Esempio n. 1
def gen_extract_header_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, w):
    if not hdrtype.is_vw:
        addError("generating extract header call", "fixed-width header extracted with two-param extract")

    x = header_bit_width(hdrtype)
    w = format_expr(w)
Esempio n. 2
def gen_extract_header_2(h, w):
    if not h.type.is_vw:
        addError("generating extract header call", "fixed-width header extracted with two-param extract")
        x = header_bit_width(h)
        w = format_expr(w)
Esempio n. 3
def gen_extract_header_tmp_2(h, w):
    x = header_bit_width(h)
    w = format_expr(w)
Esempio n. 4
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        global type_env
        for v in self.env_vars:
            del type_env[v]

# forward declarations for externs
for m in hlir16.objects['Method']:
    # TODO temporary fix for l3-routing-full, this will be computed later on
    with types({
        "T": "struct uint8_buffer_s",
        "O": "unsigned",
        "HashAlgorithm": "int",
        t = m.type
        ret_type = format_type(t.returnType)
        args = ", ".join([format_expr(arg) for arg in t.parameters.parameters] + ['SHORT_STDPARAMS'])

        #[ extern ${ret_type} ${}(${args});

for ctl in p4_ctls:
    #[ void control_${}(STDPARAMS)
    #{ {
    #[     debug("Entering control $$[control]{}...\n");
    #[     uint32_t value32, res32;
    #[     (void)value32, (void)res32;
    #[     control_locals_${}_t local_vars_struct;
    #[     control_locals_${}_t* local_vars = &local_vars_struct;
    #[     pd->control_locals = (void*) local_vars;
    #= format_statement(ctl.body, ctl)
    #} }
Esempio n. 5
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        global type_env
        for v in self.env_vars:
            del type_env[v]

# objects for externs
for m in hlir16.objects['Method']:
    # TODO temporary fix for l3-routing-full, this will be computed later on
    with types({
        "T": "struct uint8_buffer_s",
        "O": "unsigned",
        "HashAlgorithm": "int",
        t = m.type
        ret_type = format_type(t.returnType)
        args = ", ".join([format_expr(arg) for arg in t.parameters.parameters] + [STDPARAMS])

        #[ extern ${ret_type} ${}(${args});

for pe in pipeline_elements:
    ctl = hlir16.objects.get(, 'P4Control')
    if ctl is None:

    #[ void control_${}(STDPARAMS)
    #{ {
    #[     debug("Entering control $$[control]{}...\n");
    #[     uint32_t value32, res32;
    #[     (void)value32, (void)res32;
    #[     control_locals_${}_t control_locals_struct;
Esempio n. 6
        return hdrinst

for s in parser.states:
    if not s.is_reachable:

    if in ('accept', 'reject'):

    if s.selectExpression.node_type != 'SelectExpression':

    #{ static void parser_state_${}_next_state(STDPARAMS) {
    #[     parser_state_t parameters = *pstate;
    bexpr = format_expr(s.selectExpression)
    prebuf, postbuf = statement_buffer_value()
    #[     $prebuf
    #=     bexpr
    #[     $postbuf
    #} }

def state_component_name(s, idx, component):
    def methodcall_info(mc):
        m = mc.method
        if 'expr' not in m:
            return f'_{}'
        hdrname = m.expr.member if 'member' in m.expr else
        method_name = m.member
Esempio n. 7
            #{ if (pd->payload_length > 0) {
            #[     dbg_bytes(pd->data + pd->parsed_length, pd->payload_length, "    : " T4LIT(Payload,header) " is $${}{%d} bytes: ", pd->payload_length);
            #[ } else {
            #[     debug("    " T4LIT(:,status) " " T4LIT(Payload,header) " is " T4LIT(empty,status) "\n");
            #} }
        elif == 'reject':
            #[ debug("   " T4LIT(::,status) " Packet is $$[status]{}{dropped}\n");
            #[ drop_packet(STDPARAMS_IN);
        b = s.selectExpression

        if b.node_type == 'PathExpression':
            #[ parser_state_${}(STDPARAMS_IN);
        elif b.node_type == 'SelectExpression':
            bexpr = format_expr(b)
            prebuf, postbuf = statement_buffer_value()
            #[ $prebuf
            #= bexpr
            #[ $postbuf
    #} }

