def state(self, update, content): try: admin = update.message.chat_id if not content.args: channel = db.find("channel", admin=admin) else: name = content.args[0] channel = db.find("channel", admin=admin, name=name) if isinstance(channel, db.Channel): text = strings.status(channel, util.remain(channel=channel), button=False) chat_id=admin, text=text, reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id)"state : {}".format( elif isinstance(channel, list): chat_id=admin, text= "شما صاحب چندین نسخه از بات هستید لطفا نام کانال خود را نیز وارد کنید" "مثال:\n" "/state @channel", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) except Exception as E: logging.error("state : {}".format(E))
def set_logo(update, content): try: if update.callback_query: um = update.callback_query comm, name =';') chat_id = um.message.chat_id channel = db.find('channel', admin=chat_id, name=name) editor.logo_by_name(channel) channel.logo = False text, keyboard = strings.set_logo_ok(channel=channel), reply_to_message_id=um.message.message_id, photo=open('info.png', 'rb'), caption=text, reply_markup=keyboard) return set_pos elif update.message.sticker: print(update.message.sticker) elif update.message.document: um = update.message chat_id = um.chat_id file_id = um.document.file_id mime = um.document.mime_type size = um.document.file_size name = um.caption if um.caption else None if name: res = db.find('channel', admin=chat_id, name=name) else: res = db.find('channel', admin=chat_id) if isinstance(res, db.Channel) and mime.startswith( 'image') and size < (8 * 1025 * 1024): channel = res 'logo/{}.png'.format( channel.logo = True db.update(channel) text, keyboard = strings.set_logo_ok(channel=channel), reply_to_message_id=um.message_id, photo=open('info.png', 'rb'), caption=text, reply_markup=keyboard) return set_pos elif isinstance(res, list):, reply_to_message_id=um.message_id, text=strings.set_logo_fail) return set_logo else:, reply_to_message_id=um.message_id, text=strings.set_logo_else) return set_logo except Exception as E: logging.error("set_logo {}".format(E))
def status(update, content): try: um = update.message admin = channels = db.find('channel', admin=admin) if channels: if isinstance(channels, db.Channel): channel = channels chat_id = um.chat_id message_id = um.message_id text, keyboard = strings.status( channel=channel, remain=util.remain(channel=channel)), text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, reply_markup=keyboard) return select elif isinstance(channels, list): keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[Inline(, callback_data="_;{}".format(] for i in channels]) chat_id=admin, text= "شما صاحب چندین کانال هستید\nمایل به مشاهده تنظیمات کدام یک هستید؟", reply_markup=keyboard) return setting except Exception as E: logging.error("status {}".format(E))
def data_param(adata): adata['client_id'] = common.client_id adata['grant_type'] = common.grant_type adata['client_secret'] = common.client_secret adata['timestamp'] = str(int(time.time())) access_token = db.find() if access_token == 'empty': adata['access_token'] = access_token
def auth(): access_token = db.find() if access_token == 'empty': return redirect( '' ) else: return render_template('index.html', auth_title='已授权')
def task(self, content): try: now = JalaliDatetime().now() channels = db.find('channel') if now.minute == 0:, text=str(psutil.virtual_memory()[2])) for channel in channels: if util.time_is_in(now=now, channel=channel): self.send_to_ch(channel=channel) if now.hour == now.minute == 0: self.add_member(channel=channel) except Exception as E: logging.error('Task {}'.format(E))
def send_info(self, update, content): try: um = update.message if isinstance(um.new_chat_members, list): chat_member = um.new_chat_members[0] channel = db.find('channel', group_id=um.chat_id) if == if == 'supergroup' and isinstance( channel, db.Channel):, text=strings.congrats) else:, text=um.chat_id) except Exception as E: logging.error("send_info: {}".format(E))
def set_pos(update, content): try: um = update.callback_query admin = um.message.chat_id data = pos, name = data.split(';') channel = db.find("channel", admin=admin, name=name) channel.pos = int(pos) db.update(channel), reply_to_message_id=um.message.message_id, text="تغییرات اعمال شد", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ Inline('وضعیت', callback_data='{};{}'.format( admin, name)) ]])) return setting except Exception as E: logging.error("set_pos {}".format(E))
