Esempio n. 1
    def test_docker_are_tags_filtered(self):
        with mock.patch.object(DockerUtil, 'is_k8s', side_effect=lambda: True):
            du = DockerUtil()

            pause_containers = [
            for image in pause_containers:

Esempio n. 2
class DockerDaemon(AgentCheck):
    """Collect metrics and events from Docker API and cgroups."""

    def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
        if instances is not None and len(instances) > 1:
            raise Exception("Docker check only supports one configured instance.")
        AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config,
                            agentConfig, instances=instances)

        self.init_success = False
        self._service_discovery = agentConfig.get('service_discovery') and \
            agentConfig.get('service_discovery_backend') == 'docker'

    def init(self):
            instance = self.instances[0]

            self.docker_util = DockerUtil()

            self.docker_client = self.docker_util.client
            self.docker_gateway = DockerUtil.get_gateway()

            if Platform.is_k8s():
                self.kubeutil = KubeUtil()

            # We configure the check with the right cgroup settings for this host
            # Just needs to be done once
            self._mountpoints = self.docker_util.get_mountpoints(CGROUP_METRICS)
            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0
            self._latest_size_query = 0
            self._filtered_containers = set()
            self._disable_net_metrics = False

            # Set tagging options
            self.custom_tags = instance.get("tags", [])
            self.collect_labels_as_tags = instance.get("collect_labels_as_tags", [])
            self.kube_labels = {}

            self.use_histogram = _is_affirmative(instance.get('use_histogram', False))
            performance_tags = instance.get("performance_tags", DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_TAGS)

            self.tag_names = {
                CONTAINER: instance.get("container_tags", DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TAGS),
                PERFORMANCE: performance_tags,
                IMAGE: instance.get('image_tags', DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAGS)

            # Set filtering settings
            if self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:
                self.tag_names[FILTERED] = self.docker_util.filtered_tag_names

            # get the health check whitelist
            health_scs_whitelist = instance.get('health_service_check_whitelist', [])
            if health_scs_whitelist:
                patterns, whitelist_tags = compile_filter_rules(health_scs_whitelist)
                self.whitelist_patterns = set(patterns)
                self.tag_names[HEALTHCHECK] = set(whitelist_tags)

            # Other options
            self.collect_image_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', False))
            self.collect_container_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_size', False))
            self.collect_events = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_events', True))
            self.collect_image_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_image_size', False))
            self.collect_disk_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_disk_stats', False))
            self.collect_ecs_tags = _is_affirmative(instance.get('ecs_tags', True)) and Platform.is_ecs_instance()

            self.ecs_tags = {}

        except Exception as e:
            self.warning("Initialization failed. Will retry at next iteration")
            self.init_success = True

    def check(self, instance):
        """Run the Docker check for one instance."""
        if not self.init_success:
            # Initialization can fail if cgroups are not ready. So we retry if needed
            if not self.init_success:
                # Initialization failed, will try later

        # Report image metrics
        if self.collect_image_stats:

        if self.collect_ecs_tags:

        if Platform.is_k8s():
                self.kube_labels = self.kubeutil.get_kube_labels()
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.warning('Could not retrieve kubernetes labels: %s' % str(e))
                self.kube_labels = {}

        # containers running with custom cgroups?
        custom_cgroups = _is_affirmative(instance.get('custom_cgroups', False))

        # Get the list of containers and the index of their names
        health_service_checks = True if self.whitelist_patterns else False
        containers_by_id = self._get_and_count_containers(custom_cgroups, health_service_checks)
        containers_by_id = self._crawl_container_pids(containers_by_id, custom_cgroups)

        # Send events from Docker API
        if self.collect_events or self._service_discovery:

        # Report performance container metrics (cpu, mem, net, io)

        if self.collect_container_size:

        # Collect disk stats from Docker info command
        if self.collect_disk_stats:

        if health_service_checks:

    def _count_and_weigh_images(self):
            tags = self._get_tags()
            active_images = self.docker_client.images(all=False)
            active_images_len = len(active_images)
            all_images_len = len(self.docker_client.images(quiet=True, all=True))
            self.gauge("docker.images.available", active_images_len, tags=tags)
            self.gauge("docker.images.intermediate", (all_images_len - active_images_len), tags=tags)

            if self.collect_image_size:

        except Exception as e:
            # It's not an important metric, keep going if it fails
            self.warning("Failed to count Docker images. Exception: {0}".format(e))

    def _get_and_count_containers(self, custom_cgroups=False, healthchecks=False):
        """List all the containers from the API, filter and count them."""

        # Querying the size of containers is slow, we don't do it at each run
        must_query_size = self.collect_container_size and self._latest_size_query == 0
        self._latest_size_query = (self._latest_size_query + 1) % SIZE_REFRESH_RATE

        running_containers_count = Counter()
        all_containers_count = Counter()

            containers = self.docker_client.containers(all=True, size=must_query_size)
        except Exception as e:
            message = "Unable to list Docker containers: {0}".format(e)
            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
            raise Exception(message)

            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK)

        # Create a set of filtered containers based on the exclude/include rules
        # and cache these rules in docker_util

        containers_by_id = {}

        for container in containers:
            container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]

            container_status_tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)

            all_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1
            if self._is_container_running(container):
                running_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1

            # Check if the container is included/excluded via its tags
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Container {0} is excluded".format(container_name))

            containers_by_id[container['Id']] = container

            # grab pid via API if custom cgroups - otherwise we won't find process when
            # crawling for pids.
            if custom_cgroups or healthchecks:
                    inspect_dict = self.docker_client.inspect_container(container_name)
                    container['_pid'] = inspect_dict['State']['Pid']
                    container['health'] = inspect_dict['State'].get('Health', {})
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.debug("Unable to inspect Docker container: %s", e)

        for tags, count in running_containers_count.iteritems():
            self.gauge("docker.containers.running", count, tags=list(tags))

        for tags, count in all_containers_count.iteritems():
            stopped_count = count - running_containers_count[tags]
            self.gauge("docker.containers.stopped", stopped_count, tags=list(tags))

        return containers_by_id

    def _is_container_running(self, container):
        """Tell if a container is running, according to its status.

        There is no "nice" API field to figure it out. We just look at the "Status" field, knowing how it is generated.
        return container["Status"].startswith("Up") or container["Status"].startswith("Restarting")

    def _get_tags(self, entity=None, tag_type=None):
        """Generate the tags for a given entity (container or image) according to a list of tag names."""
        # Start with custom tags
        tags = list(self.custom_tags)

        # Collect pod names as tags on kubernetes
        if Platform.is_k8s() and KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:

        if entity is not None:
            pod_name = None

            # Get labels as tags
            labels = entity.get("Labels")
            if labels is not None:
                for k in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
                    if k in labels:
                        v = labels[k]
                        if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s():
                            pod_name = v
                            k = "pod_name"
                            if "-" in pod_name:
                                replication_controller = "-".join(pod_name.split("-")[:-1])
                                if "/" in replication_controller: # k8s <= 1.1
                                    namespace, replication_controller = replication_controller.split("/", 1)

                                elif KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL in labels: # k8s >= 1.2
                                    namespace = labels[KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL]
                                    pod_name = "{0}/{1}".format(namespace, pod_name)

                                tags.append("kube_namespace:%s" % namespace)
                                tags.append("kube_replication_controller:%s" % replication_controller)
                                tags.append("pod_name:%s" % pod_name)

                        elif not v:

                            tags.append("%s:%s" % (k,v))

                    if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s() and k not in labels:

            # Get entity specific tags
            if tag_type is not None:
                tag_names = self.tag_names[tag_type]
                for tag_name in tag_names:
                    tag_value = self._extract_tag_value(entity, tag_name)
                    if tag_value is not None:
                        for t in tag_value:
                            tags.append('%s:%s' % (tag_name, str(t).strip()))

            # Add ECS tags
            if self.collect_ecs_tags:
                entity_id = entity.get("Id")
                if entity_id in self.ecs_tags:
                    ecs_tags = self.ecs_tags[entity_id]

            # Add kube labels
            if Platform.is_k8s():
                kube_tags = self.kube_labels.get(pod_name)
                if kube_tags:

        return tags

    def _extract_tag_value(self, entity, tag_name):
        """Extra tag information from the API result (containers or images).
        Cache extracted tags inside the entity object.
        if tag_name not in TAG_EXTRACTORS:
            self.warning("{0} isn't a supported tag".format(tag_name))

        # Check for already extracted tags
        if "_tag_values" not in entity:
            entity["_tag_values"] = {}

        if tag_name not in entity["_tag_values"]:
            entity["_tag_values"][tag_name] = TAG_EXTRACTORS[tag_name](entity)

        return entity["_tag_values"][tag_name]

    def refresh_ecs_tags(self):
        ecs_config = self.docker_client.inspect_container('ecs-agent')
        ip = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {}).get('IPAddress')
        ports = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {}).get('Ports')
        port = ports.keys()[0].split('/')[0] if ports else None
        if not ip:
            if Platform.is_containerized() and self.docker_gateway:
                ip = self.docker_gateway
                ip = "localhost"

        ecs_tags = {}
            if ip and port:
                tasks = requests.get('http://%s:%s/v1/tasks' % (ip, port)).json()
                for task in tasks.get('Tasks', []):
                    for container in task.get('Containers', []):
                        tags = ['task_name:%s' % task['Family'], 'task_version:%s' % task['Version']]
                        ecs_tags[container['DockerId']] = tags
        except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e:
            self.log.warning("Unable to collect ECS task names: %s" % e)

        self.ecs_tags = ecs_tags

    def _filter_containers(self, containers):
        if not self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:

        self._filtered_containers = set()
        for container in containers:
            container_tags = self._get_tags(container, FILTERED)
            # exclude/include patterns are stored in docker_util to share them with other container-related checks
            if self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(container_tags):
                container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
                self.log.debug("Container {0} is filtered".format(container_name))

    def _is_container_excluded(self, container):
        """Check if a container is excluded according to the filter rules.

        Requires _filter_containers to run first.
        container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
        return container_name in self._filtered_containers

    def _report_container_size(self, containers_by_id):
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
            m_func = FUNC_MAP[GAUGE][self.use_histogram]
            if "SizeRw" in container:

                m_func(self, 'docker.container.size_rw', container['SizeRw'],
            if "SizeRootFs" in container:
                    self, 'docker.container.size_rootfs', container['SizeRootFs'],

    def _send_container_healthcheck_sc(self, containers_by_id):
        """Send health service checks for containers."""
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            healthcheck_tags = self._get_tags(container, HEALTHCHECK)
            match = False
            for tag in healthcheck_tags:
                for rule in self.whitelist_patterns:
                    if re.match(rule, tag):
                        match = True


                if match:

    def _submit_healthcheck_sc(self, container):
        health = container.get('health', {})
        status = AgentCheck.UNKNOWN
        if health:
            _health = health.get('Status', '')
            if _health == 'unhealthy':
                status = AgentCheck.CRITICAL
            elif _health == 'healthy':
                status = AgentCheck.OK

        tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)
        self.service_check(HEALTHCHECK_SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, status, tags=tags)

    def _report_image_size(self, images):
        for image in images:
            tags = self._get_tags(image, IMAGE)
            if 'VirtualSize' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.virtual_size', image['VirtualSize'], tags=tags)
            if 'Size' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.size', image['Size'], tags=tags)

    # Performance metrics

    def _report_performance_metrics(self, containers_by_id):

        containers_without_proc_root = []
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container) or not self._is_container_running(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
            self._report_cgroup_metrics(container, tags)
            if "_proc_root" not in container:
            self._report_net_metrics(container, tags)

        if containers_without_proc_root:
            message = "Couldn't find pid directory for containers: {0}. They'll be missing network metrics".format(
                ", ".join(containers_without_proc_root))
            if not Platform.is_k8s():
                # On kubernetes, this is kind of expected. Network metrics will be collected by the kubernetes integration anyway

    def _report_cgroup_metrics(self, container, tags):
            for cgroup in CGROUP_METRICS:
                stat_file = self._get_cgroup_from_proc(cgroup["cgroup"], container['_pid'], cgroup['file'])
                stats = self._parse_cgroup_file(stat_file)
                if stats:
                    for key, (dd_key, metric_func) in cgroup['metrics'].iteritems():
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if key in stats:
                            metric_func(self, dd_key, int(stats[key]), tags=tags)

                    # Computed metrics
                    for mname, (key_list, fct, metric_func) in cgroup.get('to_compute', {}).iteritems():
                        values = [stats[key] for key in key_list if key in stats]
                        if len(values) != len(key_list):
                            self.log.debug("Couldn't compute {0}, some keys were missing.".format(mname))
                        value = fct(*values)
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if value is not None:
                            metric_func(self, mname, value, tags=tags)

        except MountException as ex:
            if self.cgroup_listing_retries > MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES:
                raise ex
                self.warning("Couldn't find the cgroup files. Skipping the CGROUP_METRICS for now."
                             "Will retry {0} times before failing.".format(MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES - self.cgroup_listing_retries))
                self.cgroup_listing_retries += 1
            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0

    def _report_net_metrics(self, container, tags):
        """Find container network metrics by looking at /proc/$PID/net/dev of the container process."""
        if self._disable_net_metrics:
            self.log.debug("Network metrics are disabled. Skipping")

        proc_net_file = os.path.join(container['_proc_root'], 'net/dev')
            with open(proc_net_file, 'r') as fp:
                lines = fp.readlines()
                """Two first lines are headers:
                Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit
                 face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
                for l in lines[2:]:
                    cols = l.split(':', 1)
                    interface_name = str(cols[0]).strip()
                    if interface_name == 'eth0':
                        x = cols[1].split()
                        m_func = FUNC_MAP[RATE][self.use_histogram]
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[0]), tags)
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[8]), tags)
        except Exception as e:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now
            self.warning("Failed to report IO metrics from file {0}. Exception: {1}".format(proc_net_file, e))

    def _process_events(self, containers_by_id):
        if self.collect_events is False:
            # Crawl events for service discovery only
            api_events = self._get_events()
            aggregated_events = self._pre_aggregate_events(api_events, containers_by_id)
            events = self._format_events(aggregated_events, containers_by_id)
        except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError):
            self.warning('Timeout when collecting events. Events will be missing.')
        except Exception as e:
            self.warning("Unexpected exception when collecting events: {0}. "
                         "Events will be missing".format(e))

        for ev in events:
            self.log.debug("Creating event: %s" % ev['msg_title'])

    def _get_events(self):
        """Get the list of events."""
        events, changed_container_ids = self.docker_util.get_events()
        if changed_container_ids and self._service_discovery:
        return events

    def _pre_aggregate_events(self, api_events, containers_by_id):
        # Aggregate events, one per image. Put newer events first.
        events = defaultdict(deque)
        for event in api_events:
            # Skip events related to filtered containers
            container = containers_by_id.get(event.get('id'))
            if container is not None and self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Excluded event: container {0} status changed to {1}".format(
                    event['id'], event['status']))
            # from may be missing (for network events for example)
            if 'from' in event:
        return events

    def _format_events(self, aggregated_events, containers_by_id):
        events = []
        for image_name, event_group in aggregated_events.iteritems():
            container_tags = set()
            low_prio_events = []
            normal_prio_events = []

            for event in event_group:
                container_name = event['id'][:11]

                if event['id'] in containers_by_id:
                    cont = containers_by_id[event['id']]
                    container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(cont)[0]
                    container_tags.update(self._get_tags(cont, PERFORMANCE))
                    container_tags.add('container_name:%s' % container_name)