#[ void parse_packet(STDPARAMS) {
#[     pd->parsed_length = 0;
#[     pd->extract_ptr = pd->data;
#[     parser_state_start(STDPARAMS_IN);
#[ }

Esempio n. 8
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        global type_env
        for v in self.env_vars:
            del type_env[v]

# forward declarations for externs
for m in hlir16.objects['Method']:
    # TODO temporary fix for l3-routing-full, this will be computed later on
    with types({
        "T": "struct uint8_buffer_s",
        "O": "unsigned",
        "HashAlgorithm": "int",
        t = m.type
        ret_type = format_type(t.returnType)
        args = ", ".join([format_expr(arg) for arg in t.parameters.parameters if not arg.type._type_ref('is_metadata')] + ['SHORT_STDPARAMS'])

        #[ extern ${ret_type} ${}(${args});

# TODO do not duplicate code
def unique_stable(items):
    """Returns only the first occurrence of the items in a list.
    Equivalent to unique_everseen from Python 3."""
    from collections import OrderedDict
    return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(items))

#{ char* action_names[] = {
for table in hlir16.tables:
    for action in unique_stable(table.actions):
Esempio n. 9
def gen_extract_header_tmp_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, w):
    x = header_bit_width(hdrtype)
    w = format_expr(w)
Esempio n. 10
def gen_extract_header_tmp(h):
    #[ memcpy(pstate->${}, buf, ${h.type.byte_width});
    #[ buf += ${h.type.byte_width};
    #[ pd->parsed_length += ${h.type.byte_width};

def gen_extract_header_tmp_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, w):
    x = header_bit_width(hdrtype)
    w = format_expr(w)
    #[ int hdrlen = ((${w}+${x})/8);
    #[ pd->parsed_length += hdrlen;
    #[ memcpy(pstate->${}, buf, hdrlen);
    #[ pstate->${}_var += ${w}+${x};
    #[ buf += hdrlen;

def gen_extract_header(hdrinst, hdrtype):
    if hdrinst is None:
        addError("extracting header", "no instance found for header type " +

    #[ if((int)((uint8_t*)buf-(uint8_t*)(pd->data))+${hdrtype.byte_width} > pd->wrapper->pkt_len)
    #[     ; // packet_too_short // TODO optimize this
    #[ pd->headers[${}].pointer = buf;
    #[ pd->headers[${}].length = ${hdrtype.byte_width};
    #[ pd->parsed_length += ${hdrtype.byte_width};
    #[ buf += pd->headers[${}].length;
    for f in hdrtype.valid_fields:
        # TODO get rid of "f.get_attr('preparsed') is not None"
        # TODO (f must always have a preparsed attribute)
        if f.get_attr('preparsed') is not None and f.preparsed and f.size <= 32:
            #[ EXTRACT_INT32_AUTO_PACKET(pd, ${}, ${}, value32)
            #[ pd->fields.${} = value32;
            #[ pd->fields.attr_${} = 0;

def gen_extract_header_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, w):
    if not hdrtype.is_vw:
        addError("generating extract header call", "fixed-width header extracted with two-param extract")

    x = header_bit_width(hdrtype)
    w = format_expr(w)

    #[ uint32_t hdrlen = ((${w}+${x})/8);

    #[ if ((int)((uint8_t*)buf-(uint8_t*)(pd->data))+hdrlen > pd->wrapper->pkt_len)
    #[     ; // packet_too_short // TODO optimize this
    #[ if (hdrlen > ${hdrtype.byte_width})
    #[     debug("    " T4LIT(!,warning) " header " T4LIT(${},header) " is too long (" T4LIT(%d,warning) " bytes)\n", hdrlen);
    #[ pd->headers[${}].pointer = buf;
    #[ pd->headers[${}].length = hdrlen;
    #[ pd->parsed_length += hdrlen;
    #[ pd->headers[${}].var_width_field_bitwidth = hdrlen * 8 - ${header_bit_width(hdrtype)};


parser = hlir16.objects['P4Parser'][0]

for l in parser.parserLocals:
    #[ ${format_declaration(l)}

for s in parser.states:
    #[ static void parser_state_${}(packet_descriptor_t* pd, uint8_t* buf, lookup_table_t** tables, parser_state_t* pstate);

for s in parser.states:
    if s.node_type != 'ParserState': continue

    #[ static void parser_state_${}(packet_descriptor_t* pd, uint8_t* buf, lookup_table_t** tables, parser_state_t* pstate) {
    #[     uint32_t value32; (void)value32;
    #[     uint32_t res32; (void)res32;
    #[     debug(" :::: Parser state $$[parserstate]{}\n");

    for c in s.components:
        if hasattr(c, 'call'):
            if == 'extract_header':
                hdrtype = c.header.type_ref if hasattr(c.header, 'type_ref') else c.header

