def flash_copy_model(self, star_words, new_explain_words): """闪卡抄写模式""" print('===== 🌟🌟 闪卡抄写模式 🌟🌟 =====\n') index = 0 while self.wait_check_copy_page(): word = self.copy_word() word_explain = self.copy_explain() explain_id = word_explain.get_attribute('contentDescription') self.copy_input().click() if explain_id in new_explain_words: if '新释义' not in self.game_title().text: self.base_assert.except_error('❌❌❌ 该单词为新释义单词,但是标题未标明新释义字样') if explain_id not in star_words: self.base_assert.except_error('❌❌❌ 单词未标星,但是有抄写模式 ' + word) print("单词:%s\n解释:%s" % (word, word_explain.text)) random_str = random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, len(word) + 1) if index == 1: for i, alpha in enumerate(list(random_str)): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(alpha, i) if len(self.copy_word()) > len(word): self.base_assert.except_error('❌❌❌ 输入栏可输入超过抄写单词长度的单词') for y in range(len(self.copy_word())): Keyboard().games_keyboard('backspace') for i, alpha in enumerate(list(word)): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(alpha, i) time.sleep(5) index += 1 print('-' * 30, '\n') return index
def word_spell_play_process(self, game_mode, do_right=False, right_answer=None): """单词拼写游戏做对操作""" if game_mode == 1: if do_right: for i in range(len(right_answer)): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(right_answer[i], i) else: random_str = ''.join( random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, random.randint(2, 5))) for j in range(len(random_str)): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(random_str[j], j) else: page_wait_input_word = self.spell_word().text[1::2] print('页面字符:', page_wait_input_word) if do_right: answer_word_list = list(right_answer) input_word_list = [ x for x, y in zip(answer_word_list, list(page_wait_input_word)) if x != y ] for x in range(len(input_word_list)): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(input_word_list[x], x) else: input_count = len(re.findall(r'_', self.spell_word().text)) for x in range(input_count): Keyboard().games_keyboard( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase))
def listen_spell_play_operate(self, do_right=False, right_answer=None): """单词听写对错操作""" if do_right: for j in range(len(right_answer)): # 输入正确答案 Keyboard().games_keyboard(right_answer[j]) else: random_length = random.randint(3, 5) # 创建随机字母 random_string = ''.join( random.sample(string.ascii_letters, random_length)) for j in range(len(random_string)): # 输入随机字母 Keyboard().games_keyboard(random_string[j])
def flash_copy_game_operate( self, fq, half_exit, star_list=None, ): star_words = [] if fq == 1 else star_list if self.wait_check_copy_page(): total_num = self.rest_bank_num() for x in range(total_num): self.click_voice() self.rate_judge(total_num, x) copy_word = self.copy_word() print('单词:', copy_word) if half_exit: if x == 1: self.click_back_up_button() self.tips_operate() break if x % 2 == 0: # 奇数题 if fq == 1: # 若为第一次 self.star_button().click() # 标星 star_words.append(copy_word) print('加入标星单词') else: # 若为第二次 校验是否被标星 if GetAttribute().get_selected( self.star_button()) == 'true': print('标星校验正确') else: self.base_assert.except_error('单词已标星但标星按钮未被选中') self.copy_input().click() time.sleep(1) if x == 1: random_str = random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 4) # 随机输入错误单词, for j, s in enumerate(random_str): Keyboard().keyboard_operate(s, j) print('输入单词:', ''.join(random_str)) if self.copy_word() != copy_word: # 验证是否跳转到下一题 self.base_assert.except_error('输入错误单词可以进入下一题') for y in range(4): # 清除输入的单词 Keyboard().games_keyboard('backspace') time.sleep(1) for j, s in enumerate(list(copy_word)): # 输入抄写单词 Keyboard().keyboard_operate(s, j) time.sleep(3) print('-' * 30, '\n') return total_num, star_words
def sentence_strengthen_play_process(self, do_right=False, right_answer=None): """强化炼句对错操作""" if do_right: for word in right_answer: for x in list(word): Keyboard().games_keyboard(x) time.sleep(0.5) Keyboard().games_keyboard('enter') else: input_count = self.get_rich_text_input_count() print('页面需要输入栏个数:', input_count) for j in range(input_count): random_str = random.sample(string.ascii_letters, random.randint(2, 4)) # 随机输入2个字母 for x in random_str: Keyboard().games_keyboard(x) time.sleep(0.5) Keyboard().games_keyboard('enter')
def __init__(self): self.result = ResultPage() self.get = GetAttribute() self.key = Keyboard()
class WordSpelling(BasePage): """单词拼写""" def __init__(self): self.result = ResultPage() self.get = GetAttribute() self.key = Keyboard() # 以下为 共有元素 @teststeps def wait_check_page(self): """以“title:单词拼写”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'单词拼写')]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def wait_check_play_page(self): """以“rate”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}rate')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def rate(self): """获取作业数量""" rate = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "rate").text return rate @teststep def time(self): """获取作业时间""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "time").text return ele @teststep def click_voice(self): """页面内喇叭量按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "play_voice") \ .click() @teststeps def word(self): """展示的Word""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text word = ele[1::2] print('study_word:', word) return word @teststep def explain(self): """展示的翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_explain").text return word @teststep def finish_word(self): """完成答题 之后 展示的Word 前后含额外字符:aa""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text return word[1::2] # 默写模式 特有元素 @teststeps def dictation_word(self): """展示的Word""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text value = ele[::2] return value @teststeps def dictation_word_judge(self): """判断是否展示Word""" try: self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word") return True except Exception: return False @teststep def under_line(self): """展示的横线""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "underline") return ele @teststep def hint_button(self): """提示按钮""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "hint") return ele # 下一步 按钮之后 答案页展示的答案 @teststep def mine_answer(self): """展示的Word 前后含额外字符:aa""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text return word[1::2] @teststep def question(self): """展示的翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_explain").text return word @teststep def correct(self): """展示的答案""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer").text return word @teststeps def correct_judge(self): """判断 答案是否展示""" try: self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer") return True except Exception: return False # 默写模式 答案页特有元素 @teststep def dictation_finish_word(self): """完成答题 之后 展示的Word 前后不含额外字符:aa""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text return word[::2] @teststep def dictation_mine_answer(self): """展示的Word 前后不含额外字符:aa""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text return word[::2] # 以下为答案详情页面元素 @teststeps def wait_check_detail_page(self): """以“answer”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," + self.id_type() + "tv_answer)]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def result_voice(self, index): """语音按钮""" self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_speak")[index] \ .click() @teststep def result_answer(self, index): """单词""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer")[index].text return ele @teststep def result_explain(self, index): """解释""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_hint")[index].text return ele @teststep def result_mine(self, index): """我的""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_mine")[index] value = self.get.get_selected(ele) return value @teststeps def diff_type(self, tpe): """选择 