Esempio n. 1
    def __loadRemote(self, inputList, lItem):

            inputList.curr_url = lItem['url']

            count = 0
            i = 1
            maxits = 2  # 1 optimistic + 1 demystified
            ignoreCache = False
            demystify = False
            startUrl = inputList.curr_url
            #print inputList, lItem
            while count == 0 and i <= maxits:
                if i > 1:
                    ignoreCache = True
                    demystify = True

                # Trivial: url is from known streamer
                items = self.__parseHtml(inputList.curr_url,
                                         '"' + inputList.curr_url + '"',
                                         inputList.rules, inputList.skill,
                                         inputList.cfg, lItem)
                count = len(items)

                # try to find items in html source code
                if count == 0:
                    referer = ''
                    if lItem['referer']:
                        referer = lItem['referer']
                    data = common.getHTML(inputList.curr_url, referer,
                                          ignoreCache, demystify)
                    if data == '':
                        return False

                    msg = 'Remote URL ' + str(inputList.curr_url) + ' opened'
                    if demystify:
                        msg += ' (demystified)'

                    if inputList.section != '':
                        section = inputList.section
                        data = self.__getSection(data, section)

                    if lItem['section']:
                        section = lItem['section']
                        data = self.__getSection(data, section)

                    items = self.__parseHtml(inputList.curr_url, data,
                                             inputList.rules, inputList.skill,
                                             inputList.cfg, lItem)
                    count = len(items)
                    common.log('    -> ' + str(count) + ' item(s) found')

                # find rtmp stream
                #common.log('Find rtmp stream')
                if count == 0:
                    item = self.__findRTMP(data, startUrl, lItem)
                    if item:
                        items = []
                        count = 1

                # find embedding javascripts
                #common.log('Find embedding javascripts')
                if count == 0:
                    item = findJS(data)
                    if item:
                        firstJS = item[0]
                        streamId = firstJS[0]
                        jsUrl = firstJS[1]
                        streamerName = getHostName(jsUrl)
                        jsSource = getHTML(jsUrl, startUrl, True, False)
                        phpUrl = findPHP(jsSource, streamId)
                        if phpUrl:
                            data = getHTML(phpUrl, startUrl, True, True)
                            item = self.__findRTMP(data, phpUrl, lItem)
                            if item:

                                if streamerName:
                                    item['title'] = item['title'].replace(
                                        'RTMP', streamerName)

                                items = []
                                count = 1

                # find vcods
                #common.log('find vcods')
                if count == 0:
                    vcods = findVCods(data)
                    if vcods:
                        sUrl = vcods[0]
                        cod1 = vcods[1]
                        cod2 = vcods[2]
                        swfUrl = vcods[3]
                        unixTS = str(dt.getUnixTimestamp())
                        sUrl = sUrl + '?callback=jQuery1707757964063647694_1347894980192&v_cod1=' + cod1 + '&v_cod2=' + cod2 + '&_=' + unixTS
                        tmpData = getHTML(sUrl, urllib.unquote_plus(startUrl),
                                          True, False)
                        if tmpData and tmpData.find("Bad Request") == -1:
                            newReg = '"result1":"([^\"]+)","result2":"([^\"]+)"'
                            link = regexUtils.findall(tmpData, newReg)
                            if link:
                                _file = link[0][0]
                                rtmp = link[0][1].replace('\\', '')
                                item = CListItem()
                                item['title'] = getHostName(
                                    sUrl) + '* - ' + _file
                                item['type'] = 'video'
                                    'url'] = rtmp + ' playPath=' + _file + ' swfUrl=' + swfUrl + ' swfVfy=1 live=true pageUrl=' + startUrl
                                count = 1

                # find redirects
                #common.log('find redirects')
                if count == 0:
                    red = self.__findRedirect(startUrl, inputList.curr_url)
                    if startUrl == red:
                        common.log('    -> No redirect found')
                        common.log('    -> Redirect: ' + red)
                        inputList.curr_url = red
                            str(len(inputList.items)) + ' items ' +
                            inputList.cfg + ' -> ' + red)
                        startUrl = red
                        if lItem['referer']:
                            lItem['referer'] = red
                        i = 0

                i += 1

            if count != 0:
                inputList.items = inputList.items + items

        except IOError:
            if common.enable_debug:
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 2
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        #common.log('_parseCommands called')
        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command

            src = src.encode('utf-8')
        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'smart_unicode':
                src = enc.smart_unicode(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'safeGerman':
                src = enc.safeGerman(src)

            elif command == 'safeRegex':
                src = enc.safeRegexEncoding(
                    params.strip("'").replace('%s', enc.smart_unicode(src)))

