Esempio n. 1
def and_op(*args):

    assert len(args) > 1
    left = args[0]

    if len(args) > 2:
        right = and_op(*args[1:])
        right = args[1]

    if type(left) == int and type(right) == int:
        return left & right

    res = tuple()

    if opcode(left) == 'and':
        res += left[1:]
        res += (left, )

    if opcode(right) == 'and':
        res += right[1:]
        res += (right, )

    return ('and', ) + res
Esempio n. 2
    def add_to_arr(exp):
        if exp ~ ('add', :left, :right):
            if opcode(left) == 'loc':
                right, left = left, right

            if opcode(right) == 'loc':
                return ('array', left, right)
Esempio n. 3
def split_or(value):
    orig_value = value

    if opcode(value) not in ('or', 'mask_shl'):
        return [(256,0,value)]

    if opcode(value) == 'mask_shl':
        value = ('or', value)

    opcode_, *terms = value
    assert opcode_ == 'or'

    ret_rows = []

    for row in terms:
        if m := match(row, ('bool', ':arg')):
            row = ('mask_shl', 8, 0, 0, ('bool', m.arg)) # does weird things if size == 1, in loops.activateSafeMode

        if row == 'caller':
            row = ('mask_shl', 160, 0, 0, 'caller') # does weird things if size == 1, in loops.activateSafeMode

        if row == 'block.timestamp':
            row = ('mask_shl', 64, 0, 0, 'caller') # does weird things if size == 1, in loops.activateSafeMode

        if m := match(row, ('mul', 1, ':val')):
            row = m.val
    def cleanup(self):

        stack = self.stack

        for i, s in enumerate(stack):
            if type(stack[i]) == tuple:
                if s[0] == 'lt' and type(s[1]) == int and type(s[2]) == int:
                    if s[1] < s[2]:
                        stack[i] = ('bool', 1)
                        stack[i] = ('bool', 0)

                elif s[0] == 'iszero' and type(s[1]) == int:
                    if s[1] == 0:
                        stack[i] = ('bool', 1)
                        stack[i] = ('bool', 0)

                elif s[0] == 'iszero' and opcode(s[1]) == 'bool' and type(s[1][1]) == int:
                    stack[i] = ('bool', 1 - s[1][1])

                elif stack[i][0] == 'iszero' and opcode(stack[i][1]) == 'iszero':
                    if opcode(stack[i][1][1]) in ('iszero', 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'slt', 'sgt'):
                        stack[i] = stack[i][1][1]
                        stack[i] = ('bool', stack[i][1][1])
Esempio n. 5
    def ends_exec(path):  # check if all the subpaths end execution

        # only checking the last line, previous ones may end execution as well
        # but at least one leading up to the last line didn't - otherwise
        # we wouldn't see it

        line = path[-1]

        if opcode(line) in (
            return True
        elif opcode(line) == "or":
            assert len(line) == 3
            return ends_exec(line[1]) and ends_exec(line[2])
        elif opcode(line) == "while":
            # well, 'while True' ends execution, but all the other
            # ones most likely don't. if we miss some cases nothing
            # bad will happen - just slightly less readable code
            return False
            return False
def extract_variables(exp):
    if type(exp) == int:
        return set()

    if opcode(exp) in (
    ) or is_array(opcode(exp)):
        return set([exp])

    if type(exp) == str and exp in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'sth', 'unknown',
                                    'undefined', 'callvalue', 'number',
                                    'timestamp', 'address'):
        return set([exp])

    if type(exp) == str and exp != 'data' and 'data' in exp:
        return set([exp])

    if type(exp) != tuple:
        return set([exp])

    res = set()
    for e in exp[1:]:
        res = res.union(extract_variables(e))

    return res
Esempio n. 7
def prettify(exp, rem_bool=False, parentheses=True, top_level=False, add_color=False):

    col = partial(colorize, add_color=add_color)
    pret = partial(prettify, add_color=add_color, parentheses=False)

    if rem_bool:
        exp = simplify_bool(exp)
        if opcode(exp) == 'bool':
            return prettify(exp, rem_bool=rem_bool, parentheses=parentheses, top_level=top_level, add_color=add_color)

    if type(exp) == int and exp % (24 * 3600) == 0 and exp > 24 * 3600:
        exp = ('mul', exp//3600, 24, 3600)