不同模式小游戏的 游戏方法""" print(tpe) time.sleep(2) if tpe == '默写模式': answer = self.dictation_pattern() elif tpe == '自定义': answer = self.custom_pattern() else: # 随机模式 answer = self.random_pattern() return answer @teststeps def random_pattern(self): """《单词拼写 随机模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): var = [] # 随机消除的字母 count = [] # 做错的题目 answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 explain = self.explain() # 解释 word = self.word() # 未缺失的字母 value = word_spelling_operate(explain) # 数据字典 item = word.replace('_', '') if self.is_alphabet(item): # 未缺失的内容为字母 if value != word: # 随机消除的字母消除了 for j in range(len(value)): if value[j] != word[j]: print('缺失的字母:', value[j]) var.append(j) self.keyboard_operate( j, value[j]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 answer.append(self.finish_word()) # 我的答案 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断加 点击操作 self.result_operate(answer, count, i, timestr, self.mine_answer()) # 下一步按钮后的答案页面 测试 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 print('======================================') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 return rate, answer, var @teststeps def custom_pattern(self): """《单词拼写 自定义模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): count = [] # 做错的题目 answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 explain = self.explain() # 解释 word = self.word() # 未缺失的字母 value = word_spelling_operate(explain) # 数据字典 item = word.replace('_', '') if self.is_alphabet(item): # 未缺失的内容为字母 if len(word) != 0: if value != word: # 自定义消除的字母消除了 for j in range(len(value)): if value[j] != word[j]: print('缺失的字母:', value[j]) self.keyboard_operate( j, value[j]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 else: print('❌❌❌ Error - 自定义消除的字母未消除', word) for j in range(0, len(value) - 1): if value[j] != word[j]: print('❌❌❌ Error - 未自定义消除的字母%s也消除了' % value[j]) answer.append(self.finish_word()) # 我的答案 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 self.result_operate(answer, count, i, timestr, self.mine_answer()) # 下一步按钮后的答案页面 测试 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 print('======================================') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 return rate, answer @teststeps def dictation_pattern(self): """《单词拼写 默写模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): count = [] answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 判断 加点击 explain = self.explain() # 解释 value = word_spelling_operate(explain) # 数据字典 if self.dictation_word_judge(): # 默写模式 - 字母未全部消除 print('❌❌❌ Error - 单词拼写 默写模式 - 字母未全部消除') if i in range(2, 5, 2): hint = self.hint_button() # 提示按钮 if self.get.get_enabled(hint) == 'true': # 点击 提示按钮 if self.get.get_enabled(hint) != 'false': print('❌❌❌ Error - 点击后提示按钮enabled属性为:', self.get.get_enabled(hint)) if self.dictation_word_judge(): # 出现首字母提示 word = self.dictation_word() if len(word) == 1 and word == value[0]: print('点击提示出现首字母提示', word) else: print('❌❌❌ Error - 点击提示未出现首字母提示') else: print('❌❌❌ Error - 提示按钮enabled属性为:', self.get.get_enabled(hint)) for j in range(len(value)): self.keyboard_operate(j, value[j]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 answer.append(self.dictation_finish_word()) # 我的答案 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 self.result_operate( answer, count, i, timestr, self.dictation_mine_answer()) # 下一步按钮后的答案页面 测试 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 print('======================================') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 return rate, answer @teststeps def keyboard_operate(self, j, value): """点击键盘 具体操作""" if j == 4: self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard(value.upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 else: self.key.games_keyboard(value) # 点击键盘对应字母 @teststeps def result_operate(self, answer, count, i, timestr, mine): """下一步按钮后的答案页面""" # mine 为 答案页面展示的 我的答题结果 print('----------------------') result = answer[len(answer) - 1] print('我的答案:', result) print('我的答题结果:', mine) if self.correct_judge(): # 展示的答案元素存在说明回答错误 correct = self.correct() # 正确答案 if len(mine) <= len(correct): # 输入少于或等于单词字母数的字符 if mine.lower() != result.lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('Error - 字符数少于或等于时:', mine.lower(), result.lower()) else: # 输入过多的字符 if correct + mine[len(correct):].lower() != correct + result[ len(correct):].lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('Error - 字符输入过多时:', correct + mine[len(correct):].lower(), correct + result[len(correct):].lower()) for k in range(len(correct)): # 测试 答案判断是否正确 if result[k] not in correct: count.append(i) # 做错的题目 break else: # 回答正确 if mine.lower() != result.lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('Error - 展示的答题结果 与我填入的不一致:', mine.lower(), result.lower()) if i == 1: # 第2题 j = 0 print('多次点击发音按钮:') while j < 4: print(j) self.click_voice() # 多次点击发音按钮 j += 1 time.sleep(1) else: self.click_voice() # 点击 发音按钮 timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 @teststeps def result_detail_page(self, rate): """查看答案 操作过程""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.check_result_button() # 结果页 查看答案 按钮 if self.result.wait_check_detail_page(): print('======================================') print('查看答案:') self.error_sum(rate) time.sleep(2) print('==============================================') @teststeps def error_sum(self, rate): """查看答案 - 点击答错的题 对应的 听力按钮""" print('题数:', int(rate)) for i in range(0, int(rate)): print('解释:', self.result_explain(i)) # 解释 print('单词:', self.result_answer(i)) # 正确word print('对错标识:', self.result_mine(i)) # 对错标识 print('-----------------------------------') self.result_voice(i) # 点击发音按钮 self.result.back_up_button() # 返回结果页 @teststeps def study_again(self, tpe): """再练一遍 操作过程""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.again_button() # 结果页 再练一遍 按钮 print('再练一遍:') self.diff_type(tpe) # 不同模式 对应不同的游戏过程
class ChoiceWordCloze(BasePage): """选词填空""" def __init__(self): self.bounds = ClickBounds() self.result = ResultPage() self.get = GetAttribute() self.key = Keyboard() @teststeps def wait_check_page(self): """以“title:选词填空”的xpath-index为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'选词填空')]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def wait_check_play_page(self): """以“rate”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," + self.id_type() + "rate)]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def rate(self): """获取作业数量""" rate = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "rate").text return rate @teststep def font_middle(self): """第一个Aa""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "font_middle") return ele @teststep def font_large(self): """第二个Aa""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "font_large") return ele @teststep def font_great(self): """第三个Aa""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "font_great") return ele @teststep def prompt(self): """提示词""" self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "prompt").click() @teststep def bounds_prompt(self): """提示词按钮""" ele = self.driver\ .find_elements_by_xpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@index,0)]")[1] return ele @teststep def prompt_content(self): """提示词内容""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_xpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@index,0)]")[1].text return ele @teststep def click_blank(self): """点击页面 提示词弹框 以外空白处,弹框消失""" self.bounds.click_bounds(67.5, 1119.5) time.sleep(1) @teststep def time(self): """获取作业时间""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "time").text return ele # 查看答案 页面 @teststeps def wait_check_detail_page(self): """以“answer”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," + self.id_type() + "tv_answer)]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def content_value(self): """获取整个 外框元素""" ele = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tb_content") return ele @teststeps def content_desc(self): """点击输入框,激活小键盘""" content = self.get.get_description(self.content_value()) item_x = re.match(".