Esempio n. 1
def cal_cost_matrix_with_later_pos(agents, targets, other_costs, later_pos):
    k = len(agents)
    distance_matrix = np.zeros((k, k), dtype=float)
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(k):
            distance_matrix[i, j] = distance(agents[i][1], agents[i][0], targets[j][1], targets[j][0]) + \
                                    distance(targets[j][1], targets[j][0], later_pos[i][1], later_pos[i][0]) + \
    return distance_matrix
    def  staypoint_detection(self, tr, dr):
        point_num = len(self.points)

        i = 0
        while i < point_num:
            if point_num - i < 2:   # 只剩下一个点或没有点
            j = i + 1
            for j in range(i + 1, point_num):
                dist = distance(self.points[i], self.points[j])
                if dist > dr:
            if j == i + 1:
                i += 1
            elif 2 <= j <= point_num - 2 or (j == point_num - 1 and distance(self.points[i], self.points[j]) > dr):
                duration = interval_points(self.points[i], self.points[j-1])
                if duration >= tr:
                    lng = 0
                    lat = 0
                    for k in range(i, j):
                        lng += self.points[k].lng
                        lat += self.points[k].lat
                    lng /= (j - i)  # 起点i, 终点j-1
                    lat /= (j - i)
                    arrival_time = self.points[i].timestamp
                    leaving_time = self.points[j-1].timestamp
                    staypoint = StayPoint(lng, lat, arrival_time, leaving_time)
                    i = j
                    i += 1
            else: # j == point_num - 1 and distance(self.points[i], self.points[j]) <= dr 防止路径最后的若干点全部被浪费
                duration = interval_points(self.points[i], self.points[j])
                if duration >= tr:
                    lng = 0
                    lat = 0
                    for k in range(i, j + 1):
                        lng += self.points[k].lng
                        lat += self.points[k].lat
                    lng /= (j - i + 1)
                    lat /= (j - i + 1)
                    arrival_time = self.points[i].timestamp
                    leaving_time = self.points[j].timestamp
                    staypoint = StayPoint(lng, lat, arrival_time, leaving_time)
                    i += 1
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, agent, already_spent_cost, seq_targets):
     self.agent = agent
     self.already_spent_cost = already_spent_cost
     self.seq_targets = seq_targets
     cost = distance(self.agent[1], self.agent[0], self.seq_targets[0][1],
     for i in range(len(self.seq_targets) - 1):
         cost += distance(self.seq_targets[i][1], self.seq_targets[i][0],
                          self.seq_targets[i + 1][1],
                          self.seq_targets[i + 1][0])
     self.cost = cost + self.already_spent_cost
Esempio n. 4
def update_unit_costs(unit_costs, agents, seq_targets, assignment, changed_idx):
    k = len(agents)
    T = len(seq_targets)
    for j in range(k):
        if changed_idx == 0:
            pre_loc = agents[j]
            pre_loc = seq_targets[changed_idx - 1][assignment[changed_idx - 1, j]]
        cur_loc = seq_targets[changed_idx][assignment[changed_idx, j]]
        unit_costs[j, changed_idx] = distance(pre_loc[1], pre_loc[0], cur_loc[1], cur_loc[0])
        # if the changed arc is not the last arc, recompute the next unit costs
        if changed_idx != (T - 1):
            pre_loc = cur_loc
            cur_loc = seq_targets[changed_idx + 1][assignment[changed_idx + 1, j]]
            unit_costs[j, changed_idx + 1] = distance(pre_loc[1], pre_loc[0], cur_loc[1], cur_loc[0])
    return unit_costs
Esempio n. 5
def solve_mbap(agents, seq_targets, already_spent_costs):
    Solve the multi-level bottleneck assignment problem.
    A multi-level bottleneck assignment approach to the bus drivers' rostering problem
    :param agents: k agents, each agent is in a position
    :param seq_targets: two-dim array, T x k
    :param already_spent_costs: already spent costs of k agents
    :return: minmaxcost, a matrix, T x k, index is agent index, each row is target location index
    k = len(agents)
    T = len(seq_targets)
    opt_assignment = -1 * np.ones((T, k), dtype=int)
    opt_cost = 0
    # phase 1, init assign
    # print('phase 1...')
    pre_costs = already_spent_costs.copy()
    pre_pos = agents.copy()
    for i in range(T):
        c_i, assign_i = solve_bap(pre_pos, seq_targets[i], pre_costs)
        opt_cost = c_i
        for j in range(k):
            cur_pos = seq_targets[i][assign_i[j]]
            # update opt_assignment
            opt_assignment[i, j] = assign_i[j]
            # update pre_costs (the cost from seq_targets[i-1] to seq_targets[i])
            pre_costs[j] += distance(pre_pos[j][1], pre_pos[j][0], cur_pos[1], cur_pos[0])
            # update agent pre_pos
            pre_pos[j] = cur_pos
    # print('phase 1 opt cost: ' + str(opt_cost))
    # phase 2, iterate assign until coverage
    # print('phase 2...')
    unit_costs = cal_unit_costs(opt_assignment, agents, seq_targets)
    assignment_unstable = True
    while assignment_unstable:
