Esempio n. 1
    def nscale_forward(self, inputs, scales):
        Hierarchical attention, primarily used for getting best inference

        We use attention at multiple scales, giving priority to the lower
        resolutions. For example, if we have 4 scales {0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0},
        then evaluation is done as follows:

              p_joint = attn_1.5 * p_1.5 + (1 - attn_1.5) * down(p_2.0)
              p_joint = attn_1.0 * p_1.0 + (1 - attn_1.0) * down(p_joint)
              p_joint = up(attn_0.5 * p_0.5) * (1 - up(attn_0.5)) * p_joint

        The target scale is always 1.0, and 1.0 is expected to be part of the
        list of scales. When predictions are done at greater than 1.0 scale,
        the predictions are downsampled before combining with the next lower

          scales - a list of scales to evaluate
          inputs - dict containing 'images', the input, and 'gts', the ground
                   truth mask

          If training, return loss, else return prediction + attention
        x_1x = inputs['images']

        assert 1.0 in scales, 'expected 1.0 to be the target scale'
        # Lower resolution provides attention for higher rez predictions,
        # so we evaluate in order: high to low
        scales = sorted(scales, reverse=True)

        pred = None
        output_dict = {}

        for s in scales:
            x = ResizeX(x_1x, s)
            bs = x.shape[0]
            scale_float = torch.Tensor(bs).fill_(s)
            p, attn, _aspp_attn, _aspp = self._fwd(x, scale_float=scale_float)

            output_dict[fmt_scale('pred', s)] = p
            if s != 2.0:
                output_dict[fmt_scale('attn', s)] = attn

            if pred is None:
                pred = p
            elif s >= 1.0:
                # downscale previous
                pred = scale_as(pred, p)
                pred = attn * p + (1 - attn) * pred
                # upscale current
                p = attn * p
                p = scale_as(p, pred)
                attn = scale_as(attn, pred)
                pred = p + (1 - attn) * pred

            assert 'gts' in inputs
            gts = inputs['gts']
            loss = self.criterion(pred, gts)
            return loss
            output_dict['pred'] = pred
            return output_dict
Esempio n. 2
    def nscale_forward(self, inputs, scales):
        Hierarchical attention, primarily used for getting best inference

        We use attention at multiple scales, giving priority to the lower
        resolutions. For example, if we have 4 scales {0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0},
        then evaluation is done as follows:

              p_joint = attn_1.5 * p_1.5 + (1 - attn_1.5) * down(p_2.0)
              p_joint = attn_1.0 * p_1.0 + (1 - attn_1.0) * down(p_joint)
              p_joint = up(attn_0.5 * p_0.5) * (1 - up(attn_0.5)) * p_joint

        The target scale is always 1.0, and 1.0 is expected to be part of the
        list of scales. When predictions are done at greater than 1.0 scale,
        the predictions are downsampled before combining with the next lower

          scales - a list of scales to evaluate
          inputs - dict containing 'images', the input, and 'gts', the ground
                   truth mask

          If training, return loss, else return prediction + attention
        x_1x = inputs['images']

        assert 1.0 in scales, 'expected 1.0 to be the target scale'
        # Lower resolution provides attention for higher rez predictions,
        # so we evaluate in order: high to low
        scales = sorted(scales, reverse=True)

        pred = None
        aux = None
        output_dict = {}
        print("scales in forward")

        for s in scales:
            x = ResizeX(x_1x, s)
            outs = self._fwd(x)
            cls_out = outs['cls_out']
            attn_out = outs['logit_attn']
            aux_out = outs['aux_out']

            output_dict[fmt_scale('pred', s)] = cls_out
            if s != 2.0:
                output_dict[fmt_scale('attn', s)] = attn_out

            if pred is None:
                pred = cls_out
                aux = aux_out
            elif s >= 1.0:
                # downscale previous
                pred = scale_as(pred, cls_out)
                pred = attn_out * cls_out + (1 - attn_out) * pred
                aux = scale_as(aux, cls_out)
                aux = attn_out * aux_out + (1 - attn_out) * aux
                # s < 1.0: upscale current
                cls_out = attn_out * cls_out
                aux_out = attn_out * aux_out

                cls_out = scale_as(cls_out, pred)
                aux_out = scale_as(aux_out, pred)
                attn_out = scale_as(attn_out, pred)

                pred = cls_out + (1 - attn_out) * pred
                aux = aux_out + (1 - attn_out) * aux

            assert 'gts' in inputs
            gts = inputs['gts']
            loss = cfg.LOSS.OCR_ALPHA * self.criterion(aux, gts) + \
                   self.criterion(pred, gts)
            return loss
            output_dict['pred'] = pred
            return output_dict
def eval_minibatch(data, net, criterion, val_loss, calc_metrics, args,
    Evaluate a single minibatch of images.
     * calculate metrics
     * dump images