*\[(.*)\].*\[", content) # x值 item_y = re.match(".*\[(.*)\].*", content) # y值 x =',') # 所有输入框y值的列表 y =',') # 所有输入框x值的列表 return x, y @teststeps def get_result(self): """点击输入框,激活小键盘""" content = self.get.get_description(self.content_value()) value = re.match("\\[(.+?)\\]", content) # answer answer =',') # 所有输入框值的列表 print('正确答案:', answer) self.click_blank() return answer @teststeps def choice_word_filling(self): """《选词填空》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): timestr = [] self.prompt() # 右上角 提示词 time.sleep(1) content = self.prompt_content() # 取出提示内容 self.click_blank() # 点击空白处 弹框消失 word_list = content.split(' ') # 取出单词列表 print('待输入的单词:', word_list) self.font_operate() # Aa文字大小切换按钮 切换 及状态统计 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 if i == 0: # 获取第一个输入框的坐标,点击激活小键盘 item = self.content_desc() loc = self.get_element_location(self.content_value()) # 文章元素左上角 顶点坐标 x = float(item[0][i]) + loc[0]+55.0 # 55.0为点击输入框中心点的偏移量 y = float(item[1][i]) + loc[1] self.driver.tap([(x, y)]) # 点击激活输入框 else: self.key.games_keyboard('enter') # 点击回车键进入下一题 word = word_list[i] # 单词 print('study_word:', word) if len(word_list) >= int(rate): for index in range(len(word)): if index == 4: self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard(word[index].upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 else: self.key.games_keyboard(word[index]) # 点击键盘对应字母 else: self.key.games_keyboard('a') # 点击键盘对应字母 timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('==================================================') return rate @teststeps def check_detail_page(self, rate, homework_title, game_title): """查看答案页面面""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.check_result_button() # 结果页 查看答案 按钮 if self.result.wait_check_detail_page(): # 页面检查点 print('查看答案页面:') item = self.get_result() print('excel-opeate:') for i in range(len(item)): print('----------------------') ExcelUtil().data_write(rate, homework_title, game_title, item[i]) self.result.back_up_button() @teststeps def font_operate(self): """Aa文字大小切换按钮 状态判断 及 切换操作""" x = [] y = [] middle = self.font_middle() # first large = self.font_large() # second great = self.font_great() # third i = 0 j = 0 while i < 3: bounds = self.content_desc() # 获取输入框坐标 print(self.get.get_checked(middle), self.get.get_checked(large), self.get.get_checked(great)) if self.get.get_checked(middle) == 'false': if self.get.get_checked(large) == 'false': x.insert(2, bounds[0][0]) y.insert(2, bounds[1][0]) print('当前选中的Aa按钮为第3个:', bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0]) j = 3 else: if self.get.get_checked(large) == 'true': x.insert(1, bounds[0][0]) y.insert(1, bounds[1][0]) print('当前选中的Aa按钮为第2个:', bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0]) j = 2 else: x.insert(0, bounds[0][0]) y.insert(0, bounds[1][0]) print('当前选中的Aa按钮为第1个:', bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0]) j = 1 if j == 1: elif j == 2: else: i += 1 print('--------------------------------------------') time.sleep(2) if not float(y[2]) > float(y[1]) > float(y[0]): print('❌❌❌ Error - Aa文字大小切换按钮:', y) print('==============================================')
def __init__(self): self.get = GetAttribute() self.key = Keyboard()
class FlashCardPage(BasePage): """闪卡练习""" def __init__(self): self.get = GetAttribute() self.key = Keyboard() @teststeps def wait_check_page(self): """以“title:闪卡练习”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.ImageView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}iv_star')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def wait_check_tip_num(self, num): """查看题目数量是否发生改变""" locator = ( By.XPATH, "//android.widget.ImageView[contains(@text,'{}')]".format(num)) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def click_star(self): """闪卡练习页面内 标星按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_star") \ .click() @teststep def click_voice(self): """闪卡练习页面内音量按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "play_voice") \ .click() @teststep def rate(self): """获取作业数量""" rate = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "rate").text return rate # 以下为学习模式 特有元素 @teststep def english_study(self): """Word""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_english").text return word @teststep def explain_study(self): """翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_chinese").text return word @teststep def pattern_switch(self): """闪卡练习页面内 全英/英汉模式切换 按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_rotate")\ .click() time.sleep(1) # 英汉模式 的例句 @teststeps def wait_check_sentence_page(self, var=20): """以“例句”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}sentence')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, var, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def wait_check_explain_page(self, var=20): """以“例句解释”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}sentence_explain')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, var, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def sentence_study(self): """例句""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "sentence").text print('例句:', word) @teststep def sentence_explain_study(self): """例句翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "sentence_explain").text print('例句解释:', word) @teststep def sentence_author_study(self): """例句 提供老师""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "author").text print(word) @teststeps def click_blank(self): """点击空白处""" ClickBounds().click_bounds(430, 800) print('点击空白处,切换双页面:') time.sleep(1) # 以下为抄写模式 特有元素 @teststep def word_copy(self): """闪卡练习- 抄写模式 内展示的Word""" ele = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word") return ele.text @teststep def english_copy(self): """单页面内 答题框填入的Word""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "english").text return word @teststep def explain_copy(self): """闪卡练习内展示的翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "chinese").text return word # 以下为闪卡练习 结果页 @teststeps def wait_check_result_page(self, var=10): """以“title:答题报告”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'完成学习')]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, var, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def finish_study(self): """完成学习""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_xpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@index,0)]").text print(ele) return ele @teststeps def study_sum(self): """eg: study_sum:6个内容,0标记★;抄写模式""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "study_sum").text print(ele) return ele @teststep def study_again_button(self): """再练一遍""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "textView") \ .click() @teststep def star_again_button(self): """标星内容再练一遍""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_star_en") \ .click() @teststep def star_button(self): """五星按钮""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_select") return ele @teststep def voice_button(self, index): """语音按钮""" self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_voice")[index] \ .click() @teststep def result_word(self): """展示的Word""" ele = self.driver.find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word") return ele @teststep def result_explain(self): """展示的 解释""" word = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_explain") return word @teststeps def study_pattern(self): """《闪卡练习 学习模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_judge('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 # self.click_voice() # 听力按钮 if i in (2, 5): # 第3、6题 进入全英模式 self.pattern_switch() # 切换到 全英模式 print('切换到 全英模式:') if