def get_conv_layer(self, ni, upsample=False, blur_op=None, append_nl=True): upsampler = [] if upsample: upsampler.append(self.upsampler) if self.use_noise or blur_op is not None: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=ni, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=False) bias = [Conv2dBias(nf=self.fmap)] else: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=ni, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=True) bias = [] blur = [] if blur_op is not None: assert isinstance(blur_op, nn.Module) blur.append(blur_op) noise = None if self.use_noise: noise = StyleAddNoise(nf=self.fmap) nl = [] if append_nl: nl.append( norms = [] if self.use_pixelnorm: norms.append(NormalizeLayer('PixelNorm')) if self.use_instancenorm: norms.append(NormalizeLayer('InstanceNorm')) w_to_style = LinearEx(nin_feat=self.z_to_w.dims[-1], nout_feat=2 * self.fmap, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=1., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr) return nn.ModuleList([ nn.Sequential(*upsampler, conv, *blur), noise, nn.Sequential(*(bias + nl + norms)), w_to_style ])
def __init__(self, ni, nf, ks, pooler=nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), init='He', nl=nn.ReLU(), equalized_lr=False, blur_type=None): super(FastResBlock2dDownsample, self).__init__() padding = (ks - 1) // 2 self.conv_layer_1 = nn.Sequential( Conv2dEx(ni, nf, ks=ks, stride=1, padding=padding, init='he', equalized_lr=equalized_lr), nl) self.conv_layer_2 = nn.Sequential() self.skip_connection = nn.Sequential() _seq_n = 0 if blur_type is not None: blur_op = get_blur_op(blur_type=blur_type, num_channels=nf) self.conv_layer_2.add_module(str(_seq_n), blur_op) self.skip_connection.add_module(str(_seq_n), blur_op) _seq_n += 1 self.conv_layer_2.add_module( str(_seq_n), Conv2dEx(nf, nf, ks=ks, stride=1, padding=padding, init='he', equalized_lr=equalized_lr)) self.skip_connection.add_module(str(_seq_n), pooler) _seq_n += 1 self.conv_layer_2.add_module(str(_seq_n), pooler) self.skip_connection.add_module( str(_seq_n), Conv2dEx(ni, nf, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0, init='xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr))
def __init__(self, len_latent=128, fmap=FMAP_G, upsampler=nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), blur_type=None, nl=nn.ReLU(), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=False): super(Generator64PixResnet, self).__init__(64) self.len_latent = len_latent self.num_classes = num_classes self.equalized_lr = equalized_lr _fmap_init_64 = len_latent * FMAP_G_INIT_64_FCTR self.generator_model = nn.Sequential( Lambda( lambda x: x.view( -1, len_latent + num_classes ) ), LinearEx( nin_feat = len_latent + num_classes, nout_feat = _fmap_init_64 * RES_INIT**2, init = 'Xavier', equalized_lr = equalized_lr ), Lambda( lambda x: x.view( -1, _fmap_init_64, RES_INIT, RES_INIT ) ), ResBlock2d( ni = _fmap_init_64, nf = 8*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'BatchNorm', upsampler = upsampler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 8*fmap, nf = 4*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'BatchNorm', upsampler = upsampler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 4*fmap, nf = 2*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'BatchNorm', upsampler = upsampler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 2*fmap, nf = 1*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'BatchNorm', upsampler = upsampler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), NormalizeLayer( 'BatchNorm', ni = 1*fmap ), nl, Conv2dEx( ni = 1*fmap, nf = FMAP_SAMPLES, ks = 3, stride = 1, padding = 1, init = 'He', equalized_lr = equalized_lr ), nn.Tanh() )
def get_conv_layer(self, ni, upsample=False, blur_op=None, append_nl=True): upsampler = [] if upsample: upsampler.append(self.upsampler) if blur_op is not None: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=ni, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='ProGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=False) assert isinstance(blur_op, nn.Module) blur = [blur_op] bias = [Conv2dBias(nf=self.fmap)] else: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=ni, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='ProGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=True) blur = [] bias = [] nl = [] if append_nl: nl.append( norm = [] if self.use_pixelnorm: norm.append(NormalizeLayer('PixelNorm')) return nn.Sequential(*upsampler, conv, *(blur + bias + nl + norm))
