Esempio n. 1
def buildGraph(request):

  error_msg = ""

  if request.method == "POST":
    form = BuildGraphForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():

      # Acquire proj names
      userDefProjectName = form.cleaned_data["UserDefprojectName"]
      site = form.cleaned_data["site"]
      subject = form.cleaned_data["subject"]
      session = form.cleaned_data["session"]
      scanId = form.cleaned_data["scanId"]

      # Private project error checking
      if (form.cleaned_data["Project_Type"] == "private"):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
          error_msg = "You must be logged in to make/alter a private project! Please Login or make/alter a public project."

        # Untested TODO: Add join to ensure it a private project
        elif BuildGraphModel.objects.filter(owner=request.user, project_name=userDefProjectName, \
                                    site=site, subject=subject, session=session, scanId=scanId).exists():

           error_msg = "The scanID you requested to create already exists in this project path. Please change any of the form values."
      # TODO DM: Some unaccounted for scenarios here!

      if error_msg:
        return render_to_response(
          {"buildGraphform": form, "error_msg": error_msg},

      # If a user is logged in associate the project with thier directory
      if form.cleaned_data["Project_Type"] == "private":
        userDefProjectName = os.path.join(request.user.username, userDefProjectName)
        userDefProjectName = os.path.join("public", userDefProjectName)

      # Adapt project name if necesary on disk
      userDefProjectName = adaptProjNameIfReq(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, userDefProjectName)) # Fully qualify AND handle identical projects

      request.session["usrDefProjDir"] = os.path.join(userDefProjectName, site, subject, session, scanId)
      request.session["scanId"] = scanId

      """ Define data directory paths """
      request.session["derivatives"], request.session["graphs"],\
          request.session["graphInvariants"] = defDataDirs(request.session["usrDefProjDir"])

      # Create a model object to save data to DB

      grModObj = BuildGraphModel(project_name = form.cleaned_data["UserDefprojectName"])
      grModObj.location = request.session["usrDefProjDir"] # Where the particular scan location is = form.cleaned_data["site"]# set the site
      grModObj.subject = form.cleaned_data["subject"]# set the subject
      grModObj.session = form.cleaned_data["session"]# set the session
      grModObj.scanId = form.cleaned_data["scanId"]# set the scanId

      if request.user.is_authenticated():
        grModObj.owner = request.user # Who created the project

      request.session["invariants"] = form.cleaned_data["Select_Invariants_you_want_computed"]
      request.session["graphsize"] = form.cleaned_data["Select_graph_size"]
      request.session["email"] = form.cleaned_data["Email"]

      if request.session["graphsize"] == "big" and not request.session["email"]:
        return render_to_response(
          {"buildGraphform": form, "error_msg": "Email address must be provided when processing big graphs due to http timeout's possibly occuring."},

      """ Acquire fileNames """
      fiber_fn = form.cleaned_data["fiber_file"].name # get the name of the file input by user
      roi_raw_fn = form.cleaned_data["roi_raw_file"].name
      roi_xml_fn = form.cleaned_data["roi_xml_file"].name

      print "Uploading files..."

      """ Save files in appropriate location """
      saveFileToDisk(form.cleaned_data["fiber_file"], os.path.join(request.session["derivatives"], fiber_fn))
      saveFileToDisk(form.cleaned_data["roi_raw_file"], os.path.join(request.session["derivatives"], roi_raw_fn))
      saveFileToDisk(form.cleaned_data["roi_xml_file"], os.path.join(request.session["derivatives"], roi_xml_fn)) # Save project data to DB after file upload

      # add entry to owned project
      if request.user.is_authenticated():
        ownedProjModObj = OwnedProjects(project_name=grModObj.project_name, \
          owner=grModObj.owner, is_private=form.cleaned_data["Project_Type"] == "private")

      print "\nSaving all files complete..."

      """ Make appropriate dirs if they dont already exist """
          request.session["graphs"], request.session["graphInvariants"]])

      if request.session["graphsize"] == "big":
        # Launch thread for big graphs & email user
        sendJobBeginEmail(request.session["email"], request.session["invariants"])
        thr = threading.Thread(target=processInputData, args=(request,))
        request.session["success_msg"] =\
Your job was successfully launched. You should receive an email when your
job begins and another one when it completes. The process may take several if you selected to compute all invariants
        return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"success")

      # Redirect to Processing page
      return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"processinput")
    form = BuildGraphForm() # An empty, unbound form

  # Render the form
  return render_to_response(
      {"buildGraphform": form},
      context_instance=RequestContext(request) # Some failure to input data & returns a key signaling what is requested
Esempio n. 2
def upload(request, webargs=None):
  Programmatic interface for uploading data
  @param request: the request object

  @param webargs: POST data with userDefProjectName, site, subject, session, scanId, graphsize, [list of invariants to compute] info
  if (webargs and request.method == 'POST'):
    # Check for malformatted input
    webargs = webargs[1:] if webargs.startswith('/') else webargs
    webargs = webargs[:-1] if webargs.endswith('/') else webargs

    if len(webargs.split('/')) == 7:
      [userDefProjectName, site, subject, session, scanId, graphsize, request.session['invariants']] = webargs.split('/')

      request.session['invariants'] = request.session['invariants'].split(',')
    elif len(webargs.split('/')) == 6:
      [userDefProjectName, site, subject, session, scanId, graphsize] = webargs.split('/')
      # Some sort of error
      return HttpResponseBadRequest ("Malformatted programmatic request. Check format of url and data requests")

    userDefProjectDir = adaptProjNameIfReq(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'public', userDefProjectName, site, subject, session, scanId))

    ''' Define data directory paths '''
    derivatives, graphs, request.session['graphInvariants'] = defDataDirs(userDefProjectDir)

    ''' Make appropriate dirs if they dont already exist '''
    create_dir_struct([derivatives, graphs,request.session["graphInvariants"]])
    print 'Directory structure created...'

    uploadFiles =  writeBodyToDisk(request.body, derivatives)

    # Check which file is which
    roi_xml_fn, fiber_fn, roi_raw_fn = checkFileExtGengraph(uploadFiles) # Check & sort files

    ''' Data Processing '''
    if graphsize:
      request.session['Gfn']= call_gengraph(fiber_fn, roi_xml_fn, roi_raw_fn, \
                              graphs, request.session['graphInvariants'],\
                              graphsize, run=True)

      return HttpResponseBadRequest ("Missing graph size. You must specify big or small")

    # Run invariants
    if request.session.has_key('invariants'):
      print "Computing invariants ..."

      invariant_fns = runInvariants(request.session['invariants'],\
                      request.session['Gfn'], request.session['graphInvariants'])

    dwnldLoc = request.META['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://' + \
                    request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + userDefProjectDir.replace(' ','%20')

    return HttpResponse ( "Files available for download at " + dwnldLoc) # change to render of a page with a link to data result

  elif(not webargs):
    return HttpResponseBadRequest ("Expected web arguments to direct project correctly")

    return HttpResponseBadRequest ("Expected POST data, but none given")