Esempio n. 1
def determine_threshold_trigger(alert_params, events):
    """Given a threshold alert's params, and a set of events
    determine if it should fire and if so, resolve
    it's summary, event snippets, etc.
    # mostCommon the events by the dotted aggregation key
    counts = mostCommon(events, alert_params["aggregation_key"])
    # determine if these events trigger an alert
    # according to the parameters
    for i in counts:
        if i[1] >= alert_params["threshold"]:
            alert = alert_params
            alert["triggered"] = True
            # set the summary via chevron/mustache template
            # with the alert plus metadata
            metadata = {"metadata": {"value": i[0], "count": i[1]}}
            alert = merge(alert, metadata)
            # limit events to those matching the aggregation_key value
            # so the alert only gets events that match the count mostCommon results
            alert["events"] = []
            for event in events:
                dotted_event = DotDict(event)
                if i[0] == dotted_event.get(alert_params["aggregation_key"]):
            alert["summary"] = chevron.render(alert["summary"], alert)
            # walk the alert events for any requested event snippets
            for event in alert["events"][:alert_params["event_sample_count"]]:
                alert["summary"] += " " + chevron.render(
                    alert_params["event_snippet"], event)
            yield alert
Esempio n. 2
    def onMessage(self, message, metadata):
        # our target shell
        event_shell = {
            "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
            "severity": "INFO",
            "summary": "UNKNOWN",
            "category": "UNKNOWN",
            "source": "UNKNOWN",
            "tags": [],
            "plugins": [],
            "details": {},
        # maybe the shell elements are already there?
        event_set = set(enum_keys(event_shell))
        message_set = set(enum_keys(message))
        if not event_set.issubset(message_set):
            # we have work to do
            # merge the dicts letting any message values win
            # if the message lacks any keys, our shell values win
            message = merge(event_shell, message)

        # move any non shell keys to 'details'
        for item in message_set:
            # enum_keys traverses sub dicts, we only move the top level
            # so check if the key is note a core element
            # present in the top level and move it to details
            if item not in event_shell and item in message:
                message["details"][item] = message.get(item)
                del message[item]

        return (message, metadata)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_merge(self):
     dict1 = {"some_key": "some value"}
     dict2 = {"some_other_key": "some other value"}
     dict3 = merge(dict1, dict2)
     assert dict3 == {
         "some_key": "some value",
         "some_other_key": "some other value"
Esempio n. 4
def determine_deadman_trigger(alert_params, events):
    """Given a deadman alert's params and a set of events (or lack thereof)
    determine if it should fire and resolve summary/snippets, etc

    Largely the same as a threshold alert, except this accounts
    for a lack of events (altogether missing, or below a count) as the trigger
    counts = mostCommon(events, alert_params["aggregation_key"])
    if not events:
        # deadman alerts are built to notice
        # when expected events are missing
        # but it means we have no events to pass on
        # make a meta event for the fact that events are missing
        events = []
        meta_event = {
            "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
            "severity": "INFO",
            "summary": "Expected event not found",
            "category": "deadman",
            "source": "deadman",
            "tags": ["deadman"],
            "plugins": [],
            "details": {},

    if not counts:
        # make up a metadata count
        counts = [(alert_params["aggregation_key"], 0)]

    for i in counts:
        # lack of events, or event count below the threshold is a trigger
        if i[1] <= alert_params["threshold"]:
            alert = alert_params
            alert["triggered"] = True
            # set the summary via chevron/mustache template
            # with the alert plus metadata
            metadata = {"metadata": {"value": i[0], "count": i[1]}}
            alert = merge(alert, metadata)
            # limit events to those matching the aggregation_key value
            # so the alert only gets events that match the count mostCommon results
            alert["events"] = []
            for event in events:
                dotted_event = DotDict(event)
                if i[0] == dotted_event.get(alert_params["aggregation_key"]):
            alert["summary"] = chevron.render(alert["summary"], alert)
            # walk the alert events for any requested event snippets
            for event in alert["events"][:alert_params["event_sample_count"]]:
                alert["summary"] += " " + chevron.render(
                    alert_params["event_snippet"], event)
            yield alert
Esempio n. 5
def process_sequence_alert(config, db, session, athena, alert_params):
    # For this sequence alert
    # for the first unfilled slot, search for matching events

    # load default params that may be missing in the alert config
    alert_params = merge(alert_params, get_sequence_alert_shell(alert_params))
    # we change the value of the slot
    # so lets iterate on index instead of just "for slot in slots"
    # find the first slot without matching events
    index, slot = first_matching_index_value(
        alert_params["slots"], condition=lambda i: not "triggered" in i)
    if slot:
        events = None
        # Search for slot criteria
            # resolve the criteria in case it's a chevron templated string
            criteria = chevron.render(slot["criteria"], alert_params)
            events = get_athena_events(criteria, config, athena, session)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Received exception while querying athena: %r" %

        # if slot is a threshold, are events matching criteria found?
        if slot["alert_type"] == "threshold" and events:
            # check to see if event(s) are already captured in an inflight alert
            # TODO: need to check events and their slot? or just events
            events = remove_inflight_events(db, events, alert_params)
            events = remove_previously_alerted(db, events, alert_params)
            if events:
                # do these events trigger the threshold alert in this slot?
                for alert in determine_threshold_trigger(slot, events):
                    # threshold met, save or create an inflight alert
                    inflight = deepcopy(alert_params)
                    inflight["slots"][index] = alert
                    save_inflight_alert(db, inflight)
        # if slot is a deadman, are we lacking enough events?
        if slot["alert_type"] == "deadman":
            # does the count or lack of events trigger the deadman alert in this slot?
            for alert in determine_deadman_trigger(slot, events):
                # criteria met, save or create an inflight alert
                inflight = deepcopy(alert_params)
                inflight["slots"][index] = alert
                save_inflight_alert(db, inflight)
Esempio n. 6
def get_sequence_alert_shell(alert_params):
    default dict for a sequence alert
    alert = {
        "alert_name": alert_params.get("alert_name", "unnamed"),
        "alert_type": alert_params.get("alert_type", "sequence"),
        "utctimestamp": alert_params.get("utctimestamp",
        "lifespan": alert_params.get("lifespan", "3 days"),
        "severity": alert_params.get("severity", "INFO"),
        "summary": alert_params.get("summary", "sequence alert!"),
        "debug": alert_params.get("debug", True),
        "slots": alert_params.get("slots", []),
    # calculate expiration in date format
    offset = pd.Timedelta(alert["lifespan"]).to_pytimedelta()
    alert["expiration"] = alert_params.get(
        "expiration", (toUTC(alert["utctimestamp"]) + offset).isoformat())

    return merge(alert_params, alert)
Esempio n. 7
def get_deadman_alert_shell(alert_params):
    default dict for a deadman alert
    alert = {
        "alert_name": alert_params.get("alert_name", "unnamed"),
        "alert_type": alert_params.get("alert_type", "deadman"),
        "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
        "severity": alert_params.get("severity", "INFO"),
        "summary": alert_params.get("summary", "deadman alert!"),
        "event_snippet": alert_params.get("event_snippet", ""),
        "event_sample_count": alert_params.get("event_sample_count", 0),
        "category": alert_params.get("category", "deadman"),
        "tags": alert_params.get("tags", ["deadman"]),
        "threshold": alert_params.get("threshold", 0),
        "aggregation_key": alert_params.get("aggregation_key", "none"),
        "criteria": alert_params.get("criteria", ""),
        "debug": alert_params.get("debug", True),
        "events": [],
    return merge(alert_params, alert)