def _update_torgb(self, ni): self.torgb = Conv2dEx(ni=ni, nf=FMAP_SAMPLES, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0, init='He', init_type='ProGAN', gain_sq_base=1., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr)
def get_conv_layer(self, nf, downsample=False, blur_op=None, append_nl=True): blur = [] if blur_op is not None: assert isinstance(blur_op, nn.Module) blur.append(blur_op) if downsample: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=self.fmap, nf=nf, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=False) pooler = [self.pooler] bias = [Conv2dBias(nf=nf)] else: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=self.fmap, nf=nf, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr, include_bias=True) pooler = [] bias = [] nl = [] if append_nl: nl.append( return nn.Sequential(*blur, conv, *(pooler + bias + nl))
def _update_fromrgb(self, nf): self.fromrgb = nn.Sequential( Conv2dEx(ni=FMAP_SAMPLES + self.num_classes, nf=nf, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=self.equalized_lr),
def __init__(self, fmap=FMAP_D, pooler=nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), blur_type=None, nl=nn.ReLU(), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=False): super(Discriminator64PixResnet, self).__init__(64) self.num_classes = num_classes self.equalized_lr = equalized_lr self.view1 = Lambda(lambda x: x.view(-1, FMAP_SAMPLES + num_classes, self.res, self.res)) self.conv1 = Conv2dEx(ni=FMAP_SAMPLES + num_classes, nf=1 * fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='Xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr) self.resblocks = nn.Sequential( ResBlock2d( ni = 1*fmap, nf = 2*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'LayerNorm', pooler = pooler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, res = self.res//1, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 2*fmap, nf = 4*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'LayerNorm', pooler = pooler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, res = self.res//2, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 4*fmap, nf = 8*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'LayerNorm', pooler = pooler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, res = self.res//4, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), ResBlock2d( ni = 8*fmap, nf = 8*fmap, ks = 3, norm_type = 'LayerNorm', pooler = pooler, \ init = 'He', nl = nl, res = self.res//8, equalized_lr = equalized_lr, blur_type = blur_type ), Lambda( lambda x: x.view( -1, RES_FEATURE_SPACE**2 * 8*fmap ) ) # final feature space # NormalizeLayer( 'LayerNorm', ni = fmap, res = 1 ) ) self.linear1 = LinearEx(nin_feat=RES_FEATURE_SPACE**2 * 8 * fmap, nout_feat=1, init='Xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr)
def __init__(self, fmap=FMAP_D, pooler=nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), blur_type=None, nl=nn.ReLU(), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=False): super(DiscriminatorAC64PixResnet, self).__init__(fmap, pooler, nl, num_classes, equalized_lr, blur_type) self.view1 = Lambda( lambda x: x.view(-1, FMAP_SAMPLES, self.res, self.res)) self.conv1 = Conv2dEx(ni=FMAP_SAMPLES, nf=1 * fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='Xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr) self.linear_aux = LinearEx(nin_feat=RES_FEATURE_SPACE**2 * 8 * fmap, nout_feat=num_classes, init='Xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr)
def __init__(self, final_res, len_latent=512, upsampler=nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), blur_type=None, nl=nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=.2), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=True, normalize_z=True, use_pixelnorm=True): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(final_res) self.gen_blocks = nn.ModuleList() self.upsampler = upsampler self.upsampler_skip_connection = \ lambda xb: F.interpolate( xb, scale_factor = 2, mode = 'nearest' ) # keep fading-in layers simple self.gen_blur_type = blur_type = nl self.len_latent = len_latent self.num_classes = num_classes self.equalized_lr = equalized_lr norms = [] self.use_pixelnorm = use_pixelnorm