    There are two primary multi-scale inference types:
      1. 'MSCALE', or in-model multi-scale: where the multi-scale iteration loop is
         handled within the model itself (see networks/ -> nscale_forward())
      2. 'multi_scale_inference', where we use Averaging to combine scales

    scales = [args.default_scale]
    if args.multi_scale_inference:
        scales.extend([float(x) for x in args.extra_scales.split(',')])
        if val_idx == 0:
                f'Using multi-scale inference (AVGPOOL) with scales {scales}')

    # input    = torch.Size([1, 3, h, w])
    # gt_image = torch.Size([1, h, w])
    images, gt_image, img_names, scale_float = data
    assert len(images.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
    assert images.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]
    batch_pixel_size = images.size(0) * images.size(2) * images.size(3)
    input_size = images.size(2), images.size(3)

    if args.do_flip:
        # By ending with flip=0, we insure that the images that are dumped
        # out correspond to the unflipped versions. A bit hacky.
        flips = [1, 0]
        flips = [0]

    with torch.no_grad():
        output = 0.0

        for flip in flips:
            for scale in scales:
                if flip == 1:
                    inputs = flip_tensor(images, 3)
                    inputs = images

                infer_size = [round(sz * scale) for sz in input_size]

                if scale != 1.0:
                    inputs = resize_tensor(inputs, infer_size)

                inputs = {'images': inputs, 'gts': gt_image}
                inputs = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in inputs.items()}

                # Expected Model outputs:
                #   required:
                #     'pred'  the network prediction, shape (1, 19, h, w)
                #   optional:
                #     'pred_*' - multi-scale predictions from mscale model
                #     'attn_*' - multi-scale attentions from mscale model
                output_dict = net(inputs)

                _pred = output_dict['pred']

                # save AVGPOOL style multi-scale output for visualizing
                if not cfg.MODEL.MSCALE:
                    scale_name = fmt_scale('pred', scale)
                    output_dict[scale_name] = _pred

                # resize tensor down to 1.0x scale in order to combine
                # with other scales of prediction
                if scale != 1.0:
                    _pred = resize_tensor(_pred, input_size)

                if flip == 1:
                    output = output + flip_tensor(_pred, 3)
                    output = output + _pred

    output = output / len(scales) / len(flips)
    assert_msg = 'output_size {} gt_cuda size {}'
    gt_cuda = gt_image.cuda()
    assert_msg = assert_msg.format(output.size()[2:], gt_cuda.size()[1:])
    assert output.size()[2:] == gt_cuda.size()[1:], assert_msg
    assert output.size()[1] == cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES, assert_msg

    # Update loss and scoring datastructure
    if calc_metrics:
            criterion(output, gt_image.cuda()).item(), batch_pixel_size)

    output_data = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1).cpu().data
    max_probs, predictions = output_data.max(1)

    # Assemble assets to visualize
    assets = {}
    for item in output_dict:
        if 'attn_' in item:
            assets[item] = output_dict[item]
        if 'pred_' in item:
            smax = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output_dict[item], dim=1)
            _, pred =
            assets[item] = pred.cpu().numpy()

    predictions = predictions.numpy()
    assets['predictions'] = predictions
    assets['prob_mask'] = max_probs
    if calc_metrics:
        assets['err_mask'] = calc_err_mask_all(predictions, gt_image.numpy(),

    _iou_acc = fast_hist(predictions.flatten(),
                         gt_image.numpy().flatten(), cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES)

    return assets, _iou_acc
def eval_minibatch(data, net, criterion, val_loss, calc_metrics, args,
    Evaluate a single minibatch of images.
     * calculate metrics
     * dump images

    There are two primary multi-scale inference types:
      1. 'MSCALE', or in-model multi-scale: where the multi-scale iteration loop is
         handled within the model itself (see networks/ -> nscale_forward())
      2. 'multi_scale_inference', where we use Averaging to combine scales

    scales = [args.default_scale]
    if args.multi_scale_inference:
        scales.extend([float(x) for x in args.extra_scales.split(',')])
        if val_idx == 0:
                f'Using multi-scale inference (AVGPOOL) with scales {scales}')

    # input    = torch.Size([1, 3, h, w])
    # gt_image = torch.Size([1, h, w])
    ori_images, gt_image, img_names, scale_float = data
    if len(gt_image.size()) == 4:
        # if input is the image, we construct zero gt for the image. (This should only happen for test mode, where there is no gt.)
        gt_image = gt_image.new_zeros(gt_image.size()[:-1])
    assert len(ori_images.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
    assert ori_images.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]

    batch_pixel_size = ori_images.size(0) * ori_images.size(
        2) * ori_images.size(3)
    input_size = ori_images.size(2), ori_images.size(3)

    if args.do_flip:
        # By ending with flip=0, we insure that the images that are dumped
        # out correspond to the unflipped versions. A bit hacky.
        flips = [1, 0]
        flips = [0]

    #TODO add to config.
    max_crop_size = (args.crop_size[0], args.crop_size[1])
    m_h, m_w = max_crop_size
    crop_overlaps = (args.crop_overlap[0], args.crop_overlap[1])
    h_sp, w_sp = max_crop_size[0] - crop_overlaps[0], max_crop_size[
        1] - crop_overlaps[1]
    assert h_sp > 0 and w_sp > 0, "crop size should be larger than crop overlaps."

