Esempio n. 1
def get_parfile_from_id(parfile_id, existdb=None, verify_md5=True):
    """Return the path to the raw file that has the given ID number.
        Optionally double check the file's MD5 sum, to make sure
        nothing strange has happened.

            parfile_id: The ID number of the raw file to get
                a path for.
            existdb: A (optional) existing database connection object.
                (Default: Establish a db connection)
            verify_md5: If True, double check the file's MD5 sum.
                (Default: Perform MD5 check.)

            fn: The full file path.
    notify.print_info("Looking-up raw file with ID=%d" % parfile_id, 2)

    # Use the existing DB connection, or open a new one if None was provided
    db = existdb or database.Database()

    select =[db.parfiles.c.filename, db.parfiles.c.filepath, db.parfiles.c.md5sum]).where(
        db.parfiles.c.parfile_id == parfile_id
    result = db.execute(select)
    rows = result.fetchall()
    if not existdb:
        # Close the DB connection we opened

    if len(rows) == 1:
        filename = rows[0]["filename"]
        filepath = rows[0]["filepath"]
        md5sum_from_db = rows[0]["md5sum"]
        raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
            "Bad number of files (%d) " "with parfile_id=%d" % (len(rows), parfile_id)

    fullpath = os.path.join(filepath, filename)
    # Make sure the file exists
    if verify_md5:
            "Confirming MD5 sum of %s matches what is " "stored in DB (%s)" % (fullpath, md5sum_from_db), 2

        md5sum_file = datafile.get_md5sum(fullpath)
        if md5sum_from_db != md5sum_file:
            raise errors.FileError(
                "md5sum check of %s failed! MD5 from "
                "DB (%s) != MD5 from file (%s)" % (fullpath, md5sum_from_db, md5sum_file)
    return fullpath
Esempio n. 2
def prep_parfile(fn):
    """Prepare parfile for archiving/loading.

        Also, perform some checks on the parfile to make sure we
        won't run into problems later. Checks performed:
            - Existence of file.
            - Read/write access for file (so it can be moved).

            fn: The name of the parfile to check.

            params: A dictionary of parameters contained in the file.
                NOTE: parameters that look like ints or floats are cast
                    as such.
    # Check existence of file

    # Check file permissions allow for writing and reading
    if not os.access(fn, os.R_OK):
        raise errors.FileError("File (%s) is not readable!" % fn)

    # Grab parameters from file
    f = open(fn, "r")
    params = {}
    for line in f.readlines():
        # Ignore blank lines
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        key, valstr = line.split()[:2]

        if int_re.match(valstr):
            # Looks like an int. Cast to int.
            val = int(valstr)
        elif float_re.match(valstr):
            # Looks like a float. Change 'D' to 'E' and cast to float.
            val = float(valstr.upper().replace("D", "E"))
            # Doesn't seem like a number. Leave as string.
            val = valstr

        params[key.lower()] = val
    if "psrj" in params:
        params["pulsar_id"] = cache.get_pulsarid(params["psrj"])
        params["name"] = params["psrj"]
    elif "psrb" in params:
        params["pulsar_id"] = cache.get_pulsarid(params["psrb"])
        params["name"] = params["psrb"]
        params["pulsar_id"] = cache.get_pulsarid(params["psr"])
        params["name"] = params["psr"]

    # Translate a few parameters
    if "binary" in params:
        params["binary_model"] = params["binary"]
    if "e" in params:
        params["ecc"] = params["e"]

    # Do some error checking
    if "sini" in params and isinstance(params["sini"], str):
        # 'SINI' parameter can be 'KIN' in this case omit 'SINI' from
        # the database.

    # normalise pulsar name
    params["name"] = cache.get_prefname(params["name"])
    params["user_id"] = cache.get_userid()
    return params