                # health checks generate tons of these so we treat them separately and lower their priority
                if event['status'].startswith('exec_create:') or event['status'].startswith('exec_start:'):
                    low_prio_events.append((event, container_name))
                    normal_prio_events.append((event, container_name))

            exec_event = self._create_dd_event(low_prio_events, image_name, container_tags, priority='Low')
            if exec_event:

            normal_event = self._create_dd_event(normal_prio_events, image_name, container_tags, priority='Normal')
            if normal_event:

        return events

    def _create_dd_event(self, events, image, c_tags, priority='Normal'):
        """Create the actual event to submit from a list of similar docker events"""
        if not events:

        max_timestamp = 0
        status = defaultdict(int)
        status_change = []

        for ev, c_name in events:
            max_timestamp = max(max_timestamp, int(ev['time']))
            status[ev['status']] += 1
            status_change.append([c_name, ev['status']])

        status_text = ", ".join(["%d %s" % (count, st) for st, count in status.iteritems()])
        msg_title = "%s %s on %s" % (image, status_text, self.hostname)
        msg_body = (
            "{image_name} {status} on {hostname}\n"
                ["%s \t%s" % (change[1].upper(), change[0]) for change in status_change])

        if any(error in status_text for error in ERROR_ALERT_TYPE):
            alert_type = "error"
            alert_type = None

        return {
            'timestamp': max_timestamp,
            'host': self.hostname,
            'event_type': EVENT_TYPE,
            'msg_title': msg_title,
            'msg_text': msg_body,
            'source_type_name': EVENT_TYPE,
            'event_object': 'docker:%s' % image,
            'tags': list(c_tags),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'priority': priority

    def _report_disk_stats(self):
        """Report metrics about the volume space usage"""
        stats = {
            '': None,
            '': None,
            '': None,
            'docker.metadata.used': None,
            '': None,
            '': None
            # these two are calculated by _calc_percent_disk_stats
            # '': None,
            # 'docker.metadata.percent': None
        info =
        driver_status = info.get('DriverStatus', [])
        if not driver_status:
            self.log.warning('Disk metrics collection is enabled but docker info did not'
                             ' report any. Your storage driver might not support them, skipping.')
        for metric in driver_status:
            # only consider metrics about disk space
            if len(metric) == 2 and 'Space' in metric[0]:
                # identify Data and Metadata metrics
                mtype = 'data'
                if 'Metadata' in metric[0]:
                    mtype = 'metadata'

                if 'Used' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Total' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Available' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
        stats = self._format_disk_metrics(stats)
        tags = self._get_tags()
        for name, val in stats.iteritems():
            if val is not None:
                self.gauge(name, val, tags)

    def _format_disk_metrics(self, metrics):
        """Cast the disk stats to float and convert them to bytes"""
        for name, raw_val in metrics.iteritems():
            if raw_val:
                val, unit = raw_val.split(' ')
                # by default some are uppercased others lowercased. That's error prone.
                unit = unit.lower()
                    val = int(float(val) * UNIT_MAP[unit])
                    metrics[name] = val
                except KeyError:
                    self.log.error('Unrecognized unit %s for disk metric %s. Dropping it.' % (unit, name))
                    metrics[name] = None
        return metrics

    def _calc_percent_disk_stats(self, stats):
        """Calculate a percentage of used disk space for data and metadata"""
        mtypes = ['data', 'metadata']
        percs = {}
        for mtype in mtypes:
            used = stats.get('docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype))
            total = stats.get('docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype))
            free = stats.get('docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype))
            if used and total and free and ceil(total) < free + used:
                self.log.debug('used, free, and total disk metrics may be wrong, '
                               'used: %s, free: %s, total: %s',
                               used, free, total)
                total = used + free
                if isinstance(used, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * float(used) / float(total), 2)
                elif isinstance(free, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * (1.0 - (float(free) / float(total))), 2)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                self.log.error('docker.{0}.total is 0, calculating docker.{1}.percent'
                               ' is not possible.'.format(mtype, mtype))
        return percs

    # Cgroups
    def _get_cgroup_from_proc(self, cgroup, pid, filename):
        """Find a specific cgroup file, containing metrics to extract."""
        params = {
            "file": filename,
        return DockerUtil.find_cgroup_from_proc(self._mountpoints, pid, cgroup, self.docker_util._docker_root) % (params)

    def _parse_cgroup_file(self, stat_file):
        """Parse a cgroup pseudo file for key/values."""
        self.log.debug("Opening cgroup file: %s" % stat_file)
            with open(stat_file, 'r') as fp:
                if 'blkio' in stat_file:
                    return self._parse_blkio_metrics(
                    return dict(map(lambda x: x.split(' ', 1),
        except IOError:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now.
            # Some files can also be missing (like cpu.stat) and that's fine.
  "Can't open %s. Some metrics for this container may be missing." % stat_file)

    def _parse_blkio_metrics(self, stats):
        """Parse the blkio metrics."""
        metrics = {
            'io_read': 0,
            'io_write': 0,
        for line in stats:
            if 'Read' in line:
                metrics['io_read'] += int(line.split()[2])
            if 'Write' in line:
                metrics['io_write'] += int(line.split()[2])
        return metrics

    def _is_container_cgroup(self, line, selinux_policy):
        if line[1] not in ('cpu,cpuacct', 'cpuacct,cpu', 'cpuacct') or line[2] == '/docker-daemon':
            return False
        if 'docker' in line[2]: # general case
            return True
        if 'docker' in selinux_policy: # selinux
            return True
        if line[2].startswith('/') and re.match(CONTAINER_ID_RE, line[2][1:]): # kubernetes
            return True
        return False

    # proc files
    def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict, custom_cgroups=False):
        """Crawl `/proc` to find container PIDs and add them to `containers_by_id`."""
        proc_path = os.path.join(self.docker_util._docker_root, 'proc')
        pid_dirs = [_dir for _dir in os.listdir(proc_path) if _dir.isdigit()]

        if len(pid_dirs) == 0:
            self.warning("Unable to find any pid directory in {0}. "
                "If you are running the agent in a container, make sure to "
                'share the volume properly: "/proc:/host/proc:ro". '
                "See for more information. "
                "Network metrics will be missing".format(proc_path))
            self._disable_net_metrics = True
            return container_dict

        self._disable_net_metrics = False

        for folder in pid_dirs:

                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'cgroup')
                with open(path, 'r') as f:
                    content = [line.strip().split(':') for line in f.readlines()]

                selinux_policy = ''
                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'attr', 'current')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    with open(path, 'r') as f:
                        selinux_policy = f.readlines()[0]
            except IOError, e:
                #  Issue #2074
                self.log.debug("Cannot read %s, "
                               "process likely raced to finish : %s" %
                               (path, str(e)))
            except Exception as e:
                self.warning("Cannot read %s : %s" % (path, str(e)))

                for line in content:
                    if self._is_container_cgroup(line, selinux_policy):
                        cpuacct = line[2]

                matches = re.findall(CONTAINER_ID_RE, cpuacct)
                if matches:
                    container_id = matches[-1]
                    if container_id not in container_dict:
                        self.log.debug("Container %s not in container_dict, it's likely excluded", container_id)
                    container_dict[container_id]['_pid'] = folder
                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)
                elif custom_cgroups: # if we match by pid that should be enough (?) - O(n) ugh!
                    for _, container in container_dict.iteritems():
                        if container.get('_pid') == int(folder):
                            container['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)

            except Exception, e:
                self.warning("Cannot parse %s content: %s" % (path, str(e)))
Esempio n. 3
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, instance=None):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if instance is None:
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                instance = check_config['instances'][0]
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                instance = {}
            except Exception:
                log.error('Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                          'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...')
                instance = {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD) = instance.get("host") or self.docker_util.get_hostname()
        self.kubelet_host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')

        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_CADVISOR_PORT)
        self.kubelet_port = instance.get('kubelet_port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_KUBELET_PORT)

        self.kubelet_api_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host, self.kubelet_port)
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host, self.cadvisor_port)
        self.kubernetes_api_url = 'https://%s/api/v1' % (os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME)
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.MACHINE_INFO_PATH)
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, KubeUtil.PODS_LIST_PATH)
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, 'healthz')

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        token = self.get_auth_token()
        if token:
            tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        return tls_settings

    def get_kube_labels(self, excluded_keys=None):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_labels(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_labels(self, pods_list, excluded_keys=None):
        Extract labels from a list of pods coming from
        the kubelet API.
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels")
            if name and labels and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:

                    kube_labels[key].append(u"kube_%s:%s" % (k, v))

        return kube_labels

    def extract_meta(self, pods_list, field_name):
        Exctract fields like `uid` or `name` from the `metadata` section of a
        list of pods coming from the kubelet API.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        uids = []
        pods = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for p in pods:
            value = p.get('metadata', {}).get(field_name)
            if value is not None:
        return uids

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return retrieve_json(self.pods_list_url)

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def filter_pods_list(self, pods_list, host_ip):
        Filter out (in place) pods that are not running on the given host.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        pod_items = pods_list.get('items') or []
        log.debug('Found {} pods to filter'.format(len(pod_items)))

        filtered_pods = []
        for pod in pod_items:
            status = pod.get('status', {})
            if status.get('hostIP') == host_ip:
        log.debug('Pods after filtering: {}'.format(len(filtered_pods)))

        pods_list['items'] = filtered_pods
        return pods_list

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, timeout=10):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('ssl validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get('bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)} if bearer_token else None

        r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert)
        return r.json()

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet or kubernetes API.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data", str(e))

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.host_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' % event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.
            with open(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e))

        return None
Esempio n. 4
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH = '/healthz'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if 'init_config' in kwargs and 'instance' in kwargs:
            init_config = kwargs.get('init_config', {})
            instance = kwargs.get('instance', {})
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                init_config = check_config['init_config'] or {}
                instance = check_config['instances'][0] or {}
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                init_config, instance = {}, {}
            except Exception:
                    'Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                    'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...'
                init_config, instance = {}, {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD)
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')
        self.pod_name = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_POD_NAME') or self.host_name
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        # apiserver
        if 'api_server_url' in instance:
            self.kubernetes_api_root_url = instance.get('api_server_url')
            master_host = os.environ.get(
            master_port = os.environ.get(
            self.kubernetes_api_root_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (master_host,

        self.kubernetes_api_url = '%s/api/v1' % self.kubernetes_api_root_url

        # Service mapping helper class
        self._service_mapper = PodServiceMapper(self)
        from config import _is_affirmative
        self.collect_service_tag = _is_affirmative(

        # leader status triggers event collection
        self.is_leader = False
        self.leader_elector = None
        self.leader_lease_duration = instance.get('leader_lease_duration')

        # kubelet
        # If kubelet_api_url is None, init_kubelet didn't succeed yet.
        self.init_success = False
        self.kubelet_api_url = None
        self.init_retry_interval = init_config.get('init_retry_interval',
        self.last_init_retry = None
        self.left_init_retries = init_config.get('init_retries',
                                                 DEFAULT_INIT_RETRIES) + 1

        self.kube_label_prefix = instance.get('label_to_tag_prefix',
        self.kube_node_labels = instance.get('node_labels_to_host_tags', {})

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        # apiserver
        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(
                client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        # kubelet
        kubelet_client_crt = instance.get('kubelet_client_crt')
        kubelet_client_key = instance.get('kubelet_client_key')
        if kubelet_client_crt and kubelet_client_key and os.path.exists(
                kubelet_client_crt) and os.path.exists(kubelet_client_key):
            tls_settings['kubelet_client_cert'] = (kubelet_client_crt,

        cert = instance.get('kubelet_cert')
        if cert:
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = cert
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = instance.get(
                'kubelet_tls_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        if ('apiserver_client_cert'
                not in tls_settings) or ('kubelet_client_cert'
                                         not in tls_settings):
            # Only lookup token if we don't have client certs for both
            token = self.get_auth_token(instance)
            if token:
                tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        return tls_settings

    def init_kubelet(self, instance):
        Handles the retry logic around _locate_kubelet.
        Once _locate_kubelet succeeds, initialize all kubelet-related
        URLs and settings.
        if self.left_init_retries == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "Kubernetes client initialization failed permanently. "
                "Kubernetes-related features will fail.")

        now = time.time()

        # last retry was less than retry_interval ago
        if self.last_init_retry and now <= self.last_init_retry + self.init_retry_interval:
        # else it's the first try, or last retry was long enough ago
        self.last_init_retry = now
        self.left_init_retries -= 1

            self.kubelet_api_url = self._locate_kubelet(instance)
        except Exception as ex:
                "Failed to initialize kubelet connection. Will retry %s time(s). Error: %s"
                % (self.left_init_retries, str(ex)))
        if not self.kubelet_api_url:
                "Failed to initialize kubelet connection. Will retry %s time(s)."
                % self.left_init_retries)

        self.init_success = True

        self.kubelet_host = self.kubelet_api_url.split(':')[1].lstrip('/')
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,

        # namespace of the agent pod
            self.self_namespace = self.get_self_namespace()
        except Exception:
                "Failed to get the agent pod namespace, defaulting to default."
            self.self_namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

        # cadvisor
        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port',
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host,
        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url,

    def _locate_kubelet(self, instance):
        Kubelet may or may not accept un-authenticated http requests.
        If it doesn't we need to use its HTTPS API that may or may not
        require auth.
        Returns the kubelet URL or raises.
        host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or instance.get(
        if not host:
            # if no hostname was provided, use the docker hostname if cert
            # validation is not required, the kubernetes hostname otherwise.
            docker_hostname = self.docker_util.get_hostname(
            if self.tls_settings.get('kubelet_verify'):
                    k8s_hostname = self.get_node_hostname(docker_hostname)
                    host = k8s_hostname or docker_hostname
                except Exception as ex:
                    host = docker_hostname
                host = docker_hostname

        # check if the no-auth endpoint is enabled
        port = instance.get('kubelet_port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_KUBELET_PORT)
        no_auth_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(no_auth_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return no_auth_url
        except Exception:
                "Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode."

        port = instance.get('kubelet_port',
        https_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(https_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return https_url
        except Exception as ex:
                "Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode."
            raise ex

    def get_self_namespace(self):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        for pod in pods.get('items', []):
            if pod.get('metadata', {}).get('name') == self.pod_name:
                return pod['metadata']['namespace']
            "Couldn't find the agent pod and namespace, using the default.")
        return DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

    def get_node_hostname(self, host):
        Query the API server for the kubernetes hostname of the node
        using the docker hostname as a filter.
        node_filter = {'labelSelector': '' % host}
        node = self.retrieve_json_auth(self.kubernetes_api_url + '/nodes?%s' %
        if len(node['items']) != 1:
                'Error while getting node hostname: expected 1 node, got %s.' %
            addresses = (node or {}).get('items',
                                                      {}).get('addresses', [])
            for address in addresses:
                if address.get('type') == 'Hostname':
                    return address['address']
        return None

    def get_kube_pod_tags(self, excluded_keys=None):
        Gets pods' labels as tags + creator and service tags.
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        if not self.init_success:
                "Kubernetes client is not initialized, can't get pod tags.")
            return {}
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_pod_tags(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_pod_tags(self,
        Extract labels + creator and service tags from a list of
        pods coming from the kubelet API.

