_star = TOP_X_MAX, 0, thetaMax
            cross_i = VecPos()
            while i < thetaMax:
                a_i = aDest.copy()
                b_i =
                r_i = b_i / (a_i.y - a_i.length() + epso)

                sx, sy, st = self.getx_max(r_i)
                st = min(thetaP, st)
                c_i = i + thetaP
                cross_i.x = r_i * sind(c_i)
                cross_i.y = r_i * (1 - cosd(c_i))
                line_i = (dest - cross_i).copy()

                k1 = 15.0
                k2 = 10.0
                stepnum_arc = c_i / (st == 0 and epso or st)
                stepnum_line = line_i.length() / TOP_X_MAX
                if thetaP < AD_THETA_MAX + 20:
                    k2 = 25.0

                stepnum_speed = abs(max(-sx + xInput, 0)) / TOP_X_MAX * k1 * thetaP * pi / 180 + \
                                abs(TOP_X_MAX - sx) * k2 / TOP_X_MAX

                stepnum = stepnum_arc + stepnum_line + stepnum_speed
                if stepnumMin > stepnum:
                    stepnumMin = stepnum
                    sx_star, sy_star, st_star = sx, sy, st

                i += dt

        if mirror:
            st_star = -st_star
            # sy_star = -sy_star

        # print 'fast', sx_star, sy_star, st_star, localDest.x, localDest.y, localDest.z
        return sx_star, sy_star, st_star