Esempio n. 1
def exact_samples(rbm, num, batch_units=10, show_progress=False):
    scores = get_scores(rbm, batch_units=batch_units).as_numpy_array()
    scores -= np.logaddexp.reduce(scores.ravel())
    p = np.exp(scores)

    prefix_len = rbm.nhid - batch_units
    prefixes = combinations_array(prefix_len).as_numpy_array()
    postfixes = combinations_array(batch_units).as_numpy_array()

    p_row = p.sum(1)
    p_row /= p_row.sum()
    cond_p_col = p / p_row[:, nax]

    cond_p_col *= (1. - 1e-8)   # keep np.random.multinomial from choking because the sum is greater than 1

    vis = np.zeros((num, rbm.nvis))
    hid = np.zeros((num, rbm.nhid))

    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rows = np.random.multinomial(1, p_row, size=num).argmax(1)
        #cols = np.random.multinomial(1, cond_p_col[rows, :]).argmax(1)
        cols = np.array([np.random.multinomial(1, cond_p_col[row, :]).argmax()
                         for row in rows])
        hid = np.hstack([prefixes[rows, :], postfixes[cols, :]])
        vis = np.random.binomial(1, gnp.logistic(rbm.vis_inputs(hid)))

    return binary_rbms.RBMState(gnp.garray(vis), gnp.garray(hid))
Esempio n. 2
def check_fisher_information_consistent():
    """The top left block of exact_fisher_information should agree with exact_fisher_information_biases."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        G_bias = tractable.exact_fisher_information_biases(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert_close(G_bias, G[:NVIS+NHID, :NVIS+NHID])
Esempio n. 3
def check_fisher_information_indep():
    """Fisher information should agree with analytic solution for base rate RBM."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_base_rate_rbm()
        E_v = gnp.logistic(rbm.vbias)
        E_h = gnp.logistic(rbm.hbias)

        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert_close(G, G.T, 'G not symmetric')

        G_vis_vishid = G[:NVIS, NVIS + NHID:].reshape((NVIS, NVIS, NHID))
        G_hid_vishid = G[NVIS:NVIS + NHID, NVIS + NHID:].reshape(
            (NHID, NVIS, NHID))
        G_vishid_vishid = G[NVIS + NHID:, NVIS + NHID:].reshape(
            (NVIS, NHID, NVIS, NHID))

        assert_close(G_vis_vishid[0, 0, 1], E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]) * E_h[1])
        assert_close(G_vis_vishid[0, 1, 2], 0.)
        assert_close(G_hid_vishid[0, 1, 0], E_h[0] * (1. - E_h[0]) * E_v[1])
        assert_close(G_hid_vishid[0, 1, 2], 0.)
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 0, 1],
                     E_v[0] * E_h[1] * (1. - E_v[0] * E_h[1]))
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 0, 2],
                     E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]) * E_h[1] * E_h[2])
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 2, 1, 2],
                     E_h[2] * (1. - E_h[2]) * E_v[0] * E_v[1])
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 2, 3], 0.)
Esempio n. 4
def check_against_exact():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = test_tractable.random_rbm(NVIS, NHID)
        G, s = tractable.exact_fisher_information(rbm,
        rw = fisher.RegressionWeights.from_maximum_likelihood(G, NVIS, NHID)

        G, s = gnp.garray(G), gnp.garray(s)
        S = G + np.outer(s, s)
        m_unary = s[:NVIS + NHID]
        S_unary = S[:NVIS + NHID, :NVIS + NHID]

        m_pair = gnp.zeros((NVIS, NHID, 3))
        S_pair = gnp.zeros((NVIS, NHID, 3, 3))
        for i in range(NVIS):
            for j in range(NHID):
                vis_idx = i
                hid_idx = NVIS + j
                vishid_idx = NVIS + NHID + NHID * i + j
                idxs = np.array([vis_idx, hid_idx, vishid_idx])

                m_pair[i, j, :] = s[idxs]
                S_pair[i, j, :] = S[idxs[:, nax], idxs[nax, :]]

        stats = fang.Statistics(m_unary, S_unary, m_pair, S_pair)
        beta, sigma_sq = stats.compute_regression_weights()
        assert np.allclose(beta, rw.beta)
        assert np.allclose(sigma_sq, rw.sigma_sq)

        Sigma = stats.unary_covariance()
        assert np.max(np.abs(Sigma - G[:NVIS + NHID, :NVIS + NHID])) < 1e-6
Esempio n. 5
def check_fisher_information_consistent():
    """The top left block of exact_fisher_information should agree with exact_fisher_information_biases."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        G_bias = tractable.exact_fisher_information_biases(
            rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert_close(G_bias, G[:NVIS + NHID, :NVIS + NHID])
Esempio n. 6
def test_symmetric():
    v = gnp.garray(np.random.uniform(size=(N, NVIS)))
    h = gnp.garray(np.random.uniform(size=(N, NHID)))
    stats = fang.Statistics.from_activations(v, h)