self.wait_check_sentence_page(5): self.sentence_study() # 例句 self.sentence_author_study() # 例句作者 word = self.english_study() # 单词 print('单词:%s' % word) self.pattern_switch() # 切换到 英汉模式 else: if self.wait_check_explain_page(5): self.sentence_study() # 例句 self.sentence_explain_study() # 例句解释 self.sentence_author_study() # 例句作者 word = self.english_study() # 单词 explain = self.explain_study() # 解释 print('单词:%s, 解释:%s' % (word, explain)) answer.append(self.english_study()) if i in range(1, 9, 2): # 点击star按钮 self.click_star() # if i == 1: # self.tips_operate() if i == 3 and i != int(rate) - 1: # 第四题 滑屏进入下一题 self.screen_swipe_left(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 1000) time.sleep(1) else: if i == int(rate) - 1: # 最后一题 尝试滑屏进入结果页 self.screen_swipe_left(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 1000) if self.wait_check_result_page(5): print('❌❌❌ Error - 滑动页面进入了结果页') Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 time.sleep(1) print('-------------------------') print('=================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def copy_pattern(self): """《闪卡练习 抄写模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): if self.wait_check_page(): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 right_word = self.word_copy() word = list(right_word) # 展示的Word -- 转化为list形式 answer.append(right_word) print("第%s题,单词是:%s" % (i + 1, right_word)) self.voice_operate(i) # 听力按钮 for j in range(len(word)): print(word[j]) if j == 5: self.key.games_keyboard( 'capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard( word[j].upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 else: if j == 6: self.key.games_keyboard( 'capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 self.key.games_keyboard( word[j].lower()) # 点击键盘对应字母 print('--------------------------------') time.sleep(4) print('=================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def voice_operate(self, i): """听力按钮 操作""" if i == 2: # 第3题 j = 0 print('多次点击发音按钮:') while j < 4: self.click_voice() # 多次点击发音按钮 j += 1 time.sleep(1) else: self.click_voice() # 点击 发音按钮 @teststeps def result_page(self, i, answer): """结果页操作""" self.finish_study() # 完成学习 self.study_sum() # 学习结果 word = self.result_word() print('判断是否滑动:', i) if len(word) <= int(i): # self.result_operate(int(i)-1, answer) # self.screen_swipe_up(0.5, 0.75, 0.35, 1000) self.result_operate(i, answer, int(i)) else: name = word[len(word) - 1].text self.result_operate(len(word) - 1, answer) self.screen_swipe_up(0.5, 0.75, 0.35, 1000) index = self.result_operate_swipe(name) for j in range(5): if len(index) == 0: self.screen_swipe_down(0.5, 0.75, 0.65, 1000) index = self.result_operate_swipe(name) else: break word = self.result_word() self.result_operate(len(word), answer, index[0]) print('=================================') @teststeps def result_operate_swipe(self, name): """滑屏操作""" index = [] word = self.result_word() for j in range(len(word)): if word[j].text == name: index.append(j) break return index @teststeps def result_operate(self, index, answer, k=0): """结果页 具体操作""" word = self.result_word() for i in range(len(word)): print(word[i].text, answer[i]) if word[i].text != answer[i]: # 结果页 展示的word与题目中是否一致 print('❌❌❌ Error 查看答案页 展示的word与题中不一致') for index in range(k, int(index), 3): # 点击 结果页 听力按钮 self.voice_button(index) # 结果页 - 听力按钮 self.star_button()[index].click() # 结果页 star 按钮 @teststeps def selected_sum(self): """标星的数目统计""" var = self.star_button() # 结果页star按钮 ele = [] # 结果页标星的作业数 for i in range(len(var)): if self.get.get_selected(var[i]) == 'true': ele.append(i) if len(ele) == 0: # 结果页标星的作业数为0,则执行以下操作 print('结果页标星的作业数为0, 点击star按钮:') for index in range(0, len(var), 2): self.star_button()[index].click() # 结果页 star 按钮 ele = [] # 结果页标星的作业数 for i in range(len(var)): if self.get.get_selected(var[i]) == 'true': ele.append(i) self.study_sum() # 学习情况 print('----------------') print('star按钮数目:', len(var)) print('标星数:', len(ele)) print('========================') return len(ele)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() = WordDataHandlePage() self.key = Keyboard() self.word_public = WorldBookPublicPage()
def __init__(self): self.key = Keyboard() self.word_public = WorldBookPublicPage()
def __init__(self): self.result = ResultPage() self.key = Keyboard()
class WordDictation(BasePage): """单词听写""" def __init__(self): self.result = ResultPage() self.key = Keyboard() @teststeps def wait_check_page(self): """以“title:单词听写”的xpath-index为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'单词听写')]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def wait_check_play_page(self): """以“rate”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}rate')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def rate(self): """获取作业数量""" rate = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "rate").text return rate @teststep def time(self): """获取作业时间""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "time").text return ele @teststep def click_voice(self): """页面内音量按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "play_voice") \ .click() @teststeps def word(self): """展示的Word 点击喇叭听写单词""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text word = ele.replace(' ', '') # 删除空格 return word # 下一步 按钮之后 答案页展示的答案 @teststeps def mine_answer(self): """展示的Word """ ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_word").text word = ele.replace(' ', '') # 删除空格 return word @teststep def question(self): """展示的翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_explain").text return word @teststeps def correct(self): """展示的答案""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer").text print('正确答案:', word) return word @teststep def correct_judge(self): """判断 答案是否展示""" ele = self.find_element(self.id_type() + "tv_answer") return ele # 以下为答案详情页面元素 @teststeps def wait_check_detail_page(self): """以“answer”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}tv_answer')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def result_voice(self, index): """语音按钮""" self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_speak")[index] \ .click() @teststep def result_answer(self, index): """单词""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer")[index].text return ele @teststep def result_explain(self, index): """解释""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_hint")[index].text return ele @teststep def result_mine(self, index): """我的""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_mine")[index].get_attribute("selected") return ele @teststeps def word_dictation(self): """《单词听写》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): count = [] answer = [] # return值 与结果页内容比对 timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 判断 加点击 self.word() # 灰字文案:点击喇叭听写单词 self.click_voice() # 点击喇叭 word = dictation_operate(i) # 数据字典 if self.is_alphabet(word): # 解释内容为word for j in range(0, len(word)): self.keyboard_operate(j, word[j]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 answer.append(self.word()) # 我的答案 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 self.result_operate(answer, count, i, timestr, self.mine_answer()) # 下一步按钮后的答案页面 测试 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 print('--------------------------------------') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('==============================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def keyboard_operate(self, j, value): """点击键盘 具体操作""" if j == 4: self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard(value.upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 else: self.key.games_keyboard(value) # 点击键盘对应字母 Homework().next_button_judge('true') # 测试 下一步 按钮的状态 @teststeps def result_operate(self, answer, count, i, timestr, mine): """下一步按钮后的答案页面""" # mine 为 答案页面展示的 我的答题结果 result = answer[len(answer) - 