    output = 0.0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for flip in flips:
            for scale in scales:
                if flip == 1:
                    inputs = flip_tensor(ori_images, 3)
                    inputs = ori_images

                infer_size = [round(sz * scale) for sz in input_size]

                if scale != 1.0:
                    inputs = resize_tensor(inputs, infer_size)

                n, c, h, w = inputs.size(0), inputs.size(1), inputs.size(
                    2), inputs.size(3)

                if crop_overlaps[0] > 0:
                    h_n = (h - max_crop_size[0] - 1) // h_sp + 2
                    h_n = (h - 1) // max_crop_size[0] + 1
                if crop_overlaps[1] > 0:
                    w_n = (w - max_crop_size[1] - 1) // w_sp + 2
                    w_n = (w - 1) // max_crop_size[1] + 1
                if h_n > 1 and crop_overlaps[0] == 0:
                    h_sp = (h - max_crop_size[0]) // (h_n - 1)
                if w_n > 1 and crop_overlaps[1] == 0:
                    w_sp = (w - max_crop_size[1]) // (w_n - 1)

                full_output_dict = None
                weights = None
                for i in range(h_n):
                    for j in range(w_n):

                        if i != h_n - 1 and j != w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [i * h_sp, i * h_sp + m_h]
                            w0, w1 = [j * w_sp, j * w_sp + m_w]
                        elif i != h_n - 1 and j == w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [i * h_sp, i * h_sp + m_h]
                            w0, w1 = [w - m_w, w]
                        elif i == h_n - 1 and j != w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [h - m_h, h]
                            w0, w1 = [j * w_sp, j * w_sp + m_w]
                            h0, h1 = [h - m_h, h]
                            w0, w1 = [w - m_w, w]

                        temp_inputs = inputs[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1]
                        temp_gt_image = gt_image[:, h0:h1, w0:w1]
                        temp_inputs = {
                            'images': temp_inputs,
                            'gts': temp_gt_image
                        temp_inputs = {
                            k: v.cuda()
                            for k, v in temp_inputs.items()

                        # Expected Model outputs:
                        #   required:
                        #     'pred'  the network prediction, shape (1, 19, h, w)
                        #   optional:
                        #     'pred_*' - multi-scale predictions from mscale model
                        #     'attn_*' - multi-scale attentions from mscale model
                        output_dict = net(temp_inputs)
                        _pred = output_dict['pred']
                        if full_output_dict is None:
                            full_output_dict = {}
                            weights = _pred.new_zeros((n, 1, h, w))
                            for k, v in output_dict.items():
                                #TODO need to finish the rest of the keys?
                                if k != 'pred':
                                full_output_dict[k] = v.new_zeros(
                                    *(v.shape[:-2]), h, w)

                        weights[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += _pred.new_ones(1)
                        for k, v in output_dict.items():
                            # TODO need to finish the rest of the keys?
                            if k != 'pred':
                            full_output_dict[k][:, :, h0:h1,
                                                w0:w1] += output_dict[k]

                for k, v in full_output_dict.items():
                    full_output_dict[k] = v / weights
                _pred = full_output_dict['pred']
                # save AVGPOOL style multi-scale output for visualizing
                if not cfg.MODEL.MSCALE:
                    scale_name = fmt_scale('pred', scale)
                    output_dict[scale_name] = _pred

                # resize tensor down to 1.0x scale in order to combine
                # with other scales of prediction
                if scale != 1.0:
                    _pred = resize_tensor(_pred, input_size)

                if flip == 1:
                    output = output + flip_tensor(_pred, 3)
                    output = output + _pred

    output = output / len(scales) / len(flips)
    assert_msg = 'output_size {} gt_cuda size {}'
    gt_cuda = gt_image.cuda()
    assert_msg = assert_msg.format(output.size()[2:], gt_cuda.size()[1:])
    assert output.size()[2:] == gt_cuda.size()[1:], assert_msg
    assert output.size()[1] == cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES, assert_msg

    # Update loss and scoring datastructure
    if calc_metrics:
            criterion(output, gt_image.cuda()).item(), batch_pixel_size)

    output_data = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1).cpu().data
    max_probs, predictions = output_data.max(1)

    # Assemble assets to visualize
    assets = {}
    for item in output_dict:
        if 'attn_' in item:
            assets[item] = output_dict[item]
        if 'pred_' in item:
            smax = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output_dict[item], dim=1)
            _, pred =
            assets[item] = pred.cpu().numpy()

    predictions = predictions.numpy()
    assets['predictions'] = predictions
    assets['prob_mask'] = max_probs
    if calc_metrics:
        assets['err_mask'] = calc_err_mask_all(predictions, gt_image.numpy(),

    _iou_acc = fast_hist(predictions.flatten(),
                         gt_image.numpy().flatten(), cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES)

    return assets, _iou_acc