    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        assert np.allclose(stats.S_unary, stats.S_unary.T)
        assert np.allclose(stats.S_pair,
                           stats.S_pair.as_numpy_array().swapaxes(2, 3))
Esempio n. 7
def check_partition_function():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        total = -np.infty
        for vis_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NVIS):
            vis = gnp.garray(vis_)
            for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
                hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
                total = np.logaddexp(total,[nax, :], hid[nax, :])[0])

        assert np.allclose(tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS), total)
Esempio n. 8
def check_get_scores():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        scores = tractable.get_scores(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)

        prefixes = tractable.combinations_array(NHID - BATCH_UNITS)
        suffixes = tractable.combinations_array(BATCH_UNITS)

        for i, pre in enumerate(prefixes):
            for j, suff in enumerate(suffixes):
                hid = np.concatenate([pre, suff])
                assert np.allclose(scores[i, j], rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0])
Esempio n. 9
def check_get_scores():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        scores = tractable.get_scores(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)

        prefixes = tractable.combinations_array(NHID - BATCH_UNITS)
        suffixes = tractable.combinations_array(BATCH_UNITS)

        for i, pre in enumerate(prefixes):
            for j, suff in enumerate(suffixes):
                hid = np.concatenate([pre, suff])
                assert np.allclose(scores[i, j],
                                   rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0])
Esempio n. 10
def check_statistics(num_samples=1000):
    v = gnp.garray(np.random.uniform(size=(N, NVIS)))
    h = gnp.garray(np.random.uniform(size=(N, NHID)))
    stats = fang.Statistics.from_activations(v, h)

    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        g = np.zeros((num_samples, 5))
        for i in range(num_samples):
            idx = np.random.randint(N)
            curr_v = np.random.binomial(1, v[idx, :])
            curr_h = np.random.binomial(1, h[idx, :])
            g[i, :] = np.array([
                curr_v[0], curr_v[1], curr_h[0], curr_h[1],
                curr_v[0] * curr_h[1]

        print 'm_unary v[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.m_unary[0], g[:, 0])
        print 'm_unary h[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.m_unary[NVIS], g[:, 2])
        print 'S_unary v[0] v[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_unary[0, 0], g[:, 0])
        print 'S_unary v[0] v[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_unary[0, 1], g[:, 0] * g[:, 1])
        print 'S_unary v[0] h[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_unary[0, NVIS], g[:, 0] * g[:, 2])
        print 'S_unary h[0] h[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_unary[NVIS, NVIS], g[:, 2])
        print 'S_unary h[0] h[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_unary[NVIS, NVIS + 1],
                               g[:, 2] * g[:, 3])

        print 'm_pair v[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.m_pair[0, 1, 0], g[:, 0])
        print 'm_pair h[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.m_pair[0, 1, 1], g[:, 3])
        print 'm_pair v[0] h[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.m_pair[0, 1, 2], g[:, 4])
        print 'S_pair v[0] v[0]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 0, 0], g[:, 0])
        print 'S_pair v[0] h[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 0, 1], g[:, 0] * g[:, 3])
        print 'S_pair v[0] vh[0, 1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 0, 2], g[:, 0] * g[:, 4])
        print 'S_pair h[1] h[1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 1, 1], g[:, 3])
        print 'S_pair h[1] vh[0, 1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 1, 2], g[:, 3] * g[:, 4])
        print 'S_pair vh[0, 1] vh[0, 1]',
        misc.check_expectation(stats.S_pair[0, 1, 2, 2], g[:, 4])
Esempio n. 11
def check_partition_function():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        total = -np.infty

        for vis_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NVIS):
            vis = gnp.garray(vis_)
            for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
                hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
                total = np.logaddexp(total,
                           [nax, :], hid[nax, :])[0])

        assert np.allclose(
            tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS),
Esempio n. 12
def correlation_fraction(g, s, nvis, nhid):
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        expect_vis = s[:nvis]
        expect_hid = s[nvis:nvis+nhid]
        da = g[:nvis]
        db = g[nvis:nvis+nhid]
        dW = g[nvis+nhid:].reshape((nvis, nhid))

        first_order_expl = gnp.outer(da, expect_hid) + gnp.outer(expect_vis, db)
        first_order_norm = gnp.sum(da**2) + gnp.sum(db**2) + gnp.sum(first_order_expl**2)

        dcorr = dW - first_order_expl
        dcorr_norm = gnp.sum(dcorr**2)
        g_norm = gnp.sum(g**2)
        #return first_order_norm, dcorr_norm, g_norm
        return dcorr_norm / (dcorr_norm + first_order_norm)
Esempio n. 13
def correlation_fraction(g, s, nvis, nhid):
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        expect_vis = s[:nvis]
        expect_hid = s[nvis:nvis + nhid]
        da = g[:nvis]
        db = g[nvis:nvis + nhid]
        dW = g[nvis + nhid:].reshape((nvis, nhid))

        first_order_expl = gnp.outer(da, expect_hid) + gnp.outer(
            expect_vis, db)
        first_order_norm = gnp.sum(da**2) + gnp.sum(db**2) + gnp.sum(

        dcorr = dW - first_order_expl
        dcorr_norm = gnp.sum(dcorr**2)
        g_norm = gnp.sum(g**2)
        #return first_order_norm, dcorr_norm, g_norm
        return dcorr_norm / (dcorr_norm + first_order_norm)
Esempio n. 14
def check_fisher_information_biases_indep():
    """Fisher information should agree with analytic solution for base rate RBM."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_base_rate_rbm()
        E_v = gnp.logistic(rbm.vbias)
        E_h = gnp.logistic(rbm.hbias)