def done(update, content): try: if update.callback_query: um = update.callback_query data = part1, channel_name = data.split(';') chat_id = um.message.chat_id message_id = um.message.message_id channel = db.find('channel', name=channel_name) if part1 == '_': pass elif part1.endswith('b'): bed = part1[:-1] channel.bed = int(bed) db.update(channel) elif part1.endswith('w'): wake = part1[:-1] channel.wake = int(wake) db.update(channel) elif part1.endswith("r") or part1.endswith("f"): interval = part1 channel.interval = interval db.update(channel) elif part1 == "off": channel.bed = -1 channel.wake = -1 db.update(channel) text, keyboard = strings.status( channel=channel, remain=util.remain(channel=channel)), message_id=message_id, text=text, reply_markup=keyboard) return select except Exception as E: logging.error("done {}".format(E))
def select(update, content): try: um = update.callback_query data = data = data.split(';') chat_id = um.message.chat_id message_id = um.message.message_id if data[0] == 'interval': keyboard = [[ Inline('01M', callback_data='01m;{}'.format(data[1])) ]] for i in range(5, 60, 5): keyboard.append([ Inline("{}M".format(str(i).zfill(2)), callback_data="{}m;{}".format( str(i).zfill(2), data[1])) ]) for i in range(1, 25): keyboard.append([ Inline("{}H".format(str(i).zfill(2)), callback_data='{}h;{}'.format( str(i).zfill(2), data[1])) ]) keyboard = np.array(keyboard).reshape((-1, 6)).tolist() keyboard.append([ Inline('بازگشت به منوی تنظیمات', callback_data='setting;{}'.format(data[1])) ]) chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text="گام اول:\n" "زمانبدی مورد نظر خود را انتخاب کنید\n تنها درصورتی که مایل " "به تغییر دقایق به صورت دلخواه هستید " "برای مثال:\n" "13m -> برابر با هر 13 دقیقه\n" "از این روش استفاده کنید:\n" "/delay 13m @name-e-channel" "\n اگر دچار مشکلی شده اید از ما کمک بگیرید\n" "@Cna74", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return step2 elif data[0] == 'wake': keyboard = [] for i in range(0, 24): keyboard.append([ Inline('{}:00'.format(str(i).zfill(2)), callback_data="{}w;{}".format( str(i).zfill(2), data[1])) ]) keyboard = np.array(keyboard).reshape((6, -1)).tolist() keyboard.append( [Inline('off', callback_data="offw;{}".format(data[1]))]) keyboard.append([ Inline('بازگشت به منوی تنظیمات', callback_data='setting;{}'.format(data[1])) ]) chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text="بات از چه ساعتی شروع به کار کند؟", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return done elif data[0] == 'bed': keyboard = [] for i in range(0, 24): keyboard.append([ Inline('{}:00'.format(str(i).zfill(2)), callback_data="{}b;{}".format( str(i).zfill(2), data[1])) ]) keyboard = np.array(keyboard).reshape((6, -1)).tolist() keyboard.append( [Inline('off', callback_data="offw;{}".format(data[1]))]) keyboard.append([ Inline('بازگشت به منوی تنظیمات', callback_data='setting;{}'.format(data[1])) ]) chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text="بات در چه ساعتی خاموش شود؟", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return done elif data[0] == 'graph': chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text="نمودار در چه بازه زمانی باشد؟", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ Inline('یک هفته', callback_data="1w;{}".format(data[1])), Inline('یک ماه', callback_data="1m;{}".format(data[1])), Inline('یک سال', callback_data="1y;{}".format(data[1])) ]])) return graph elif data[0] == 'logo': chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text= "یک عکس با فرمت png بدون پس زمینه برام بفرست در ابعاد مربع\n" "اگر نمیتونی یا بلد نیستی اینکار رو بکنی" " میتونم از اسم کانال به عنوان لوگو استفاده کنم", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ Inline('استفاده از نام کانال', callback_data="name;{}".format(data[1])) ]])) return set_logo elif data[0] == 'up': channel = db.find('channel', name=data[1]), message_id=message_id, text=strings.status_upgrade(channel)) return ConversationHandler.END except Exception as E: logging.error("select {}".format(E))
def set_interval(update, content): try: um = update.message admin = um.from_user if content.args: if len(content.args) == 2: interval = content.args[0] ch_name = content.args[1] channel = db.find('channel', name=ch_name, if channel: if interval.endswith('m') and interval[:-1].isdigit(): interval = int(interval[:-1]) if 1 < interval <= 30: chat_id=um.chat_id, reply_to_message_id=um.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "1️⃣ پیام ها هر {0} دقیقه ارسال شوند." " برای مثال بصورت 01:{0}, " "01:{1} و ...\n" "2️⃣ پیام ها وقتی دقیقه شمار برابر {0} است" " ارسال شوند برای مثال " "01:{0}, 02:{0}, 03:{0} و ...\n" "کدام یک مورد پسند شماست؟\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format( str(interval).zfill(2), str(interval * 2).