Esempio n. 1
    def _is_epoch_terminal(self, epoch, max_epoches, err):
        """SGD Terminality Check.

        Judges if an epoch is final. The given epoch is terminal if and only if
        at least one of the following conditions are met:

            1. Maximum number of epoches has been reached.
            2. Difference in loss between the last and second to last epoches
               is smaller than `MIN_DELTA_EPOCH`.
            3. Loss increased in the last epoch rather than decreased.

            epoch (int): Current iteration number.
            max_epoches (int): Maximum number of epoches allowed.
            err (list of float): Model loss across all epoches.

            bool: `True` if SGD should be interrupted, `False` otherwise.

        # Maximum number of epoches reached.
        if epoch >= max_epoches:
            return True

        # Not enough epoches to judge.
        if len(err) < 2:
            return False

        delta_epoch = compose(abs, np.subtract)(err[-1], err[-2])
        """float: Difference in loss between the last and second to last

        return delta_epoch < MIN_DELTA_EPOCH or err[-1] > err[-2]
    def test_random_model_regularization(self):
        """`Model.regularization`: Randomized Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `regularization` by feeding it randomly generated

            AssertionError: If `regularization` needs debugging.

        for i in range(self.n_tests):
            random_params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
            """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

            # First, test `params` as a method argument.
            result = self.model.regularization(random_params)
            """float: Test input."""

            self.assertIsInstance(result, float)

            # Finally, test `params` as attribute.
            self.model.params = random_params

            result = self.model.regularization()

            self.assertIsInstance(result, float)
    def test_edge_cases_model_evaluate(self):
        """`Model.evaluate`: Edge Case Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `evaluate` with edge cases.

            Exception: If at least one `Exception` raised is not of the expected

        X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
        """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""
        Y = random_matrix((self.data_shape[0], 1))
        """np.matrix: Random-valued observation set."""
        params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
        """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # Empty matrix instead of matrix `X`.
            self.model.evaluate(np.matrix([[]]), Y, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidObservationSetError):
            # Empty matrix instead of matrix `Y`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, np.matrix([[]]), params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # Empty matrix instead of matrix `Y`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=(np.matrix([[]]), ))
Esempio n. 4
        def action():
            """Initialize Parameters Update Action.

            Defines the routine to run after the feature sets have been

            self.params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, shape_fn(X))
Esempio n. 5
    def _best_fit_lines(self, raw_x, values, subplot):
        """Best-Fit Line Plotter.

        Plots the lines of best fit according to the given x- and y-values.

            raw_x (list of float): X-values with possible duplicates.
            values (:obj:`list of float`): Contains all y-values.
            subplot (int): Index of suplot to use for plotting.

            list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Best-fit lines.

        x = compose(list, np.unique)(raw_x)
        """list of float: X-values."""
        ax = self._ax[subplot]
        """matplotlib.axes.Axes: Subplot."""

        lines = []
        """list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Best-fit lines."""

            if len(values) == 0:
                raise ValueError("No y-values provided.")

            for i, (label, y) in enumerate(values.items()):
                color = self._generate_color()
                """(float, float, float): RGB color."""
                linestyle = "-" if label == "observations" else "--"
                """str: Plot linestyle. See `matplotlib.plot.pyplot`."""

                l, = ax.plot(x,
                             compose(np.poly1d, np.polyfit)(raw_x, y, 1)(x),
                """matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Best-fit model plotted last."""

        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError("Expected 'dict', saw '%s' instead." %

        return lines
Esempio n. 6
    def __str__(self):
        param_to_str = (lambda name: "`%s`: %s" %
                        (name[1:], "not set"
                         if not hasattr(self, name) or getattr(self, name) is
                         None else getattr(self, name).shape))
        """callable: Stringifies given parameter."""

        param_str = compose(", ".join, map)(param_to_str, self._param_names)
        """str: Stringified parameters."""

        return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, param_str)
Esempio n. 7
    def _plot_feature(self, X, Y, feature, model):
        """Feature Plotter.

        Displays a scatter plot of the provided feature' predictions and the
        given observations.