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src, params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'getRedirect':
                src = get_redirected_url(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(
                        params.strip("'").replace('%s', urllib.quote(src)))
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s",
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams)

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = enc.smart_unicode(src)
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))

            elif command == 'demystify':
                print 'demystify'
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)
                print 'after demystify', src

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum, maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)

            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)

                if not a or not b:

                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a / b)

        return src
Esempio n. 3
    def __loadRemote(self, inputList, lItem):

            inputList.curr_url = lItem['url']

            count = 0
            i = 1
            maxits = 2      # 1 optimistic + 1 demystified
            ignoreCache = False
            demystify = False
            startUrl = inputList.curr_url
            #print inputList, lItem
            while count == 0 and i <= maxits:
                if i > 1:
                    ignoreCache = True
                    demystify =  True

                # Trivial: url is from known streamer
                items = self.__parseHtml(inputList.curr_url, '"' + inputList.curr_url + '"', inputList.rules, inputList.skill, inputList.cfg, lItem)
                count = len(items)

                # try to find items in html source code
                if count == 0:
                    referer = ''
                    if lItem['referer']:
                        referer = lItem['referer']
                    inputList.curr_url = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(urllib.unquote(inputList.curr_url))
                    data = common.getHTML(inputList.curr_url, None, referer, ignoreCache, demystify)
                    if data == '':
                        return False

                    msg = 'Remote URL ' + str(inputList.curr_url) + ' opened'
                    if demystify:
                        msg += ' (demystified)'

                    if inputList.section != '':
                        section = inputList.section
                        data = self.__getSection(data, section)
                    if lItem['section']:
                        section = lItem['section']
                        data = self.__getSection(data, section)
                    items = self.__parseHtml(inputList.curr_url, data, inputList.rules, inputList.skill, inputList.cfg, lItem)
                    count = len(items)
                    common.log('    -> ' + str(count) + ' item(s) found')

                # find rtmp stream
                #common.log('Find rtmp stream')
                if count == 0:
                    item = self.__findRTMP(data, startUrl, lItem)
                    if item:
                        items = []
                        count = 1

                # find embedding javascripts
                #common.log('Find embedding javascripts')
                if count == 0:
                    item = findJS(data)
                    if item:
                        firstJS = item[0]
                        streamId = firstJS[0]
                        jsUrl = firstJS[1]
                        streamerName = getHostName(jsUrl)
                        jsSource = getHTML(jsUrl, None, startUrl, True, False)
                        phpUrl = findPHP(jsSource, streamId)
                        if phpUrl:
                            data = getHTML(phpUrl, None, startUrl, True, True)
                            item = self.__findRTMP(data, phpUrl, lItem)
                            if item:
                                if streamerName:
                                    item['title'] = item['title'].replace('RTMP', streamerName)
                                items = []
                                count = 1
                                red = phpUrl
                                common.log('    -> Redirect: ' + red)
                                inputList.curr_url = red
                                common.log(str(len(inputList.items)) + ' items ' + inputList.cfg + ' -> ' + red)
                                startUrl = red
                                if lItem['referer']:
                                    lItem['referer'] = red

                # find vcods
                #common.log('find vcods')
                if count == 0:
                    vcods = findVCods(data)
                    if vcods:
                        sUrl = vcods[0]
                        cod1 = vcods[1]
                        cod2 = vcods[2]
                        swfUrl = vcods[3]
                        unixTS = str(dt.getUnixTimestamp())
                        sUrl = sUrl + '?callback=jQuery1707757964063647694_1347894980192&v_cod1=' + cod1 + '&v_cod2=' + cod2 + '&_=' + unixTS
                        tmpData = getHTML(sUrl, None, urllib.unquote_plus(startUrl), True, False)
                        if tmpData and tmpData.find("Bad Request") == -1:
                            newReg = '"result1":"([^\"]+)","result2":"([^\"]+)"'
                            link = regexUtils.findall(tmpData, newReg)
                            if link:
                                _file = link[0][0]
                                rtmp = link[0][1].replace('\\','')
                                item = CListItem()
                                item['title'] = getHostName(sUrl) + '* - ' + _file
                                item['type'] = 'video'
                                item['url'] = rtmp + ' playPath=' + _file + ' swfUrl=' + swfUrl +' swfVfy=1 live=true pageUrl=' + startUrl
                                count = 1  
                # find redirects
                #common.log('find redirects')
                if count == 0:
                    red = self.__findRedirect(startUrl, inputList.curr_url)
                    if startUrl == red:
                        common.log('    -> No redirect found')
                        red = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(red) 
                        red = urllib.unquote(red)
                        common.log('    -> Redirect: ' + red)
                        inputList.curr_url = red
                        common.log(str(len(inputList.items)) + ' items ' + inputList.cfg + ' -> ' + red)
                        startUrl = red
                        if lItem['referer']:
                            lItem['referer'] = red
                        i = 0

                i += 1

            if count != 0:
                inputList.items = inputList.items + items

        except IOError:
            if common.enable_debug:
                traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 4
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        common.log('_parseCommands called')
        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command
        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'unicode_escape':
                src = src.decode('unicode-escape')

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src,params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src),'')
                    print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>",src)
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s",src)
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'),'')

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)
            elif command == 'getXML':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True)
            elif command == 'getMobile':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)
            elif command == 'resolve':
                src = cc.resolve(src)
            elif command == 'decodeXppod':
                src = cc.decodeXppod(src)
            elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS':
                src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'gAesDec':
                src = crypt.gAesDec(src,item.infos[params])
            elif command == 'aesDec':
                src = crypt.aesDec(src,item.infos[params])
            elif command == 'getCookies':
                src = cc.getCookies(params, src)

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()
            elif command == 'rowbalance':
                src = rb.get()

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))
            elif command == 'lowercase':
                src = string.lower(src)
            elif command == 'reverse':
                src = src[::-1]
            elif command == 'demystify':
                print 'demystify'
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)
                print 'after demystify',src

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum,maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)
            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)
                if not a or not b:
                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a/b)
        return src
Esempio n. 5
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        common.log('_parseCommands called')

        #common.log('_parseCommands called %s | %s | %s' % (item,src, convCommands))

        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command

        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'currenturl':
                print("--------------curenturl ------------------------")
                src = getFileContent(
                    os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'lasturl'))
                print("--------------curenturl ------------------------", src)

            elif command == 'iklub':
                common.log('--------------ikulb ------------------------')
                common.log('src: %s' % src)
                src = cc.decodeIklub(src)
                common.log('src: %s' % src)
                #common.log('--------------ikulb ------------------------')
            elif command == 'decodemrknow2':
                    '--------------decodemrknow2 ------------------------')
                #common.log('src: %s' % src)
                src = cc.decodeMrknow2(src)
                #common.log('src: %s' % src)
            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'unicode_escape':
                src = src.decode('unicode-escape')

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src, params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(
                        params.strip("'").replace('%s', src), '')
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s", src)
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'), '')

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getXML':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True)

            elif command == 'getMobile':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)

            elif command == 'resolve':
                src = cc.resolve(src)

            elif command == 'decodeXppod':
                src = cc.decodeXppod(src)

            elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS':
                src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src)

            elif command == 'decodeMrknow1':
                src = cc.decodeMrknow1(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'gAesDec':
                src = crypt.gAesDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'aesDec':
                src = crypt.aesDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'getCookies':
                src = cc.getCookies(params, src)

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()

            elif command == 'rowbalance':
                src = rb.get()

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))

            elif command == 'lowercase':
                src = string.lower(src)

            elif command == 'reverse':
                src = src[::-1]

            elif command == 'demystify':
                print 'demystify'
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)
                print 'after demystify', src

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum, maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('--------------debug ------------------------')
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)

            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)

                if not a or not b:

                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a / b)

        return src
Esempio n. 6
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        #common.log('_parseCommands called')
        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command
            src = src.encode('utf-8')
        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'smart_unicode':
                src = enc.smart_unicode(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'safeGerman':
                src = enc.safeGerman(src)

            elif command == 'safeRegex':
                src = enc.safeRegexEncoding(params.strip("'").replace('%s', enc.smart_unicode(src)))

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src,params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'getRedirect':
                src = get_redirected_url(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', urllib.quote(src)))
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s",src.encode('utf-8'))
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams)

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = enc.smart_unicode(src)
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum,maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)
            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)
                if not a or not b:
                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = a/b
        return src
Esempio n. 7
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        common.log('_parseCommands called ')

        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command

        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == 'convDateUtil':
                src = cc.convDateUtil(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'unicode_escape':
                    src = src.decode('unicode-escape')
                    src = src

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src, params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(
                        params.strip("'").replace('%s', src), '')
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s", src)
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'), '')

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getXML':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True)

            elif command == 'getMobile':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64Special':
                src = cc.decodeBase64Special(params, src)

            elif command == 'encodeBase64':
                src = cc.encodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)

            elif command == 'decodeHex':
                src = cc.hex2ascii(src)

            elif command == 'resolve':
                src = cc.resolve(src)

            elif command == 'decodeXppod':
                src = cc.decodeXppod(src)

            elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS':
                if 'stkey' in item.infos:
                    src = src.replace(item.infos['stkey'], '')
                src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src)

            elif command == 'decodeBCast':
                src = cc.bcast64(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'subRegex':
                src = cc.subRegex(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifContains':
                src = cc.ifContains(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'gAesDec':
                src = crypt.gAesDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'cjsAesDec':
                src = crypt.cjsAesDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'jsCryptoAESDec':
                src = crypt.jsCryptoAESDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'decryptMarioCS':
                src = crypt.decryptMarioCS(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'm3u8AesDec':
                src = crypt.m3u8AesDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'drenchDec':
                src = crypt.drenchDec(src, item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'onetv':
                src = crypt.onetv(src)

            elif command == 'getCookies':
                src = cc.getCookies(params, src)

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()

            elif command == 'rowbalance':
                src = rb.get(src)

            elif command == 'simpleToken':
                src = cc.simpleToken(src)

            #elif command == 'wasteg':
            #    paramArr = params.split(',')
            #    ref = str(paramArr[1])
            #    src = getsaw.compose(ref, src)

            elif command == 'saurusDec':
                src = crypt.decryptSaurus(src)

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))

            elif command == 'lowercase':
                src = string.lower(src)

            elif command == 'reverse':
                src = src[::-1]

            elif command == 'demystify':
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum, maximum))

            elif command == 'randomfloat':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = float(paramArr[0])
                maximum = float(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.uniform(minimum, maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)

            # elif command == 'startLivestreamerProxy':
            #     libPath = os.path.join(common.Paths.rootDir, 'lib')
            #     serverPath = os.path.join(libPath, '')
            #     try:
            #         import requests
            #         requests.get('')
            #         proxyIsRunning = True
            #     except:
            #         proxyIsRunning = False
            #     if not proxyIsRunning:
            #         xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(' + serverPath + ')')

            # elif command == 'startLivestreamerProxy':
            #     libPath = os.path.join(common.Paths.rootDir, 'service')
            #     serverPath = os.path.join(libPath, '')
            #     try:
            #         import requests
            #         requests.get('')
            #         proxyIsRunning = True
            #     except:
            #         proxyIsRunning = False
            #     if not proxyIsRunning:
            #         xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(' + serverPath + ')')
            #     common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + requests.get('').text)

            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)

                if not a or not b:

                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a / b)

        return src
Esempio n. 8
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        # common.log('_parseCommands called')
        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0 : txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1 : -1]
            return command

            src = src.encode("utf-8")
        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find("@REFERER@"):
                referer = item["referer"]
                if not referer:
                    referer = ""
                params = params.replace("@REFERER@", referer)

            if command == "convDate":
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == "convTimestamp":
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)

            elif command == "select":
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == "smart_unicode":
                src = enc.smart_unicode(params.strip("'").replace("%s", src))

            elif command == "safeGerman":
                src = enc.safeGerman(src)

            elif command == "safeRegex":
                src = enc.safeRegexEncoding(params.strip("'").replace("%s", enc.smart_unicode(src)))

            elif command == "replaceFromDict":
                dictName = str(params.strip("'"))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + ".txt")
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log("Dictionary file not found: " + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == "time":
                src = time.time()

            elif command == "timediff":
                src = dt.timediff(src, params.strip("'"))

            elif command == "offset":
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == "getSource":
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == "getRedirect":
                src = get_redirected_url(params.strip("'").replace("%s", src))

            elif command == "quote":
                    src = urllib.quote(params.strip("'").replace("%s", urllib.quote(src)))
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s", src.encode("utf-8"))
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams)

            elif command == "unquote":
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace("%s", src))

            elif command == "parseText":
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == "getInfo":
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)

            elif command == "decodeBase64":
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)

            elif command == "decodeRawUnicode":
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)

            elif command == "replace":
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == "replaceRegex":
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == "ifEmpty":
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == "isEqual":
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == "ifFileExists":
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == "ifExists":
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == "encryptJimey":
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace("%s", src))

            elif command == "destreamer":
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace("%s", src))

            elif command == "unixTimestamp":
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()

            elif command == "urlMerge":
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == "translate":
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == "camelcase":
                src = enc.smart_unicode(src)
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, "-"))

            elif command == "demystify":
                print "demystify"
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)
                print "after demystify", src

            elif command == "random":
                paramArr = params.split(",")
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum, maximum))

            elif command == "debug":
                common.log("Debug from cfg file: " + src)

            elif command == "divide":
                paramArr = params.split(",")
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace("%s", src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace("%s", src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)

                if not a or not b:

                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a / b)

        return src
Esempio n. 9
    def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands):
        common.log('_parseCommands called')
        # helping function
        def parseCommand(txt):
            command = {"command": txt, "params": ""}
            if txt.find("(") > -1:
                command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")]
                command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1]
            return command
        for convCommand in convCommands:
            pComm = parseCommand(convCommand)
            command = pComm["command"]
            params = pComm["params"]

            if params.find('@REFERER@'):
                referer = item['referer']
                if not referer:
                    referer = ''
                params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer)

            if command == 'convDate':
                src = cc.convDate(params, src)

            elif command == 'convTimestamp':
                src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src)
            elif command == 'convDateUtil':
                src = cc.convDateUtil(params, src)

            elif command == 'select':
                src =, src)
                if not src:

            elif command == 'unicode_escape':
                src = src.decode('unicode-escape')

            elif command == 'replaceFromDict':
                dictName = str(params.strip('\''))
                path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt')
                if not (os.path.exists(path)):
                    common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path)
                src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src)

            elif command == 'time':
                src = time.time()

            elif command == 'timediff':
                src = dt.timediff(src,params.strip('\''))

            elif command == 'offset':
                src = cc.offset(params, src)

            elif command == 'getSource':
                src = cc.getSource(params, src)

            elif command == 'quote':
                    src = urllib.quote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src),'')
                    cleanParams = params.strip("'")
                    cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s",src)
                    src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'),'')

            elif command == 'unquote':
                src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'parseText':
                src = cc.parseText(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'getInfo':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src)
            elif command == 'getXML':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True)
            elif command == 'getMobile':
                src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True)

            elif command == 'decodeBase64':
                src = cc.decodeBase64(src)
            elif command == 'encodeBase64':
                src = cc.encodeBase64(src)

            elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode':
                src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src)
            elif command == 'resolve':
                src = cc.resolve(src)
            elif command == 'decodeXppod':
                src = cc.decodeXppod(src)
            elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS':
                if 'stkey' in item.infos:
                    src = src.replace(item.infos['stkey'],'')
                src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src)
            elif command == 'decodeBCast':
                src = cc.bcast64(src)

            elif command == 'replace':
                src = cc.replace(params, src)

            elif command == 'replaceRegex':
                src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src)

            elif command == 'ifEmpty':
                src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'isEqual':
                src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifFileExists':
                src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'ifExists':
                src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src)

            elif command == 'encryptJimey':
                src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'gAesDec':
                src = crypt.gAesDec(src,item.infos[params])
            elif command == 'cjsAesDec':
                src = crypt.cjsAesDec(src,item.infos[params])
            elif command == 'm3u8AesDec':
                src = crypt.m3u8AesDec(src,item.infos[params])

            elif command == 'drenchDec':
                src = crypt.drenchDec(src,item.infos[params])
            elif command == 'onetv':
                src = crypt.onetv(src)
            elif command == 'getCookies':
                src = cc.getCookies(params, src)

            elif command == 'destreamer':
                src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src))

            elif command == 'unixTimestamp':
                src = dt.getUnixTimestamp()
            elif command == 'rowbalance':
                src = rb.get(src)

            elif command == 'simpleToken':
                src = cc.simpleToken(src)

			#elif command == 'wasteg':
            #    paramArr = params.split(',')
            #    ref = str(paramArr[1])
            #    src = getsaw.compose(ref, src)

            elif command == 'saurusDec':
                src = crypt.decryptSaurus(src)

            elif command == 'urlMerge':
                src = cc.urlMerge(params, src)

            elif command == 'translate':
                    src = common.translate(int(src))

            elif command == 'camelcase':
                src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-'))
            elif command == 'lowercase':
                src = string.lower(src)
            elif command == 'reverse':
                src = src[::-1]
            elif command == 'demystify':
                src = crypt.doDemystify(src)

            elif command == 'random':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                minimum = int(paramArr[0])
                maximum = int(paramArr[1])
                src = str(random.randrange(minimum,maximum))

            elif command == 'debug':
                common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src)
            elif command == 'startLivestreamerProxy':
                libPath = os.path.join(common.Paths.rootDir, 'lib')
                serverPath = os.path.join(libPath, '')
                    import requests
                    proxyIsRunning = True
                    proxyIsRunning = False
                if not proxyIsRunning:
                    xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(' + serverPath + ')')
            elif command == 'divide':
                paramArr = params.split(',')
                a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                a = resolveVariable(a, item)
                b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src)
                b = resolveVariable(b, item)
                if not a or not b:
                a = int(a)
                b = int(b)
                    src = str(a/b)
        return src