if use_pixelnorm: norms.append(NormalizeLayer('PixelNorm')) if normalize_z: self.preprocess_z = nn.Sequential( Lambda(lambda x: x.view(-1, len_latent + num_classes)), NormalizeLayer('PixelNorm')) else: self.preprocess_z = Lambda( lambda x: x.view(-1, len_latent + num_classes)) _fmap_init = len_latent * FMAP_G_INIT_FCTR self.gen_blocks.append( nn.Sequential( LinearEx( nin_feat=len_latent + num_classes, nout_feat=_fmap_init * RES_INIT**2, init='He', init_type='ProGAN', gain_sq_base=2. / 16, equalized_lr=equalized_lr ), # this can be done with a tranpose conv layer as well (efficiency) Lambda(lambda x: x.view(-1, _fmap_init, RES_INIT, RES_INIT)), nl, *norms, Conv2dEx(ni=_fmap_init, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='ProGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=equalized_lr), nl, *norms)) self.prev_torgb = None self._update_torgb(ni=self.fmap)
def __init__(self, final_res, pooler=nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), blur_type=None, nl=nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=.2), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=True, mbstd_group_size=4): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(final_res) self.init_type = self.cls_base.__name__ if self.init_type not in ( 'ProGAN', 'StyleGAN', ): raise RuntimeError( 'This class can only inherit from either `ProGAN` or `StyleGAN` base classes currently.' ) self.disc_blocks = nn.ModuleList() self.num_classes = num_classes self.preprocess_x = Lambda(lambda x: x.view( -1, FMAP_SAMPLES + num_classes, self.curr_res, self.curr_res)) self.pooler = pooler self.pooler_skip_connection = \ lambda xb: F.avg_pool2d( xb, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2 ) # keep fading-in layers simple self.disc_blur_type = blur_type = nl self.equalized_lr = equalized_lr self.mbstd_group_size = mbstd_group_size mbstd_layer = self.get_mbstd_layer() self.prev_fromrgb = None self._update_fromrgb(nf=self.fmap) _fmap_end = self.fmap * FMAP_D_END_FCTR self.disc_blocks.insert( 0, nn.Sequential( *mbstd_layer, Conv2dEx( ni=self.fmap + (1 if mbstd_layer else 0), nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=equalized_lr ), # this can be done with a linear layer as well (efficiency) nl, Conv2dEx(ni=self.fmap, nf=_fmap_end, ks=4, stride=1, padding=0, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=equalized_lr), nl, Lambda(lambda x: x.view(-1, _fmap_end)), LinearEx(nin_feat=_fmap_end, nout_feat=1, init='He', init_type=self.init_type, gain_sq_base=1., equalized_lr=equalized_lr)))
def __init__(self, final_res, latent_distribution='normal', len_latent=512, len_dlatent=512, mapping_num_fcs=8, mapping_lrmul=.01, use_instancenorm=True, use_noise=True, upsampler=nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), blur_type=None, nl=nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=.2), num_classes=0, equalized_lr=True, normalize_z=True, use_pixelnorm=False, pct_mixing_reg=.9, truncation_trick_params={ 'beta': .995, 'psi': .7, 'cutoff_stage': 4 }): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(final_res) self.gen_layers = nn.ModuleList() self.upsampler = upsampler self.upsampler_skip_connection = \ lambda xb: F.interpolate( xb, scale_factor = 2, mode = 'nearest' ) # keep fading-in layers simple self.gen_blur_type = blur_type = nl self.equalized_lr = equalized_lr self.pct_mixing_reg = pct_mixing_reg self._use_mixing_reg = True if pct_mixing_reg else False self.latent_distribution = latent_distribution self.len_latent = len_latent self.len_dlatent = len_dlatent assert isinstance(num_classes, int) self.num_classes = num_classes # Mapping Network initialization: if not num_classes: self.z_to_w = StyleMappingNetwork(len_latent=len_latent, len_dlatent=len_dlatent, num_fcs=mapping_num_fcs, lrmul=mapping_lrmul, nl=nl, equalized_lr=equalized_lr, normalize_z=normalize_z) else: self.z_to_w = StyleConditionedMappingNetwork( num_classes, len_latent=len_latent, len_dlatent=len_dlatent, num_fcs=mapping_num_fcs, lrmul=mapping_lrmul, nl=nl, equalized_lr=equalized_lr, normalize_z=normalize_z) _fmap_init = len_latent * FMAP_G_INIT_FCTR # initializing the input to 1 has about the same effect as applyng PixelNorm to the input self.const_input = nn.Parameter( torch.FloatTensor(1, _fmap_init, RES_INIT, RES_INIT).fill_(1)) self._use_noise = use_noise self._trained_with_noise = use_noise if use_noise: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=_fmap_init, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=equalized_lr, include_bias=False) noise = [ StyleAddNoise(nf=_fmap_init), StyleAddNoise(nf=self.fmap), ] bias = ( [Conv2dBias(nf=_fmap_init)], [Conv2dBias(nf=self.fmap)], ) else: conv = Conv2dEx(ni=_fmap_init, nf=self.fmap, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=2., equalized_lr=equalized_lr, include_bias=True) # noise = ( [], [], ) noise = [None, None] bias = ( [], [], ) # NOTE: without noise, the bias would get directly added to the constant input, so the constant input can just learn this bias, # so theoretically, there shouldn't be a need to include the bias either. There may be numerical approximation problems from backprop, however. norms = [] self.use_pixelnorm = use_pixelnorm if use_pixelnorm: norms.append(NormalizeLayer('PixelNorm')) self.use_instancenorm = use_instancenorm if use_instancenorm: norms.append(NormalizeLayer('InstanceNorm')) w_to_styles = ( LinearEx(nin_feat=self.z_to_w.dims[-1], nout_feat=2 * _fmap_init, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=1., equalized_lr=equalized_lr), LinearEx(nin_feat=self.z_to_w.dims[-1], nout_feat=2 * self.fmap, init='He', init_type='StyleGAN', gain_sq_base=1., equalized_lr=equalized_lr), ) assert 0. <= truncation_trick_params['beta'] <= 1. self.w_ewma_beta = truncation_trick_params['beta'] self._w_eval_psi = truncation_trick_params[ 'psi'] # allow psi to be any number you want, perhaps worthy of experimentation assert ( ( isinstance( truncation_trick_params[ 'cutoff_stage' ], int ) and \ 0 < truncation_trick_params[ 'cutoff_stage' ] <= int( np.log2( self.final_res ) ) - 2 ) or \ truncation_trick_params[ 'cutoff_stage' ] is None ) self._trunc_cutoff_stage = truncation_trick_params['cutoff_stage'] # set the below to `False` if you want to turn off during evaluation mode self.use_truncation_trick = True if self._trunc_cutoff_stage else False self.w_ewma = None self.gen_layers.append( nn.ModuleList([ None, noise[0], nn.Sequential(*bias[0], nl, *norms), w_to_styles[0] ])) self.gen_layers.append( nn.ModuleList([ conv, noise[1], nn.Sequential(*bias[1], nl, *norms), w_to_styles[1] ])) self.prev_torgb = None self._update_torgb(ni=self.fmap)
def __init__(self, ni, nf, ks, norm_type, upsampler=None, pooler=None, init='He', nl=nn.ReLU(), res=None, flip_sampling=False, equalized_lr=False, blur_type=None): super(ResBlock2d, self).__init__() assert not (upsampler is not None and pooler is not None) padding = (ks - 1) // 2 # 'SAME' padding for stride 1 conv if not flip_sampling: self.nif = nf if (upsampler is not None and pooler is None) else ni else: self.nif = ni if (upsampler is None and pooler is not None) else nf self.convs = ( Conv2dEx(ni, self.nif, ks=ks, stride=1, padding=padding, init=init, equalized_lr=equalized_lr), Conv2dEx(self.nif, nf, ks=ks, stride=1, padding=padding, init=init, equalized_lr=equalized_lr), Conv2dEx(ni, nf, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0, init='Xavier', equalized_lr=equalized_lr), # this is same as a FC layer ) blur_op = get_blur_op( blur_type=blur_type, num_channels=self.convs[0].nf) if blur_type is not None else None _norm_nls = ( [NormalizeLayer(norm_type, ni=ni, res=res), nl], [NormalizeLayer(norm_type, ni=self.convs[0].nf, res=res), nl], ) if upsampler is not None: _mostly_linear_op_1 = [ upsampler, self.convs[0], blur_op ] if blur_type is not None else [upsampler, self.convs[0]] _mostly_linear_op_2 = [ upsampler, self.convs[2], blur_op ] if blur_type is not None else [upsampler, self.convs[2]] _ops = ( _mostly_linear_op_1, [self.convs[1]], _mostly_linear_op_2, ) elif pooler is not None: _mostly_linear_op_1 = [ blur_op, self.convs[1], pooler ] if blur_type is not None else [self.convs[1], pooler] _mostly_linear_op_2 = [ blur_op, pooler, self.convs[2] ] if blur_type is not None else [pooler, self.convs[2]] _ops = ( [self.convs[0]], _mostly_linear_op_1, _mostly_linear_op_2, ) else: _ops = ( [self.convs[0]], [self.convs[1]], [self.convs[2]], ) self.conv_layer_1 = nn.Sequential(*(_norm_nls[0] + _ops[0])) self.conv_layer_2 = nn.Sequential(*(_norm_nls[1] + _ops[1])) if (upsampler is not None or pooler is not None) or ni != nf: self.skip_connection = nn.Sequential(*(_ops[2])) else: self.skip_connection = Lambda(lambda x: x)