def __init__( self, source, config: SubRedis, volume: float = 0.15, requester: Optional[User] = None, **kwargs ): if not volume: volume = float(config.hget("config:defaults", "volume")) super().__init__(FFmpegPCMAudio(source, **kwargs), volume) self.requester = requester self._frames = 0
class Admin(Cog): """Administrative Commands""" def __init__(self, bot: Bot): = bot self.config = SubRedis(bot.db, "admin") self.config_bot = SubRedis(bot.db, "config") self.errorlog = bot.errorlog self.delete_after = 30 self.say_dest = None @staticmethod def color(ctx: Context): """Color for embeds""" if ctx.guild: return else: return None """ ###################### Managing Bot Modules ###################### """ @sudo() @group(name="module", aliases=["cog", "mod"], invoke_without_command=True) async def module(self, ctx: Context): """Base command for managing bot modules Use without subcommand to list currently loaded modules""" modules = { module.__module__: cog for cog, module in } space = len(max(modules.keys(), key=len)) fmt = "\n".join([ f"{module}{' ' * (space - len(module))} : {cog}" for module, cog in modules.items() ]) em = Embed(title="Administration: Currently Loaded Modules", description=f"```py\n{fmt}\n```", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em) @sudo() @module.command(name="load", usage="(module name)") async def load(self, ctx: Context, module: str, verbose: bool = False): """load a module If `verbose=True` is included at the end, error tracebacks will be sent to the errorlog channel""" module = f"cogs.{module}" verbose_error = None try: except ExtensionNotFound as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionNotFound__**\n" f"No module `{module}` found in cogs directory", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error.original except ExtensionAlreadyLoaded as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionAlreadyLoaded__**\n" f"Module `{module}` is already loaded", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except NoEntryPointError as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__NoEntryPointError__**\n" f"Module `{module}` does not define a `setup` function", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except ExtensionFailed as error: if isinstance(error.original, TypeError): em = Embed( title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionFailed__**\n" f"The cog loaded by `{module}` must be a subclass of discord.ext.commands.Cog", color=0xFF0000) else: em = Embed( title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionFailed__**\n" f"An execution error occurred during module `{module}`'s setup function", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error.original except Exception as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Load Module Failed", description=f"**__{type(error).__name__}__**\n" f"```py\n" f"{error}\n" f"```", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error else: em = Embed(title="Administration: Load Module", description=f"Module `{module}` loaded successfully", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) finally: if verbose and verbose_error: await self.errorlog.send(verbose_error, ctx) @sudo() @module.command(name="unload", usage="(module name)") async def unload(self, ctx: Context, module: str, verbose: bool = False): """Unload a module If `verbose=True` is included at the end, error tracebacks will be sent to the errorlog channel""" module = f"cogs.{module}" verbose_error = None try: except ExtensionNotLoaded as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Unload Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionNotLoaded__**\n" f"Module `{module}` is not loaded", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except Exception as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Unload Module Failed", description=f"**__{type(error).__name__}__**\n" f"```py\n" f"{error}\n" f"```", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error else: em = Embed(title="Administration: Unload Module", description=f"Module `{module}` unloaded successfully", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) finally: if verbose and verbose_error: await self.errorlog.send(verbose_error, ctx) @sudo() @module.command(name="reload", usage="(module name)") async def reload(self, ctx: Context, module: str, verbose: bool = False): """Reload a module If `verbose=True` is included at the end, error tracebacks will be sent to the errorlog channel""" module = f"cogs.{module}" verbose_error = None try: except ExtensionNotLoaded as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionNotLoaded__**\n" f"Module `{module}` is not loaded", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except ExtensionNotFound as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionNotFound__**\n" f"No module `{module}` found in cogs directory", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error.original except NoEntryPointError as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__NoEntryPointError__**\n" f"Module `{module}` does not define a `setup` function", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except ExtensionFailed as error: if isinstance(error.original, TypeError): em = Embed( title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionFailed__**\n" f"The cog loaded by `{module}` must be a subclass of discord.ext.commands.Cog", color=0xFF0000) else: em = Embed( title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionFailed__**\n" f"An execution error occurred during module `{module}`'s setup function", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error.original except Exception as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Reload Module Failed", description=f"**__{type(error).