Esempio n. 1
def ExportDetectionsToCOCO(image_ids,
    """Export detection annotations in numpy arrays to COCO API.
    This function converts a set of predicted detections represented
    as numpy arrays to dictionaries that can be ingested by the COCO API.
    Inputs to this function are lists, consisting of boxes, scores and
    classes, respectively, corresponding to each image for which detections
    have been produced.  Note that the image_ids provided here must
    match the ones given to the ExportGroundtruthToCOCO function in order
    for evaluation to work properly.
    We assume that for each image, boxes, scores and classes are in
    correspondence --- that is: detection_boxes[i, :], detection_scores[i] and
    detection_classes[i] are associated with the same detection.
      image_ids: a list of unique image identifier either of type integer or
      detection_boxes: list of numpy arrays with shape [num_detection_boxes, 4]
      detection_scores: list of numpy arrays (float) with shape
        [num_detection_boxes]. Note that num_detection_boxes can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      detection_classes: list of numpy arrays (int) with shape
        [num_detection_boxes]. Note that num_detection_boxes can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
        Each dict in this list must have an integer 'id' key uniquely identifying
        this category.
      output_path: (optional) path for exporting result to JSON
      list of dictionaries that can be read by COCO API, where each entry
      corresponds to a single detection and has keys from:
      ['image_id', 'category_id', 'bbox', 'score'].
      ValueError: if (1) detection_boxes and detection_classes do not have the
        right lengths or (2) if each of the elements inside these lists do not
        have the correct shapes or (3) if image_ids are not integers.
    category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in categories])
    detections_export_list = []
    if not (len(image_ids) == len(detection_boxes) == len(detection_scores) ==
        raise ValueError('Input lists must have the same length')
    for image_id, boxes, scores, classes in zip(image_ids, detection_boxes,
            ExportSingleImageDetectionBoxesToCoco(image_id, category_id_set,
                                                  boxes, scores, classes))
    if output_path:
        with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as fid:
    return detections_export_list
    def dump_detections_to_json_file(self, json_output_path):
        """Saves the detections into json_output_path in the format used by MS COCO.

      json_output_path: String containing the output file's path. It can be also
        None. In that case nothing will be written to the output file.
        if json_output_path and json_output_path is not None:
  'Dumping detections to output json file.')
            with tf.gfile.GFile(json_output_path, 'w') as fid:
Esempio n. 3
def ExportKeypointsToCOCO(image_ids,
    """Exports keypoints in numpy arrays to COCO API.
    This function converts a set of predicted keypoints represented
    as numpy arrays to dictionaries that can be ingested by the COCO API.
    Inputs to this function are lists, consisting of keypoints, scores and
    classes, respectively, corresponding to each image for which detections
    have been produced.
    We assume that for each image, keypoints, scores and classes are in
    correspondence --- that is: detection_keypoints[i, :, :, :],
    detection_scores[i] and detection_classes[i] are associated with the same
      image_ids: list of image ids (typically ints or strings)
      detection_keypoints: list of numpy arrays with shape
        [num_detection, num_keypoints, 2] and type float32 in absolute
        x-y coordinates.
      detection_scores: list of numpy arrays (float) with shape
        [num_detection]. Note that num_detection can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      detection_classes: list of numpy arrays (int) with shape
        [num_detection]. Note that num_detection can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
        Each dict in this list must have an integer 'id' key uniquely identifying
        this category and an integer 'num_keypoints' key specifying the number of
        keypoints the category has.
      output_path: (optional) path for exporting result to JSON
      list of dictionaries that can be read by COCO API, where each entry
      corresponds to a single detection and has keys from:
      ['image_id', 'category_id', 'keypoints', 'score'].
      ValueError: if detection_keypoints and detection_classes do not have the
        right lengths or if each of the elements inside these lists do not
        have the correct shapes.
    if not (len(image_ids) == len(detection_keypoints) == len(detection_scores)
            == len(detection_classes)):
        raise ValueError('Input lists must have the same length')