1] print('我的答案:', result) print('我的答题结果:', mine) if self.correct_judge(): # 展示的答案元素存在说明回答错误 correct = self.correct() # 正确答案 if mine.lower() != result.lower(): # 展示的答题结果与我填入的答案不一致 print('❌❌❌ Error - 展示的答题结果:%s 与我填入的答案:%s 不一致' % (mine, result)) for k in range(len(correct)): # 测试 答案判断是否正确 if result[k] not in correct: count.append(i) # 做错的题目 break else: # 回答正确 if mine.lower() != result.lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('❌❌❌ Error - 展示的答题结果 与我填入的不一致:', mine, result) if i == 1: # 第2题 j = 0 print('多次点击发音按钮:') while j < 4: print(j) self.click_voice() # 多次点击发音按钮 j += 1 time.sleep(1) else: self.click_voice() # 点击 发音按钮 timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 @teststeps def result_detail_page(self, rate): """《单词听写》 查看答案 操作过程""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.check_result_button() # 结果页 查看答案 按钮 if self.result.wait_check_detail_page(): if self.wait_check_detail_page(): print('查看答案:') print('题数:', int(rate)) for i in range(int(rate)): print('-----------------------------------') print('解释:', self.result_explain(i)) # 解释 print('单词:', self.result_answer(i)) # 正确word print('对错标识:', self.result_mine(i)) # 对错标识 self.result_voice(i) # 点击发音按钮 self.result.back_up_button() # 返回结果页 time.sleep(2) print('==============================================') @teststeps def study_again(self): """再练一遍 操作过程""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.again_button() # 结果页 再练一遍 按钮 print('再练一遍:') self.word_dictation() # 游戏过程
class StrengthenSentence(BasePage): """强化炼句""" def __init__(self): self.bounds = ClickBounds() self.result = ResultPage() self.key = Keyboard() self.get = GetAttribute() # 以下为 共有元素 @teststeps def wait_check_page(self): """以“title:强化炼句”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'强化炼句')]") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def wait_check_play_page(self): """以“rate”的ID为依据""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.TextView[contains(@resource-id," "'{}rate')]".format(self.id_type())) try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststep def rate(self): """获取作业数量""" rate = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "rate").text return rate @teststep def time(self): """获取作业时间""" rate = self.driver\ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "time").text return rate @teststep def content_value(self): """获取整个 外框元素""" ele = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "input2") return ele @teststeps def content_desc(self): """点击输入框,激活小键盘""" content = self.get.get_description(self.content_value()) item_x = re.match(".*\[(.*)\].*\[", content) # x值 item_y = re.match(".*\[(.*)\].*", content) # y值 x =',') # 所有输入框y值的列表 y =',') # 所有输入框x值的列表 return x, y @teststeps def get_result(self): """点击输入框,激活小键盘""" content = self.get.get_description(self.content_value()) value = re.match("\\[(.+?)\\]", content) # answer answer =',') # 所有输入框值的列表 return answer @teststep def click_voice(self): """页面内音量按钮""" self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "play_voice") \ .click() @teststeps def sentence(self): """展示的句子""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "input2").text return word @teststep def explain(self): """展示的翻译""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "explain").text return word # 每小题回答完,下一步按钮后展示答案的页面 @teststeps def correct_title(self): """展示的答案title:正确答案 的ID为依据""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "correct_title") try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20, 0.5).until(lambda x: x.find_element(*locator)) return True except: return False @teststeps def correct(self): """展示的答案""" word = self.driver \ .find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "correct").text ele = word[:-1] # 去掉最后的标点符号 return ele # 查看答案页面 @teststeps def result_question(self): """展示的题目""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_hint") word = [] for i in range(len(ele)): word.append(ele[i].text) return word @teststeps def result_answer(self): """展示的 正确答案""" ele = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "tv_answer") word = [] for i in range(len(ele)): word.append(ele[i].text) return word @teststep def result_mine_state(self, index): """我的答案对错标识 selected属性""" word = self.driver \ .find_elements_by_id(self.id_type() + "iv_mine")[index].get_attribute('selected') return word @teststeps def diff_type(self, tpe): """选择 不同模式小游戏的 游戏方法""" print(tpe) if tpe == '默写模式': answer = self.dictation_pattern() elif tpe == '自定义模式': answer = self.custom_pattern() elif tpe == '简单模式': answer = self.easy_pattern() else: # 复杂模式 answer = self.random_pattern() return answer @teststeps def random_pattern(self): """《强化炼句 复杂模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): answer = [] timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 value = self.input_text() # 激活输入框并进行输入 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断加 点击操作 ,进入答案页面 self.correct_judge(value, i) # 判断答题是否正确 timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断加 点击操作 print('-------------------------------') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('======================================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def custom_pattern(self): """《强化炼句 自定义模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): answer = [] timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 value = self.input_text() # 激活输入框并进行输入 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 if self.correct_title(): result = self.correct_judge(value, i) # 判断答题是否正确 answer.append(result[0]) timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 print('-------------------------------') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('======================================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def easy_pattern(self): """《强化炼句 简单模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): answer = [] timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 value = self.input_text() # 激活输入框并进行输入 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击,进入答案页面 result = self.correct_judge(value, i) # 判断答题是否正确 answer.append(result[0]) timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 print('-------------------------------') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('======================================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def dictation_pattern(self): """《强化炼句 默写模式》 游戏过程""" if self.wait_check_page(): # 页面检查点 if self.wait_check_play_page(): answer = [] timestr = [] # 获取每小题的时间 rate = self.rate() for i in range(int(rate)): Homework().rate_judge(rate, i) # 测试当前rate值显示是否正确 Homework().next_button_operate('false') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 value = self.input_text() # 激活输入框并进行输入 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击,进入答案页面 result = self.correct_judge(value, i) # 判断答题是否正确 answer.append(result[0]) timestr.append(self.time()) # 统计每小题的计时控件time信息 Homework().next_button_operate('true') # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 点击 print('-----------------------------') Homework().now_time(timestr) # 判断游戏界面 计时功能控件 是否在计时 print('==================================================') return rate, answer @teststeps def input_text(self): """激活输入框 并 输入内容""" explain = self.explain() # 解释的内容 sentence = self.sentence().split(' ') # 句子 print('题目:', self.sentence()) value = strength_sentence_operate(explain) # 数据字典 words = value.split(' ') # 将句子分割成单词 word = [] for i in range(len(words)): if (self.is_alphabet(words[i])) and (words[i] not in sentence): word.append(words[i]) for j in range(len(word)): item = self.content_desc() # 获取输入框坐标 loc = self.get_element_location(self.content_value()) # 文章元素左上角 顶点坐标 x = float(item[0][j]) + loc[0]+55.0 # 55.0为点击输入框中心点的偏移量 y = float(item[1][j]) + loc[1] self.driver.tap([(x, y)]) # 点击激活输入框 for z in range(len(word[j])): if