            X (np.matrix): Feature set. Shape: n x d.
            Y (np.matrix): Observation set. Shape: n x d.
            feature (int): Column number of target feature.
            model (ModelWrapper): Model to use for predictions.

            (list of float, :obj:`list of float`, float): The x and y values to
                plot, plus prediction error.

            IndexError: If `feature` is out of range.
            TypeError: If `feature` is not an integer.
            ValueError: If `feature` is negative or if `model` is not an
                instance of `ModelWrapper`.

        validate_datasets(X, Y)

        if not isinstance(feature, int):
            raise TypeError("Expected 'int', saw '%s' instead." %

        if not isinstance(model, ModelWrapper):
            raise TypeError("Expected 'ModelWrapper', saw '%s' instead." %

        if feature < 0:
            raise ValueError("Negative feature indices are not allowed.")

        if feature >= X.shape[1]:
            raise IndexError("Feature index '%d' is out of range." % feature)

        aslist = lambda A: A.T[0, :].tolist()[0]
        """callable: Maps vectors to lists."""

        x = aslist(X[:, feature])
        """list of float: Feature's x values."""

        Y_hat = model.predict(X)
        """np.matrix: Predicitons."""
        y = map(aslist, [Y, Y_hat])
        """list of (list of float): Feature's y raw values."""
        values = compose(dict, zip)(["observations", "predictions"], y)
        """:obj:`list of float`: Feature's x and y values."""

        return x, values, model.evaluate(X, Y)
Esempio n. 8
        def action():
            """Regularization Update Action.

            Defines the routine to run after the feature sets and parameters
            have been validated.

                (float, np.matrix): The evaluation error along with the
                    predicted observations.

            r = self._regularization
            """float: L2 regularization constant."""

            left_multiply = lambda p: compose(, diagonal)(p.shape[0], r)
            """callable: Left multiplies a matrix with the specified diagonal

            penalizer = lambda p: float(left_multiply(p).dot(p))
            """callable: Given a parameter, computes it's L2 penalty."""

            return compose(sum, map)(penalizer, self.params)
    def test_random_model_predict(self):
        """`Model.predict`: Randomized Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `predict` by feeding it randomly generated

            AssertionError: If `predict` needs debugging.

        for i in range(self.n_tests):
            X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
            """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""

            params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
            """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

            # First, test `params` as a method argument.
            Y_hat1 = self.model.predict(X, params=params)
            """np.matrix: Test input 1."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(Y_hat1, np.matrix)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(Y_hat1.shape, (X.shape[0], 1))

            # Model parameters should not be set at this point.

            # Finally, test `params` as attribute.
            self.model.params = params

            Y_hat2 = self.model.predict(X)
            """np.matrix: Test input 2."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(Y_hat2, np.matrix)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(Y_hat2.shape, (X.shape[0], 1))

            # Model parameters should be set at this point.

            # Norms of test inputs should match.
            self.assertEqual(np.linalg.norm(Y_hat1), np.linalg.norm(Y_hat2))

            del self.model.params
Esempio n. 10
    def _generate_color():
        """Color Generator.

        Generates random color.

            (float, float, float): Color in RGB format with scale [0, 1].

        levels = range(32, 256, 32)
        """int: Possible RGB values."""

        rgb = [choice(levels) for i in range(3)]
        """(int, int, int): RGB color with scale [0, 256]."""

        return compose(tuple, map)(lambda v: v / 255.0, rgb)
    def test_random_model_params(self):
        """`Model.params`: Randomized Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `params` by feeding it randomly generated

            AssertionError: If `params` needs debugging.

        for i in range(self.n_tests):
            random_params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
            """list of np.matrix: Randomized set of parameters."""

            self.model.params = random_params

            params = self.model.params
            """list of np.matrix: Deep copy of newly set parameters."""

            # Parameters should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(params, tuple)

            # Number of parameters should match number of parameter dimensions.
            self.assertEqual(len(params), len(self.shapes))

            for j in range(len(params)):
                # Each parameter should be a matrix.
                self.assertIsInstance(params[j], np.matrix)

                # Each parameter from input should match the correspoding
                # parameter copied with the getter method.

            # Model parameters should be initialized at this point.

            del self.model.params

            # Model parameters should be uninitialized after deletion.
    def test_edge_cases_model_predict(self):
        """`Model.predict`: Edge Case Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `predict` with edge cases.

