def test(args, test_list, model_list, net_input_shape): if args.weights_path == '': weights_path = join(args.check_dir, args.output_name + '_model_' + args.time + '.hdf5') else: weights_path = join(args.data_root_dir, args.weights_path) output_dir = join(args.data_root_dir, 'results',, 'split_' + str(args.split_num)) raw_out_dir = join(output_dir, 'raw_output') fin_out_dir = join(output_dir, 'final_output') fig_out_dir = join(output_dir, 'qual_figs') try: makedirs(raw_out_dir) except: pass try: makedirs(fin_out_dir) except: pass try: makedirs(fig_out_dir) except: pass if len(model_list) > 1: eval_model = model_list[1] else: eval_model = model_list[0] try:'\nWeights_path=%s' % (weights_path)) eval_model.load_weights(weights_path) except: logging.warning( '\nUnable to find weights path. Testing with random weights.') print_summary(model=eval_model, positions=[.38, .65, .75, 1.]) # Set up placeholders outfile = '' if args.compute_dice: dice_arr = np.zeros((len(test_list))) outfile += 'dice_' if args.compute_jaccard: jacc_arr = np.zeros((len(test_list))) outfile += 'jacc_' if args.compute_assd: assd_arr = np.zeros((len(test_list))) outfile += 'assd_' # Testing the network'\nTesting... This will take some time...') with open(join(output_dir, args.save_prefix + outfile + 'scores.csv'), 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) row = ['Scan Name'] if args.compute_dice: row.append('Dice Coefficient') if args.compute_jaccard: row.append('Jaccard Index') if args.compute_assd: row.append('Average Symmetric Surface Distance') writer.writerow(row) for i, img in enumerate((test_list)): sitk_img = sitk.ReadImage(join(args.data_root_dir, 'imgs', img[0])) img_data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( sitk_img) # 3d:(slices, 512, 512), 2d:(512, 512, channels=4) # Change RGB to single slice of grayscale image for MS COCO 17 dataset. if args.dataset == 'mscoco17': img_data = convert_img_data(img_data, 3) num_slices = 1'\ntest.test: eval_model.predict_generator') _, _, generate_test_batches = get_generator(args.dataset) output_array = eval_model.predict_generator( generate_test_batches(args.data_root_dir, [img], net_input_shape, batchSize=args.batch_size, numSlices=args.slices, subSampAmt=0, stride=1), steps=num_slices, max_queue_size=1, workers=4, use_multiprocessing=args.use_multiprocessing, verbose=1)'\ntest.test: output_array=%s' % (output_array)) if'caps') != -1: # A list with two images [mask, recon], get mask image.#3d: # output_array=[mask(Slices, x=512, y=512, 1), recon(slices, x=512, y=512, 1)] output = output_array[0][:, :, :, 0] # output = (slices, 512, 512) #recon = output_array[1][:,:,:,0] else: output = output_array[:, :, :, 0] #output_image = RTTI size:[512, 512, 119] output_img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(output) print('Segmenting Output') # output_bin (119, 512, 512) output_bin = threshold_mask(output, args.thresh_level) # output_mask = RIIT (512, 512, 119) output_mask = sitk.GetImageFromArray(output_bin) if args.dataset == 'luna16': output_img.CopyInformation(sitk_img) output_mask.CopyInformation(sitk_img) print('Saving Output') sitk.WriteImage( output_img, join(raw_out_dir, img[0][:-4] + '_raw_output' + img[0][-4:])) sitk.WriteImage( output_mask, join(fin_out_dir, img[0][:-4] + '_final_output' + img[0][-4:])) else: # MS COCO 17 plt.imshow(output[0, :, :], cmap='gray') plt.imsave( join(raw_out_dir, img[0][:-4] + '_raw_output' + img[0][-4:]), output[0, :, :]) plt.imshow(output_bin[0, :, :], cmap='gray') plt.imsave( join(fin_out_dir, img[0][:-4] + '_final_output' + img[0][-4:]), output_bin[0, :, :]) # Load