        :param excluded_keys: labels to skip
        :param label_prefix: prefix for label->tag conversion, None defaults
        to the configuration option label_to_tag_prefix
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        label_prefix = label_prefix or self.kube_label_prefix
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels", {})
            if name and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                # Extract creator tags
                podtags = self.get_pod_creator_tags(metadata)

                # Extract services tags
                if self.collect_service_tag:
                    for service in self.match_services_for_pod(metadata):
                        if service is not None:
                            podtags.append(u'kube_service:%s' % service)

                # Extract labels
                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:
                    podtags.append(u"%s%s:%s" % (label_prefix, k, v))

                kube_labels[key] = podtags

        return kube_labels

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.perform_kubelet_query(self.pods_list_url).json()

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def get_deployment_for_replicaset(self, rs_name):
        Get the deployment name for a given replicaset name
        For now, the rs name's first part always is the deployment's name, see
        But it might change in a future k8s version. The other way to match RS and deployments is
        to parse and cache /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets, mirroring PodServiceMapper
        In 1.8, the hash generation logic changed:

        As we are matching both patterns without checking the apiserver version, we might have
        some false positives. For agent6, we plan on doing this pod->replicaset->deployment matching
        in the cluster agent, with replicaset data from the apiserver. This will address that risk.
        end = rs_name.rfind("-")
        if end > 0 and rs_name[end + 1:].isdigit():
            # k8s before 1.8
            return rs_name[0:end]
        if end > 0 and len(rs_name[end + 1:]) == 10:
            # k8s 1.8+ maybe? Check contents
            for char in rs_name[end + 1:]:
                if char not in ALLOWED_ENCODESTRING_ALPHANUMS:
                    return None
            return rs_name[0:end]
            return None

    def perform_kubelet_query(self, url, verbose=True, timeout=10):
        Perform and return a GET request against kubelet. Support auth and TLS validation.
        tls_context = self.tls_settings

        headers = None
        cert = tls_context.get('kubelet_client_cert')
        verify = tls_context.get('kubelet_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        # if cert-based auth is enabled, don't use the token.
        if not cert and url.lower().startswith(
                'https') and 'bearer_token' in self.tls_settings:
            headers = {
                'Bearer {}'.format(self.tls_settings.get('bearer_token'))

        return requests.get(url,
                            params={'verbose': verbose})

    def get_apiserver_auth_settings(self):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(
                self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('tls validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get(
            'bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)
        } if bearer_token else {}
        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
        return cert, headers, verify

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, params=None, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.get(url,
        return res

    def post_json_to_apiserver(self, url, data, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res =,
        return res

    def put_json_to_apiserver(self, url, data, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.put(url,
        return res

    def delete_to_apiserver(self, url, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.delete(url,
        return res

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def get_node_metadata(self):
        """Returns host metadata about the local k8s node"""
        meta = {}

        # API server version
            request_url = "%s/version" % self.kubernetes_api_root_url
            master_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            version = master_info.get("gitVersion")
            meta['kube_master_version'] = version[1:]
        except Exception as ex:
            # Intentional use of non-safe lookups to get the exception in the debug logs
            # if the parsing were to fail
            log.debug("Error getting Kube master version: %s" % str(ex))

        # Kubelet version & labels
        if not self.init_success:
                "Kubelet client failed to initialize, kubelet host tags will be missing for now."
            return meta
            _, node_name = self.get_node_info()
            if not node_name:
                raise ValueError("node name missing or empty")
            request_url = "%s/nodes/%s" % (self.kubernetes_api_url, node_name)
            node_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            version = node_info.get("status").get("nodeInfo").get(
            meta['kubelet_version'] = version[1:]
        except Exception as ex:
            log.debug("Error getting Kubelet version: %s" % str(ex))

        return meta

    def get_node_hosttags(self):
        Returns node labels as tags. Tag name is transformed as defined
        in node_labels_to_host_tags in the kubernetes check configuration.
        Note: queries the API server for node info. Configure RBAC accordingly.
        tags = []

            _, node_name = self.get_node_info()
            if not node_name:
                raise ValueError("node name missing or empty")

            request_url = "%s/nodes/%s" % (self.kubernetes_api_url, node_name)
            node_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            node_labels = node_info.get('metadata', {}).get('labels', {})

            for l_name, t_name in self.kube_node_labels.iteritems():
                if l_name in node_labels:
                    tags.append('%s:%s' % (t_name, node_labels[l_name]))

        except Exception as ex:
            log.debug("Error getting node labels: %s" % str(ex))

        return tags

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
                "Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data",

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.pod_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' %
                        event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())
        if 'name' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_name:%s' %
                        event['involvedObject'].get('name', '').lower())
        if 'component' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('source_component:%s' %
                        event['source'].get('component', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls, instance):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.

        token_path = instance.get('bearer_token_path', cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH)
            with open(token_path) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(token_path, e))

        return None

    def match_services_for_pod(self, pod_metadata, refresh=False):
        Match the pods labels with services' label selectors to determine the list
        of services that point to that pod. Returns an array of service names.

        Pass refresh=True if you want to bypass the cached cid->services mapping (after a service change)
        s = self._service_mapper.match_services_for_pod(pod_metadata,
        #log.warning("Matches for %s: %s" % (pod_metadata.get('name'), str(s)))
        return s

    def get_event_retriever(self, namespaces=None, kinds=None, delay=None):
        Returns a KubeEventRetriever object ready for action
        return KubeEventRetriever(self, namespaces, kinds, delay)

    def match_containers_for_pods(self, pod_uids, podlist=None):
        Reads a set of pod uids and returns the set of docker
        container ids they manage
        podlist should be a recent self.retrieve_pods_list return value,
        if not given that method will be called
        cids = set()

        if not isinstance(pod_uids, set) or len(pod_uids) < 1:
            return cids

        if podlist is None:
            podlist = self.retrieve_pods_list()

        for pod in podlist.get('items', {}):
            uid = pod.get('metadata', {}).get('uid', None)
            if uid in pod_uids:
                for container in pod.get('status',
                                         {}).get('containerStatuses', None):
                    id = container.get('containerID', "")
                    if id.startswith("docker://"):

        return cids

    def get_pod_creator(self, pod_metadata):
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a
        tuple (creator_kind, creator_name)

        This allows for consitency across code path
            created_by = json.loads(
            creator_kind = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('kind')
            creator_name = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('name')
            return (creator_kind, creator_name)
        except Exception:
            log.debug('Could not parse creator for pod ' +
                      pod_metadata.get('name', ''))
            return (None, None)

    def get_pod_creator_tags(self,
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a list of tags
        in the form kube_$kind:$name, ready to add to the metrics
            tags = []
            creator_kind, creator_name = self.get_pod_creator(pod_metadata)
            if creator_kind in CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG and creator_name:
                tags.append("%s:%s" %
                            (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG[creator_kind], creator_name))
                if creator_kind == 'ReplicaSet':
                    deployment = self.get_deployment_for_replicaset(
                    if deployment:
                            "%s:%s" %
                            (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG['Deployment'], deployment))
            if legacy_rep_controller_tag and creator_kind != 'ReplicationController' and creator_name:

            return tags
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Could not parse creator tags for pod ' +
            return []

    def process_events(self, event_array, podlist=None):
        Reads a list of kube events, invalidates caches and and computes a set
        of containers impacted by the changes, to refresh service discovery
        Pod creation/deletion events are ignored for now, as docker_daemon already
        sends container creation/deletion events to SD

        Pod->containers matching is done using match_containers_for_pods
            pods = set()
            if self._service_mapper:
            return self.match_containers_for_pods(pods, podlist)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Error processing events %s: %s" %
                        (str(event_array), e))
            return set()

    def refresh_leader(self):
        if not self.init_success:
                "Kubelet client is not initialized, leader election is disabled."
        if not self.leader_elector:
            self.leader_elector = LeaderElector(self)

    def image_name_resolver(self, image):
        Wraps around the sibling dockerutil method and catches exceptions
        if image is None:
            return None
            return self.docker_util.image_name_resolver(image)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Error resolving image name: %s", str(e))
            return image
Esempio n. 5
class DockerDaemon(AgentCheck):
    """Collect metrics and events from Docker API and cgroups."""

    def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
        if instances is not None and len(instances) > 1:
            raise Exception("Docker check only supports one configured instance.")
        AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config,
                            agentConfig, instances=instances)

        self.init_success = False
        self._service_discovery = agentConfig.get('service_discovery') and \
            agentConfig.get('service_discovery_backend') == 'docker'

    def init(self):
            instance = self.instances[0]

            self.docker_util = DockerUtil()

            self.docker_client = self.docker_util.client
            self.docker_gateway = DockerUtil.get_gateway()

            if Platform.is_k8s():
                self.kubeutil = KubeUtil()

            # We configure the check with the right cgroup settings for this host
            # Just needs to be done once
            self._mountpoints = self.docker_util.get_mountpoints(CGROUP_METRICS)
            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0
            self._latest_size_query = 0
            self._filtered_containers = set()
            self._disable_net_metrics = False

            # Set tagging options
            self.custom_tags = instance.get("tags", [])
            self.collect_labels_as_tags = instance.get("collect_labels_as_tags", [])
            self.kube_labels = {}

            self.use_histogram = _is_affirmative(instance.get('use_histogram', False))
            performance_tags = instance.get("performance_tags", DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_TAGS)

            self.tag_names = {
                CONTAINER: instance.get("container_tags", DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TAGS),
                PERFORMANCE: performance_tags,
                IMAGE: instance.get('image_tags', DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAGS)

            # Set filtering settings
            if self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:
                self.tag_names[FILTERED] = self.docker_util.filtered_tag_names

            # Other options
            self.collect_image_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', False))
            self.collect_container_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_size', False))
            self.collect_events = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_events', True))
            self.collect_image_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_image_size', False))
            self.collect_disk_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_disk_stats', False))
            self.collect_ecs_tags = _is_affirmative(instance.get('ecs_tags', True)) and Platform.is_ecs_instance()

            self.ecs_tags = {}

        except Exception as e:
            self.warning("Initialization failed. Will retry at next iteration")
            self.init_success = True

    def check(self, instance):
        """Run the Docker check for one instance."""
        if not self.init_success:
            # Initialization can fail if cgroups are not ready. So we retry if needed
            if not self.init_success:
                # Initialization failed, will try later

        # Report image metrics
        if self.collect_image_stats:

        if self.collect_ecs_tags:

        if Platform.is_k8s():
                self.kube_labels = self.kubeutil.get_kube_labels()
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.warning('Could not retrieve kubernetes labels: %s' % str(e))
                self.kube_labels = {}

        # containers running with custom cgroups?
        custom_cgroups = _is_affirmative(instance.get('custom_cgroups', False))

        # Get the list of containers and the index of their names
        containers_by_id = self._get_and_count_containers(custom_cgroups)
        containers_by_id = self._crawl_container_pids(containers_by_id, custom_cgroups)

        # Send events from Docker API
        if self.collect_events or self._service_discovery:

        # Report performance container metrics (cpu, mem, net, io)

        if self.collect_container_size:

        # Collect disk stats from Docker info command
        if self.collect_disk_stats:

    def _count_and_weigh_images(self):
            tags = self._get_tags()
            active_images = self.docker_client.images(all=False)
            active_images_len = len(active_images)
            all_images_len = len(self.docker_client.images(quiet=True, all=True))
            self.gauge("docker.images.available", active_images_len, tags=tags)
            self.gauge("docker.images.intermediate", (all_images_len - active_images_len), tags=tags)

            if self.collect_image_size:

        except Exception as e:
            # It's not an important metric, keep going if it fails
            self.warning("Failed to count Docker images. Exception: {0}".format(e))

    def _get_and_count_containers(self, custom_cgroups=False):
        """List all the containers from the API, filter and count them."""

        # Querying the size of containers is slow, we don't do it at each run
        must_query_size = self.collect_container_size and self._latest_size_query == 0
        self._latest_size_query = (self._latest_size_query + 1) % SIZE_REFRESH_RATE

        running_containers_count = Counter()
        all_containers_count = Counter()

            containers = self.docker_client.containers(all=True, size=must_query_size)
        except Exception as e:
            message = "Unable to list Docker containers: {0}".format(e)
            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
            raise Exception(message)

            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK)

        # Create a set of filtered containers based on the exclude/include rules
        # and cache these rules in docker_util

        containers_by_id = {}

        for container in containers:
            container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]

            container_status_tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)

            all_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1
            if self._is_container_running(container):
                running_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1

            # Check if the container is included/excluded via its tags
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Container {0} is excluded".format(container_name))

            containers_by_id[container['Id']] = container

            # grab pid via API if custom cgroups - otherwise we won't find process when
            # crawling for pids.
            if custom_cgroups:
                    inspect_dict = self.docker_client.inspect_container(container_name)
                    container['_pid'] = inspect_dict['State']['Pid']
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.debug("Unable to inspect Docker container: %s", e)

        for tags, count in running_containers_count.iteritems():
            self.gauge("docker.containers.running", count, tags=list(tags))

        for tags, count in all_containers_count.iteritems():
            stopped_count = count - running_containers_count[tags]
            self.gauge("docker.containers.stopped", stopped_count, tags=list(tags))

        return containers_by_id

    def _is_container_running(self, container):
        """Tell if a container is running, according to its status.

        There is no "nice" API field to figure it out. We just look at the "Status" field, knowing how it is generated.
        return container["Status"].startswith("Up") or container["Status"].startswith("Restarting")

    def _get_tags(self, entity=None, tag_type=None):
        """Generate the tags for a given entity (container or image) according to a list of tag names."""
        # Start with custom tags
        tags = list(self.custom_tags)

        # Collect pod names as tags on kubernetes
        if Platform.is_k8s() and KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:

        if entity is not None:
            pod_name = None

            # Get labels as tags
            labels = entity.get("Labels")
            if labels is not None:
                for k in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
                    if k in labels:
                        v = labels[k]
                        if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s():
                            pod_name = v
                            k = "pod_name"
                            if "-" in pod_name:
                                replication_controller = "-".join(pod_name.split("-")[:-1])
                                if "/" in replication_controller: # k8s <= 1.1
                                    namespace, replication_controller = replication_controller.split("/", 1)

                                elif KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL in labels: # k8s >= 1.2
                                    namespace = labels[KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL]
                                    pod_name = "{0}/{1}".format(namespace, pod_name)

                                tags.append("kube_namespace:%s" % namespace)
                                tags.append("kube_replication_controller:%s" % replication_controller)
                                tags.append("pod_name:%s" % pod_name)

                        elif not v:

                            tags.append("%s:%s" % (k,v))

                    if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s() and k not in labels:

            # Get entity specific tags
            if tag_type is not None:
                tag_names = self.tag_names[tag_type]
                for tag_name in tag_names:
                    tag_value = self._extract_tag_value(entity, tag_name)
                    if tag_value is not None:
                        for t in tag_value:
                            tags.append('%s:%s' % (tag_name, str(t).strip()))

            # Add ECS tags
            if self.collect_ecs_tags:
                entity_id = entity.get("Id")
                if entity_id in self.ecs_tags:
                    ecs_tags = self.ecs_tags[entity_id]

            # Add kube labels
            if Platform.is_k8s():
                kube_tags = self.kube_labels.get(pod_name)
                if kube_tags:

        return tags

    def _extract_tag_value(self, entity, tag_name):
        """Extra tag information from the API result (containers or images).
        Cache extracted tags inside the entity object.
        if tag_name not in TAG_EXTRACTORS:
            self.warning("{0} isn't a supported tag".format(tag_name))

        # Check for already extracted tags
        if "_tag_values" not in entity:
            entity["_tag_values"] = {}

        if tag_name not in entity["_tag_values"]:
            entity["_tag_values"][tag_name] = TAG_EXTRACTORS[tag_name](entity)

        return entity["_tag_values"][tag_name]

    def refresh_ecs_tags(self):
        ecs_config = self.docker_client.inspect_container('ecs-agent')
        ip = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {}).get('IPAddress')
        ports = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {}).get('Ports')
        port = ports.keys()[0].split('/')[0] if ports else None
        if not ip:
            if Platform.is_containerized() and self.docker_gateway:
                ip = self.docker_gateway
                ip = "localhost"

        ecs_tags = {}
            if ip and port:
                tasks = requests.get('http://%s:%s/v1/tasks' % (ip, port)).json()
                for task in tasks.get('Tasks', []):
                    for container in task.get('Containers', []):
                        tags = ['task_name:%s' % task['Family'], 'task_version:%s' % task['Version']]
                        ecs_tags[container['DockerId']] = tags
        except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e:
            self.log.warning("Unable to collect ECS task names: %s" % e)

        self.ecs_tags = ecs_tags

    def _filter_containers(self, containers):
        if not self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:

        self._filtered_containers = set()
        for container in containers:
            container_tags = self._get_tags(container, FILTERED)
            # exclude/include patterns are stored in docker_util to share them with other container-related checks
            if self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(container_tags):
                container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
                self.log.debug("Container {0} is filtered".format(container_name))

    def _is_container_excluded(self, container):
        """Check if a container is excluded according to the filter rules.