            Exception: If at least one `Exception` raised is not of the expected

        X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
        """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""

        params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
        """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # Empty feature set.
            self.model.predict(np.matrix([[]]), params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # Empty parameters.
            self.model.predict(X, params=(np.matrix([[]]), ))
    def test_invalid_args_model_regularization(self):
        """`Model.regularization`: Argument Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `regularization` with invalid argument counts and

            Exception: If at least one `Exception` raised is not of the expected

        params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
        """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompleteModelError):
            # No arguments with no parameters set.

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Too many arguments.
            self.model.regularization(params, params)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Too many arguments.
            self.model.regularization(params, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Invalid kwarg.
            self.model.regularization(params=params, key="value")

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # List instead of parameter tuple `params`.

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # Empty list tuple instead of parameter tuple `params`.
            self.model.regularization(params=([], []))
Esempio n. 14
    def _train_helper(self, model, train_buckets, exact=False, **kwargs):
        """Model Trainer Helper.

        Trains model parameters depending either analytically or numerically.

            model (Model): Model to be trained.
            train_buckets (list of np.matrix): Stochastic and randomized
                representation of dataset.
            exact (bool, optional): `True` if training should be done
                analytically, `False` otherwise. Defaults to `False`.
            **kwargs: Options that define SGD's behavior.

            tuple of np.matrix: Trained model parameters.

        concatenator = lambda A, B: append_bottom(A, B)
        """callable: Appends matrix `B` to the bottom of matrix `A`."""
        splitter = lambda dataset: (dataset[:, :-1], dataset[:, -1])
        """callable: Separates a dataset into feature and observation sets."""
        datasets = shuffle_batches(train_buckets)
        """list of np.matrix: Re-ordered batches."""

        model.init_params(train_buckets[0][:, :-1])

        if exact:
            train_X, train_Y = compose(splitter, reduce)(concatenator,
            """(np.matrix, np.matrix): Training feature and observation sets."""

            model.train(train_X, train_Y)
            model.params = self._sgd(model, map(splitter, datasets), **kwargs)

        return model.params
Esempio n. 15
    def _subplot(self,

        Plots the given data to the provided subplot.

            i (int): Subplot index.
            x (list of float): X values.
            values (:obj:`list of float`): Dictionary where keys represent plot
                labels and values represent y values.
            title (str, optional): Subplot display name or `None` if no title
                should be displayed. Defaults to `None`.
            xlabel (str, optional): X-axis display title or `None` if no title
                should be displayed. Defaults to `None`.
            ylabel (str, optional): Y-axis display title or `None` if no title
                should be displayed. Defaults to `None`.

            list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Plotted lines.

        capitalize = lambda s: s.capitalize()
        """callable: Maps strings to capitalized strings."""

        ax = self._ax[i]
        """matplotlib.axes.Axes: Subplot."""

        lines = []
        """list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Plotted lines."""

        for i, (label_raw, y) in enumerate(values.iteritems()):
            label = compose(" ".join, map)(capitalize, label_raw.split("_"))
            """str: Capitalized, separeted version of `label_raw`."""
            color = self._generate_color()
            """(float, float, float): RGB color."""
            marker = "o" if label_raw == "observations" else "*"
            """str: Matplotlib marker style."""

            l, = ax.plot(x,
            """matplotlib.lines.Line2D: Best-fit model plotted last."""


        # Display title (if provided)
        if title is not None:

        # Display axis labels (if provided)
        if xlabel is not None:
        if ylabel is not None:

        # Remove ticks from both the right y-axis and the top x-axis.


        if legend:
            ax.legend(loc="best", numpoints=DEFAULT_NUMPOINTS)

        return lines
Esempio n. 16
    def _cross_validate(self, X, Y, model, k=DEFAULT_SGD_K, **kwargs):
        """K-Fold Cross Validation.

        Creates as many buckets with `k` elements as possible from the given
        datasets and trains the model with all possible bucket permutations i.e.
        reserves a single bucket for testing and the rest for training.