    keypoints_export_list = []
    for image_id, keypoints, scores, classes in zip(image_ids,

        if len(classes.shape) != 1 or len(scores.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'All entries in detection_classes and detection_scores'
                'expected to be of rank 1.')
        if len(keypoints.shape) != 3:
            raise ValueError('All entries in keypoints expected to be of '
                             'rank 3. Given {}'.format(keypoints.shape))

        num_boxes = classes.shape[0]
        if not num_boxes == keypoints.shape[0] == scores.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Corresponding entries in detection_classes, '
                'detection_keypoints, and detection_scores should have '
                'compatible shapes (i.e., agree on the 0th dimension).')

        category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in categories])
        category_id_to_num_keypoints_map = {
            cat['id']: cat['num_keypoints']
            for cat in categories if 'num_keypoints' in cat

        for i in range(num_boxes):
            if classes[i] not in category_id_set:
                raise ValueError('class id should be in category_id_set\n')

            if classes[i] in category_id_to_num_keypoints_map:
                num_keypoints = category_id_to_num_keypoints_map[classes[i]]
                # Adds extra ones to indicate the visibility for each keypoint as is
                # recommended by MSCOCO.
                instance_keypoints = np.concatenate([
                    keypoints[i, 0:num_keypoints, :],
                    np.expand_dims(np.ones(num_keypoints), axis=1)

                instance_keypoints = instance_keypoints.flatten().tolist()
                    'image_id': image_id,
                    'category_id': int(classes[i]),
                    'keypoints': instance_keypoints,
                    'score': float(scores[i])

    if output_path:
        with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as fid:
    return keypoints_export_list
Esempio n. 4
def ExportSegmentsToCOCO(image_ids,
    """Export segmentation masks in numpy arrays to COCO API.
    This function converts a set of predicted instance masks represented
    as numpy arrays to dictionaries that can be ingested by the COCO API.
    Inputs to this function are lists, consisting of segments, scores and
    classes, respectively, corresponding to each image for which detections
    have been produced.
    Note this function is recommended to use for small dataset.
    For large dataset, it should be used with a merge function
    (e.g. in map reduce), otherwise the memory consumption is large.
    We assume that for each image, masks, scores and classes are in
    correspondence --- that is: detection_masks[i, :, :, :], detection_scores[i]
    and detection_classes[i] are associated with the same detection.
      image_ids: list of image ids (typically ints or strings)
      detection_masks: list of numpy arrays with shape [num_detection, h, w, 1]
        and type uint8. The height and width should match the shape of
        corresponding image.
      detection_scores: list of numpy arrays (float) with shape
        [num_detection]. Note that num_detection can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      detection_classes: list of numpy arrays (int) with shape
        [num_detection]. Note that num_detection can be different
        for each entry in the list.
      categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
        Each dict in this list must have an integer 'id' key uniquely identifying
        this category.
      output_path: (optional) path for exporting result to JSON
      list of dictionaries that can be read by COCO API, where each entry
      corresponds to a single detection and has keys from:
      ['image_id', 'category_id', 'segmentation', 'score'].
      ValueError: if detection_masks and detection_classes do not have the
        right lengths or if each of the elements inside these lists do not
        have the correct shapes.
    if not (len(image_ids) == len(detection_masks) == len(detection_scores) ==
        raise ValueError('Input lists must have the same length')

    segment_export_list = []
    for image_id, masks, scores, classes in zip(image_ids, detection_masks,

        if len(classes.shape) != 1 or len(scores.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'All entries in detection_classes and detection_scores'
                'expected to be of rank 1.')
        if len(masks.shape) != 4:
            raise ValueError('All entries in masks expected to be of '
                             'rank 4. Given {}'.format(masks.shape))

        num_boxes = classes.shape[0]
        if not num_boxes == masks.shape[0] == scores.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Corresponding entries in segment_classes, '
                'detection_scores and detection_boxes should have '
                'compatible shapes (i.e., agree on the 0th dimension).')