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('حالت 1️⃣', callback_data='{}mr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)), Inline('حالت 2️⃣', callback_data='{}mf;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format( ch_name)) ]])) else: chat_id=um.chat_id, reply_to_message_id=um.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "پیام ها در ساعاتی مانند 01:{0}, 02:{0} ارسال میشوند\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format(str(interval).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('تایید', callback_data='{}mr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format( ch_name)) ]])) return done except Exception as E: logging.error("set_interval: {}".format(E))
def graph(update, content): try: if update.callback_query: um = update.callback_query admin = um.message.chat_id data = domain, ch_name = data.split(';') save_in = "plot/{}.png".format(ch_name) d = {'1w': 7, '1m': 31, '1y': 365} domain = d.get(domain) now = JalaliDatetime().now().to_date() from_ = now - timedelta(days=domain) out = db.find('member', admin=admin, name=ch_name, from_=from_, til=now) y = out[:, 0] if len(out) < 3: chat_id=admin, message_id=um.message.message_id, text="حداقل باید سه روز از ثبت نام گذشته باشد") return ConversationHandler.END y = np.append(y, x = np.arange(len(y), dtype=int) plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', label='now', color='red', markersize=4) plt.plot(list(x)[:-1], y[:-1], marker='o', label='members', color='blue', markersize=4) plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='x', useOffset=False) plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y', useOffset=False) plt.grid() plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max()) plt.ylim(y.min(), y.max()) plt.xlabel('days') plt.ylabel('members') plt.legend(loc=4) plt.savefig(save_in) plt.close() days = len(y) - 1 diff = np.mean(np.diff(y)) prediction = round(y[-1] + domain * diff) diff = format(diff, '.2f') now = JalaliDatetime().from_date(now) til = now + timedelta(days=days), photo=open(save_in, 'rb'), caption="از {} تا {} در {} روز\n" \ " کمترین میزان تعداد اعضا 🔻 {}\n" \ " بیشترین تعداد اعضا🔺 {}\n" \ " میانگین سرعت عضو شدن اعضا در روز {}\n" \ "پیش بینی برای {} روز آینده برابر {}".format( days, til, now, y.min(), y.max(), diff, prediction, domain)) os.remove(save_in) return ConversationHandler.END except Exception as E: logging.error("graph {}".format(E))
def step2(update, content): if update.callback_query: um = update.callback_query data =';') interval = data[0] ch_name = data[1] admin = um.message.chat_id message_id = um.message.message_id if interval.endswith('m'): interval = int(interval[:-1]) if 1 <= interval <= 30: chat_id=um.message.chat_id, message_id=um.message.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "1️⃣ پیام ها هر {0} دقیقه ارسال شوند. برای مثال بصورت 01:{0}, " "01:{1} و ...\n" "2️⃣ پیام ها وقتی دقیقه شمار برابر {0} است ارسال شوند برای مثال " "01:{0}, 02:{0}, 03:{0} و ...\n" "کدام یک مورد پسند شماست؟\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format( str(interval).zfill(2), str(interval * 2).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('حالت 1️⃣', callback_data='{}mr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)), Inline('حالت 2️⃣', callback_data='{}mf;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format(ch_name)) ]])) else: chat_id=um.message.chat_id, message_id=um.message.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "پیام ها در ساعاتی مانند 01:{0}, 02:{0} ارسال میشوند\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format(str(interval).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('تایید', callback_data='{}mr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format(ch_name)) ]])) return done elif interval.endswith('h'): interval = int(interval[:-1]) if 1 <= interval <= 12: chat_id=um.message.chat_id, message_id=um.message.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "1️⃣ پیام ها هر {0} ساعت ارسال شوند. برای مثال بصورت {0}:00, " " {1}:00 و ... " "2️⃣ پیام ها هر روز راس ساعت {0}:00 ارسال شوند" "کدام یک مورد پسند شماست؟\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format( str(interval).zfill(2), str(interval * 2).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('حالت 1️⃣', callback_data='{}hr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)), Inline('حالت 2️⃣', callback_data='{}hf;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format(ch_name)) ]])) else: chat_id=um.message.chat_id, message_id=um.message.message_id, text="گام دوم:\n" "پیام ها هر روز راس ساعت {0}:00 ارسال شوند" "کدام یک مورد پسند شماست؟\n" "از ما کمک بگیرید:\n" "@s_for_cna".format(str(interval).zfill(2)), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ Inline('تایید', callback_data='{}mr;{}'.format( interval, ch_name)) ], [ Inline('لغو، بازگشت', callback_data='_;{}'.format(ch_name)) ]])) return done elif interval == "setting": channel = db.find("channel", name=ch_name) text, keyboard = strings.status( channel=channel, remain=util.remain(channel=channel)), text=text, message_id=message_id, reply_markup=keyboard) return select