        assignment_unstable = False
        for i in range(T):
            other_costs = cal_other_costs(i, unit_costs) + already_spent_costs
            if i == 0:
                pre_pos = agents.copy()
                for j in range(k):
                    pre_pos[j] = seq_targets[i - 1][opt_assignment[i - 1, j]]
            later_pos = None
            if i != (T - 1):
                later_pos = []
                for j in range(k):
                    later_pos.append(seq_targets[i + 1][opt_assignment[i + 1, j]])
            c_i, assign_i = solve_bap(pre_pos, seq_targets[i], other_costs, later_pos)
            if c_i < opt_cost:
                assignment_unstable = True
                opt_cost = c_i
                for j in range(k):
                    opt_assignment[i, j] = assign_i[j]
                unit_costs = update_unit_costs(unit_costs, agents, seq_targets, opt_assignment, i)
            # print('phase 2 opt cost:' + str(opt_cost) + ', current cost:' + str(c_i))
    return opt_cost, opt_assignment
Esempio n. 6
def contrastive_loss(output, label, margin=2):
    '''contrastive loss
    - Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval
    batch_size = output.shape[0]
    S =, label.float().t())
    dist = distance(output, dist_type='euclidean2')
    loss_1 = S * dist + (1 - S) * torch.max(margin - dist,
    loss = torch.sum(loss_1) / (batch_size * (batch_size - 1))
    return loss
Esempio n. 7
def get_candidate_locations_ellipse(f1, f2, major_axis, row_num, col_num):
    get candidate locations within ellipse
    :param f1: focus point
    :param f2: focus point
    :param major_axis:
    :param row_num:
    :param col_num:
    f1_y, f1_x = f1
    f2_y, f2_x = f2
    a = major_axis / 2.0
    c = distance(f1_x, f1_y, f2_x, f2_y) / 2.0
    b = np.sqrt(a * a - c * c)
    major_bound_1 = ((f2_x - f1_x) * (a + c) / (2 * c) + f1_x,
                     (f2_y - f1_y) * (a + c) / (2 * c) + f1_y)
    major_bound_2 = ((f1_x - f2_x) * (a + c) / (2 * c) + f2_x,
                     (f1_y - f2_y) * (a + c) / (2 * c) + f2_y)
    delta_x = b * (abs(major_bound_1[1] - major_bound_2[1])) / (2 * a)
    if f1_x == f2_x:
        delta_y = 0
        delta_y = np.sqrt(b * b - delta_x * delta_x)
    p1 = (major_bound_1[0] + delta_x, major_bound_1[1] - delta_y)
    p2 = (major_bound_1[0] - delta_x, major_bound_1[1] + delta_y)
    p3 = (major_bound_2[0] - delta_x, major_bound_2[1] + delta_y)
    p4 = (major_bound_2[0] + delta_x, major_bound_2[1] - delta_y)
    min_x = int(max(min([p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]]), 0))
    max_x = int(min(max([p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]]), col_num - 1))
    min_y = int(max(min([p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]]), 0))
    max_y = int(min(max([p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]]), row_num - 1))
    candidates = []
    for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1):
        for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
            if distance(f1_x, f1_y, x, y) + distance(x, y, f2_x,
                                                     f2_y) < major_axis:
                candidates.append((y, x))
    return candidates
Esempio n. 8
def cal_unit_costs(assignment, agents, seq_targets):
    k = len(agents)
    T = len(seq_targets)
    unit_costs = np.zeros((k, T), dtype=float)
    for j in range(k):
        for i in range(T):
            if i == 0:
                pre_loc = agents[j]
                pre_loc = seq_targets[i - 1][assignment[i - 1, j]]
            cur_loc = seq_targets[i][assignment[i, j]]
            unit_costs[j, i] = distance(pre_loc[1], pre_loc[0], cur_loc[1], cur_loc[0])
    return unit_costs
def get_cities_in_radius(radius, origin):
    cities = get_data();
    cities_in_radius = []
    for city in cities:
        dist = distance(origin['lat'], origin['lon'], city['lat'], city['lon'])
        #print('distance from Dublin to {:s} is {:f}'.format(city['city'], dist))
        if dist <= radius:
    city_names = map_city_names(cities_in_radius)
    sorted_names = sorted(city_names)
    print('Cities in a {:d} km radius from Dublin:'.format(radius))
    for name in sorted_names:
Esempio n. 10
def get_candidate_locations(cur_location, radius, row_num, col_num):
    get candidate locations within distance
    :param cur_location:
    :param distance:
    :param row_num:
    :param col_num
    cur_y, cur_x = cur_location
    delta = int(radius)
    max_x = cur_x + delta if cur_x + delta < col_num else col_num - 1
    min_x = cur_x - delta if cur_x - delta >= 0 else 0
    max_y = cur_y + delta if cur_y + delta < row_num else row_num - 1
    min_y = cur_y - delta if cur_y - delta >= 0 else 0
    candidates = []
    for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1):
        for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
            if distance(cur_x, cur_y, x, y) < radius:
                candidates.append((y, x))
    return candidates
Esempio n. 11
def exp_loss(output, label, wordvec=None, alpha=5.0, balanced=False):
    '''exponential loss
    batch_size, bit = output.shape
    mask = (torch.eye(batch_size) == 0).to(torch.device("cuda"))