__name__}__**\n" f"```py\n" f"{error}\n" f"```", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error else: em = Embed(title="Administration: Reload Module", description=f"Module `{module}` reloaded successfully", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) finally: if verbose and verbose_error: await self.errorlog.send(verbose_error, ctx) @sudo()"init", aliases=["initial"], invoke_without_command=True) async def init(self, ctx: Context): """Get list of modules currently set as initial cogs""" modules = dict() failed = dict() for init_module in self.config_bot.lrange('initial_cogs', 0, -1): try: module = import_module(f"cogs.{init_module}") module_setup = getattr(module, "setup") modules[init_module] = module_setup.__doc__ except Exception as error: failed[ init_module] = error # TODO: Capture error details of failed cogs space = len(max(modules.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x))) fmt = "\n".join([ f"{module}{' ' * (space - len(module))} : {cog}" for module, cog in modules.items() ]) em = Embed( title="Administration: Initial Modules", description=f"Modules currently set to be loaded at startup\n" f"```py\n" f"{fmt}\n" f"```", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @init.command(name="add", usage="(module name)") async def add(self, ctx: Context, module: str, verbose: bool = False): """Sets a module to be loaded on startup Must be a valid cog with setup function Will check with `importlib.import_module` before setting If `verbose=True` is included at the end, error tracebacks will be sent to the errorlog channel""" verbose_error = None lib = None module_setup = None init_modules = self.config_bot.lrange("initial_cogs", 0, -1) if module in init_modules: em = Embed(title="Administration: Initial Module Add Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionAlreadyLoaded__**\n" f"Module `{module}` is already initial module", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) return try: # Basic checks for valid cog # If we can import it and if it has the setup entry point lib = import_module(f"cogs.{module}") module_setup = getattr(lib, "setup") except ImportError as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Initial Module Add Failed", description=f"**__ExtensionNotfound__**\n" f"No module `{module}` found in cogs directory", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except AttributeError as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Initial Module Add Failed", description=f"**__NoEntryPointError__**\n" f"Module `{module}` does not define a `setup` function", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error except Exception as error: em = Embed(title="Administration: Initial Module Add Failed", description=f"**__{type(error).__name__}__**" f"{error}", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) verbose_error = error else: self.config_bot.lpush("initial_cogs", module) em = Embed( title="Administration: Initial Module Add", description=f"Module `{module}` added to initial modules", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) finally: if verbose and verbose_error: await self.errorlog.send(verbose_error, ctx) # We don't actually need them, so remove del lib del module_setup @sudo() @init.command(name="rem", aliases=["del", "delete", "remove"], usage="(module name)") async def rem(self, ctx: Context, module: str): """Removes a module from initial modules""" # Get current list of initial cogs init_modules = self.config_bot.lrange("initial_cogs", 0, -1) if module in init_modules: self.config_bot.lrem("initial_cogs", 0, module) em = Embed( title="Administration: Initial Module Remove", description=f"Module `{module}` removed from initial modules", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) else: em = Embed( title="Administration: Initial Module Remove Failed", description=f"Module `{module}` is not an initial module", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) """ ###################### General Use Commands ###################### """ @sudo() @group(name="say", invoke_without_command=True) async def say(self, ctx: Context, *, msg: str = ""): """Makes the bot send a message If self.say_dest is set, it will send the message there If it is not, it will send to""" dest: Messageable = self.say_dest if self.say_dest else await dest.send(msg) @sudo() @say.command(name="in") async def say_in(self, ctx: Context, dest: str = None): """Sets the destination for messages from `[p]say`""" if dest: try: self.say_dest: TextChannel = await GlobalTextChannelConverter( ).convert(ctx, dest) except BadArgument as error: em = Embed( title="Invalid Channel Identifier", description=f"**__{type(error).