def evaluation(eval_loader, model, criterion, num_classes, batch_size, task, ep_idx, progress_log, vis_params, batch_metrics=None, dataset='val', device=None, debug=False): """ Evaluate the model and return the updated metrics :param eval_loader: data loader :param model: model to evaluate :param criterion: loss criterion :param num_classes: number of classes :param batch_size: number of samples to process simultaneously :param task: segmentation or classification :param ep_idx: epoch index (for hypertrainer log) :param progress_log: progress log file (for hypertrainer log) :param batch_metrics: (int) Metrics computed every (int) batches. If left blank, will not perform metrics. :param dataset: (str) 'val or 'tst' :param device: device used by pytorch (cpu ou cuda) :return: (dict) eval_metrics """ eval_metrics = create_metrics_dict(num_classes) model.eval() vis_at_eval = get_key_def('vis_at_evaluation', vis_params['visualization'], False) vis_batch_range = get_key_def('vis_batch_range', vis_params['visualization'], None) min_vis_batch, max_vis_batch, increment = vis_batch_range with tqdm(eval_loader, dynamic_ncols=True, desc=f'Iterating {dataset} batches with {device.type}') as _tqdm: for batch_index, data in enumerate(_tqdm):'a', buffering=1).write( tsv_line(ep_idx, dataset, batch_index, len(eval_loader), time.time())) with torch.no_grad(): inputs = data['sat_img'].to(device) labels = data['map_img'].to(device) labels_flatten = flatten_labels(labels) outputs = model(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, OrderedDict): outputs = outputs['out'] if vis_batch_range is not None and vis_at_eval and batch_index in range( min_vis_batch, max_vis_batch, increment): vis_path = progress_log.parent.joinpath('visualization') if ep_idx == 0 and batch_index == min_vis_batch: tqdm.write( f'Visualizing on {dataset} outputs for batches in range {vis_batch_range}. All ' f'images will be saved to {vis_path}\n') vis_from_batch(params, inputs, outputs, batch_index=batch_index, vis_path=vis_path, labels=labels, dataset=dataset, ep_num=ep_idx + 1) outputs_flatten = flatten_outputs(outputs, num_classes) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) eval_metrics['loss'].update(loss.item(), batch_size) if (dataset == 'val') and (batch_metrics is not None): # Compute metrics every n batches. Time consuming. assert batch_metrics <= len(_tqdm), f"Batch_metrics ({batch_metrics} is smaller than batch size " \ f"{len(_tqdm)}. Metrics in validation loop won't be computed" if ( batch_index + 1 ) % batch_metrics == 0: # +1 to skip val loop at very beginning a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification( segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=get_key_def("ignore_index", params["training"], None)) elif dataset == 'tst': a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification( segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=get_key_def("ignore_index", params["training"], None)) _tqdm.set_postfix( OrderedDict(dataset=dataset, loss=f'{eval_metrics["loss"].avg:.4f}')) if debug and device.type == 'cuda': res, mem = gpu_stats(device=device.index) _tqdm.set_postfix( OrderedDict( device=device, gpu_perc=f'{res.gpu} %', gpu_RAM= f'{mem.used/(1024**2):.0f}/{**2):.0f} MiB' )) print(f"{dataset} Loss: {eval_metrics['loss'].avg}") if batch_metrics is not None: print(f"{dataset} precision: {eval_metrics['precision'].avg}") print(f"{dataset} recall: {eval_metrics['recall'].avg}") print(f"{dataset} fscore: {eval_metrics['fscore'].avg}") return eval_metrics
def evaluation(eval_loader, model, criterion, num_classes, batch_size, ep_idx, progress_log, batch_metrics=None, dataset='val', device=None, debug=False): """ Evaluate the model and return the updated metrics :param eval_loader: data loader :param model: model to evaluate :param criterion: loss criterion :param num_classes: number of classes :param batch_size: number of samples to process simultaneously :param ep_idx: epoch index (for hypertrainer log) :param progress_log: progress log file (for hypertrainer log) :param batch_metrics: (int) Metrics computed every (int) batches. If left blank, will not perform metrics. :param dataset: (str) 'val or 'tst' :param device: device used by pytorch (cpu ou cuda) :return: (dict) eval_metrics """ eval_metrics = create_metrics_dict(num_classes) model.eval() with tqdm(eval_loader, dynamic_ncols=True, desc=f'Iterating {dataset} batches with {device.type}') as _tqdm: for batch_index, data in enumerate(_tqdm):'a', buffering=1).write(tsv_line(ep_idx, dataset, batch_index, len(eval_loader), time.time())) with torch.no_grad(): inputs, labels = data inputs = labels = labels_flatten = labels outputs = model(inputs) outputs_flatten = outputs loss = criterion(outputs, labels) eval_metrics['loss'].update(loss.item(), batch_size) if (dataset == 'val') and (batch_metrics is not None): # Compute metrics every n batches. Time consuming. assert batch_metrics <= len(_tqdm), f"Batch_metrics ({batch_metrics} is smaller than batch size " \ f"{len(_tqdm)}. Metrics in validation loop won't be computed" if (batch_index+1) % batch_metrics == 0: # +1 to skip val loop at very beginning a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=get_key_def("ignore_index", params["training"], None)) elif dataset == 'tst': a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=get_key_def("ignore_index", params["training"], None)) _tqdm.set_postfix(OrderedDict(dataset=dataset, loss=f'{eval_metrics["loss"].avg:.4f}')) if debug and device.type == 'cuda': res, mem = gpu_stats(device=device.index) _tqdm.set_postfix(OrderedDict(device=device, gpu_perc=f'{res.gpu} %', gpu_RAM=f'{mem.used/(1024**2):.0f}/{**2):.0f} MiB'))"{dataset} Loss: {eval_metrics['loss'].avg}") if batch_metrics is not None:"{dataset} precision: {eval_metrics['precision'].avg}")"{dataset} recall: {eval_metrics['recall'].avg}")"{dataset} fscore: {eval_metrics['fscore'].avg}") return eval_metrics
def evaluation(eval_loader, model, criterion, num_classes, batch_size, ep_idx, progress_log, scale, vis_params, batch_metrics=None, dataset='val', device=None, debug=False): """ Evaluate the model and return the updated metrics :param eval_loader: data loader :param model: model to evaluate :param criterion: loss criterion :param num_classes: number of classes :param batch_size: number of samples to process simultaneously :param ep_idx: epoch index (for hypertrainer log) :param progress_log: progress log file (for hypertrainer log) :param scale: Scale to which values in sat img have been redefined. Useful during visualization :param vis_params: (Dict) Parameters useful during visualization :param batch_metrics: (int) Metrics computed every (int) batches. If left blank, will not perform metrics. :param dataset: (str) 'val or 'tst' :param device: device used by pytorch (cpu ou cuda) :param debug: if True, debug functions will be performed :return: (dict) eval_metrics """ eval_metrics = create_metrics_dict(num_classes) model.eval() for batch_index, data in enumerate(tqdm(eval_loader, dynamic_ncols=True, desc=f'Iterating {dataset} ' f'batches with {device.type}')):'a', buffering=1).write(tsv_line(ep_idx, dataset, batch_index, len(eval_loader), time.time())) with torch.no_grad(): try: # For HPC when device 0 not available. Error: RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal inputs = data['sat_img'].to(device) labels = data['map_img'].to(device) except RuntimeError: logging.exception(f'Unable to use device {device}. Trying "cuda:0"') device = torch.device('cuda') inputs = data['sat_img'].to(device) labels = data['map_img'].to(device) labels_flatten = flatten_labels(labels) outputs = model(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, OrderedDict): outputs = outputs['out'] # vis_batch_range: range of batches to perform visualization on. see for more info. # vis_at_eval: (bool) if True, will perform visualization at eval time, as long as vis_batch_range is valid if vis_params['vis_batch_range'] and vis_params['vis_at_eval']: min_vis_batch, max_vis_batch, increment = vis_params['vis_batch_range'] if batch_index in range(min_vis_batch, max_vis_batch, increment): vis_path = progress_log.parent.joinpath('visualization') if ep_idx == 0 and batch_index == min_vis_batch: f'Visualizing on {dataset} outputs for batches in range {vis_params["vis_batch_range"]} ' f'images will be saved to {vis_path}\n') vis_from_batch(vis_params, inputs, outputs, batch_index=batch_index, vis_path=vis_path, labels=labels, dataset=dataset, ep_num=ep_idx + 1, scale=scale) outputs_flatten = flatten_outputs(outputs, num_classes) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) eval_metrics['loss'].update(loss.item(), batch_size) if (dataset == 'val') and (batch_metrics is not None): # Compute metrics every n batches. Time consuming. if not batch_metrics <= len(eval_loader): logging.error(f"Batch_metrics ({batch_metrics}) is smaller than batch size " f"{len(eval_loader)}. Metrics in validation loop won't be computed") if (batch_index + 1) % batch_metrics == 0: # +1 to skip val loop at very beginning a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = iou(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, num_classes, eval_metrics) eval_metrics = report_classification(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=eval_loader.dataset.dontcare) elif dataset == 'tst': a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = iou(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, num_classes, eval_metrics) eval_metrics = report_classification(segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics, ignore_index=eval_loader.dataset.dontcare) logging.debug(OrderedDict(dataset=dataset, loss=f'{eval_metrics["loss"].avg:.4f}')) if debug and device.type == 'cuda': res, mem = gpu_stats(device=device.index) logging.debug(OrderedDict(device=device, gpu_perc=f'{res.gpu} %', gpu_RAM=f'{mem.used / (1024 ** 2):.0f}/{ / (1024 ** 2):.0f} MiB'))"{dataset} Loss: {eval_metrics['loss'].avg}") if batch_metrics is not None:"{dataset} precision: {eval_metrics['precision'].avg}")"{dataset} recall: {eval_metrics['recall'].avg}")"{dataset} fscore: {eval_metrics['fscore'].avg}")"{dataset} iou: {eval_metrics['iou'].avg}") return eval_metrics
def evaluation(eval_loader, model, criterion, num_classes, batch_size, task, ep_idx, progress_log, batch_metrics=None, dataset='val', device=None): """ Evaluate the model and return the updated metrics :param eval_loader: data loader :param model: model to evaluate :param criterion: loss criterion :param num_classes: number of classes :param batch_size: number of samples to process simultaneously :param task: segmentation or classification :param ep_idx: epoch index (for hypertrainer log) :param progress_log: progress log file (for hypertrainer log) :param batch_metrics: (int) Metrics computed every (int) batches. If left blank, will not perform metrics. :param dataset: (str) 'val or 'tst' :param device: device used by pytorch (cpu ou cuda) :return: (dict) eval_metrics """ eval_metrics = create_metrics_dict(num_classes) model.eval() with tqdm(eval_loader, dynamic_ncols=True) as _tqdm: for index, data in enumerate(_tqdm):'a', buffering=1).write( tsv_line(ep_idx, dataset, index, len(eval_loader), time.time())) with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'classification': inputs, labels = data inputs = labels = labels_flatten = labels outputs = model(inputs) outputs_flatten = outputs elif task == 'segmentation': inputs = data['sat_img'].to(device) labels = data['map_img'].to(device) labels_flatten = flatten_labels(labels) outputs = model(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, OrderedDict): outputs = outputs['out'] outputs_flatten = flatten_outputs(outputs, num_classes) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) eval_metrics['loss'].update(loss.item(), batch_size) if (dataset == 'val') and (batch_metrics is not None): # Compute metrics every n batches. Time consuming. if index + 1 % batch_metrics == 0: # +1 to skip val loop at very beginning a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification( segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics) elif dataset == 'tst': a, segmentation = torch.max(outputs_flatten, dim=1) eval_metrics = report_classification( segmentation, labels_flatten, batch_size, eval_metrics) _tqdm.set_postfix( OrderedDict(dataset=dataset, loss=f'{eval_metrics["loss"].avg:.4f}')) if debug and torch.cuda.is_available(): res, mem = gpu_stats(device=device.index) _tqdm.set_postfix( OrderedDict( device=device, gpu_perc=f'{res.gpu} %', gpu_RAM= f'{mem.used/(1024**2):.0f}/{**2):.0f} MiB' )) print(f"{dataset} Loss: {eval_metrics['loss'].avg}") if batch_metrics is not None: print(f"{dataset} precision: {eval_metrics['precision'].avg}") print(f"{dataset} recall: {eval_metrics['recall'].avg}") print(f"{dataset} fscore: {eval_metrics['fscore'].avg}") return eval_metrics