        Requires _filter_containers to run first.
        container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
        return container_name in self._filtered_containers

    def _report_container_size(self, containers_by_id):
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
            m_func = FUNC_MAP[GAUGE][self.use_histogram]
            if "SizeRw" in container:

                m_func(self, 'docker.container.size_rw', container['SizeRw'],
            if "SizeRootFs" in container:
                    self, 'docker.container.size_rootfs', container['SizeRootFs'],

    def _report_image_size(self, images):
        for image in images:
            tags = self._get_tags(image, IMAGE)
            if 'VirtualSize' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.virtual_size', image['VirtualSize'], tags=tags)
            if 'Size' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.size', image['Size'], tags=tags)

    # Performance metrics

    def _report_performance_metrics(self, containers_by_id):

        containers_without_proc_root = []
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container) or not self._is_container_running(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
            self._report_cgroup_metrics(container, tags)
            if "_proc_root" not in container:
            self._report_net_metrics(container, tags)

        if containers_without_proc_root:
            message = "Couldn't find pid directory for containers: {0}. They'll be missing network metrics".format(
                ", ".join(containers_without_proc_root))
            if not Platform.is_k8s():
                # On kubernetes, this is kind of expected. Network metrics will be collected by the kubernetes integration anyway

    def _report_cgroup_metrics(self, container, tags):
            for cgroup in CGROUP_METRICS:
                stat_file = self._get_cgroup_from_proc(cgroup["cgroup"], container['_pid'], cgroup['file'])
                stats = self._parse_cgroup_file(stat_file)
                if stats:
                    for key, (dd_key, metric_func) in cgroup['metrics'].iteritems():
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if key in stats:
                            metric_func(self, dd_key, int(stats[key]), tags=tags)

                    # Computed metrics
                    for mname, (key_list, fct, metric_func) in cgroup.get('to_compute', {}).iteritems():
                        values = [stats[key] for key in key_list if key in stats]
                        if len(values) != len(key_list):
                            self.log.debug("Couldn't compute {0}, some keys were missing.".format(mname))
                        value = fct(*values)
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if value is not None:
                            metric_func(self, mname, value, tags=tags)

        except MountException as ex:
            if self.cgroup_listing_retries > MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES:
                raise ex
                self.warning("Couldn't find the cgroup files. Skipping the CGROUP_METRICS for now."
                             "Will retry {0} times before failing.".format(MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES - self.cgroup_listing_retries))
                self.cgroup_listing_retries += 1
            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0

    def _report_net_metrics(self, container, tags):
        """Find container network metrics by looking at /proc/$PID/net/dev of the container process."""
        if self._disable_net_metrics:
            self.log.debug("Network metrics are disabled. Skipping")

        proc_net_file = os.path.join(container['_proc_root'], 'net/dev')
            with open(proc_net_file, 'r') as fp:
                lines = fp.readlines()
                """Two first lines are headers:
                Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit
                 face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
                for l in lines[2:]:
                    cols = l.split(':', 1)
                    interface_name = str(cols[0]).strip()
                    if interface_name == 'eth0':
                        x = cols[1].split()
                        m_func = FUNC_MAP[RATE][self.use_histogram]
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[0]), tags)
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[8]), tags)
        except Exception as e:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now
            self.warning("Failed to report IO metrics from file {0}. Exception: {1}".format(proc_net_file, e))

    def _process_events(self, containers_by_id):
        if self.collect_events is False:
            # Crawl events for service discovery only
            api_events = self._get_events()
            aggregated_events = self._pre_aggregate_events(api_events, containers_by_id)
            events = self._format_events(aggregated_events, containers_by_id)
        except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError):
            self.warning('Timeout when collecting events. Events will be missing.')
        except Exception as e:
            self.warning("Unexpected exception when collecting events: {0}. "
                         "Events will be missing".format(e))

        for ev in events:
            self.log.debug("Creating event: %s" % ev['msg_title'])

    def _get_events(self):
        """Get the list of events."""
        events, changed_container_ids = self.docker_util.get_events()
        if changed_container_ids and self._service_discovery:
        return events

    def _pre_aggregate_events(self, api_events, containers_by_id):
        # Aggregate events, one per image. Put newer events first.
        events = defaultdict(deque)
        for event in api_events:
            # Skip events related to filtered containers
            container = containers_by_id.get(event.get('id'))
            if container is not None and self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Excluded event: container {0} status changed to {1}".format(
                    event['id'], event['status']))
            # from may be missing (for network events for example)
            if 'from' in event:
        return events

    def _format_events(self, aggregated_events, containers_by_id):
        events = []
        for image_name, event_group in aggregated_events.iteritems():
            container_tags = set()
            low_prio_events = []
            normal_prio_events = []

            for event in event_group:
                container_name = event['id'][:11]

                if event['id'] in containers_by_id:
                    cont = containers_by_id[event['id']]
                    container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(cont)[0]
                    container_tags.update(self._get_tags(cont, PERFORMANCE))
                    container_tags.add('container_name:%s' % container_name)

                # health checks generate tons of these so we treat them separately and lower their priority
                if event['status'].startswith('exec_create:') or event['status'].startswith('exec_start:'):
                    low_prio_events.append((event, container_name))
                    normal_prio_events.append((event, container_name))

            exec_event = self._create_dd_event(low_prio_events, image_name, container_tags, priority='Low')
            if exec_event:

            normal_event = self._create_dd_event(normal_prio_events, image_name, container_tags, priority='Normal')
            if normal_event:

        return events

    def _create_dd_event(self, events, image, c_tags, priority='Normal'):
        """Create the actual event to submit from a list of similar docker events"""
        if not events:

        max_timestamp = 0
        status = defaultdict(int)
        status_change = []

        for ev, c_name in events:
            max_timestamp = max(max_timestamp, int(ev['time']))
            status[ev['status']] += 1
            status_change.append([c_name, ev['status']])

        status_text = ", ".join(["%d %s" % (count, st) for st, count in status.iteritems()])
        msg_title = "%s %s on %s" % (image, status_text, self.hostname)
        msg_body = (
            "{image_name} {status} on {hostname}\n"
                ["%s \t%s" % (change[1].upper(), change[0]) for change in status_change])

        if any(error in status_text for error in ERROR_ALERT_TYPE):
            alert_type = "error"
            alert_type = None

        return {
            'timestamp': max_timestamp,
            'host': self.hostname,
            'event_type': EVENT_TYPE,
            'msg_title': msg_title,
            'msg_text': msg_body,
            'source_type_name': EVENT_TYPE,
            'event_object': 'docker:%s' % image,
            'tags': list(c_tags),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'priority': priority

    def _report_disk_stats(self):
        """Report metrics about the volume space usage"""
        stats = {
            '': None,
            '': None,
            '': None,
            'docker.metadata.used': None,
            '': None,
            '': None
            # these two are calculated by _calc_percent_disk_stats
            # '': None,
            # 'docker.metadata.percent': None
        info =
        driver_status = info.get('DriverStatus', [])
        if not driver_status:
            self.log.warning('Disk metrics collection is enabled but docker info did not'
                             ' report any. Your storage driver might not support them, skipping.')
        for metric in driver_status:
            # only consider metrics about disk space
            if len(metric) == 2 and 'Space' in metric[0]:
                # identify Data and Metadata metrics
                mtype = 'data'
                if 'Metadata' in metric[0]:
                    mtype = 'metadata'

                if 'Used' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Total' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Available' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
        stats = self._format_disk_metrics(stats)
        tags = self._get_tags()
        for name, val in stats.iteritems():
            if val is not None:
                self.gauge(name, val, tags)

    def _format_disk_metrics(self, metrics):
        """Cast the disk stats to float and convert them to bytes"""
        for name, raw_val in metrics.iteritems():
            if raw_val:
                val, unit = raw_val.split(' ')
                # by default some are uppercased others lowercased. That's error prone.
                unit = unit.lower()
                    val = int(float(val) * UNIT_MAP[unit])
                    metrics[name] = val
                except KeyError:
                    self.log.error('Unrecognized unit %s for disk metric %s. Dropping it.' % (unit, name))
                    metrics[name] = None
        return metrics

    def _calc_percent_disk_stats(self, stats):
        """Calculate a percentage of used disk space for data and metadata"""
        mtypes = ['data', 'metadata']
        percs = {}
        for mtype in mtypes:
            used = stats.get('docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype))
            total = stats.get('docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype))
            free = stats.get('docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype))
            if used and total and free and ceil(total) < free + used:
                self.log.debug('used, free, and total disk metrics may be wrong, '
                               'used: %s, free: %s, total: %s',
                               used, free, total)
                total = used + free
                if isinstance(used, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * float(used) / float(total), 2)
                elif isinstance(free, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * (1.0 - (float(free) / float(total))), 2)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                self.log.error('docker.{0}.total is 0, calculating docker.{1}.percent'
                               ' is not possible.'.format(mtype, mtype))
        return percs

    # Cgroups
    def _get_cgroup_from_proc(self, cgroup, pid, filename):
        """Find a specific cgroup file, containing metrics to extract."""
        params = {
            "file": filename,
        return DockerUtil.find_cgroup_from_proc(self._mountpoints, pid, cgroup, self.docker_util._docker_root) % (params)

    def _parse_cgroup_file(self, stat_file):
        """Parse a cgroup pseudo file for key/values."""
        self.log.debug("Opening cgroup file: %s" % stat_file)
            with open(stat_file, 'r') as fp:
                if 'blkio' in stat_file:
                    return self._parse_blkio_metrics(
                    return dict(map(lambda x: x.split(' ', 1),
        except IOError:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now.
            # Some files can also be missing (like cpu.stat) and that's fine.
  "Can't open %s. Some metrics for this container may be missing." % stat_file)

    def _parse_blkio_metrics(self, stats):
        """Parse the blkio metrics."""
        metrics = {
            'io_read': 0,
            'io_write': 0,
        for line in stats:
            if 'Read' in line:
                metrics['io_read'] += int(line.split()[2])
            if 'Write' in line:
                metrics['io_write'] += int(line.split()[2])
        return metrics

    def _is_container_cgroup(self, line, selinux_policy):
        if line[1] not in ('cpu,cpuacct', 'cpuacct,cpu', 'cpuacct') or line[2] == '/docker-daemon':
            return False
        if 'docker' in line[2]: # general case
            return True
        if 'docker' in selinux_policy: # selinux
            return True
        if line[2].startswith('/') and re.match(CONTAINER_ID_RE, line[2][1:]): # kubernetes
            return True
        return False

    # proc files
    def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict, custom_cgroups=False):
        """Crawl `/proc` to find container PIDs and add them to `containers_by_id`."""
        proc_path = os.path.join(self.docker_util._docker_root, 'proc')
        pid_dirs = [_dir for _dir in os.listdir(proc_path) if _dir.isdigit()]

        if len(pid_dirs) == 0:
            self.warning("Unable to find any pid directory in {0}. "
                "If you are running the agent in a container, make sure to "
                'share the volume properly: "/proc:/host/proc:ro". '
                "See for more information. "
                "Network metrics will be missing".format(proc_path))
            self._disable_net_metrics = True
            return container_dict

        self._disable_net_metrics = False

        for folder in pid_dirs:

                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'cgroup')
                with open(path, 'r') as f:
                    content = [line.strip().split(':') for line in f.readlines()]

                selinux_policy = ''
                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'attr', 'current')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    with open(path, 'r') as f:
                        selinux_policy = f.readlines()[0]
            except IOError, e:
                #  Issue #2074
                self.log.debug("Cannot read %s, "
                               "process likely raced to finish : %s" %
                               (path, str(e)))
            except Exception as e:
                self.warning("Cannot read %s : %s" % (path, str(e)))

                for line in content:
                    if self._is_container_cgroup(line, selinux_policy):
                        cpuacct = line[2]

                matches = re.findall(CONTAINER_ID_RE, cpuacct)
                if matches:
                    container_id = matches[-1]
                    if container_id not in container_dict:
                        self.log.debug("Container %s not in container_dict, it's likely excluded", container_id)
                    container_dict[container_id]['_pid'] = folder
                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)
                elif custom_cgroups: # if we match by pid that should be enough (?) - O(n) ugh!
                    for _, container in container_dict.iteritems():
                        if container.get('_pid') == int(folder):
                            container['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)

            except Exception, e:
                self.warning("Cannot parse %s content: %s" % (path, str(e)))
Esempio n. 6
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, instance=None):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if instance is None:
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                instance = check_config['instances'][0]
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                instance = {}
            except Exception:
                log.error('Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                          'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...')
                instance = {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD) = instance.get("host") or self.docker_util.get_hostname()
        self.kubelet_host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')

        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_CADVISOR_PORT)
        self.kubelet_port = instance.get('kubelet_port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_KUBELET_PORT)

        self.kubelet_api_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host, self.kubelet_port)
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host, self.cadvisor_port)
        self.kubernetes_api_url = 'https://%s/api/v1' % (os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME)
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.MACHINE_INFO_PATH)
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, KubeUtil.PODS_LIST_PATH)
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, 'healthz')

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        token = self.get_auth_token()
        if token:
            tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        return tls_settings

    def get_kube_labels(self, excluded_keys=None):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_labels(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_labels(self, pods_list, excluded_keys=None):
        Extract labels from a list of pods coming from
        the kubelet API.
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels")
            if name and labels and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:

                    kube_labels[key].append(u"kube_%s:%s" % (k, v))

        return kube_labels

    def extract_meta(self, pods_list, field_name):
        Exctract fields like `uid` or `name` from the `metadata` section of a
        list of pods coming from the kubelet API.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        uids = []
        pods = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for p in pods:
            value = p.get('metadata', {}).get(field_name)
            if value is not None:
        return uids

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return retrieve_json(self.pods_list_url)

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def filter_pods_list(self, pods_list, host_ip):
        Filter out (in place) pods that are not running on the given host.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        pod_items = pods_list.get('items') or []
        log.debug('Found {} pods to filter'.format(len(pod_items)))

        filtered_pods = []
        for pod in pod_items:
            status = pod.get('status', {})
            if status.get('hostIP') == host_ip:
        log.debug('Pods after filtering: {}'.format(len(filtered_pods)))

        pods_list['items'] = filtered_pods
        return pods_list

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, timeout=10):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('ssl validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get('bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)} if bearer_token else None

        r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert)
        return r.json()

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet or kubernetes API.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data", str(e))

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.host_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' % event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.
            with open(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e))

        return None
Esempio n. 7
class KubeUtil:

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    DEPLOYMENTS_LIST_PATH = 'deployments/'
    REPLICASETS_LIST_PATH = 'replicasets/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = 'pods/'
    SERVICES_LIST_PATH = 'services/'
    NODES_LIST_PATH = 'nodes/'
    ENDPOINTS_LIST_PATH = 'endpoints/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, instance=None):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if instance is None:
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                instance = check_config['instances'][0]
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                instance = {}
            except Exception:
                    'Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                    'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...'
                instance = {}

        self.timeoutSeconds = instance.get("timeoutSeconds",
        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD) = instance.get("host") or self.docker_util.get_hostname()
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')

        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port',
        self.kubelet_port = instance.get('kubelet_port',
        self.master_method = instance.get('master_method',
        self.master_name = instance.get('master_name',
        self.master_port = instance.get('master_port',
        self.use_kube_auth = instance.get('use_kube_auth',

        self.kubelet_api_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method,,
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method,,
        self.master_host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') or (
            '%s:%d' % (self.master_name, self.master_port))
        self.kubernetes_api_url = '%s://%s/api/v1/' % (self.master_method,
        self.kubernetes_api_extension_url = '%s://%s/apis/extensions/v1beta1/' % (
            self.master_method, self.master_host)

        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url,
        self.nodes_list_url = urljoin(self.kubernetes_api_url,
        self.services_list_url = urljoin(self.kubernetes_api_url,
        self.endpoints_list_url = urljoin(self.kubernetes_api_url,
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubernetes_api_url,
        self.deployments_list_url = urljoin(self.kubernetes_api_extension_url,

        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, 'healthz')

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = defaultdict(int)

    def get_kube_labels(self, excluded_keys=None):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_labels(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_labels(self, pods_list, excluded_keys=None):
        Extract labels from a list of pods coming from
        the kubelet API.
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            pod_labels = self.extract_metadata_labels(metadata, excluded_keys)

        return kube_labels

    def extract_metadata_labels(self,
        Extract labels from metadata section coming from the kubelet API.
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        name = metadata.get("name")
        namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
        labels = metadata.get("labels")
        if name and labels:
            if namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)
                key = name

            for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                if k in excluded_keys:
                if add_kube_prefix:
                    kube_labels[key].append(u"kube_%s:%s" % (k, v))
                    kube_labels[key].append(u"%s:%s" % (k, v))
        return kube_labels

    def extract_meta(self, pods_list, field_name):
        Exctract fields like `uid` or `name` from the `metadata` section of a
        list of pods coming from the kubelet API.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        uids = []
        pods = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for p in pods:
            value = p.get('metadata', {}).get(field_name)
            if value is not None:
        return uids

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(url=self.pods_list_url)

    def retrieve_endpoints_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of endpoints for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of endpoints could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(url=self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(url=self.metrics_url)

    def retrieve_nodes_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of nodes for this cluster querying the kublet API.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(self.nodes_list_url)

    def retrieve_services_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of services for this cluster querying the kublet API.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(

    def retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(self, url):
        if self.use_kube_auth:
            return self.retrieve_json_auth(url=url,
            return retrieve_json(url=url, timeout=self.timeoutSeconds)

    def retrieve_deployments_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of deployments for this cluster querying the kublet API extensions.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(

    def retrieve_replicaset_filtered_list(self,
        Retrieve the list of replicasets for given parameters, namespace and labels selector.