__name__}__**: {str(error)}", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) else: em = Embed(title="Administration: Set `say` Destination", description=f"__Say destination set__\n" f"Guild: {}\n" f"Channel: {self.say_dest.mention}\n" f"ID: {}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) else: self.say_dest = None em = Embed(title="Administration: Set `say` Destination", description=f"Say destination has been unset", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @command(name='invite') async def invite(self, ctx: Context): """Sends an OAuth bot invite URL""" em = Embed(title=f'OAuth URL for {}', description=f'[Click Here]' f'({oauth_url(}) ' f'to invite {} to your guild.', color=self.color(ctx)) await ctx.send(embed=em) """ ############################################### Change Custom Status Message and Online State ############################################### """ @sudo() @group(name='status', invoke_without_command=True) async def status(self, ctx: Context): """Changes the status and state""" pass @sudo() @status.command(name="online") async def online(self, ctx: Context): """Changes online status to Online""" await em = Embed(title="Administration: Change Online Status", description="Status changed to `online`", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="dnd", aliases=["do_not_disturb"]) async def dnd(self, ctx: Context): """Changes online status to Do Not Disturb""" await em = Embed(title="Administration: Change Online Status", description="Status changed to `dnd`", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="idle") async def idle(self, ctx: Context): """Changes online status to Idle""" await em = Embed(title="Administration: Change Online Status", description="Status changed to `idle`", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="invisible", aliases=["offline"]) async def invisible(self, ctx: Context): """Changes online status to Invisible""" await em = Embed(title="Administration: Change Online Status", description="Status changed to `invisible`", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="remove", aliases=["rem", "del", "delete", "stop"]) async def remove(self, ctx: Context): """Removes status message""" activity = Activity(name=None) await em = Embed(title="Administration: Status Message Removed", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="playing", aliases=["game"]) async def playing(self, ctx: Context, *, status: str): """Changes status to `Playing (status)` Will also change status header to `Playing A Game`""" activity = Activity(name=status, type=ActivityType.playing) await em = Embed(title="Administration: Status Message Set", description=f"**Playing A Game\n**" f"Playing {status}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="streaming") async def streaming(self, ctx: Context, *, status: str): """Changes status to `Playing (status)` Will also change status header to `Live on Twitch`""" activity = Activity(name=status, type=ActivityType.streaming) await em = Embed(title="Administration: Status Message Set", description=f"**Live On Twitch\n**" f"Playing {status}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="listening") async def listening(self, ctx: Context, *, status: str): """Changes status to `Listening to (status)`""" activity = Activity(name=status, type=ActivityType.listening) await em = Embed(title="Administration: Status Message Set", description=f"Listening to {status}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @status.command(name="watching") async def watching(self, ctx: Context, *, status: str): """Changes status to `Watching (status)`""" activity = Activity(name=status, type=ActivityType.watching) await em = Embed(title="Administration: Status Message Set", description=f"Watching {status}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) """ ######################### Guild-Specific Prefixes ######################### """ @group(name="prefix", invoke_without_command=True) async def prefix(self, ctx: Context): """Manage bot prefixes `Displays current prefix settings""" if ctx.guild: guild_prefix = self.config_bot.hget("prefix:guild", if guild_prefix: guild_prefix = f"`{guild_prefix}`" else: guild_prefix = f"Not set for `{}`" else: guild_prefix = None em = Embed(title="Administration: Prefix Settings", color=self.color(ctx)) em.add_field( name="Default Prefix:", value= f"`{self.config_bot.hget('prefix:config', 'default_prefix')}`", inline=False) em.add_field( name="When Mentioned:", value= f"`{self.config_bot.hget('prefix:config', 'when_mentioned')}`", inline=False) if guild_prefix: em.add_field(name="Guild Prefix:", value=guild_prefix, inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @prefix.command(name="default") async def default(self, ctx: Context, prefix: str = None): """Show or change default prefix""" if prefix: self.config_bot.hset("prefix:config", "default_prefix", prefix) em = Embed(title="Administration: Default Prefix", description=f"Default prefix changed to `{prefix}`", color=self.color(ctx)) else: default_prefix = self.config_bot.hget("prefix:config", "default_prefix") em = Embed(title="Administration: Default Prefix", description= f"Default prefix currently set to `{default_prefix}`", color=self.color(ctx)) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @prefix.command(name="mention") async