            X (np.matrix): Training feature set. Shape: n x d.
            Y (np.matrix): Training observation set. Shape: n x 1.
            model (Model): Mathematical model to train.
            k (int, optional): Number of data points per bucket. Defaults to
            exact (bool, optional): `True` if training should be done
                analytically, or `False` if it should be done stochastically.
                Defaults to `False.`

            float: Training error (i.e. average testing error across all bucket

        buckets = batches(X, Y, k)
        """list of np.matrix: Dataset batches with at least `k` data point
        err = []
        """list of float: Testing errors of all permutations."""
        optimal_params = None
        """tuple of np.matrix: Parameters with the smallest testing error."""
        min_err = float("inf")
        """float: Testing error of best parameters encountered."""

        splitter = lambda dataset: (dataset[:, :-1], dataset[:, -1])
        """callable: Separates a dataset into feature and observation sets."""

        for i in range(len(buckets)):
            train = deepcopy(buckets)
            """list of np.matrix: Training buckets."""
            test_X, test_Y = compose(splitter, train.pop)(i)
            """(np.matrix, np.matrix): Testing feature and observation sets."""

            params = self._train_helper(model, train, **kwargs)
            """tuple of np.matrix: Trained model parameters."""
            training_err = model.evaluate(test_X,
            """float: Loss after training according to reserved testing


            # Set current trained parameters as optimal if `training_err` is
            # smaller than all other training errors encountered before.
            if training_err < min_err:
                min_err = training_err
                optimal_params = params

        # Only update model parameters if a good match is found.
        if optimal_params is not None:
            model.params = optimal_params

        return np.mean(err)
    def test_random_model_numerical_gradient(self):
        """`Model.numerical_gradient`: Randomized Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `numerical_gradient` by feeding it randomly
        generated arguments.

            AssertionError: If `numerical_gradient` needs debugging.

        for i in range(self.n_tests):
            X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
            """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""

            Y = random_matrix((self.data_shape[0], 1))
            """np.matrix: Random-valued observation set."""

            random_params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
            """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

            # First, test `params` as a method argument.
            result1 = self.model.numerical_gradient(X, Y, params=random_params)
            """float: Test input 1."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(result1, tuple)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(len(result1), len(self.shapes))

            # All gradients should matrices.
            for g in result1:
                self.assertIsInstance(g, np.matrix)

            # Model parameters should not be set at this point.

            # Finally, test `params` as attribute.
            self.model.params = random_params

            result2 = self.model.numerical_gradient(X, Y)
            """float: Test input 2."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(result2, tuple)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(len(result2), len(self.shapes))

            # All gradients should matrices.
            for g in result2:
                self.assertIsInstance(g, np.matrix)

            # Model parameters should be set at this point.

            norm1 = compose(sum, map)(np.linalg.norm, result1)
            """float: Sum of `result1`'s gradient norms."""
            norm2 = compose(sum, map)(np.linalg.norm, result2)
            """float: Sum of `result2`'s gradient norms."""

            # Norms of test inputs should match.
            self.assertEqual(norm1, norm2)

            del self.model.params
    def test_random_model_evaluate(self):
        """`Model.evaluate`: Randomized Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `evaluate` by feeding it randomly
        generated arguments.

            AssertionError: If `evaluate` needs debugging.

        for i in range(self.n_tests):
            X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
            """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""

            Y = random_matrix((self.data_shape[0], 1))
            """np.matrix: Random-valued observation set."""

            random_params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
            """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

            # First, test `params` as a method argument.
            result1 = self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=random_params)
            """float: Test input 1."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(result1, tuple)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(len(result1), 2)

            err1, Y_hat1 = result1
            """(float, np.matrix): Evaluation error and predicted observations
            of test 1."""

            # Evaluation error should be a float.
            self.assertEqual(type(err1), np.float64)

            # Prediction set should be a matrix.
            self.assertIsInstance(Y_hat1, np.matrix)

            # Model parameters should not be set at this point.

            # Finally, test `params` as attribute.
            self.model.params = random_params

            result2 = self.model.evaluate(X, Y)
            """float: Test input 2."""