j == len(word)-1: if word[j][z] in ['.', '?', '!']: # 去掉最后的标点符号 break if z == 4 and z != len(word[j])-1: self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard(word[j][z].upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 else: if j == 2 and word[j][z] == "'": self.key.games_keyboard(',') # 第二小题 点击键盘 逗号 else: self.key.games_keyboard(word[j][z]) # 点击键盘对应字母 return value @teststeps def correct_judge(self, value, i): """每小题回答完,下一步按钮后展示答案的页面""" if self.correct_title(): # 展示的答案title元素是否存在 result = self.get_result() # content-desc的值 answer = self.sentence() # 展示的本人的答案 for j in range(len(result)): for k in range(len(answer)): if answer[k] == '{': if len(answer) != 2: if k == 0: # 展示的本人的答案 result[j] answer = result[j].strip() + answer[k + 2:] elif k + 1 == len(answer) - 1: if ' ' not in result[j]: answer = answer[:k - 1] + ' ' + result[j] else: answer = answer[:k - 1] + result[j] else: if ' ' not in result[j]: answer = answer[:k - 1] + ' ' + result[j] + answer[k + 2:] else: answer = answer[:k - 1] + result[j] + answer[k + 2:] break if answer[len(answer)-1] == ' ': answer = answer[:-1] correct = self.correct() # 展示的正确答案 print('我的答案:', answer) if correct == value: # 测试展示的答案是否正确 if answer == correct: print('回答正确') else: print('回答错误') return answer, i @teststeps def study_again(self, tpe): """《强化炼句》 再练一遍 操作过程""" print('再练一遍 操作过程:') if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.again_button() # 结果页 再练一遍 按钮 result = self.diff_type(tpe) # 强化炼句 - 游戏过程 return '再练一遍按钮', result[0], result[1] @teststeps def check_detail_page(self, i, answer): """查看答案页面""" if self.result.wait_check_result_page(): # 结果页检查点 self.result.check_result_button() # 查看答案 按钮 if self.result.wait_check_detail_page(): print('结果页 - 查看答案 按钮:') if int(i) <= 16: self.result_operate(answer) else: item = self.result_question() if int(i) % len(item) == 0: page = int(int(i) / len(item)) else: page = int(int(i) / len(item)) + 1 print('页数:', page) for j in range(page): last_one = self.result_operate(answer) # 滑动前页面内最后一个小题- 做题结果 self.screen_swipe_up(0.5, 0.75, 0.35, 1000) item_2 = self.result_question() # 滑动后页面内的题目 的数量 if item_2[len(item_2) - 1].text == last_one: print('到底啦', last_one) self.result.back_up_button() break elif item_2[len(item_2) - 1].text == answer[len(answer) - 1]: # 滑动后到底,因为普通情况下最多只有两页,滑动一次即可到底 print('滑动后到底', last_one) k = [] for i in range(len(item_2) - 1, -1, -1): # 倒序 if item_2[i].text == last_one: k.append(i + 1) break self.result_operate(answer, k[0]) break else: continue self.screen_swipe_down(0.5, 0.75, 0.35, 1000) time.sleep(2) self.result.back_up_button() @teststeps def result_operate(self, var, index=0): """查看答案页面 -- 展示的解释内容验证""" explain = self.result_question() # 题目 answer = self.result_answer() # 正确答案 print(answer, var) for i in range(index, len(explain)): count = [] value = strength_sentence_operate(explain[i]).split(' ') if answer[i] == var[i]: # 测试结果页 我的答案展示是否正确 if answer[i] == value: # 测试 正确答案 for j in range(len(var)): # 我的答案 与 正确答案 比较 if var[j] != value[j]: # 答案不正确 count+1 count.append(j) if self.result_mine_state() != 'false': print('❌❌❌ Error - 我的答案:%s 与 正确答案:%s 对错标识:%s' % (var[j], value[j], 'true')) else: if self.result_mine_state() != 'true': print('❌❌❌ Error - 我的答案:%s 与 正确答案:%s 对错标识:%s' % (var[j], value[j], 'false')) break else: print('❌❌❌ Error - 正确答案:', answer[i], value) print('------------------------------------') return var[1][len(var[1]) - 1]
class GameCommonEle(BasePage): keyboard = Keyboard() wait = WaitElement() """游戏公共元素""" @teststep def wait_check_end_tip_page(self): """游戏标题页面检查点""" locator = (By.XPATH, '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text, "到底啦 下拉刷新试试")]') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_commit_btn_page(self): """提交按钮处页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'fab_commit') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_share_area_page(self): """分享页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, '{}share_area'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_punch_share_page(self): """分享页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, '{}share_img'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_select_friend_page(self): """选择好友与群页面""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.Button[@text='多选']") return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_friend_circle_page(self): """发表朋友圈页面""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.Button[@text='发表']") return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_login_wechat_page(self): """微信登陆页面""" locator = (By.XPATH, '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,"登录微信")]') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_wechat_alert_tip_page(self): """弹框提示页面检查点""" locator = (By.XPATH, '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,"保留此次编辑")]') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=3) @teststep def wait_check_game_title_page(self): """游戏标题页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'tv_title') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_word_container_by_index_and_id(self, index): """单词容器获取依据""" locator = ( By.XPATH, "//*[@content-desc='{}' and contains(@resource-id, 'item_container')]" .format(index)) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=2) @teststep def wait_check_sentence_container_by_content_desc(self, index): """句子容器获取依据""" locator = ( By.XPATH, "//android.widget.LinearLayout[@content-desc='{}']".format(index)) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=2) @teststep def wait_check_article_container_by_index(self, index): """文章类游戏容器获取依据""" locator = ( By.XPATH, "//android.widget.LinearLayout[@index='{}']/android.view.ViewGroup" .format(index)) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=2) @teststep def wait_check_tips_page(self): """提示页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, '{}md_title'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_play_voice_page(self): """喇叭播放按钮""" locator = (By.ID, '{}play_voice'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_dragger_btn(self): """检查页面是否存在拖拽按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "dragger") return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_rich_text_page(self): """文章类游戏富文本元素页面检查点""" locator = (By.ID, '{}rich_text'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator) @teststep def wait_check_keyboard_page(self): """键盘页面检查""" locator = (By.ID, '{}keyboard_abc_view'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def wait_check_permit_tab_page(self): """存储允许""" locator = (By.ID, '') return self.wait.wait_check_element(locator, timeout=5) @teststep def game_title(self): # 题型标题 locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'tv_title') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def game_mode_id(self): """获取题目的mode_id""" mode_id = int(self.game_title().get_attribute( 'contentDescription').split(' ')[1]) return mode_id @teststep def hide_keyboard_btn(self): """键盘隐藏按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'keyboard_hide') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def rich_text(self): """文章类游戏文章文本""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'rich_text') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def question(self): """游戏问题""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'question') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def clear_btn(self): """清除按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'bt_clear') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def tips_content(self): """提示 具体内容""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "md_content") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def click_confirm_btn(self): """确定 按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "md_buttonDefaultPositive") self.wait.wait_find_element(locator).click() @teststeps