def mention(self, ctx: Context, enabled: bool = None): """Show or change `when_mentioned` prefix option `[p]prefix mention` to toggle current setting `[p]prefix mention [True|False]` to set setting""" if enabled is None: enabled = not self.config_bot.hget("prefix:config", "when_mentioned") self.config_bot.hset("prefix:config", "when_mentioned", str(enabled)) em = Embed( title="Administration: Mention As Prefix", description= f"`when_mentioned` is now {'en' if enabled else 'dis'}abled", color=self.color(ctx)) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @has_guild_permissions(manage_guild=True) @prefix.command(name="guild") async def guild(self, ctx: Context, *, prefix: str = None): """Change guild-specific prefix""" current_guild_prefix = self.config_bot.hget("prefix:guild", f"{}") if prefix: if current_guild_prefix == prefix: em = Embed( title="Administration: Guild-Specific Prefix", description=f"No changes to make.\n" f"Prefix for guild `{}` is currently set to `{prefix}`", color=self.color(ctx)) else: self.config_bot.hset("prefix:guild", f"{}", prefix) em = Embed( title="Administration: Guild-Specific Prefix", description= f"Prefix for guild `{}` set to `{prefix}`", color=self.color(ctx)) else: self.config_bot.hdel("prefix:guild", f"{}") em = Embed( title="Administration: Guild-Specific Prefix", description=f"Prefix for guild `{}` unset", color=self.color(ctx)) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) """ ######################### Updating and Restarting ######################### """ @staticmethod def gitpull() -> str: """Uses os.popen to `git pull`""" resp = popen("git pull").read() resp = f"```diff\n{resp}\n```" return resp @sudo() @command(name="pull") async def pull(self, ctx: Context): """Updates bot repo from master""" em = Embed(title="Administration: Git Pull", description=self.gitpull(), color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) @sudo() @group(name='restart', aliases=["kill", "f"], invoke_without_command=True) async def _restart(self, ctx: Context): """Restarts the bot""" em = Embed(title="Administration: Restart", description=f"{} initiated bot restart.", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=self.delete_after) await @sudo() @_restart.command(name="pull") async def restart_pull(self, ctx: Context): """Updates repo from origin master and restarts""" em = Embed( title="Administration: Git Pull and Restart", description= f"{} initiated bot code update and restart.\n{self.gitpull()}", color=0x00FF00) await ctx.send(embed=em) await """ ###### Logs ###### """ @staticmethod def get_tail(file: str, lines: int): """Get the tail of the specified log file""" # # Too many lines will not display in embed. # if 0 > lines or lines > 20: # lines = 5 # Get log file name from repo name from name of cwd repo = split(getcwd())[1] # Use linux `tail` to read logs ret = popen(f"tail -{lines} ~/.pm2/logs/{repo}-{file}.log").read() # Format into string with characters for diff markdown highlighting head = "+ " if file == "out" else "- " ret = "\n".join([f"{head}{line}" for line in ret.split("\n")][:-1]) return ret @sudo() @group(name="tail", aliases=["logs"], invoke_without_command=True) async def tail(self, ctx: Context, lines: int = 5): """Get logs for stdout and stderr""" err = self.get_tail("error", lines) out = self.get_tail("out", lines) em = Embed(title="Administration: Tail", color=0x00FF00) em.add_field(name="Error", value=f"```diff\n{err}\n```", inline=False) em.add_field(name="Out", value=f"```diff\n{out}\n```", inline=False) for embed in em.split(): await ctx.send(embed=embed) await sleep(0.1) @sudo() @tail.command(name="out") async def out(self, ctx: Context, lines: int = 5): """Get stdout logs""" out = self.get_tail("out", lines) em = Embed(title="Administration: Tail", color=0x00FF00) em.add_field(name="Out", value=f"```diff\n{out}\n```", inline=False) for embed in em.split(): await ctx.send(embed=embed) await sleep(0.1) @sudo() @tail.command(name="err", aliases=["error"]) async def err(self, ctx: Context, lines: int = 5): """Get stdout logs""" err = self.get_tail("error", lines) em = Embed(title="Administration: Tail", color=0x00FF00) em.add_field(name="Error", value=f"```diff\n{err}\n```", inline=False) for embed in em.split(): await ctx.send(embed=embed) await sleep(0.1)
"decode_responses": true # decode_responses must be bool true } } """ try: with open("redis.json", "r+") as redis_conf: conf = load(redis_conf)["db"] root = StrictRedis(**conf) db = SubRedis(root, APP_NAME) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("redis.json not found in running directory") config = SubRedis(db, "config") if not config.hget("prefix:config", "default_prefix"): config.hset("prefix:config", "default_prefix", "!") if not config.hget("prefix:config", "when_mentioned"): config.hset("prefix:config", "when_mentioned", "False") def command_prefix(client: Bot, msg: Message) -> List[str]: """Callable to determine guild-specific prefix or default""" # Get default prefix and whether mentions count prefix_config = config.hgetall("prefix:config") prefix = [prefix_config["default_prefix"]] if prefix_config["when_mentioned"]: prefix.extend(when_mentioned(client, msg))