def admin(self, update, content): try: chat_id = update.message.chat_id message_id = update.message.message_id command = group_id = admin = channel_name = plan = expire = None if content.args: chat_id=chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) command = content.args[0] if command == "add": group_id, admin, channel_name, plan, expire = content.args[ 1:] if not db.find('channel', name=channel_name): channel = db.Channel( name=channel_name, admin=int(admin), group_id=int(group_id), plan=int(plan), expire=timedelta(days=int(expire))) db.add(channel) chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text="ثبت شد \n\n{}".format(channel.__str__())) elif command == "ren": channel_name, expire = content.args[1:] if db.find("channel", name=channel_name): channel = db.find("channel", name=channel_name) channel.expire += timedelta(days=int(expire)) db.update(channel) chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text="ثبت شد \n\n{}".format(channel.__str__())) elif command == "plan": channel_name, plan = content.args[1:] channel = db.find("channel", name=channel_name) channel.plan = int(plan) db.update(channel) chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text="ثبت شد \n\n{}".format(channel.__str__())) elif command == "del": channel_name = content.args[1] channel = db.find("channel", name=channel_name) if channel: db.delete(channel) elif command == "edit": channel_name, n_channel_name = content.args[1:] channel = db.find("channel", name=channel_name) if channel: = n_channel_name db.update(channel) chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text="ثبت شد \n\n{}".format(channel.__str__())) elif command == "lst": channels = db.find('channel') text = "channel expire_date\n" for ch in channels: expire = JalaliDatetime().from_date(ch.expire) now = JalaliDatetime().now() diff = expire - now if diff.days < 7: text += "{} {} 🔴\n\n".format(, expire.strftime("%A %d %B")) else: text += "{} {} ⚪️\n\n".format(, expire.strftime("%A %d %B")), text=text) elif command == "det": channel_name, = content.args[1:] channel = db.find("channel", name=channel_name) if isinstance(channel, db.Channel): chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text=strings.status(channel, util.remain(channel), button=False)) elif command == "db": # db, document=open( "bot_db.db", "rb"), timeout=time_out) else: chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text="command {} not found".format(content.args[0])) else:, text=strings.admin_hint) except Exception as E: logging.error("admin: {}".format(E))
def save(self, update, content): try: um = update.message ue = update.edited_message message = None # edited if ue: from_gp = ue.chat_id msg_gp_id = ue.message_id # channel = db.find('channel', group_id=from_gp) message = db.find('message', msg_gp_id=msg_gp_id, gp_id=from_gp) if isinstance(message, db.Message): if ue.reply_to_message: if ue.text: message = db.find( "message", msg_gp_id=ue.reply_to_message.message_id, gp_id=ue.chat_id) if isinstance(message, db.Message): if message.other.isnumeric(): message = db.find("message", media=message.other) for msg in message: msg.txt = ue.text db.update(msg) else: message.txt = ue.text db.update(message) # # after sent # elif ue.text and message.sent: # message.txt = editor.id_remove(text=ue.text, channel=channel) # if len(um.entities) > 0: # entities = um.entities # url = ''.join([entities[i].url if entities[i].url else '' for i in range(len(entities))]) # message.txt += '\n<a href="{}"></a>'.format(url) # message.other = 'url' # parse_mode = 'HTML' if message.other == 'url' else None # self.robot.edit_message_text(chat_id=message.to_channel, message_id=message.msg_ch_id, # text=message.txt, parse_mode=parse_mode) # message.sent = message.ch_a = True # elif message.sent: # media = out = None # text = ue.caption if ue.caption else ' ' # text = editor.id_remove(text=text, channel=channel) # # if # media =[-1].file_id # dir_ = "image/{}.jpg".format( # out = 'image/{}_out.jpg'.format( # self.robot.getFile(media).download(dir_) # # message.kind = "photo" # if channel.plan >= 1: # text = editor.image_watermark(photo=dir_, out=out, caption=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaPhoto(media=open(out, 'rb'), caption=text) # else: # text = editor.id_remove(text=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaPhoto(media=media, caption=text) # # elif ue.animation: # media = ue.animation.file_id # mime = str(um.animation.mime_type).split('/')[1] # dir_ = "gif/{}.