    if type(exp) == int and exp % 3600 == 0 and exp > 3600:
        exp = ('mul', exp//3600, 3600)
        # also tried return col('seconds(', COLOR_GRAY) + '1 hour' + col(')', COLOR_GRAY)
        # but seemed less intuitive, e.g. 0xf64B584972FE6055a770477670208d737Fff282f calcMaxWithdraw
        # and 3600 every programmer should know, by heart, means 1 hour :)
        # also, not tackling single minutes because too often they are not time related

    if type(exp) in (int, float):
        return pretty_num(exp, add_color)

    if opcode(exp) in precompiled.values():
        return f'{exp[0]}({pret(exp[1])})'

    if exp ~ ('arr', int:num, ('mask_shl', _, _, _, str:s)) \
            and len(s) == num+2:
            return s
Esempio n. 8
def unmake_fands(exp):
    if opcode(exp) == "for":
        return ("or",) + exp[1:]
    elif opcode(exp) == "fand":
        return ("and",) + exp[1:]
        return exp
Esempio n. 9
def format_exp(exp):
    if type(exp) == str:
        return f'"{exp}"'
    if type(exp) == int:
        if exp > 10 ** 6 and exp % 10 ** 6 != 0:
            return hex(exp)
            return str(exp)
    elif type(exp) != list:
        return str(exp)
        if len(exp) == 0:
            return COLOR_GRAY + "[]" + ENDC
        if type(opcode(exp)) == list:
            return (
                + "["
                + ENDC
                + f"{COLOR_GRAY}, {ENDC}".join([format_exp(e) for e in exp])
                + COLOR_GRAY
                + "]"
                + ENDC
            return (
                + "["
                + ENDC
                + f"{COLOR_GRAY}, {ENDC}".join(
                    [opcode(exp)] + [format_exp(e) for e in exp[1:]]
                + COLOR_GRAY
                + "]"
                + ENDC
Esempio n. 10
def as_paths(trace, path = None):
    assert type(trace) == list

    path = path or tuple()

#    self.find_offsets()

    trace = replace_f(trace, make_fands)

    for line in trace:
        if opcode(line) == 'if':
            # assumes 'ifs' end trace
            cond, if_true, if_false = line[1], line[2], line[3]
            return as_paths(if_true, path + (cond, )) + as_paths(if_false, path + (is_zero(cond), ))

        if opcode(line) == 'LOOP':
            path += (('LOOP', line[2]), )
            return as_paths(line[1], path)

        path += (line, )

#    pprint_logic()

    return (list(path), )
Esempio n. 11
def replace_names_in_assoc(names, storages_assoc):
    for pattern, name in names.items():

        if opcode(pattern) == "bool":

        if opcode(pattern) == "struct":
            stor_id = pattern
            stor_id = storages_assoc[pattern]

        if m := match(stor_id, ("stor", ":size", ":off", ("loc", ":num"))):
            size, off, num = m.size,, m.num
            # if we found a simple getter for a storage number,
            # we need to check first if a given location is only accessed
            # this way. otherwise it may be a function like getLength, that
            # returns the array length, and we don't want to use it as a storage name
            if all(
                    match(pattern, ("stor", Any, Any, ("loc", Any)))
                    for pattern in storages_assoc if get_loc(pattern) == num):


                for src, pattern in storages_assoc.items():
                    if pattern == stor_id:
                        storages_assoc[src] = ("stor", size, off, ("name",
                                                                   name, num))

        elif ((m := match(stor_id, ("stor", Any, Any, ("map", Any, ":loc"))))
              or (m := match(stor_id,
                             ("stor", Any, Any, ("array", Any, ":loc"))))
              or (m := match(stor_id, ("struct", ":loc")))):
Esempio n. 12
    def continue_loops(self, root):

        loop_list = find_nodes(root, lambda n: n.trace is not None and \
                                               len(n.trace) == 1 and \
                                               opcode(n.trace[0]) == 'loop')

        for node in loop_list:
            assert node.trace is not None
            assert len(node.trace) == 1
            assert opcode(node.trace[0]) == 'loop'

            line = node.trace[0]
            loop_dest, stack, new_stack, vars = line[1:]

            if loop_dest.is_label():
                old_stack = loop_dest.stack
                beginvars = loop_dest.label.begin_vars
                set_vars = []

                for _, var_idx, val, stack_pos in beginvars:
                    sv = ('setvar', var_idx, stack[stack_pos])

                if len(list(set_vars)) == 0:
                    folded, var_list = fold_stacks(old_stack, stack, loop_dest.label.depth)
                    node.trace = None
                    node.set_label(loop_dest, tuple(var_list), folded)