def tips_operate(self): """提示信息处理""" if self.wait_check_tips_page(): # self.alert_operate() self.click_confirm_btn() # 确定按钮 time.sleep(2) @teststep def click_voice(self): """播放按钮""" self.driver. \ find_element_by_id(self.id_type() + "play_voice") \ .click() @teststep def fab_next_btn(self): """下一步按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'fab_next') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def fab_commit_btn(self): """下一步提交按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'fab_commit') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def commit_without_fab_btn(self): """下一步提交按钮不带fab""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'commit') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def opt_options(self): """选项 文本""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'tv_item') return self.wait.wait_find_elements(locator) @teststep def opt_char(self): """选项 字母 ABCD""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'tv_char') return self.wait.wait_find_elements(locator) @teststep def sound_icon(self): """喇叭按钮""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'sound') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def drag_btn(self): """拖拽按钮""" locator = (By.ID, '{}dragger'.format(self.id_type())) return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def font_middle(self): """第一个Aa""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "font_middle") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def font_large(self): """第二个Aa""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "font_large") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def font_great(self): """第三个Aa""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "font_great") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def wechat(self): """微信""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'weixin') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def friends(self): """朋友圈""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + "weixin_friends") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def not_save_btn(self): """不保留按钮""" locator = (By.XPATH, "//android.widget.Button[contains(@text, '不保留')]") return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def download(self): """保存图片""" locator = (By.ID, self.id_type() + 'save_img') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststep def wechat_back_up_btn(self): """微信页面退回按钮""" locator = (By.ACCESSIBILITY_ID, '返回') return self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) @teststeps def get_rich_text_input_count(self): """获取需要输入的个数""" sentence_desc = self.rich_text().get_attribute('contentDescription') input_num = len( [x for x in sentence_desc.split('##')[2].split(';') if x]) return input_num @teststep def get_rich_text_answer(self): """获取我输入的答案""" desc = self.rich_text().get_attribute('contentDescription') return [ x for x in desc.split('## ')[1].split(' ') if x and '(' not in x ] @teststep def rest_bank_num(self): """待完成题数""" locator = (By.ID, '{}rate'.format(self.id_type())) return int(self.wait.wait_find_element(locator).text) @teststep def bank_time(self): """题目时间""" locator = (By.ID, '{}time'.format(self.id_type())) ele = self.wait.wait_find_element(locator) time_str = re.findall(r'\d', ele.text) return int(time_str[0]) * 3600 + int(time_str[1]) * 60 + int( time_str[2]) * 10 + int(time_str[3]) @teststeps def check_position_change(self): if self.wait_check_keyboard_page(): self.hide_keyboard_btn().click() self.screen_swipe_down(0.5, 0.2, 0.9, 1000) if GetAttribute().get_checked(self.font_large()) == 'false': self.base_assert.except_error('页面未默认选择中等字体') # 依次点击Aa,并获取第一个填空的X轴位置,比较大小 large_size = self.rich_text().size self.font_middle().click() time.sleep(1) middle_size = self.rich_text().size self.font_great().click() time.sleep(1) great_size = self.rich_text().size if large_size['height'] < middle_size['height']: self.base_assert.except_error('大字体变中等字体未发生变化') if great_size['height'] < large_size['height']: self.base_assert.except_error('超大字变大字体未发生变化') @teststeps def drag_up_down(self, drag_down=True): """拖拽操作""" if self.wait_check_dragger_btn(): loc = self.get_element_location(self.drag_btn()) # 获取按钮坐标 if drag_down: self.driver.swipe(loc[0] + 45, loc[1] + 45, loc[0] + 45, self.get_window_size()[1] - 20) # 拖拽至最下方 else: self.driver.swipe(loc[0] + 45, loc[1] + 45, loc[0] + 45, loc[1] - 450) # 拖拽至最上方 @teststeps def next_btn_judge(self, var, fun): """下一步按钮状态判断""" value = GetAttribute().get_enabled(fun()) if value != var: # 测试 下一步 按钮 状态 self.base_assert.except_error('按钮 状态Error' + str(value)) @teststeps def next_btn_operate(self, var, fun): """下一步按钮操作""" self.next_btn_judge(var, fun) fun().click() time.sleep(1.5) @teststep def get_last_text_id(self): """获取最后一个文本的属性""" last_text = self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name( 'android.widget.TextView') last_text_id = last_text[-1].get_attribute('resourceId') if 'question' in last_text_id: return 'ques' elif 'item' in last_text_id: return 'opt' @teststep def get_ques_opt_scale(self): """获取包含题目或只有选项的屏幕占比""" ques_text = self.question().text ques_bank = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@text="{}"]/..'.format(ques_text)) ques_options = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@text="{}"]/following-sibling::android.view.ViewGroup'.format( ques_text)) screen_height = self.get_window_size()[1] ques_scale = float('%.2f' % (ques_bank.size['height'] / screen_height)) opt_scale = float('%.2f' % (ques_options.size['height'] / screen_height)) return ques_scale, opt_scale @teststep def value_is_explain(self, dict_info): """判断字典的key是否都是数字""" pattern = re.compile(u'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+') result = any([[x]) for x in dict_info]) if result: return True else: return False @teststeps def judge_timer(self, timer): if len(timer) > 1: if any(timer[i + 1] > timer[i] for i in range(0, len(timer) - 1)): print('计时功能无误:', timer, '\n') return True else: self.base_assert.except_error('Error - 计时错误:' + str(timer) + '\n') else: # 只有一道题 print('只有一道题,时间为:', timer[0], '\n') return True @teststep def rate_judge(self, total, i): """待完成数校验""" current_rate = self.rest_bank_num() if int(current_rate) != total - i: self.base_assert.except_error('待完成数不正确 {} 应为:{}'.format( current_rate, total - i)) @teststeps def share_page_operate(self): """分享页面具体操作""" if self.wait_check_punch_share_page(): self.wechat().click() if not (self.wait_check_login_wechat_page() or self.wait_check_select_friend_page()): self.base_assert.except_error('未跳转到微信登录页面') self.wechat_back_up_btn().click() if self.wait_check_punch_share_page(): self.friends().click() if not (self.wait_check_login_wechat_page() or self.wait_check_friend_circle_page()): self.base_assert.except_error('未跳转到微信登录页面') self.wechat_back_up_btn().click() if self.wait_check_wechat_alert_tip_page(): self.not_save_btn().click() if self.wait_check_punch_share_page(): if not Toast().find_toast('已保存到本地'): if self.wait_check_permit_tab_page(): self.alert_operate() if not Toast().find_toast('已保存到本地'): self.base_assert.except_error('未发现保存图片提示') else: self.base_assert.except_error('未发现保存到本地提示') else: print('图片已保存到本地') self.click_back_up_button()