            # Gradients should be a tuple.
            self.assertIsInstance(result2, tuple)

            # All params should have a gradient.
            self.assertEqual(len(result2), 2)

            err2, Y_hat2 = result2
            """(float, np.matrix): Evaluation error and predicted observations
            of test 2."""

            # Evaluation error should be a float.
            self.assertEqual(type(err2), np.float64)

            # Prediction set should be a matrix.
            self.assertIsInstance(Y_hat2, np.matrix)

            # Model parameters should be set at this point.

            # Evaluation errors should match.
            self.assertEqual(err1, err2)

            # Norms of test inputs should match.
            self.assertEqual(np.linalg.norm(Y_hat1), np.linalg.norm(Y_hat2))

            r = self.model.regularization()
            """float: L2 parameter regularization."""

            (err_no_reg, Y_hat_no_reg) = self.model.evaluate(X,
            """(float, np.matrix): Evaluation error and predicted observations
            of test 2."""

            # Evaluation with no regularization should comply with the following
            # equation.
            self.assertEqual(err1, err_no_reg + r)

            # Predicted observations should still be identical, though.

            del self.model.params
    def test_invalid_args_model_predict(self):
        """`Model.predict`: Argument Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `predict` with invalid argument counts
        and values.

            Exception: If at least one `Exception` raised is not of the expected

        n, d = self.data_shape
        """(int, int): Number of data points and number of features."""

        X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
        """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""

        params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
        """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # No arguments.

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Too many arguments.
            self.model.predict(X, X, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompleteModelError):
            # Params not set.

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Invalid kwarg.
            self.model.predict(X, params=params, key="value")

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # `None` instead of feature set `X`.
            self.model.predict(None, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # ndarray instead of feature set `X`.
            self.model.predict(np.zeros((n, d)), params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # Incompatible observation set.
            self.model.predict(X, params=(random_matrix((n + 1, 1)), ))

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompleteModelError):
            # None instead of model parameters `params`.
            self.model.predict(X, params=None)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # List instead of model parameters tuple `params`.
            self.model.predict(X, params=list(params))

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # List of ndarray instead of np.matrix tuple `params`.
                               params=compose(tuple, map)(np.zeros,
    def test_invalid_args_model_evaluate(self):
        """`Model.evaluate`: Argument Validator.

        Tests the behavior of `evaluate` with invalid argument counts and

            Exception: If at least one `Exception` raised is not of the expected

        n, d = self.data_shape
        """(int, int): Number of data points and number of features."""

        X = random_matrix(self.data_shape)
        """np.matrix: Random-valued feature set."""
        Y = random_matrix((n, 1))
        """np.matrix: Random-valued observation set."""
        params = compose(tuple, map)(random_matrix, self.shapes)
        """tuple of np.matrix: Random-valued parameters."""

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # No arguments.

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Too many arguments.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, Y, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompleteModelError):
            # Params not set.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Invalid kwarg.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=params, key="value")

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # `None` instead of feature set `X`.
            self.model.evaluate(None, Y, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidFeatureSetError):
            # ndarray instead of feature set `X`.
            self.model.evaluate(np.zeros((n, d)), Y, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidObservationSetError):
            # `None` instead of observation set `Y`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, None, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidObservationSetError):
            # ndarray instead of observation set `Y`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, np.zeros((n, 1)), params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompatibleDataSetsError):
            # Incompatible feature set.
            self.model.evaluate(random_matrix((d, n)), Y, params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompatibleDataSetsError):
            # Incompatible observation set.
            self.model.evaluate(X, random_matrix((n + 1, 1)), params=params)

        with self.assertRaises(_IncompleteModelError):
            # None instead of model parameters `params`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=None)

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # List instead of model parameters tuple `params`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=list(params))

        with self.assertRaises(_InvalidModelParametersError):
            # List of ndarray instead of np.matrix tuple `params`.
                                params=compose(tuple, map)(np.zeros,

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # None instead of string `loss_fn`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=params, loss_fn=None)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            # Integer instead of string `loss_fn`.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=params, loss_fn=123)

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            # Non-existent loss function.
            self.model.evaluate(X, Y, params=params, loss_fn="non-existent")