                node.trace = [('goto', loop_dest, tuple(set_vars))]

                node.trace = None
                node.set_label(loop_dest, tuple(vars), new_stack)
Esempio n. 13
def deserialize(trace):
    res = []
    for line in trace:
        line_t = tuple(line)

        if opcode(line_t) == "while":
            _, cond, path, lid, setvars = line_t
            cond = tuplify(cond)
            setvars = tuplify(setvars)
            assert type(lid) == str

            path = deserialize(path)
            res.append(("while", cond, path, lid, setvars))

        elif opcode(line_t) == "if":
            _, cond, if_true, if_false = line_t
            cond = tuplify(cond)
            if_true = deserialize(if_true)
            if_false = deserialize(if_false)
            res.append(("if", cond, if_true, if_false))


    return res
Esempio n. 14
def lt_op(left, right):  # left < right
    if type(left) == int and type(right) == int:
        return left < right

    if (m := match(left, ("add", ":int:num", ":max"))) and opcode(m.max) == "max":
        terms = m.max[1:]
        left = ("max",) + tuple(add_op(t, m.num) for t in terms)
Esempio n. 15
def make_fands(exp):
    # see `ferlan.getOrderDataClaim` for why it's necessary
    if opcode(exp) == "or":
        return ("for",) + exp[1:]
    elif opcode(exp) == "and":
        return ("fand",) + exp[1:]
        return exp
Esempio n. 16
    def add_to_arr(exp):
        if m := match(exp, ("add", ":left", ":right")):
            left, right = m.left, m.right
            if opcode(left) == "loc":
                right, left = left, right

            if opcode(right) == "loc":
                return ("array", left, right)
Esempio n. 17
def max_to_add(exp):
    if opcode(exp) != "max":
        return exp

    exp = exp[1:]

    for e in exp:
        if opcode(e) != "add" and type(e) != int:
            return simplify_max(("max",) + exp)

    for e in exp:
        if type(e) == int:
            m = min(
                if type(x) == int
                else (
                    x[1] if type(x) == tuple and len(x) > 1 and type(x[1]) == int else 0
                for x in exp
            # used to be x[1] but 0x0000136DAE58AFCF1EDd2071973d4a7a6fbe98A5 didn't work
            res = ("max", e - m)
            for e2 in exp:
                if e2 != e:
                    res += (sub_op(e2, m),)

            return ("add", m, res)

    m = 10 ** 20
    for e in exp:
        if type(e[1]) != int:
            m = 0
            m = min(m, e[1])

    common = []
    first = exp[0]
    for f in first:
        if all(f in e[1:] for e in exp[1:]):

    if len(common) > 0:
        a = add_op(m, *common)
        a = m

    res = []
    for e in exp:
        res.append(sub_op(e, a))

    if type(a) == int:
        prefix = (a,)
        prefix = a[1:]

    return ("add",) + prefix + (simplify_max(("max",) + tuple(res)),)
Esempio n. 18
        def fold_ands(exp):
            assert opcode(exp) == "and"

            res = tuple()
            for e in exp[1:]:
                if opcode(e) == "and":
                    e = fold_ands(e)
                    res += e[1:]
                    res += (e, )

            return ("and", ) + res
Esempio n. 19
        def fold_ands(exp):
            assert opcode(exp) == 'and'

            res = tuple()
            for e in exp[1:]:
                if opcode(e) == 'and':
                    e = fold_ands(e)
                    res += e[1:]
                    res += (e, )

            return ('and', ) + res
Esempio n. 20
def replace_names_in_assoc(names, storages_assoc):
    for pattern, name in names.items():

        if opcode(pattern) == 'bool':

        if opcode(pattern) == 'struct':
            stor_id = pattern
            stor_id = storages_assoc[pattern]

        if stor_id ~ ('stor', :size, :off, ('loc', :num)):
Esempio n. 21
def simplify_max(exp):
    if opcode(exp) != "max":
        return exp

    res = ("max",)
    for e in exp[1:]:
        if opcode(e) == "max":
            res += e[1:]
            res += (e,)

    return res
Esempio n. 22
def add_op(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]
    elif len(args) == 0:
        return 0

    assert len(args) > 1
    assert 'mul' not in args # some old bug, it's ok for ['mul'..] to be in args, but not 'mul' directly

