def __parse_playlist(self, url): """ Parses the playlist at the given URL and returns a list of URLs. """ uris = [] try: stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() fd = urllib.urlopen(url) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[mediaplayer] retrieved playlist") except: return uris data = fd.close() filelines = [ l for l in data.splitlines() if l.startswith("File") ] httplines = [ l for l in data.splitlines() if l.startswith("http") ] for line in filelines: idx = line.find("=") uri = line[idx + 1:].strip() uris.append(uri) #end for for line in httplines: uri = line.strip() uris.append(uri) #end for return uris
def __load(self, uri): #, ctx_id = -1): """ Loads and plays the given file. @param uri: URI of the file @param ctx_id: context ID to use; for internal use only @return: context ID """ if (uri.startswith("http") and not uri.startswith("")): stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() s_type = self.__stream_analyzer.analyze(uri) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[mediaplayer] analyzed stream type") else: s_type = StreamAnalyzer.STREAM if (s_type == StreamAnalyzer.PLAYLIST): uris = self.__parse_playlist(uri) if (uris): uri = uris[0] else: uri = "" # new context id is needed self.__state_machine.set_property("context id", self._new_context_id()) self.__state_machine.set_property("suspension point", None) self.__state_machine.set_property("uri", uri) self.__state_machine.set_property("load time", time.time()) gobject.idle_add(self.__state_machine.send_input, _INPUT_LOAD) return self.__state_machine.get_property("context id")
def __load_file(self, f, is_manual): """ Loads the given file. """ #if (f.mimetype == "application/x-applet"): # applet_id = f.resource # self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_LAUNCH_APPLET, applet_id) stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() if (f.mimetype == f.CONFIGURATOR): cfg_name = f.resource self.emit_message(msgs.UI_ACT_SHOW_DIALOG, cfg_name) else: if (is_manual): self.__show_dialog("player.PlayerWindow") #if (not f.mimetype in mimetypes.get_image_types()): self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_ACT_STOP) self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_ACT_LOAD, f) # update set of play files self.__current_file = f folder = self.__browser.get_current_folder() if (is_manual and folder != self.__play_folder): self.__play_folder = folder self.__random_files = [] self.__invalidate_play_files() logging.profile(stopwatch, "[navigator] loaded file")
def __load_track_info(self, item): stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() tags = tagreader.get_tags(item) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[audioplayer] retrieved audio tags") gobject.timeout_add(0, self.__on_track_info, item, tags)
def load(self, f): self.__lyrics = "" self.__have_cover = False stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() self.__player = self.call_service(msgs.MEDIA_SVC_GET_OUTPUT) self.__player.connect_status_changed(self.__on_change_player_status) self.__player.connect_volume_changed(self.__on_change_player_volume) self.__player.connect_position_changed(self.__on_update_position) self.__player.connect_tag_discovered(self.__on_discovered_tags) self.__player.connect_error(self.__on_error) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[audioplayer] connected audio output") try: stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() self.__context_id = self.__player.load_audio(f) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[audioplayer] loaded media file: %s", f) except: logging.error("error loading media file: %s\n%s", f, logging.stacktrace()) stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() self.__current_file = f logging.profile(stopwatch, "[audioplayer] loaded track info") # load bookmarks self.__progress.set_bookmarks(media_bookmarks.get_bookmarks(f)) self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_EV_LOADED, self, f) t = threading.Thread(target = self.__load_track_info, args = [f]) t.setDaemon(True) gobject.idle_add(lambda *x:t.start() and False) if (self.__offscreen_buffer): self.render_buffered(self.__offscreen_buffer)
def __on_track_info(self, item, tags): logging.debug("[audioplayer] processing track info") title = tags.get("TITLE") or artist = tags.get("ARTIST") or "-" album = tags.get("ALBUM") or "-" self.__trackinfo.set_title(title) self.__trackinfo.set_album(album) self.__trackinfo.set_artist(artist) if (self.__offscreen_buffer): self.render_buffered(self.__offscreen_buffer) # load cover art self.call_service(msgs.COVERSTORE_SVC_GET_COVER, item, self.__on_loaded_cover, self.__context_id, logging.stopwatch()) stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_EV_TAG, "TITLE", title) self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_EV_TAG, "ARTIST", artist) self.emit_message(msgs.MEDIA_EV_TAG, "ALBUM", album) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[audioplayer] propagated audio tags")
def query(self, qs, *query_args): """ Parses and performs a given query. The query uses prefix notation to avoid brackets. Returns a set of value-tuples. """ if (self.__is_dirty): self.__save_index() stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() # normalize argument strings (replace unsafe chars) qas = [] for q in query_args: if (type(q) == type("")): qas.append(q.replace("'", "\\'")) else: qas.append(q) #end for qas = tuple(qas) if (qas): qs = qs % qas logging.debug("[fileindex] query: %s", qs) wrapped_qs = [qs] filter_props = self.__parse_filter(wrapped_qs) all_eids = set(self.__entries.keys()) entry_ids = self.__parse_condition(wrapped_qs, all_eids) out = set() for eid in entry_ids: entry = self.__entries[eid] values = (entry.get(key, "") for key in filter_props) out.add(tuple(values)) #end for if (len(out) < 100): logging.debug("[fileindex] result: %d items\n%s", len(out), out) else: logging.debug("[fileindex] result: %d items", len(out)) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[fileindex] query: %s (yields %d items)", str(qs), len(out)) return out
def __go_next(self): stopwatch = logging.stopwatch() if (not self.__play_files): self.__invalidate_play_files() repeat_mode = mb_config.repeat_mode() shuffle_mode = mb_config.shuffle_mode() if (repeat_mode == mb_config.REPEAT_MODE_NONE): if (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE): self.__play_next(False) elif (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_ONE): self.__play_shuffled(False) elif (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL): self.__play_shuffled(True) elif (repeat_mode == mb_config.REPEAT_MODE_ONE): if (self.__current_file): self.__play_same() else: self.__play_next(True) elif (repeat_mode == mb_config.REPEAT_MODE_ALL): if (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE): self.__play_next(True) elif (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_ONE): self.__play_shuffled(False) elif (shuffle_mode == mb_config.SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL): self.__play_shuffled(True) logging.profile(stopwatch, "[navigator] loaded next item")