gt mask # sitk_mask: 3d RTTI(512, 512, slices) sitk_mask = sitk.ReadImage( join(args.data_root_dir, 'masks', img[0])) # gt_data: 3d=(slices, 512, 512), Ground Truth data gt_data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_mask) # Change RGB to single slice of grayscale image for MS COCO 17 dataset. if args.dataset == 'mscoco17': gt_data = convert_mask_data(gt_data) # Reshape numpy from 2 to 3 dimensions (slices, heigh, width) gt_data = gt_data.reshape( [1, gt_data.shape[0], gt_data.shape[1]]) # Plot Qual Figure print('Creating Qualitative Figure for Quick Reference') f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) if args.dataset == 'mscoco17': pass else: # 3D data ax[0].imshow(img_data[img_data.shape[0] // 3, :, :], alpha=1, cmap='gray') ax[0].imshow(output_bin[img_data.shape[0] // 3, :, :], alpha=0.5, cmap='Blues') ax[0].imshow(gt_data[img_data.shape[0] // 3, :, :], alpha=0.2, cmap='Reds') ax[0].set_title('Slice {}/{}'.format(img_data.shape[0] // 3, img_data.shape[0])) ax[0].axis('off') ax[1].imshow(img_data[img_data.shape[0] // 2, :, :], alpha=1, cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(output_bin[img_data.shape[0] // 2, :, :], alpha=0.5, cmap='Blues') ax[1].imshow(gt_data[img_data.shape[0] // 2, :, :], alpha=0.2, cmap='Reds') ax[1].set_title('Slice {}/{}'.format(img_data.shape[0] // 2, img_data.shape[0])) ax[1].axis('off') ax[2].imshow(img_data[img_data.shape[0] // 2 + img_data.shape[0] // 4, :, :], alpha=1, cmap='gray') ax[2].imshow(output_bin[img_data.shape[0] // 2 + img_data.shape[0] // 4, :, :], alpha=0.5, cmap='Blues') ax[2].imshow(gt_data[img_data.shape[0] // 2 + img_data.shape[0] // 4, :, :], alpha=0.2, cmap='Reds') ax[2].set_title('Slice {}/{}'.format( img_data.shape[0] // 2 + img_data.shape[0] // 4, img_data.shape[0])) ax[2].axis('off') fig = plt.gcf() fig.suptitle(img[0][:-4]) plt.savefig(join(fig_out_dir, img[0][:-4] + '_qual_fig' + '.png'), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') # Compute metrics row = [img[0][:-4]] if args.compute_dice:'\nComputing Dice') dice_arr[i] = dc(output_bin, gt_data)'\tDice: {}'.format(dice_arr[i])) row.append(dice_arr[i]) if args.compute_jaccard:'\nComputing Jaccard') jacc_arr[i] = jc(output_bin, gt_data)'\tJaccard: {}'.format(jacc_arr[i])) row.append(jacc_arr[i]) if args.compute_assd:'\nComputing ASSD') assd_arr[i] = assd(output_bin, gt_data, voxelspacing=sitk_img.GetSpacing(), connectivity=1)'\tASSD: {}'.format(assd_arr[i])) row.append(assd_arr[i]) writer.writerow(row) row = ['Average Scores'] if args.compute_dice: row.append(np.mean(dice_arr)) if args.compute_jaccard: row.append(np.mean(jacc_arr)) if args.compute_assd: row.append(np.mean(assd_arr)) writer.writerow(row) print('Done.')
prediction, dim=1) #返回每一行中最大值的那个元素,且返回其索引(返回最大元素在这一行的列索引) # print(prediction.shape) #torch.Size([1, 256, 256]) # print(prediction) prediction = prediction.squeeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy().astype( np.uint8) # print(prediction.shape) (256, 256) predictions_in_order.append(prediction) # overlay_in_orders = draw_many_slices(slices_in_order, predictions_in_order, labels_in_order) # imwrite(predictions_in_order, overlay_in_orders, prediction_path+str(i) + '/') # metrics v_prediction = np.stack(predictions_in_order).astype(np.uint) v_label = np.stack(labels_in_order).astype(np.uint) dice = m.dc(v_prediction, v_label) dice_list.append(dice) print('DICE:', dice) iou = m.jc(v_prediction, v_label) iou_list.append(iou) print('IOU:', iou) voe = 1 - iou voe_list.append(voe) print('VOE:', voe) rvd = m.ravd(v_prediction, v_label) rvd_list.append(rvd) print('RVD:', rvd)