    # speed optimisation
    real = 0
    for r in args:
        if type(r) in (int, float):
            real += r
        return real
    # / speed

    res = flatten_adds(list(args))

    for idx, r in enumerate(res):
        if opcode(r) != 'mul':
            res[idx] = mul_op(1, r)

    real = 0
    symbolic = []

    for r in res:
        assert opcode(r) != 'add'

        if type(r) in [int,float]:
            real += r

        assert opcode(r) == 'mul'

        # look at all the previously found symbolic expressions
        # perhaps you can add to the previous one - if so, do it
        # else, add this as a new symbolic exp
        for idx, rr in enumerate(symbolic):

            tried = try_add(r, rr) or try_add(rr, r)

            if tried is not None and tried != 0:

                if tried ~ ('mul', ...):
                    symbolic[idx] = tried

                elif tried ~ ('mask_shl', int:size, 0, 256-size, :val):
                    symbolic[idx] = ('mul', 2**(256-size), val)
Esempio n. 23
def simplify_max(exp):
    if opcode(exp) != 'max':
        return exp

    if opcode(exp) == 'max':
        res = ('max', )
        for e in exp[1:]:
            if opcode(e) == 'max':
                res += e[1:]
                res += (e, )

        return res
Esempio n. 24
def simplify_bool(exp):
    if opcode(exp) == "iszero":
        inside = simplify_bool(exp[1])

        if opcode(inside) == "iszero":
            return inside[1]
            # this had a bug and it went on unnoticed. does this check ever get executed?
            return is_zero(inside)

    if opcode(exp) == "bool":
        return exp[1]

    return exp
def replace_max_with_MAX(exp):
    if opcode(exp) != 'max':
        return exp, None

    exp = max_to_add(exp)

    res = exp

    for e in exp:
        if opcode(e) == 'max':
            res = e

    exp = replace(exp, res, 'MAX')
    exp = simplify(exp)
    return exp, res
Esempio n. 26
def flatten_adds(exp):
    res = exp

    while len([a for a in res if opcode(a) == "add"]) > 0:
        exp = []
        for r in res:
            if opcode(r) == "add":
                assert len(r[1:]) > 1
                exp += r[1:]

        res = exp

    return res
Esempio n. 27
def replace_max_with_MAX(exp):
    if opcode(exp) != "max":
        return exp, None

    exp = max_to_add(exp)

    res = exp

    for e in exp:
        if opcode(e) == "max":
            res = e

    exp = replace(exp, res, "MAX")
    exp = simplify(exp)
    return exp, res
Esempio n. 28
def find_storage_names(functions):

    res = {}

    for func in functions:
        if func.getter:
            getter = func.getter

            assert opcode(getter) in ("storage", "struct", "bool")

            # func name into potential storage name

            new_name =

            if new_name[:3] == "get" and len(new_name.split("(")[0]) > 3:
                new_name = new_name[3:]

            if new_name != new_name.upper():
                # otherwise we get stuff like bILLIONS in 0xF0160428a8552AC9bB7E050D90eEADE4DDD52843
                new_name = new_name[0].lower() + new_name[1:]

            new_name = new_name.split("(")[0]

            if match(getter, ("storage", 160, ...)):
                if (("address" not in new_name.lower())
                        and ("addr" not in new_name.lower())
                        and ("account" not in new_name.lower())
                        and ("owner" not in new_name.lower())):
                    new_name += "Address"

            res[getter] = new_name

    return res
Esempio n. 29
def merge_ifs(path):
    # detects if-else sections that have the same beginnings, and moves
    # if upstream, merging some of the code

    assert type(path) == list
    ret = []

    for idx, line in enumerate(path):
        assert type(line) != list
        if opcode(line) != 'if':
        elif len(line) == 3:
            # one-sided if
            cond, if_true, if_false = line[1], merge_ifs(line[2]), merge_ifs(path[idx+1:])
            lines, merged = try_merge_ifs(cond, if_true, if_false)
            assert len(line) == 4
            cond, if_true, if_false = line[1], merge_ifs(line[2]), merge_ifs(line[3])
            lines, merged = try_merge_ifs(cond, if_true, if_false)
            # don't break

    return ret
def split_or(value):
    orig_value = value

    if opcode(value) not in ('or', 'mask_shl'):
        return [(256,0,value)]

    if opcode(value) == 'mask_shl':
        value = ('or', value)

    assert value ~ ('or', *terms)

    ret_rows = []

    for row in terms:
        if row ~ ('bool', :arg):