                # TODO find a more universal way to get to the header instance
                if hasattr(c.methodCall.arguments[0].expression, 'path'):
                    hdrinst_name = c.methodCall.arguments['Argument'][0]
                    hdrinst = hlir16.header_instances.get(hdrinst_name, 'Declaration_Variable', lambda hi: ==
                elif hasattr(c.methodCall.method.expr, 'header_ref'):
                    hdrinst = c.methodCall.method.expr.header_ref
                    if not hasattr(c.methodCall.arguments[0].expression, 'member'):
                        import ipdb
                    hdrinst_name = c.methodCall.arguments[0].expression.member
                    hdrinst = hlir16.header_instances.get(hdrinst_name, 'StructField', lambda hi: ==

                # TODO there should be no "secondary" hdrtype node
                if not hasattr(hdrtype, 'bit_width'):
                    hdrtype = hlir16.header_types.get(, 'Type_Header')
                bitwidth = hdrtype.bit_width if not c.is_vw else header_bit_width(hdrtype)

                if not c.is_tmp:
                    if not c.is_vw:
                        #[ ${gen_extract_header(hdrinst, hdrtype)}
                        #[ ${gen_extract_header_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, c.width)}
                    #[ dbg_bytes(pd->headers[${}].pointer, pd->headers[${}].length,
                    #[           "   :: Extracted header $$[header]{} ($${(bitwidth+7)/8}{ bytes}): ");
                    if not c.is_vw:
                        #[ ${gen_extract_header_tmp(hdrinst)}
                        #[ dbg_bytes(pstate->${}, ${hdrinst.type.byte_width},
                        #[           "   :: Extracted header $$[header]{} of type $${} ($${bitwidth} bits, $${hdrinst.type.byte_width} bytes): ");

                        #[ ${gen_extract_header_tmp_2(hdrinst, hdrtype, c.width)}
                        hdr_width = header_bit_width(hdrtype)
                        var_width = format_expr(c.width)
                        #[ dbg_bytes(pstate->${}, (($hdr_width + $var_width)+7)/8,
                        #[           "   :: Extracted header $$[header]{} of type $${}: ($${hdr_width}+$${}{%d} bits, $${}{%d} bytes): ",
                        #[           $var_width, (($hdr_width + $var_width)+7)/8);
            #[ ${format_statement(c)}

    if not hasattr(s, 'selectExpression'):
        if == 'accept':
            #[ debug("   :: Packet is $$[success]{}{accepted}\n");
        if == 'reject':
            #[ debug("   :: Packet is $$[success]{}{dropped}\n");
            #[ pd->dropped = 1;
        b = s.selectExpression
        if b.node_type == 'PathExpression':
            x = "parser_state_" + format_expr(b) + "(pd, buf, tables, pstate);"
        if b.node_type == 'SelectExpression':
            x = format_expr(b)

        prebuf, postbuf = statement_buffer_value()

        #[ $prebuf
        #[ $x
        #[ $postbuf
    #[ }

#[ void parse_packet(packet_descriptor_t* pd, lookup_table_t** tables, parser_state_t* pstate) {
#[     parser_state_start(pd, pd->data, tables, pstate);
#[ }

#{ const char* header_instance_names[HEADER_INSTANCE_COUNT] = {
for hdr in hlir16.header_instances:
    #[ "${}", // header_instance_${}
#} };

#{ const char* field_names[FIELD_COUNT] = {
for hdr in hlir16.header_types:
    for fld in hdr.valid_fields:
        #[ "${}", // field_instance_${}_${}
#} };

#[ // Returns the sum of all collected variable widths,
#[ // and resets all varwidth counters.
#{ int get_var_width_bitwidth(parser_state_t* pstate) {
#[     int retval = 0
for loc in parser.parserLocals:
    #[ + pstate->${}_var
#[     ;

for loc in parser.parserLocals: