Esempio n. 1
def command_edit_post(id):
    command = Command.get(id=id)
    data = request.forms
    if ' ' in data['command']:
        danger(_("Spaces are not allowed in commands."))
        # TODO Redirect to the edit page
        return {
            'apis': get_apis(),
            'data': data,
    with db.atomic():
        command.command = data['command']
        for i in range(int(data['actions_number'])):
            # Each action has actionX prepended to its inputs
            namespace = 'action{0}'.format(i)
            module, method = data['{0}_action_type'.format(namespace)].split('|')
            parameters = {
                key[len(namespace):]: value
                for key, value in data.items()
                if key.startswith(namespace) and not key.endswith('_action_type')
            action = Action.create(module=module, method=method, parameters=json.dumps(parameters))
            CommandAction.create(command=command, action=action, order=i)
        success(_("Command edited."))
    return redirect(app.get_url('commands:list'))
Esempio n. 2
def update_users_money():
    from utils.modules import modules

    users_ids = [ for user in modules['users'].current_users.values()]
    # First create the money for the user missing it
    in_db = set(user.user_id for user in << users_ids))
    missing_ids = set(users_ids) ^ in_db
    missing_moneys = [{'user': user_id, 'amount': 0} for user_id in missing_ids]
    with db.atomic():
        for idx in range(0, len(missing_moneys), 100):
            Money.insert_many(missing_moneys[idx:idx + 100]).execute()
    # Next, update everything
    config = get_configuration()
    active_time = - timedelta()

    active_ids = [ for user in << users_ids, User.last_message >= active_time.isoformat(' '))]
    inactive_ids = list(set(users_ids) ^ set(active_ids))
    with db.atomic():
        Money.update(amount=Money.amount + config.amount_gain_active).where(Money.user << active_ids).execute()
        Money.update(amount=Money.amount + config.amount_gain_inactive).where(Money.user << inactive_ids).execute()
Esempio n. 3
def commands_add_post():
    data = request.forms
    with db.atomic():
        command = Command.create(command=data['command'])
        for i in range(int(data['actions_number'])):
            # Each action has actionX prepended to its inputs
            namespace = 'action{0}'.format(i)
            module, method = data['{0}_action_type'.format(namespace)].split('|')
            parameters = {
                key[len(namespace):]: value
                for key, value in data.items()
                if key.startswith(namespace) and not key.endswith('_action_type')
            action = Action.create(module=module, method=method, parameters=json.dumps(parameters))
            CommandAction.create(command=command, action=action, order=i)
        success(_("Command created."))
    return redirect(app.get_url('commands:list'))