    S =, label.float().t())
    S_m = torch.masked_select(S, mask)

    wordvec_u =, wordvec)
    W = distance(wordvec_u, dist_type='cosine')
    W_m = torch.masked_select(W, mask)

    ## inner product
    # balance = True
    # ip =, output.t()) / 32
    # ip = F.linear(F.normalize(output), F.normalize(output))
    # ip_m = torch.masked_select(ip, mask)
    # loss_1 = (S_m - ip_m) ** 2

    ## sigmoid
    # D = distance(output, dist_type='cosine')
    # E = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-alpha * (1-2*D)))
    # E_m = torch.masked_select(E, mask)
    # loss_1 = 10 * S_m * E_m + (1 - S_m) * (E_m - torch.log((torch.exp(E_m) - 1).clamp(1e-6)))

    ## baseline
    balanced = True
    alpha_1 = 8
    alpha_2 = 8
    m1 = 0
    m2 = 0
    scale = 1

    dot_product =, output.t()) / 32

    E1 = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-alpha_1 * (dot_product - m1)))
    E1_m = torch.masked_select(E1, mask)
    loss_s1 = scale * S_m * E1_m

    E2 = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-alpha_2 * (dot_product - m2)))
    E2_m = torch.masked_select(E2, mask)
    loss_s0 = (1 - S_m) * (E2_m - torch.log((torch.exp(E2_m) - 1).clamp(1e-6)))

    loss_1 = loss_s1 + loss_s0
    # print(f'max:{dot_product.max().item():.4f} min:{dot_product.min().item():.4f}')
    print('loss_s1:{:.4f} loss_s0:{:.4f}'.format(loss_s1.sum().item(),

    ## hyper sigmoid
    # alpha = 9
    # belta = 20
    # gamma = 1.5
    # margin = 0.25
    # D = distance(output, dist_type='cosine')
    # E1 = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-alpha * (1-gamma*2*D)))
    # E1_m = torch.masked_select(E1, mask)
    # loss_s1 = S_m * E1_m
    # E2 = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-alpha * (1-gamma*2*(D-margin))))
    # E2_m = torch.masked_select(E2, mask)
    # loss_s0 = (1 - S_m) * (E2_m - torch.log((torch.exp(E2_m) - 1)).clamp(1e-6))
    # loss_1 = belta * loss_s1 + loss_s0

    ## margin hash
    # D = distance(output, dist_type='cosine')
    # E1 = torch.exp(2* D) - 1
    # E2 = torch.exp(2 * (1 - D)) - 1
    # E1_m = torch.masked_select(E1, mask)
    # E2_m = torch.masked_select(E2, mask)
    # loss_1 = S_m * E1_m + (1 - S_m) * E2_m

    if balanced:
        S_all = batch_size * (batch_size - 1)
        S_1 = torch.sum(S)
        balance_param = (S_all / S_1) * S + (1 - S)
        B_m = torch.masked_select(balance_param, mask)
        loss_1 = B_m * loss_1

    loss = torch.mean(loss_1)
    return loss
Esempio n. 12
test_df['q2_tfidf'] = tfidf(test_df['question2'])

# 3. Find length of longest question and equal all other questions to it
train_longest = longest_question(train_df['q1_feats'], train_df['q2_feats'])
test_longest = longest_question(test_df['q1_feats'], test_df['q2_feats'])

train_questions1 = sequence.pad_sequences(train_df['q1_feats'], train_longest)
train_questions2 = sequence.pad_sequences(train_df['q2_feats'], train_longest)

test_questions1 = sequence.pad_sequences(test_df['q1_feats'], test_longest)
test_questions2 = sequence.pad_sequences(test_df['q2_feats'], test_longest)

# 4. Calculate features
x_train = pd.DataFrame()
x_test = pd.DataFrame()
x_train['euclidean'] = distance(train_df['q1_tfidf'], train_df['q2_tfidf'],
#x_train['cos_similarity'] = distance(train_df['q1_tfidf'], train_df['q2_tfidf'], 'cos_similarity')
x_train['word_share'] = train_df.apply(word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)

x_test['euclidean'] = distance(train_df['q1_tfidf'], train_df['q1_tfidf'],
#x_test['cos_similarity'] = distance(test_df['q1_tfidf'], test_df['q2_tfidf'], 'cos_similarity')
x_test['word_share'] = test_df.apply(word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)

# 5. XGBoost
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(