class SpellingWord(SpellWordGame): """单词拼写""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() = WordDataHandlePage() self.key = Keyboard() self.word_public = WorldBookPublicPage() @teststep def spell_right_word_operate(self, word): """单词拼写做对操作""" # self.hint_ele_operate(word) # self.key.games_keyboard('backspace') print('单词:', word) for j in range(0, len(word)): self.keyboard_operate(j, word[j]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 @teststeps def new_word_spell_operate(self, familiar_word, new_explain_words): """单词拼写 - 《默写模式》游戏过程""" print('===== 🌟🌟 单词拼写 新词 🌟🌟 ======\n') print('标熟单词:', familiar_word, '\n') all_words = [] value = 0 index = 0 while self.wait_check_normal_spell_page(): explain_ele = self.word_explain() # 解释 explain = explain_ele.text explain_id = self.word_public.get_explain_id(explain_ele) self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 if explain_id in new_explain_words: if '新释义' not in self.game_title().text: print('❌❌❌ 该单词为新释义,但是标题没有显示新释义字样') print('解释:', explain) if explain in all_words: print('❌❌❌ 该单词在拼写单词中已经出现过!') else: all_words.append(explain) if explain_id not in list(familiar_word.keys()): print('❌❌❌ 单词未标熟,但是出现拼写', explain) else: value = familiar_word[explain_id] self.spell_right_word_operate(value) self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 加点击 answer = self.spell_word().text[::2] # 最终答案 if answer != value.lower(): print('❌❌❌ 大写字母未自动变为小写字母') # self.result_operate(answer, self.mine_answer()) # 下一步按钮后的答案页面 测试 self.click_voice() self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_next_btn) time.sleep(2) index += 1 print('-'*30, '\n') return index @teststeps def recite_word_spell_operate(self, stu_id, bank_count, recite_new_explain_words, only_apply_explains): """单词拼写 复习""" print('===== 🌟🌟 单词默写 复习 🌟🌟 ===== \n') for x in range(bank_count): explain = self.word_explain() # 解释 print('解释:', explain.text) explain_id = explain.get_attribute('contentDescription') if explain_id in recite_new_explain_words: print('❌❌❌ 此单词为新释义单词,不应出现单词拼写游戏') if explain_id in only_apply_explains: print('❌❌❌ 此单词为只有词汇运用单词, 不应出现在单词拼写中') self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 状态判断 right_word =, explain_id) self.spell_right_word_operate(right_word) self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) print('我输入的:', right_word) if not self.wait_check_play_voice_page(): print('❌❌❌ 点击提交按钮后未发现喇叭按钮') self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_next_btn) print('-'*30, '\n') # @teststeps # def dictation_pattern_mine(self, i, familiar_add, spell_word): # """单词默写 我的单词""" # if i == 0: # print("\n单词拼写 - 默写模式(单词详情)\n") # explain = self.word_explain() # 题目 # value = # familiars = + familiar_add # intersect_list = list(set(value).intersection(set(familiars))) # 取获取单词数组与标星单词数组的交集 # if i in range(0, 5): # self.dictation_pattern_core(spell_word, word_type=1) # if len(intersect_list) == 0: # print('❌❌❌ Error-- 单词未被标熟却出现默写模式') # else: # FlashCard().tips_operate() # for i in familiar_add: # level = # if level < 3: # print("❌❌❌ Error--提交未成功,单词熟练度未更改") @teststeps def hint_ele_operate(self, value): self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 if self.wait_check_tv_word_or_random_page(): # 默写模式 - 字母未全部消除 print('❌❌❌ Error - 单词拼写 默写模式 - 字母未全部消除') hint = self.hint_btn() # 提示按钮 if GetAttribute().get_enabled(hint) == 'true': # 点击 提示按钮 if GetAttribute().get_enabled(self.hint_btn()) != 'false': print('❌❌❌ Error - 点击后提示按钮enabled属性错误') if self.wait_check_tv_word_or_random_page(): # 出现首字母提示 first_word = self.spell_word().text[::2] if first_word == value[0]: print('点击提示出现首字母提示', first_word) else: print('点击提示出现首字母提示', first_word) else: print("❌❌❌ Error - 首字母提示未出现") else: print('❌❌❌ Error - 提示按钮enabled属性错误') @teststeps def result_operate(self, answer, mine): """下一步按钮后的答案页面""" print('我的答案:', answer) print('去除大小写结果:', mine) if self.wait_check_right_answer_page(): correct = self.right_answer_word() # 正确答案 print('填写错误,正确答案:', correct) if len(mine) <= len(correct): # 输入少于或等于单词字母数的字符 if mine.lower() != answer.lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('❌❌❌ Error - 字符数少于或等于时:', mine.lower(), answer.lower()) else: # 输入过多的字符 if correct + mine[len(correct):].lower() != correct + answer[len(correct):].lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('❌❌❌ Error - 字符输入过多时:', correct + mine[len(correct):].lower(), correct + answer[len( correct):].lower()) else: # 回答正确 if mine.lower() != answer.lower(): # 展示的 我的答题结果 是否与我填入的一致 print('❌❌❌ Error - 展示的答题结果 与我填入的不一致:', mine.lower(), answer.lower()) else: print('回答正确!') print('-'*30, '\n') @teststeps def keyboard_operate(self, j, value): """点击键盘 具体操作""" if j == 4: self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard(value.upper()) # 点击键盘对应 大写字母 self.key.games_keyboard('capslock') # 点击键盘 切换到 小写字母 else: self.key.games_keyboard(value) # 点击键盘对应字母 @teststeps def dictation_random_pattern_recite(self, stu_id, wrong_words): """错题再练 单词拼写 随机模式""" for x in range(len(wrong_words)): self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) explain = self.word_explain() print('解释:', explain.text) explain_id = explain.get_attribute('contentDescription') word =, explain_id) print("正确单词:", word) tip_word = self.spell_word().text[1::2] print('提示词:', tip_word) right_word = [x for x in word if len(x) == len(tip_word)] alphas = [right_word[0][x] for x in range(len(right_word[0])) if tip_word[x] == '_'] print(alphas) for k in range(len(alphas)): self.keyboard_operate(k, alphas[k]) # 点击键盘 具体操作 print('填充后单词为:', self.spell_word().text[1::2]) self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) if self.wait_check_play_voice_page(): self.sound_icon().click() else: print('❌❌❌ 未发现声音按钮') self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_next_btn) # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 time.sleep(2)
class ListenSpellWordPage(ListenSpellGame): """单词听写""" def __init__(self): self.key = Keyboard() self.word_public = WorldBookPublicPage() @teststep def right_listen_spell_operate(self, stu_id, bank_count, new_explain_words): """单词听写做对操作""" print('===== 🌟🌟 单词听写模式(新词)(一次做对) 🌟🌟 =====\n') for x in range(bank_count): self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 explain_id = self.word_public.get_explain_id(self.input_wrap_side()) right_answer = WordDataHandlePage().get_word_by_explain_id(stu_id, explain_id) for alpha in list(right_answer): self.key.games_keyboard(alpha) # 输入单词的大写字母 self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 explain = self.word_explain() if explain_id in new_explain_words: print('❌❌❌ 此单词为新释义,不应出现单词听写游戏') print('解释:', explain.text) print('我输入的:', right_answer) self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_next_btn) # 下一题 time.sleep(2) print('-' * 30, '\n') time.sleep(5) @teststeps def normal_listen_spell_operate(self, bank_count, new_explain_words): """《单词听写》 正常游戏过程""" print('===== 🌟🌟 单词听写模式(新词)(输错一次,输对一次) 🌟🌟 =====\n') answer_word = [] for x in range(bank_count*2): if self.wait_check_listen_spell_word_page(): self.click_voice() # 点击播放按钮 self.next_btn_judge('false', self.fab_commit_btn) # 下一题 按钮 判断加 点击操作 explain_id = self.word_public.get_explain_id(self.input_wrap_side()) if explain_id in new_explain_words: print('❌❌❌ 此单词为新释义,不应出现单词听写游戏') if not answer_word: # 数组为空,说明上一题已回答正确,本题需随机填入字母以获取正确答案 self.key.games_keyboard(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)) # 随机输入一个小写字母 mine_input = self.input_word() # 输入的答案 self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) if self.wait_check_answer_word_page(): # 判断正确答案是否存在 correct_ans = self.right_answer() # 获取正确答案 answer_word.append(correct_ans) explain = self.word_explain() print('解释:', explain.text) print('我输入的答案:', mine_input) print('正确答案为:', correct_ans) else: print("❌❌❌ Error - 未显示正确答案") else: # 数组长度为1,说明已获取正确答案,直接输入正确答案即可 for alpha in list(answer_word[0]): self.key.games_keyboard(alpha.upper()) # 输入单词的大写字母 print('我输入的单词:', answer_word[0].upper()) self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_commit_btn) # 提交 判断加 点击操作 if self.input_word() != answer_word[0].lower(): print('❌❌❌ 输入单词大写后,点击确定,单词未变为小写字母') if self.wait_check_answer_word_page(): # 判断正确答案是否出现 print("❌❌❌ Error -听写正确却显示正确答案") explain = self.word_explain() print('解释:', explain.text) print('回答正确!') answer_word.clear() self.next_btn_operate('true', self.fab_next_btn) # 下一题 time.sleep(2) print('-'*30, '\n') time.sleep(5)