        The replicaset filter is very similar to how it is implemented in kubernetes dashboard:
        if labels_dict and len(labels_dict) > 0:
            params = "?labelSelector=%s" % self._to_label_selector(labels_dict)
            params = ""

        if namespace:
            fetch_url = "%snamespaces/%s/%s%s" % (
                self.kubernetes_api_extension_url, namespace,
                KubeUtil.REPLICASETS_LIST_PATH, params)
            fetch_url = "%s%s%s" % (self.kubernetes_api_extension_url,
                                    KubeUtil.REPLICASETS_LIST_PATH, params)

        return self._retrieve_replicaset_list(fetch_url=fetch_url)

    def _retrieve_replicaset_list(self, fetch_url):
        Retrieve the list of replicasets for given parameters, namespace and labels selector.
        return self.retrieve_json_with_optional_auth(url=fetch_url)

    def _to_label_selector(self, labels_dict):
        Render labels dict {'app': 'nginxapp', 'pod-template-hash': 275046495} to a label selector in a form "app%3Dnginxapp,pod-template-hash%3D275046495"
        labels = [
            "%s%%3D%s" % (name, value) for name, value in labels_dict.items()
        return ",".join(labels)

    def filter_pods_list(self, pods_list, host_ip):
        Filter out (in place) pods that are not running on the given host.

        TODO: currently not in use, was added to support events filtering, consider to remove it.
        pod_items = pods_list.get('items') or []
        log.debug('Found {} pods to filter'.format(len(pod_items)))

        filtered_pods = []
        for pod in pod_items:
            status = pod.get('status', {})
            if status.get('hostIP') == host_ip:
        log.debug('Pods after filtering: {}'.format(len(filtered_pods)))

        pods_list['items'] = filtered_pods
        return pods_list

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, auth_token, timeout=10):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod.

        We try to verify ssl certificate if available.
        verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(
            self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('ssl validation: {}'.format(verify))
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(auth_token)}
        r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify)
        return r.json()

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet or kubernetes API.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
                "Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data",

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.host_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' %
                        event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.
            with open(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(
                cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e))

        return None
Esempio n. 8
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH = '/healthz'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, instance=None):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if instance is None:
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                instance = check_config['instances'][0]
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                instance = {}
            except Exception:
                    'Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                    'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...'
                instance = {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD)
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        # apiserver
        self.kubernetes_api_url = 'https://%s/api/v1' % (
            or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME)

        # kubelet
            self.kubelet_api_url = self._locate_kubelet(instance)
            if not self.kubelet_api_url:
                raise Exception(
                    "Couldn't find a method to connect to kubelet.")
        except Exception as ex:
                "Kubernetes check exiting, cannot run without access to kubelet."
            raise ex

        self.kubelet_host = self.kubelet_api_url.split(':')[1].lstrip('/')
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,

        # cadvisor
        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port',
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host,
        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url,

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        # apiserver
        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(
                client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        token = self.get_auth_token()
        if token:
            tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        # kubelet
        kubelet_client_crt = instance.get('kubelet_client_crt')
        kubelet_client_key = instance.get('kubelet_client_key')
        if kubelet_client_crt and kubelet_client_key and os.path.exists(
                kubelet_client_crt) and os.path.exists(kubelet_client_key):
            tls_settings['kubelet_client_cert'] = (kubelet_client_crt,

        cert = instance.get('kubelet_cert')
        if cert:
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = cert
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = instance.get(
                'kubelet_tls_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        return tls_settings

    def _locate_kubelet(self, instance):
        Kubelet may or may not accept un-authenticated http requests.
        If it doesn't we need to use its HTTPS API that may or may not
        require auth.
        host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or instance.get(
        if not host:
            # if no hostname was provided, use the docker hostname if cert
            # validation is not required, the kubernetes hostname otherwise.
            docker_hostname = self.docker_util.get_hostname(
            if self.tls_settings.get('kubelet_verify'):
                    k8s_hostname = self.get_node_hostname(docker_hostname)
                    host = k8s_hostname or docker_hostname
                except Exception as ex:
                    host = docker_hostname
                host = docker_hostname
            # check if the no-auth endpoint is enabled
            port = instance.get('kubelet_port',
            no_auth_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (host, port)
            test_url = urljoin(no_auth_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return no_auth_url
        except Exception:
                "Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode."

        port = instance.get('kubelet_port',

        https_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(https_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)

        return https_url

    def get_node_hostname(self, host):
        Query the API server for the kubernetes hostname of the node
        using the docker hostname as a filter.
        node_filter = {'labelSelector': '' % host}
        node = self.retrieve_json_auth(self.kubernetes_api_url +
                                       '/nodes?%s' % urlencode(node_filter))
        if len(node['items']) != 1:
                'Error while getting node hostname: expected 1 node, got %s.' %
            addresses = (node or {}).get('items',
                                                      {}).get('addresses', [])
            for address in addresses:
                if address.get('type') == 'Hostname':
                    return address['address']
        return None

    def get_kube_labels(self, excluded_keys=None):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_labels(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_labels(self, pods_list, excluded_keys=None):
        Extract labels from a list of pods coming from
        the kubelet API.
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels")
            if name and labels and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:

                    kube_labels[key].append(u"kube_%s:%s" % (k, v))

        return kube_labels

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.perform_kubelet_query(self.pods_list_url).json()

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def perform_kubelet_query(self, url, verbose=True, timeout=10):
        Perform and return a GET request against kubelet. Support auth and TLS validation.
        tls_context = self.tls_settings

        headers = None
        cert = tls_context.get('kubelet_client_cert')
        verify = tls_context.get('kubelet_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        # if cert-based auth is enabled, don't use the token.
        if not cert and url.lower().startswith('https'):
            headers = {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.get_auth_token())

        return requests.get(url,
                            params={'verbose': verbose})

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, timeout=10, verify=None):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(
                self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('tls validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get(
            'bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)
        } if bearer_token else None

        r = requests.get(url,
        return r.json()

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
                "Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data",

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.host_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' %
                        event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.
            with open(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(
                cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e))

        return None
Esempio n. 9
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH = '/healthz'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, instance=None):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if instance is None:
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                instance = check_config['instances'][0]
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                instance = {}
            except Exception:
                    'Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                    'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...'
                instance = {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD)
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        # apiserver
        self.kubernetes_api_url = 'https://%s/api/v1' % (
            or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME)

        # kubelet
            self.kubelet_api_url = self._locate_kubelet(instance)
            if not self.kubelet_api_url:
                raise Exception(
                    "Couldn't find a method to connect to kubelet.")
        except Exception as ex:
                "Kubernetes check exiting, cannot run without access to kubelet."
            raise ex

        # Service mapping helper class
        self._service_mapper = PodServiceMapper(self)

        self.kubelet_host = self.kubelet_api_url.split(':')[1].lstrip('/')
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url,
        self.kube_label_prefix = instance.get('label_to_tag_prefix',

        # cadvisor
        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port',
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host,
        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url,

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        # apiserver
        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(
                client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        token = self.get_auth_token()
        if token:
            tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        # kubelet
        kubelet_client_crt = instance.get('kubelet_client_crt')
        kubelet_client_key = instance.get('kubelet_client_key')
        if kubelet_client_crt and kubelet_client_key and os.path.exists(
                kubelet_client_crt) and os.path.exists(kubelet_client_key):
            tls_settings['kubelet_client_cert'] = (kubelet_client_crt,

        cert = instance.get('kubelet_cert')
        if cert:
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = cert
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = instance.get(
                'kubelet_tls_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        return tls_settings

    def _locate_kubelet(self, instance):
        Kubelet may or may not accept un-authenticated http requests.
        If it doesn't we need to use its HTTPS API that may or may not
        require auth.
        host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or instance.get(
        if not host:
            # if no hostname was provided, use the docker hostname if cert
            # validation is not required, the kubernetes hostname otherwise.
            docker_hostname = self.docker_util.get_hostname(
            if self.tls_settings.get('kubelet_verify'):
                    k8s_hostname = self.get_node_hostname(docker_hostname)
                    host = k8s_hostname or docker_hostname
                except Exception as ex:
                    host = docker_hostname
                host = docker_hostname
            # check if the no-auth endpoint is enabled
            port = instance.get('kubelet_port',
            no_auth_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (host, port)
            test_url = urljoin(no_auth_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return no_auth_url
        except Exception:
                "Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode."

        port = instance.get('kubelet_port',

        https_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(https_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)

        return https_url

    def get_node_hostname(self, host):
        Query the API server for the kubernetes hostname of the node
        using the docker hostname as a filter.
        node_filter = {'labelSelector': '' % host}
        node = self.retrieve_json_auth(self.kubernetes_api_url +
                                       '/nodes?%s' % urlencode(node_filter))
        if len(node['items']) != 1:
                'Error while getting node hostname: expected 1 node, got %s.' %
            addresses = (node or {}).get('items',
                                                      {}).get('addresses', [])
            for address in addresses:
                if address.get('type') == 'Hostname':
                    return address['address']
        return None

    def get_kube_pod_tags(self, excluded_keys=None):
        Gets pods' labels as tags + creator and service tags.
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_pod_tags(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_pod_tags(self,
        Extract labels + creator and service tags from a list of
        pods coming from the kubelet API.

        :param excluded_keys: labels to skip
        :param label_prefix: prefix for label->tag conversion, None defaults
        to the configuration option label_to_tag_prefix
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        label_prefix = label_prefix or self.kube_label_prefix
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels", {})
            if name and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                # Extract creator tags
                podtags = self.get_pod_creator_tags(metadata)

                # Extract services tags
                for service in self.match_services_for_pod(metadata):
                    if service is not None:
                        podtags.append(u'kube_service:%s' % service)

                # Extract labels
                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:
                    podtags.append(u"%s%s:%s" % (label_prefix, k, v))

                kube_labels[key] = podtags

        return kube_labels

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.perform_kubelet_query(self.pods_list_url).json()

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def get_deployment_for_replicaset(self, rs_name):
        Get the deployment name for a given replicaset name
        For now, the rs name's first part always is the deployment's name, see
        But it might change in a future k8s version. The other way to match RS and deployments is
        to parse and cache /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets, mirroring PodServiceMapper
        end = rs_name.rfind("-")
        if end > 0 and rs_name[end + 1:].isdigit():
            return rs_name[0:end]
            return None

    def perform_kubelet_query(self, url, verbose=True, timeout=10):
        Perform and return a GET request against kubelet. Support auth and TLS validation.
        tls_context = self.tls_settings

        headers = None
        cert = tls_context.get('kubelet_client_cert')
        verify = tls_context.get('kubelet_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        # if cert-based auth is enabled, don't use the token.
        if not cert and url.lower().startswith('https'):
            headers = {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.get_auth_token())

        return requests.get(url,
                            params={'verbose': verbose})

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, timeout=10, verify=None, params=None):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(
                self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('tls validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get(
            'bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)
        } if bearer_token else None

        r = requests.get(url,
        return r.json()

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
                "Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data",

        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            if name == self.host_name:
                status = pod.get('status', {})
                spec = pod.get('spec', {})
                # if not found, use an empty string - we use None as "not initialized"
                self._node_ip = status.get('hostIP', '')
                self._node_name = spec.get('nodeName', '')

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' %
                        event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.
            with open(cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(
                cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e))

        return None

    def check_services_cache_freshness(self):
        Entry point for sd_docker_backend to check whether to invalidate the cached services
        For now, we remove the whole cache as the fill_service_cache logic
        doesn't handle partial lookups

        We use the event's resourceVersion, as using the service's version wouldn't catch deletion
        return self._service_mapper.check_services_cache_freshness()

    def match_services_for_pod(self, pod_metadata, refresh=False):
        Match the pods labels with services' label selectors to determine the list
        of services that point to that pod. Returns an array of service names.

        Pass refresh=True if you want to bypass the cached cid->services mapping (after a service change)
        s = self._service_mapper.match_services_for_pod(pod_metadata,
        #log.warning("Matches for %s: %s" % (pod_metadata.get('name'), str(s)))
        return s

    def get_event_retriever(self, namespaces=None, kinds=None):
        Returns a KubeEventRetriever object ready for action
        return KubeEventRetriever(self, namespaces, kinds)

    def match_containers_for_pods(self, pod_uids, podlist=None):
        Reads a set of pod uids and returns the set of docker
        container ids they manage
        podlist should be a recent self.retrieve_pods_list return value,
        if not given that method will be called
        cids = set()

        if not isinstance(pod_uids, set) or len(pod_uids) < 1:
            return cids

        if podlist is None:
            podlist = self.retrieve_pods_list()

        for pod in podlist.get('items', {}):
            uid = pod.get('metadata', {}).get('uid', None)
            if uid in pod_uids:
                for container in pod.get('status',
                                         {}).get('containerStatuses', None):
                    id = container.get('containerID', "")
                    if id.startswith("docker://"):

        return cids

    def get_pod_creator(self, pod_metadata):
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a
        tuple (creator_kind, creator_name)

        This allows for consitency across code path
            created_by = json.loads(
            creator_kind = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('kind')
            creator_name = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('name')
            return (creator_kind, creator_name)
        except Exception:
            log.debug('Could not parse creator for pod ' +
                      pod_metadata.get('name', ''))
            return (None, None)

    def get_pod_creator_tags(self,
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a list of tags
        in the form kube_$kind:$name, ready to add to the metrics
            tags = []
            creator_kind, creator_name = self.get_pod_creator(pod_metadata)
            if creator_kind in CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG and creator_name:
                tags.append("%s:%s" %
                            (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG[creator_kind], creator_name))
                if creator_kind == 'ReplicaSet':
                    deployment = self.get_deployment_for_replicaset(
                    if deployment:
                            "%s:%s" %
                            (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG['Deployment'], deployment))
            if legacy_rep_controller_tag and creator_kind != 'ReplicationController' and creator_name:

            return tags
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Could not parse creator tags for pod ' +
            return []

    def process_events(self, event_array, podlist=None):
        Reads a list of kube events, invalidates caches and and computes a set
        of containers impacted by the changes, to refresh service discovery
        Pod creation/deletion events are ignored for now, as docker_daemon already
        sends container creation/deletion events to SD

        Pod->containers matching is done using match_containers_for_pods
            pods = set()
            if self._service_mapper:
            return self.match_containers_for_pods(pods, podlist)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Error processing events %s: %s" %
                        (str(event_array), e))
            return set()
Esempio n. 10
class DockerDaemon(AgentCheck):
    """Collect metrics and events from Docker API and cgroups."""

    def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
        if instances is not None and len(instances) > 1:
            raise Exception("Docker check only supports one configured instance.")
        AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config,
                            agentConfig, instances=instances)
        self.init_success = False
        self._service_discovery = agentConfig.get('service_discovery') and \
            agentConfig.get('service_discovery_backend') == 'docker'

        global_labels_as_tags = agentConfig.get('docker_labels_as_tags')
        if global_labels_as_tags:
            self.collect_labels_as_tags = [label.strip() for label in global_labels_as_tags.split(',')]
            self.collect_labels_as_tags = DEFAULT_LABELS_AS_TAGS

    def init(self):
            instance = self.instances[0]

            # Getting custom tags for service checks when docker is down
            self.custom_tags = instance.get("tags", [])

            self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
            if not self.docker_util.client:
                raise Exception("Failed to initialize Docker client.")

            self.docker_gateway = DockerUtil.get_gateway()
            self.metadata_collector = MetadataCollector()

            self.kubeutil = None
            if Platform.is_k8s():
                    self.kubeutil = KubeUtil()
                except Exception as ex:
                    self.log.error("Couldn't instantiate the kubernetes client, "
                                   "subsequent kubernetes calls will fail as well. Error: %s" % str(ex))

            # We configure the check with the right cgroup settings for this host
            # Just needs to be done once
            self._mountpoints = self.docker_util.get_mountpoints(CGROUP_METRICS)
            self._latest_size_query = 0
            self._filtered_containers = set()
            self._disable_net_metrics = False

            # Set tagging options
            # The collect_labels_as_tags is legacy, only tagging docker metrics.
            # It is replaced by docker_labels_as_tags in datadog.conf.
            # We keep this line for backward compatibility.
            if "collect_labels_as_tags" in instance:
                self.collect_labels_as_tags = instance.get("collect_labels_as_tags")

            self.kube_pod_tags = {}

            self.use_histogram = _is_affirmative(instance.get('use_histogram', False))
            performance_tags = instance.get("performance_tags", DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_TAGS)

            self.tag_names = {
                CONTAINER: instance.get("container_tags", DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TAGS),
                PERFORMANCE: performance_tags,
                IMAGE: instance.get('image_tags', DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAGS)