{}".format(, mime) # out = "gif/{}_out.mp4".format( # size = / (1024 ** 2) # # message.mime = mime # message.kind = 'animation' # # if size <= limit_size and channel.plan >= 2: # self.robot.getFile(media).download(dir_) # text = editor.vid_watermark(vid=dir_, out=out, kind=message.kind, # caption=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaVideo(media=open(out, 'rb'), caption=text) # else: # text = editor.id_remove(text=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaAnimation(media=media, caption=text) # # elif # media = # mime = str('/')[1] # dir_ = "vid/{}.{}".format(, mime) # out = 'vid/{}_out.mp4'.format( # size = / (1024 ** 2) # # message.mime = mime # message.kind = 'video' # # if size < limit_size and channel.plan >= 3: # self.robot.getFile(media).download(dir_) # text = editor.vid_watermark(vid=dir_, out=out, kind=message.kind, # caption=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaVideo(media=open(out, 'rb'), caption=text) # else: # text = editor.id_remove(text=text, channel=channel) # media = telegram.InputMediaVideo(media=media, caption=text) # # elif ue.document: # media = ue.document.file_id # media = telegram.InputMediaDocument(media=media, caption=text) # # elif # media = # media = telegram.InputMediaAudio(media=media, caption=text) # # if media: # self.robot.edit_message_media(media=media, chat_id=message.to_channel, # message_id=message.msg_ch_id, timeout=time_out) # # if out: # os.remove(out) # if ue.caption: # self.robot.edit_message_caption(chat_id=message.to_channel, message_id=message.msg_ch_id, # caption=text) # # message.sent = message.ch_a = True # message.txt = text # before sent elif ue.text: message.txt = ue.text message.sent = message.ch_a = False if len(um.entities) > 0: entities = um.entities url = ''.join([ entities[i].url if entities[i].url else '' for i in range(len(entities)) ]) message.txt += '\n<a href="{}"></a>'.format( url) message.other = 'url' elif ue.caption: message.txt = ue.caption if ue.caption else " " message.sent = message.ch_a = False if message.kind = 'photo' message.file_id =[-1].file_id elif message.kind = 'video' message.file_id = elif ue.animation: message.kind = 'animation' message.file_id = ue.animation.file_id elif ue.document: message.kind = 'document' message.file_id = ue.document.file_id elif message.kind = 'audio' message.file_id = db.update(message) # regular elif um: channel = db.find(table="channel", group_id=um.chat_id) if um.reply_to_message: if um.text: message = db.find( "message", msg_gp_id=um.reply_to_message.message_id, gp_id=um.chat_id) if message.other.isnumeric(): message = db.find("message", media=message.other) for msg in message: msg.txt = um.text db.update(msg) else: message.txt = um.text db.update(message) elif um.text: other = "" txt = um.text if len(um.entities) > 0: entities = um.entities url = ''.join([ entities[i].url if entities[i].url else '' for i in range(len(entities)) ]) txt += '\n<a href="{}"></a>'.format(url) other = 'url' message = db.Message(from_group=um.chat_id,, kind='text', msg_gp_id=um.message_id, txt=txt, other=other) db.add(message) else: text = um.caption if um.caption else ' ' file_id = kind = other = mime = '' size = 0 if um.media_group_id: if kind = 'photo' file_id =[-1].file_id elif kind = 'video' file_id = other = um.media_group_id elif kind = 'photo' file_id =[-1].file_id elif kind = 'video' size = / (1024**2) mime = str('/')[1] file_id = elif um.animation: kind = 'animation' size = um.animation.file_size / (1024**2) mime = str(um.document.mime_type).split('/')[1] file_id = um.document.file_id elif um.document: kind = 'document' file_id = um.document.file_id elif um.voice: kind = 'voice' file_id = um.voice.file_id elif kind = 'audio' file_id = elif um.video_note: kind = 'v_note' file_id = um.video_note.file_id elif um.sticker: kind = 'sticker' file_id = um.sticker.file_id message = db.Message(from_group=um.chat_id,, msg_gp_id=um.message_id, kind=kind, txt=text, file_id=file_id, size=size, mime=mime, other=other) db.add(message) if isinstance(message, db.Message):"save {}".format(message.__str__())) except Exception as E: logging.error('save {}'.format(E))