        category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in categories])
            ExportSingleImageDetectionMasksToCoco(image_id, category_id_set,
                                                  np.squeeze(masks, axis=3),
                                                  scores, classes))

    if output_path:
        with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as fid:
            json_utils.Dump(segment_export_list, fid, float_digits=4, indent=2)
    return segment_export_list
Esempio n. 5
def ExportGroundtruthToCOCO(image_ids,
    """Export groundtruth detection annotations in numpy arrays to COCO API.
    This function converts a set of groundtruth detection annotations represented
    as numpy arrays to dictionaries that can be ingested by the COCO API.
    Inputs to this function are three lists: image ids for each groundtruth image,
    groundtruth boxes for each image and groundtruth classes respectively.
    Note that the image_ids provided here must match the ones given to the
    ExportDetectionsToCOCO function in order for evaluation to work properly.
    We assume that for each image, boxes, scores and classes are in
    correspondence --- that is: image_id[i], groundtruth_boxes[i, :] and
    groundtruth_classes[i] are associated with the same groundtruth annotation.
    In the exported result, "area" fields are always set to the area of the
    groundtruth bounding box and "iscrowd" fields are always set to 0.
    TODO(jonathanhuang): pass in "iscrowd" array for evaluating on COCO dataset.
      image_ids: a list of unique image identifier either of type integer or
      groundtruth_boxes: list of numpy arrays with shape [num_gt_boxes, 4]
        (note that num_gt_boxes can be different for each entry in the list)
      groundtruth_classes: list of numpy arrays (int) with shape [num_gt_boxes]
        (note that num_gt_boxes can be different for each entry in the list)
      categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
          Each dict in this list has the following keys:
            'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category
            'name': (required) string representing category name
              e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza'
            'supercategory': (optional) string representing the supercategory
              e.g., 'animal', 'vehicle', 'food', etc
      output_path: (optional) path for exporting result to JSON
      dictionary that can be read by COCO API
      ValueError: if (1) groundtruth_boxes and groundtruth_classes do not have the
        right lengths or (2) if each of the elements inside these lists do not
        have the correct shapes or (3) if image_ids are not integers
    category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in categories])
    groundtruth_export_list = []
    image_export_list = []
    if not len(image_ids) == len(groundtruth_boxes) == len(
        raise ValueError('Input lists must have the same length')

    # For reasons internal to the COCO API, it is important that annotation ids
    # are not equal to zero; we thus start counting from 1.
    annotation_id = 1
    for image_id, boxes, classes in zip(image_ids, groundtruth_boxes,
        image_export_list.append({'id': image_id})
            ExportSingleImageGroundtruthToCoco(image_id, annotation_id,
                                               category_id_set, boxes,
        num_boxes = classes.shape[0]
        annotation_id += num_boxes

    groundtruth_dict = {
        'annotations': groundtruth_export_list,
        'images': image_export_list,
        'categories': categories
    if output_path:
        with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as fid:
            json_utils.Dump(groundtruth_dict, fid, float_digits=4, indent=2)
    return groundtruth_dict
 def testDumpUnspecifiedPrecision(self):
   output_path = os.path.join(tf.test.get_temp_dir(), 'test.json')
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as f:
     json_utils.Dump(1.012345, f)
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'r') as f:
     self.assertEqual(, '1.012345')
 def testDumpZeroPrecision(self):
   output_path = os.path.join(tf.test.get_temp_dir(), 'test.json')
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as f:
     json_utils.Dump(1.0, f, float_digits=0, indent=3)
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'r') as f:
     self.assertEqual(, '1')
 def testDumpPassExtraParams(self):
   output_path = os.path.join(tf.test.get_temp_dir(), 'test.json')
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'w') as f:
     json_utils.Dump([1.0], f, float_digits=2, indent=3)
   with tf.gfile.GFile(output_path, 'r') as f:
     self.assertEqual(, '[\n   1.00\n]')