            # Set filtering settings
            if self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:
                self.tag_names[FILTERED] = self.docker_util.filtered_tag_names

            # Container network mapping cache
            self.network_mappings = {}

            # get the health check whitelist
            self.whitelist_patterns = None
            health_scs_whitelist = instance.get('health_service_check_whitelist', [])
            if health_scs_whitelist:
                patterns, whitelist_tags = compile_filter_rules(health_scs_whitelist)
                self.whitelist_patterns = set(patterns)
                self.tag_names[HEALTHCHECK] = set(whitelist_tags)

            # Other options
            self.collect_image_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', False))
            self.collect_container_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_size', False))
            self.collect_container_count = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_count', False))
            self.collect_volume_count = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_volume_count', False))
            self.collect_events = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_events', True))
            self.event_attributes_as_tags = instance.get('event_attributes_as_tags', [])
            self.collect_image_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_image_size', False))
            self.collect_disk_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_disk_stats', False))
            self.collect_exit_codes = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_exit_codes', False))
            self.collect_ecs_tags = _is_affirmative(instance.get('ecs_tags', True)) and Platform.is_ecs_instance()

            self.filtered_event_types = tuple(instance.get("filtered_event_types", DEFAULT_FILTERED_EVENT_TYPES))

            self.capped_metrics = instance.get('capped_metrics')

        except Exception as e:
            self.warning("Initialization failed. Will retry at next iteration")
            self.init_success = True

    def check(self, instance):
        """Run the Docker check for one instance."""
        if not self.init_success:
            # Initialization can fail if cgroups are not ready or docker daemon is down. So we retry if needed

                if self.docker_util.client is None:
                    message = "Unable to connect to Docker daemon"
                    self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
                                       message=message, tags=self.custom_tags)
            except Exception as ex:
                self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
                                   message=str(ex), tags=self.custom_tags)

            if not self.init_success:
                # Initialization failed, will try later

            # Report image metrics
            if self.collect_image_stats:

            if Platform.is_k8s():
                self.kube_pod_tags = {}
                if self.kubeutil:
                        self.kube_pod_tags = self.kubeutil.get_kube_pod_tags()
                    except Exception as e:
                        self.log.warning('Could not retrieve kubernetes labels: %s', e)

            # containers running with custom cgroups?
            custom_cgroups = _is_affirmative(instance.get('custom_cgroups', False))

            # Get the list of containers and the index of their names
            health_service_checks = True if self.whitelist_patterns else False
            containers_by_id = self._get_and_count_containers(custom_cgroups, health_service_checks)
            containers_by_id = self._crawl_container_pids(containers_by_id, custom_cgroups)

            # Send events from Docker API
            if self.collect_events or self._service_discovery or not self._disable_net_metrics or self.collect_exit_codes:

            # Report performance container metrics (cpu, mem, net, io)

            if self.collect_container_size:

            if self.collect_container_count:

            if self.collect_volume_count:

            # Collect disk stats from Docker info command
            if self.collect_disk_stats:

            if health_service_checks:
            self.log.exception("Docker_daemon check failed")
            self.warning("Check failed. Will retry at next iteration")

        if self.capped_metrics:

    def _count_and_weigh_images(self):
            tags = self._get_tags()
            active_images = self.docker_util.client.images(all=False)
            active_images_len = len(active_images)
            all_images_len = len(self.docker_util.client.images(quiet=True, all=True))
            self.gauge("docker.images.available", active_images_len, tags=tags)
            self.gauge("docker.images.intermediate", (all_images_len - active_images_len), tags=tags)

            if self.collect_image_size:

        except Exception as e:
            # It's not an important metric, keep going if it fails
            self.warning("Failed to count Docker images. Exception: %s", e)

    def _get_and_count_containers(self, custom_cgroups=False, healthchecks=False):
        """List all the containers from the API, filter and count them."""

        # Querying the size of containers is slow, we don't do it at each run
        must_query_size = self.collect_container_size and self._latest_size_query == 0
        self._latest_size_query = (self._latest_size_query + 1) % SIZE_REFRESH_RATE

        running_containers_count = Counter()
        all_containers_count = Counter()

            containers = self.docker_util.client.containers(all=True, size=must_query_size)
        except Exception as e:
            message = "Unable to list Docker containers: {0}".format(e)
            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
                               message=message, tags=self.custom_tags)
            raise Exception(message)

            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=self.custom_tags)

        # Create a set of filtered containers based on the exclude/include rules
        # and cache these rules in docker_util

        containers_by_id = {}

        for container in containers:
            container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]

            container_status_tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)

            all_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1
            if self._is_container_running(container):
                running_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1

            # Check if the container is included/excluded via its tags
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Container %s is excluded", container_name)

            containers_by_id[container['Id']] = container

            # grab pid via API if custom cgroups - otherwise we won't find process when
            # crawling for pids.
            if custom_cgroups or healthchecks:
                    inspect_dict = self.docker_util.client.inspect_container(container_name)
                    container['_pid'] = inspect_dict['State']['Pid']
                    container['health'] = inspect_dict['State'].get('Health', {})
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.debug("Unable to inspect Docker container: %s", e)

        total_count = 0
        # TODO: deprecate these 2, they should be replaced by _report_container_count
        for tags, count in running_containers_count.iteritems():
            total_count += count
            self.gauge("docker.containers.running", count, tags=list(tags))
        self.gauge("", total_count, tags=self.custom_tags)

        total_count = 0
        for tags, count in all_containers_count.iteritems():
            stopped_count = count - running_containers_count[tags]
            total_count += stopped_count
            self.gauge("docker.containers.stopped", stopped_count, tags=list(tags))
        self.gauge("", total_count, tags=self.custom_tags)

        return containers_by_id

    def _is_container_running(self, container):
        """Tell if a container is running, according to its status.

        There is no "nice" API field to figure it out. We just look at the "Status" field, knowing how it is generated.
        return container["Status"].startswith("Up") or container["Status"].startswith("Restarting")

    def _get_tags(self, entity=None, tag_type=None):
        """Generate the tags for a given entity (container or image) according to a list of tag names."""
        # Start with custom tags
        tags = list(self.custom_tags)

        # Collect pod names as tags on kubernetes
        if Platform.is_k8s() and KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:

        # Collect container names as tags on rancher
        if Platform.is_rancher():
            if RANCHER_CONTAINER_NAME not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
            if RANCHER_SVC_NAME not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
            if RANCHER_STACK_NAME not in self.collect_labels_as_tags:

        if entity is not None:
            pod_name = None
            namespace = None
            # Get labels as tags
            labels = entity.get("Labels")
            if labels is not None:
                for k in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
                    if k in labels:
                        v = labels[k]
                        if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s():
                            pod_name = v
                            k = "pod_name"
                            if "-" in pod_name:
                                replication_controller = "-".join(pod_name.split("-")[:-1])
                                if "/" in replication_controller:  # k8s <= 1.1
                                    namespace, replication_controller = replication_controller.split("/", 1)

                                elif KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL in labels:  # k8s >= 1.2
                                    namespace = labels[KubeUtil.NAMESPACE_LABEL]

                                tags.append("kube_namespace:%s" % namespace)
                                tags.append("kube_replication_controller:%s" % replication_controller)
                                tags.append("pod_name:%s" % pod_name)

                        elif k == KubeUtil.CONTAINER_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s():
                            if v:
                                tags.append("kube_container_name:%s" % v)
                        elif k == SWARM_SVC_LABEL and Platform.is_swarm():
                            if v:
                                tags.append("swarm_service:%s" % v)
                        elif k == RANCHER_CONTAINER_NAME and Platform.is_rancher():
                            if v:
                                tags.append('rancher_container:%s' % v)
                        elif k == RANCHER_SVC_NAME and Platform.is_rancher():
                            if v:
                                tags.append('rancher_service:%s' % v)
                        elif k == RANCHER_STACK_NAME and Platform.is_rancher():
                            if v:
                                tags.append('rancher_stack:%s' % v)

                        elif not v:

                            tags.append("%s:%s" % (k, v))

                    if k == KubeUtil.POD_NAME_LABEL and Platform.is_k8s() and k not in labels:

            # Get entity specific tags
            if tag_type is not None:
                tag_names = self.tag_names[tag_type]
                for tag_name in tag_names:
                    tag_value = self._extract_tag_value(entity, tag_name)
                    if tag_value is not None:
                        for t in tag_value:
                            tags.append('%s:%s' % (tag_name, str(t).strip()))

            # Add kube labels and creator/service tags
            if Platform.is_k8s() and namespace and pod_name:
                kube_tags = self.kube_pod_tags.get("{0}/{1}".format(namespace, pod_name))
                if kube_tags:

            if self.metadata_collector.has_detected():
                orch_tags = self.metadata_collector.get_container_tags(co=entity)

        return tags

    def _extract_tag_value(self, entity, tag_name):
        """Extra tag information from the API result (containers or images).
        Cache extracted tags inside the entity object.
        if tag_name not in TAG_EXTRACTORS:
            self.warning("%s isn't a supported tag", tag_name)

        # Check for already extracted tags
        if "_tag_values" not in entity:
            entity["_tag_values"] = {}

        if tag_name not in entity["_tag_values"]:
            entity["_tag_values"][tag_name] = TAG_EXTRACTORS[tag_name](entity)

        return entity["_tag_values"][tag_name]

    def _filter_containers(self, containers):
        if not self.docker_util.filtering_enabled:

        self._filtered_containers = set()
        for container in containers:
            container_tags = self._get_tags(container, FILTERED)
            # exclude/include patterns are stored in docker_util to share them with other container-related checks
            if self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(container_tags):
                container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
                self.log.debug("Container %s is filtered", container_name)

    def _is_container_excluded(self, container):
        """Check if a container is excluded according to the filter rules.

        Requires _filter_containers to run first.
        container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
        return container_name in self._filtered_containers

    def _report_container_size(self, containers_by_id):
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
            m_func = FUNC_MAP[GAUGE][self.use_histogram]
            if "SizeRw" in container:
                m_func(self, 'docker.container.size_rw', container['SizeRw'],
            if "SizeRootFs" in container:
                    self, 'docker.container.size_rootfs', container['SizeRootFs'],

    def _send_container_healthcheck_sc(self, containers_by_id):
        """Send health service checks for containers."""
        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
            healthcheck_tags = self._get_tags(container, HEALTHCHECK)
            match = False
            for tag in healthcheck_tags:
                for rule in self.whitelist_patterns:
                    if re.match(rule, tag):
                        match = True


                if match:

    def _submit_healthcheck_sc(self, container):
        health = container.get('health', {})
        status = AgentCheck.UNKNOWN
        if health:
            _health = health.get('Status', '')
            if _health == 'unhealthy':
                status = AgentCheck.CRITICAL
            elif _health == 'healthy':
                status = AgentCheck.OK

        tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)
        self.service_check(HEALTHCHECK_SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, status, tags=tags)

    def _report_container_count(self, containers_by_id):
        """Report container count per state"""
        m_func = FUNC_MAP[GAUGE][self.use_histogram]

        per_state_count = defaultdict(int)

        filterlambda = lambda ctr: not self._is_container_excluded(ctr)
        containers = list(filter(filterlambda, containers_by_id.values()))

        for ctr in containers:
            per_state_count[ctr.get('State', '')] += 1

        for state in per_state_count:
            if state:
                m_func(self, 'docker.container.count', per_state_count[state], tags=['container_state:%s' % state.lower()])

    def _report_volume_count(self):
        """Report volume count per state (dangling or not)"""
        m_func = FUNC_MAP[GAUGE][self.use_histogram]

        attached_volumes = self.docker_util.client.volumes(filters={'dangling': False})
        dangling_volumes = self.docker_util.client.volumes(filters={'dangling': True})
        attached_count = len(attached_volumes.get('Volumes', []) or [])
        dangling_count = len(dangling_volumes.get('Volumes', []) or [])
        m_func(self, 'docker.volume.count', attached_count, tags=['volume_state:attached'])
        m_func(self, 'docker.volume.count', dangling_count, tags=['volume_state:dangling'])

    def _report_image_size(self, images):
        for image in images:
            tags = self._get_tags(image, IMAGE)
            if 'VirtualSize' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.virtual_size', image['VirtualSize'], tags=tags)
            if 'Size' in image:
                self.gauge('docker.image.size', image['Size'], tags=tags)

    # Performance metrics

    def _report_performance_metrics(self, containers_by_id):

        containers_without_proc_root = []
        for container_id, container in containers_by_id.iteritems():
            if self._is_container_excluded(container) or not self._is_container_running(container):

            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)

                self._report_cgroup_metrics(container, tags)
                if "_proc_root" not in container:
                self._report_net_metrics(container, tags)
            except BogusPIDException as e:
                self.log.warning('Unable to report cgroup metrics for container %s: %s', container_id[:12], e)

        if containers_without_proc_root:
            message = "Couldn't find pid directory for containers: {0}. They'll be missing network metrics".format(
                ", ".join(containers_without_proc_root))
            if not Platform.is_k8s():
                # On kubernetes, this is kind of expected. Network metrics will be collected by the kubernetes integration anyway

    def _report_cgroup_metrics(self, container, tags):
        cgroup_stat_file_failures = 0
        if not container.get('_pid'):
            raise BogusPIDException('Cannot report on bogus pid(0)')

        for cgroup in CGROUP_METRICS:
                stat_file = self._get_cgroup_from_proc(cgroup["cgroup"], container['_pid'], cgroup['file'])
            except MountException as e:
                # We can't find a stat file
                cgroup_stat_file_failures += 1
                if cgroup_stat_file_failures >= len(CGROUP_METRICS):
                    self.warning("Couldn't find the cgroup files. Skipping the CGROUP_METRICS for now.")
            except IOError as e:
                self.log.debug("Cannot read cgroup file, container likely raced to finish : %s", e)
                stats = self._parse_cgroup_file(stat_file)
                if stats:
                    for key, (dd_key, metric_func) in cgroup['metrics'].iteritems():
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if key in stats:
                            metric_func(self, dd_key, int(stats[key]), tags=tags)

                    # Computed metrics
                    for mname, (key_list, fct, metric_func) in cgroup.get('to_compute', {}).iteritems():
                        values = [stats[key] for key in key_list if key in stats]
                        if len(values) != len(key_list):
                            self.log.debug("Couldn't compute %s, some keys were missing.", mname)
                        value = fct(*values)
                        metric_func = FUNC_MAP[metric_func][self.use_histogram]
                        if value is not None:
                            metric_func(self, mname, value, tags=tags)

    def _report_net_metrics(self, container, tags):
        """Find container network metrics by looking at /proc/$PID/net/dev of the container process."""
        if self._disable_net_metrics:
            self.log.debug("Network metrics are disabled. Skipping")

        proc_net_file = os.path.join(container['_proc_root'], 'net/dev')

            if container['Id'] in self.network_mappings:
                networks = self.network_mappings[container['Id']]
                networks = self.docker_util.get_container_network_mapping(container)
                if not networks:
                    networks = {'eth0': 'bridge'}
                self.network_mappings[container['Id']] = networks
        except Exception as e:
            # Revert to previous behaviour if the method is missing or failing
            # Debug message will only appear once per container, then the cache is used
            self.log.debug("Failed to build docker network mapping, using failsafe. Exception: %s", e)
            networks = {'eth0': 'bridge'}
            self.network_mappings[container['Id']] = networks

            with open(proc_net_file, 'r') as fp:
                lines = fp.readlines()
                """Two first lines are headers:
                Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit
                 face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
                for l in lines[2:]:
                    cols = l.split(':', 1)
                    interface_name = str(cols[0]).strip()
                    if interface_name in networks:
                        net_tags = tags + ['docker_network:'+networks[interface_name]]
                        x = cols[1].split()
                        m_func = FUNC_MAP[RATE][self.use_histogram]
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[0]), net_tags)
                        m_func(self, "", long(x[8]), net_tags)

        except IOError as e:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now
            self.log.debug("Cannot read network interface file, container likely raced to finish : %s", e)

    def _invalidate_network_mapping_cache(self, api_events):
        for ev in api_events:
                if ev.get('Type') == 'network' and ev.get('Action').endswith('connect'):
                    container_id = ev.get('Actor').get('Attributes').get('container')
                    if container_id in self.network_mappings:
                        self.log.debug("Removing network mapping cache for container %s", container_id)
                        del self.network_mappings[container_id]
            except Exception:
                self.log.warning('Malformed network event: %s', str(ev))

    def _process_events(self, containers_by_id):
        api_events = self._get_events()

        if self.collect_exit_codes:
            self._report_exit_codes(api_events, containers_by_id)

        if self.collect_events:
                aggregated_events = self._pre_aggregate_events(api_events, containers_by_id)
                events = self._format_events(aggregated_events, containers_by_id)
            except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError):
                self.warning('Timeout when collecting events. Events will be missing.')
            except Exception as e:
                self.warning("Unexpected exception when collecting events: {0}. "
                             "Events will be missing".format(e))

            for ev in events:
                self.log.debug("Creating event: %s" % ev['msg_title'])

    def _get_events(self):
        """Get the list of events."""
        events, changed_container_ids = self.docker_util.get_events()
        if not self._disable_net_metrics:
        if changed_container_ids and self._service_discovery:
        if changed_container_ids:
        return events

    def _pre_aggregate_events(self, api_events, containers_by_id):
        # Aggregate events, one per image. Put newer events first.
        events = defaultdict(deque)
        for event in api_events:
            # Skip events related to filtered containers
            container = containers_by_id.get(event.get('id'))
            if container is not None and self._is_container_excluded(container):
                self.log.debug("Excluded event: container {0} status changed to {1}".format(
                    event['id'], event['status']))
            # from may be missing (for network events for example)
            if 'from' in event:
                image_name = event['from']
                if image_name.startswith('sha256:'):
                    image_name = self.docker_util.image_name_extractor({'Image': image_name})
        return events

    def _format_events(self, aggregated_events, containers_by_id):
        events = []
        for image_name, event_group in aggregated_events.iteritems():
            container_tags = set()
            filtered_events_count = 0
            normal_prio_events = []

            for event in event_group:
                # Only keep events that are not configured to be filtered out
                if event['status'].startswith(self.filtered_event_types):
                    filtered_events_count += 1
                container_name = event['id'][:11]

                if event['id'] in containers_by_id:
                    cont = containers_by_id[event['id']]
                    container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(cont)[0]
                    container_tags.update(self._get_tags(cont, PERFORMANCE))
                    container_tags.add('container_name:%s' % container_name)
                    # Add additional docker event attributes as tag
                    for attr in self.event_attributes_as_tags:
                        if attr in event['Actor']['Attributes'] and attr not in EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES:
                            container_tags.add('%s:%s' % (attr, event['Actor']['Attributes'][attr]))

                normal_prio_events.append((event, container_name))
            if filtered_events_count:
                self.log.debug('%d events were filtered out because of ignored event type', filtered_events_count)

            normal_event = self._create_dd_event(normal_prio_events, image_name, container_tags, priority='Normal')
            if normal_event:

        return events

    def _report_exit_codes(self, events, containers_by_id):
        for event in events:
            container_tags = set()
            container = containers_by_id.get(event.get('id'))
            # Skip events related to filtered containers
            if container is not None and self._is_container_excluded(container):

            # Report the exit code in case of a DIE event
            if container is not None and event['status'] == 'die':
                container_name = DockerUtil.container_name_extractor(container)[0]
                container_tags.update(self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER))
                container_tags.add('container_name:%s' % container_name)
                    exit_code = int(event['Actor']['Attributes']['exitCode'])
                    message = 'Container %s exited with %s' % (container_name, exit_code)
                    status = AgentCheck.OK if exit_code == 0 else AgentCheck.CRITICAL
                    self.service_check(EXIT_SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, status, tags=list(container_tags), message=message)
                except KeyError:
                    self.log.warning('Unable to collect the exit code for container %s', container_name)

    def _create_dd_event(self, events, image, c_tags, priority='Normal'):
        """Create the actual event to submit from a list of similar docker events"""
        if not events:

        max_timestamp = 0
        status = defaultdict(int)
        status_change = []

        for ev, c_name in events:
            max_timestamp = max(max_timestamp, int(ev['time']))
            status[ev['status']] += 1
            status_change.append([c_name, ev['status']])

        status_text = ", ".join(["%d %s" % (count, st) for st, count in status.iteritems()])
        msg_title = "%s %s on %s" % (image, status_text, self.hostname)
        msg_body = (
            "{image_name} {status} on {hostname}\n"
                ["%s \t%s" % (change[1].upper(), change[0]) for change in status_change])

        if any(error in status_text for error in ERROR_ALERT_TYPE):
            alert_type = "error"
            alert_type = None

        return {
            'timestamp': max_timestamp,
            'host': self.hostname,
            'event_type': EVENT_TYPE,
            'msg_title': msg_title,
            'msg_text': msg_body,
            'source_type_name': EVENT_TYPE,
            'event_object': 'docker:%s' % image,
            'tags': list(c_tags),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'priority': priority

    def _report_disk_stats(self):
        """Report metrics about the volume space usage"""
        stats = {
            '': None,
            '': None,
            '': None,
            'docker.metadata.used': None,
            '': None,
            '': None
            # these two are calculated by _calc_percent_disk_stats
            # '': None,
            # 'docker.metadata.percent': None
        info =
        driver_status = info.get('DriverStatus', [])
        if not driver_status:
            self.log.warning('Disk metrics collection is enabled but docker info did not'
                             ' report any. Your storage driver might not support them, skipping.')
        for metric in driver_status:
            # only consider metrics about disk space
            if len(metric) == 2 and 'Space' in metric[0]:
                # identify Data and Metadata metrics
                mtype = 'data'
                if 'Metadata' in metric[0]:
                    mtype = 'metadata'

                if 'Used' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Total' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
                elif 'Space Available' in metric[0]:
                    stats['docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype)] = metric[1]
        stats = self._format_disk_metrics(stats)
        tags = self._get_tags()
        for name, val in stats.iteritems():
            if val is not None:
                self.gauge(name, val, tags)

    def _format_disk_metrics(self, metrics):
        """Cast the disk stats to float and convert them to bytes"""
        for name, raw_val in metrics.iteritems():
            if raw_val:
                match =
                if match is None or len(match.groups()) != 2:
                    self.log.warning('Can\'t parse value %s for disk metric %s. Dropping it.', raw_val, name)
                    metrics[name] = None
                val, unit = match.groups()
                # by default some are uppercased others lowercased. That's error prone.
                unit = unit.lower()
                    val = int(float(val) * UNIT_MAP[unit])
                    metrics[name] = val
                except KeyError:
                    self.log.error('Unrecognized unit %s for disk metric %s. Dropping it.', unit, name)
                    metrics[name] = None
        return metrics

    def _calc_percent_disk_stats(self, stats):
        """Calculate a percentage of used disk space for data and metadata"""
        mtypes = ['data', 'metadata']
        percs = {}
        for mtype in mtypes:
            used = stats.get('docker.{0}.used'.format(mtype))
            total = stats.get('docker.{0}.total'.format(mtype))
            free = stats.get('docker.{0}.free'.format(mtype))
            if used and total and free and ceil(total) < free + used:
                self.log.debug('used, free, and total disk metrics may be wrong, '
                               'used: %s, free: %s, total: %s',
                               used, free, total)
                total = used + free
                if isinstance(used, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * float(used) / float(total), 2)
                elif isinstance(free, int):
                    percs['docker.{0}.percent'.format(mtype)] = round(100 * (1.0 - (float(free) / float(total))), 2)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                self.log.error('docker.{0}.total is 0, calculating docker.{1}.percent'
                               ' is not possible.'.format(mtype, mtype))
        return percs

    # Cgroups
    def _get_cgroup_from_proc(self, cgroup, pid, filename):
        """Find a specific cgroup file, containing metrics to extract."""
        params = {
            "file": filename,
        return DockerUtil.find_cgroup_from_proc(self._mountpoints, pid, cgroup, self.docker_util._docker_root) % (params)

    def _parse_cgroup_file(self, stat_file):
        """Parse a cgroup pseudo file for key/values."""
        self.log.debug("Opening cgroup file: %s", stat_file)
            with open(stat_file, 'r') as fp:
                if 'blkio' in stat_file:
                    return self._parse_blkio_metrics(
                elif 'cpuacct.usage' in stat_file:
                    return dict({'usage': str(int(})
                elif 'memory.soft_limit_in_bytes' in stat_file:
                    value = int(
                    # do not report kernel max default value (uint64 * 4096)
                    # see
                    # 2 ** 60 is kept for consistency of other cgroups metrics
                    if value < 2 ** 60:
                        return dict({'softlimit': value})
                elif 'memory.kmem.usage_in_bytes' in stat_file:
                    value = int(
                    if value < 2 ** 60:
                        return dict({'kmemusage': value})
                elif 'cpu.shares' in stat_file:
                    value = int(
                    return {'shares': value}
                    return dict(map(lambda x: x.split(' ', 1),
        except IOError:
            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now.
            # Some files can also be missing (like cpu.stat) and that's fine.
            self.log.debug("Can't open %s. Its metrics will be missing.", stat_file)

    def _parse_blkio_metrics(self, stats):
        """Parse the blkio metrics."""
        metrics = {
            'io_read': 0,
            'io_write': 0,
        for line in stats:
            if 'Read' in line:
                metrics['io_read'] += int(line.split()[2])
            if 'Write' in line:
                metrics['io_write'] += int(line.split()[2])
        return metrics

    def _is_container_cgroup(self, line, selinux_policy):
        if line[1] not in ('cpu,cpuacct', 'cpuacct,cpu', 'cpuacct') or line[2] == '/docker-daemon':
            return False
        if 'docker' in line[2]:  # general case
            return True
        if 'docker' in selinux_policy:  # selinux
            return True
        if line[2].startswith('/') and re.match(CONTAINER_ID_RE, line[2][1:]):  # kubernetes
            return True
        if line[2].startswith('/') and re.match(CONTAINER_ID_RE, line[2].split('/')[-1]): # kube 1.6+ qos hierarchy
            return True
        return False

    # proc files
    def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict, custom_cgroups=False):
        """Crawl `/proc` to find container PIDs and add them to `containers_by_id`."""
        proc_path = os.path.join(self.docker_util._docker_root, 'proc')
        pid_dirs = [_dir for _dir in os.listdir(proc_path) if _dir.isdigit()]

        if len(pid_dirs) == 0:
            self.warning("Unable to find any pid directory in {0}. "
                         "If you are running the agent in a container, make sure to "
                         'share the volume properly: "/proc:/host/proc:ro". '
                         "See for more information. "
                         "Network metrics will be missing".format(proc_path))
            self._disable_net_metrics = True
            return container_dict

        self._disable_net_metrics = False

        for folder in pid_dirs:
                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'cgroup')
                with open(path, 'r') as f:
                    content = [line.strip().split(':') for line in f.readlines()]

                selinux_policy = ''
                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'attr', 'current')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    with open(path, 'r') as f:
                        selinux_policy = f.readlines()[0]
            except IOError, e:
                #  Issue #2074
                self.log.debug("Cannot read %s, process likely raced to finish : %s", path, e)
            except Exception as e:
                self.warning("Cannot read %s : %s", path, e)

                for line in content:
                    if self._is_container_cgroup(line, selinux_policy):
                        cpuacct = line[2]

                matches = re.findall(CONTAINER_ID_RE, cpuacct)
                if matches:
                    container_id = matches[-1]
                    if container_id not in container_dict:
                            "Container %s not in container_dict, it's likely excluded", container_id
                    container_dict[container_id]['_pid'] = folder
                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)
                elif custom_cgroups:  # if we match by pid that should be enough (?) - O(n) ugh!
                    for _, container in container_dict.iteritems():
                        if container.get('_pid') == int(folder):
                            container['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)

            except Exception, e:
                self.warning("Cannot parse %s content: %s", path, e)
Esempio n. 11
class KubeUtil:
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    DEFAULT_METHOD = 'http'
    KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH = '/healthz'
    MACHINE_INFO_PATH = '/api/v1.3/machine/'
    METRICS_PATH = '/api/v1.3/subcontainers/'
    PODS_LIST_PATH = '/pods/'
    DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME = 'kubernetes'  # DNS name to reach the master from a pod.
    CA_CRT_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'
    AUTH_TOKEN_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/'

    NAMESPACE_LABEL = "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.docker_util = DockerUtil()
        if 'init_config' in kwargs and 'instance' in kwargs:
            init_config = kwargs.get('init_config', {})
            instance = kwargs.get('instance', {})
                config_file_path = get_conf_path(KUBERNETES_CHECK_NAME)
                check_config = check_yaml(config_file_path)
                init_config = check_config['init_config'] or {}
                instance = check_config['instances'][0] or {}
            # kubernetes.yaml was not found
            except IOError as ex:
                init_config, instance = {}, {}
            except Exception:
                log.error('Kubernetes configuration file is invalid. '
                          'Trying connecting to kubelet with default settings anyway...')
                init_config, instance = {}, {}

        self.method = instance.get('method', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_METHOD)
        self._node_ip = self._node_name = None  # lazy evaluation
        self.host_name = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')
        self.pod_name = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_POD_NAME') or self.host_name
        self.tls_settings = self._init_tls_settings(instance)

        # apiserver
        if 'api_server_url' in instance:
            self.kubernetes_api_root_url = instance.get('api_server_url')
            master_host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME
            master_port = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT') or self.DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT
            self.kubernetes_api_root_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (master_host, master_port)

        self.kubernetes_api_url = '%s/api/v1' % self.kubernetes_api_root_url

        # Service mapping helper class
        self._service_mapper = PodServiceMapper(self)
        from config import _is_affirmative
        self.collect_service_tag = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_service_tags', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_COLLECT_SERVICE_TAG))

        # leader status triggers event collection
        self.is_leader = False
        self.leader_elector = None
        self.leader_lease_duration = instance.get('leader_lease_duration')

        # kubelet
        # If kubelet_api_url is None, init_kubelet didn't succeed yet.
        self.init_success = False
        self.kubelet_api_url = None
        self.init_retry_interval = init_config.get('init_retry_interval', DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL)
        self.last_init_retry = None
        self.left_init_retries = init_config.get('init_retries', DEFAULT_INIT_RETRIES) + 1

        self.kube_label_prefix = instance.get('label_to_tag_prefix', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_LABEL_PREFIX)
        self.kube_node_labels = instance.get('node_labels_to_host_tags', {})

        # keep track of the latest k8s event we collected and posted
        # default value is 0 but TTL for k8s events is one hour anyways
        self.last_event_collection_ts = 0

    def _init_tls_settings(self, instance):
        Initialize TLS settings for connection to apiserver and kubelet.
        tls_settings = {}

        # apiserver
        client_crt = instance.get('apiserver_client_crt')
        client_key = instance.get('apiserver_client_key')
        apiserver_cacert = instance.get('apiserver_ca_cert')

        if client_crt and client_key and os.path.exists(client_crt) and os.path.exists(client_key):
            tls_settings['apiserver_client_cert'] = (client_crt, client_key)

        if apiserver_cacert and os.path.exists(apiserver_cacert):
            tls_settings['apiserver_cacert'] = apiserver_cacert

        # kubelet
        kubelet_client_crt = instance.get('kubelet_client_crt')
        kubelet_client_key = instance.get('kubelet_client_key')
        if kubelet_client_crt and kubelet_client_key and os.path.exists(kubelet_client_crt) and os.path.exists(kubelet_client_key):
            tls_settings['kubelet_client_cert'] = (kubelet_client_crt, kubelet_client_key)

        cert = instance.get('kubelet_cert')
        if cert:
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = cert
            tls_settings['kubelet_verify'] = instance.get('kubelet_tls_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        if ('apiserver_client_cert' not in tls_settings) or ('kubelet_client_cert' not in tls_settings):
            # Only lookup token if we don't have client certs for both
            token = self.get_auth_token(instance)
            if token:
                tls_settings['bearer_token'] = token

        return tls_settings

    def init_kubelet(self, instance):
        Handles the retry logic around _locate_kubelet.
        Once _locate_kubelet succeeds, initialize all kubelet-related
        URLs and settings.
        if self.left_init_retries == 0:
            raise Exception("Kubernetes client initialization failed permanently. "
                "Kubernetes-related features will fail.")

        now = time.time()

        # last retry was less than retry_interval ago
        if self.last_init_retry and now <= self.last_init_retry + self.init_retry_interval:
        # else it's the first try, or last retry was long enough ago
        self.last_init_retry = now
        self.left_init_retries -= 1

            self.kubelet_api_url = self._locate_kubelet(instance)
        except Exception as ex:
            log.error("Failed to initialize kubelet connection. Will retry %s time(s). Error: %s" % (self.left_init_retries, str(ex)))
        if not self.kubelet_api_url:
            log.error("Failed to initialize kubelet connection. Will retry %s time(s)." % self.left_init_retries)

        self.init_success = True

        self.kubelet_host = self.kubelet_api_url.split(':')[1].lstrip('/')
        self.pods_list_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, KubeUtil.PODS_LIST_PATH)
        self.kube_health_url = urljoin(self.kubelet_api_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)

        # namespace of the agent pod
            self.self_namespace = self.get_self_namespace()
        except Exception:
            log.warning("Failed to get the agent pod namespace, defaulting to default.")
            self.self_namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

        # cadvisor
        self.cadvisor_port = instance.get('port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_CADVISOR_PORT)
        self.cadvisor_url = '%s://%s:%d' % (self.method, self.kubelet_host, self.cadvisor_port)
        self.metrics_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.METRICS_PATH)
        self.machine_info_url = urljoin(self.cadvisor_url, KubeUtil.MACHINE_INFO_PATH)

    def _locate_kubelet(self, instance):
        Kubelet may or may not accept un-authenticated http requests.
        If it doesn't we need to use its HTTPS API that may or may not
        require auth.
        Returns the kubelet URL or raises.
        host = os.environ.get('KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST') or instance.get("host")
        if not host:
            # if no hostname was provided, use the docker hostname if cert
            # validation is not required, the kubernetes hostname otherwise.
            docker_hostname = self.docker_util.get_hostname(should_resolve=True)
            if self.tls_settings.get('kubelet_verify'):
                    k8s_hostname = self.get_node_hostname(docker_hostname)
                    host = k8s_hostname or docker_hostname
                except Exception as ex:
                    host = docker_hostname
                host = docker_hostname

        # check if the no-auth endpoint is enabled
        port = instance.get('kubelet_port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_KUBELET_PORT)
        no_auth_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(no_auth_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return no_auth_url
        except Exception:
            log.debug("Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode.")

        port = instance.get('kubelet_port', KubeUtil.DEFAULT_HTTPS_KUBELET_PORT)
        https_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (host, port)
        test_url = urljoin(https_url, KubeUtil.KUBELET_HEALTH_PATH)
            return https_url
        except Exception as ex:
            log.warning("Couldn't query kubelet over HTTP, assuming it's not in no_auth mode.")
            raise ex

    def get_self_namespace(self):
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        for pod in pods.get('items', []):
            if pod.get('metadata', {}).get('name') == self.pod_name:
                return pod['metadata']['namespace']
        log.warning("Couldn't find the agent pod and namespace, using the default.")
        return DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

    def get_node_hostname(self, host):
        Query the API server for the kubernetes hostname of the node
        using the docker hostname as a filter.
        node_filter = {'labelSelector': '' % host}
        node = self.retrieve_json_auth(
            self.kubernetes_api_url + '/nodes?%s' % urlencode(node_filter)
        if len(node['items']) != 1:
            log.error('Error while getting node hostname: expected 1 node, got %s.' % len(node['items']))
            addresses = (node or {}).get('items', [{}])[0].get('status', {}).get('addresses', [])
            for address in addresses:
                if address.get('type') == 'Hostname':
                    return address['address']
        return None

    def get_kube_pod_tags(self, excluded_keys=None):
        Gets pods' labels as tags + creator and service tags.
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        if not self.init_success:
            log.warning("Kubernetes client is not initialized, can't get pod tags.")
            return {}
        pods = self.retrieve_pods_list()
        return self.extract_kube_pod_tags(pods, excluded_keys=excluded_keys)

    def extract_kube_pod_tags(self, pods_list, excluded_keys=None, label_prefix=None):
        Extract labels + creator and service tags from a list of
        pods coming from the kubelet API.

        :param excluded_keys: labels to skip
        :param label_prefix: prefix for label->tag conversion, None defaults
        to the configuration option label_to_tag_prefix
        Returns a dict{namespace/podname: [tags]}
        excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
        kube_labels = defaultdict(list)
        pod_items = pods_list.get("items") or []
        label_prefix = label_prefix or self.kube_label_prefix
        for pod in pod_items:
            metadata = pod.get("metadata", {})
            name = metadata.get("name")
            namespace = metadata.get("namespace")
            labels = metadata.get("labels", {})
            if name and namespace:
                key = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name)

                # Extract creator tags
                podtags = self.get_pod_creator_tags(metadata)

                # Extract services tags
                if self.collect_service_tag:
                    for service in self.match_services_for_pod(metadata):
                        if service is not None:
                            podtags.append(u'kube_service:%s' % service)

                # Extract labels
                for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                    if k in excluded_keys:
                    podtags.append(u"%s%s:%s" % (label_prefix, k, v))

                kube_labels[key] = podtags

        return kube_labels

    def retrieve_pods_list(self):
        Retrieve the list of pods for this cluster querying the kubelet API.

        TODO: the list of pods could be cached with some policy to be decided.
        return self.perform_kubelet_query(self.pods_list_url).json()

    def retrieve_machine_info(self):
        Retrieve machine info from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.machine_info_url)

    def retrieve_metrics(self):
        Retrieve metrics from Cadvisor.
        return retrieve_json(self.metrics_url)

    def get_deployment_for_replicaset(self, rs_name):
        Get the deployment name for a given replicaset name
        For now, the rs name's first part always is the deployment's name, see
        But it might change in a future k8s version. The other way to match RS and deployments is
        to parse and cache /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets, mirroring PodServiceMapper
        In 1.8, the hash generation logic changed:

        As none of these naming schemes have guaranteed suffix lenghts, we have to be pretty permissive
        in what kind of suffix we match. That can lead to false positives, although their impact would
        be limited (erroneous kube_deployment tag, but the kube_replica_set tag will be present).
        For example, the hardcoded replicaset name prefix-34 or prefix-cfd will match.

        For agent6, we plan on doing this pod->replicaset->deployment matching in the cluster agent, with
        replicaset data from the apiserver. This will address that risk.
        end = rs_name.rfind("-")
        if end > 0 and rs_name[end + 1:].isdigit():
            # k8s before 1.8
            return rs_name[0:end]
        if end > 0 and len(rs_name[end + 1:]) > 2:
            # k8s 1.8+ maybe? Check contents
            for char in rs_name[end + 1:]:
                if char not in ALLOWED_ENCODESTRING_ALPHANUMS:
                    return None
            return rs_name[0:end]
            return None

    def perform_kubelet_query(self, url, verbose=True, timeout=10):
        Perform and return a GET request against kubelet. Support auth and TLS validation.
        tls_context = self.tls_settings

        headers = None
        cert = tls_context.get('kubelet_client_cert')
        verify = tls_context.get('kubelet_verify', DEFAULT_TLS_VERIFY)

        # if cert-based auth is enabled, don't use the token.
        if not cert and url.lower().startswith('https') and 'bearer_token' in self.tls_settings:
            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.tls_settings.get('bearer_token'))}

        return requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, verify=verify,
            cert=cert, headers=headers, params={'verbose': verbose})

    def get_apiserver_auth_settings(self):
        Kubernetes API requires authentication using a token available in
        every pod, or with a client X509 cert/key pair.
        We authenticate using the service account token by default
        and replace this behavior with cert authentication if the user provided
        a cert/key pair in the instance.

        We try to verify the server TLS cert if the public cert is available.
        verify = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_cacert')
        if not verify:
            verify = self.CA_CRT_PATH if os.path.exists(self.CA_CRT_PATH) else False
        log.debug('tls validation: {}'.format(verify))

        cert = self.tls_settings.get('apiserver_client_cert')
        bearer_token = self.tls_settings.get('bearer_token') if not cert else None
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token)} if bearer_token else {}
        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
        return cert, headers, verify

    def retrieve_json_auth(self, url, params=None, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert, params=params)
        return res

    def post_json_to_apiserver(self, url, data, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res =, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert, data=json.dumps(data))
        return res

    def put_json_to_apiserver(self, url, data, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.put(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert, data=json.dumps(data))
        return res

    def delete_to_apiserver(self, url, timeout=3):
        cert, headers, verify = self.get_apiserver_auth_settings()
        res = requests.delete(url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert)
        return res

    def get_node_info(self):
        Return the IP address and the hostname of the node where the pod is running.
        if None in (self._node_ip, self._node_name):
        return self._node_ip, self._node_name

    def get_node_metadata(self):
        """Returns host metadata about the local k8s node"""
        meta = {}

        # API server version
            request_url = "%s/version" % self.kubernetes_api_root_url
            master_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            version = master_info.get("gitVersion")
            meta['kube_master_version'] = version[1:]
        except Exception as ex:
            # Intentional use of non-safe lookups to get the exception in the debug logs
            # if the parsing were to fail
            log.debug("Error getting Kube master version: %s" % str(ex))

        # Kubelet version & labels
        if not self.init_success:
            log.warning("Kubelet client failed to initialize, kubelet host tags will be missing for now.")
            return meta
            _, node_name = self.get_node_info()
            if not node_name:
                raise ValueError("node name missing or empty")
            request_url = "%s/nodes/%s" % (self.kubernetes_api_url, node_name)
            node_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            version = node_info.get("status").get("nodeInfo").get("kubeletVersion")
            meta['kubelet_version'] = version[1:]
        except Exception as ex:
            log.debug("Error getting Kubelet version: %s" % str(ex))

        return meta

    def get_node_hosttags(self):
        Returns node labels as tags. Tag name is transformed as defined
        in node_labels_to_host_tags in the kubernetes check configuration.
        Note: queries the API server for node info. Configure RBAC accordingly.
        tags = []

            _, node_name = self.get_node_info()
            if not node_name:
                raise ValueError("node name missing or empty")

            request_url = "%s/nodes/%s" % (self.kubernetes_api_url, node_name)
            node_info = self.retrieve_json_auth(request_url).json()
            node_labels = node_info.get('metadata', {}).get('labels', {})

            for l_name, t_name in self.kube_node_labels.iteritems():
                if l_name in node_labels:
                    tags.append('%s:%s' % (t_name, node_labels[l_name]))

        except Exception as ex:
            log.debug("Error getting node labels: %s" % str(ex))

        return tags

    def _fetch_host_data(self):
        Retrieve host name and IP address from the payload returned by the listing
        pods endpoints from kubelet.

        The host IP address is different from the default router for the pod.
            pod_items = self.retrieve_pods_list().get("items") or []
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Unable to retrieve pod list %s. Not fetching host data", str(e))

        # Take the first Pod with a status:
        # all running pods have the adapted '.spec.nodeName'
        # static pods doesn't have the '.status.hostIP'
        for pod in pod_items:
            node_name = pod.get('spec', {}).get('nodeName', '')
            if not self._node_name and node_name:
                self._node_name = node_name

            # hostIP is not fill on static Pods
            host_ip = pod.get('status', {}).get('hostIP', '')
            if not self._node_ip and host_ip:
                self._node_ip = host_ip

            if self._node_name and self._node_ip:

        log.warning("Cannot set both node_name: '%s' and node_ip: '%s' from PodList with %d items",
                    self._node_name, self._node_ip, len(pod_items))

    def extract_event_tags(self, event):
        Return a list of tags extracted from an event object
        tags = []

        if 'reason' in event:
            tags.append('reason:%s' % event.get('reason', '').lower())
        if 'namespace' in event.get('metadata', {}):
            tags.append('namespace:%s' % event['metadata']['namespace'])
        if 'host' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('node_name:%s' % event['source']['host'])
        if 'kind' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_type:%s' % event['involvedObject'].get('kind', '').lower())
        if 'name' in event.get('involvedObject', {}):
            tags.append('object_name:%s' % event['involvedObject'].get('name','').lower())
        if 'component' in event.get('source', {}):
            tags.append('source_component:%s' % event['source'].get('component','').lower())

        return tags

    def are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
        Because it is a pain to call it from the kubernetes check otherwise.
        return self.docker_util.are_tags_filtered(tags)

    def get_auth_token(cls, instance):
        Return a string containing the authorization token for the pod.

        token_path = instance.get('bearer_token_path', cls.AUTH_TOKEN_PATH)
            with open(token_path) as f:
        except IOError as e:
            log.error('Unable to read token from {}: {}'.format(token_path, e))

        return None

    def match_services_for_pod(self, pod_metadata, refresh=False):
        Match the pods labels with services' label selectors to determine the list
        of services that point to that pod. Returns an array of service names.

        Pass refresh=True if you want to bypass the cached cid->services mapping (after a service change)
        s = self._service_mapper.match_services_for_pod(pod_metadata, refresh, names=True)
        #log.warning("Matches for %s: %s" % (pod_metadata.get('name'), str(s)))
        return s

    def get_event_retriever(self, namespaces=None, kinds=None, delay=None):
        Returns a KubeEventRetriever object ready for action
        return KubeEventRetriever(self, namespaces, kinds, delay)

    def match_containers_for_pods(self, pod_uids, podlist=None):
        Reads a set of pod uids and returns the set of docker
        container ids they manage
        podlist should be a recent self.retrieve_pods_list return value,
        if not given that method will be called
        cids = set()

        if not isinstance(pod_uids, set) or len(pod_uids) < 1:
            return cids

        if podlist is None:
            podlist = self.retrieve_pods_list()

        for pod in podlist.get('items', {}):
            uid = pod.get('metadata', {}).get('uid', None)
            if uid in pod_uids:
                for container in pod.get('status', {}).get('containerStatuses', None):
                    id = container.get('containerID', "")
                    if id.startswith("docker://"):

        return cids

    def get_pod_creator(self, pod_metadata):
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a
        tuple (creator_kind, creator_name)

        This allows for consitency across code path
            owner_references_entry = pod_metadata['ownerReferences'][0]
            creator_kind = owner_references_entry['kind']
            creator_name = owner_references_entry['name']
            return creator_kind, creator_name
        except LookupError as e:
                log.debug('Could not parse creator for pod %s through `OwnerReferences`, falling back to annotation: %s',
                          pod_metadata.get('name', ''), type(e))
                created_by = json.loads(pod_metadata['annotations'][''])
                creator_kind = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('kind')
                creator_name = created_by.get('reference', {}).get('name')
                return creator_kind, creator_name
            except Exception as e:
                log.debug('Could not parse creator for pod %s: %s', pod_metadata.get('name', ''), type(e))
                return None, None

    def get_pod_creator_tags(self, pod_metadata, legacy_rep_controller_tag=False):
        Get the pod's creator from its metadata and returns a list of tags
        in the form kube_$kind:$name, ready to add to the metrics
            tags = []
            creator_kind, creator_name = self.get_pod_creator(pod_metadata)
            if creator_kind in CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG and creator_name:
                tags.append("%s:%s" % (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG[creator_kind], creator_name))
                if creator_kind == 'ReplicaSet':
                    deployment = self.get_deployment_for_replicaset(creator_name)
                    if deployment:
                        tags.append("%s:%s" % (CREATOR_KIND_TO_TAG['Deployment'], deployment))
            if legacy_rep_controller_tag and creator_kind != 'ReplicationController' and creator_name:

            return tags
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Could not parse creator tags for pod ' + pod_metadata.get('name'))
            return []

    def process_events(self, event_array, podlist=None):
        Reads a list of kube events, invalidates caches and and computes a set
        of containers impacted by the changes, to refresh service discovery
        Pod creation/deletion events are ignored for now, as docker_daemon already
        sends container creation/deletion events to SD

        Pod->containers matching is done using match_containers_for_pods
            pods = set()
            if self._service_mapper:
            return self.match_containers_for_pods(pods, podlist)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Error processing events %s: %s" % (str(event_array), e))
            return set()

    def refresh_leader(self):
        if not self.init_success:
            log.warning("Kubelet client is not initialized, leader election is disabled.")
        if not self.leader_elector:
            self.leader_elector = LeaderElector(self)

    def image_name_resolver(self, image):
        Wraps around the sibling dockerutil method and catches exceptions
        if image is None:
            return None
            return self.docker_util.image_name_resolver(image)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Error resolving image name: %s", str(e))
            return image