        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information_biases(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert_close(G, G.T, 'G not symmetric')

        G_vis_vis = G[:NVIS, :NVIS]
        G_vis_hid = G[:NVIS, NVIS:]
        G_hid_hid = G[NVIS:, NVIS:]

        assert_close(G_vis_vis[0, 0], E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]))
        assert_close(G_vis_vis[0, 1], 0.)
        assert_close(G_vis_hid[0, 0], 0.)
        assert_close(G_hid_hid[0, 0], E_h[0] * (1. - E_h[0]))
        assert_close(G_hid_hid[0, 1], 0.)
Esempio n. 15
def check_fisher_information_biases_indep():
    """Fisher information should agree with analytic solution for base rate RBM."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_base_rate_rbm()
        E_v = gnp.logistic(rbm.vbias)
        E_h = gnp.logistic(rbm.hbias)

        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information_biases(rbm,
        assert_close(G, G.T, 'G not symmetric')

        G_vis_vis = G[:NVIS, :NVIS]
        G_vis_hid = G[:NVIS, NVIS:]
        G_hid_hid = G[NVIS:, NVIS:]

        assert_close(G_vis_vis[0, 0], E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]))
        assert_close(G_vis_vis[0, 1], 0.)
        assert_close(G_vis_hid[0, 0], 0.)
        assert_close(G_hid_hid[0, 0], E_h[0] * (1. - E_h[0]))
        assert_close(G_hid_hid[0, 1], 0.)
Esempio n. 16
def plot_eigenspectrum(G, s, nvis, nhid):
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        dim = G.shape[0]
        d, Q = scipy.linalg.eigh(G)
        d = d[::-1]
        Q = Q[:, ::-1]

        pts = np.unique(np.floor(np.logspace(0., np.log10(dim-1), 500)).astype(int)) - 1

        cf = [fisher.correlation_fraction(Q[:, i], s, nvis, nhid) for i in pts]

        pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        pylab.loglog(range(1, dim+1), d, 'b-', lw=2.)

        pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        pylab.semilogx(pts+1, cf, 'r-', lw=2.)
Esempio n. 17
def check_fisher_information_indep():
    """Fisher information should agree with analytic solution for base rate RBM."""
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_base_rate_rbm()
        E_v = gnp.logistic(rbm.vbias)
        E_h = gnp.logistic(rbm.hbias)

        G = tractable.exact_fisher_information(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert_close(G, G.T, 'G not symmetric')

        G_vis_vishid = G[:NVIS, NVIS+NHID:].reshape((NVIS, NVIS, NHID))
        G_hid_vishid = G[NVIS:NVIS+NHID, NVIS+NHID:].reshape((NHID, NVIS, NHID))
        G_vishid_vishid = G[NVIS+NHID:, NVIS+NHID:].reshape((NVIS, NHID, NVIS, NHID))

        assert_close(G_vis_vishid[0, 0, 1], E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]) * E_h[1])
        assert_close(G_vis_vishid[0, 1, 2], 0.)
        assert_close(G_hid_vishid[0, 1, 0], E_h[0] * (1. - E_h[0]) * E_v[1])
        assert_close(G_hid_vishid[0, 1, 2], 0.)
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 0, 1], E_v[0] * E_h[1] * (1. - E_v[0] * E_h[1]))
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 0, 2], E_v[0] * (1. - E_v[0]) * E_h[1] * E_h[2])
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 2, 1, 2], E_h[2] * (1. - E_h[2]) * E_v[0] * E_v[1])
        assert_close(G_vishid_vishid[0, 1, 2, 3], 0.)
Esempio n. 18
def check_moments():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        pfn = tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)

        expect_vis = gnp.zeros(rbm.nvis)
        expect_hid = gnp.zeros(rbm.nhid)
        expect_prod = gnp.zeros((rbm.nvis, rbm.nhid))

        for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
            hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
            cond_vis = rbm.vis_expectations(hid)
            p = np.exp(rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0] - pfn)

            expect_vis += p * cond_vis
            expect_hid += p * hid
            expect_prod += p * gnp.outer(cond_vis, hid)

        moments = tractable.exact_moments(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert np.allclose(expect_vis, moments.expect_vis)
        assert np.allclose(expect_hid, moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.allclose(expect_prod, moments.expect_prod)
Esempio n. 19
def check_moments():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        pfn = tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        expect_vis = gnp.zeros(rbm.nvis)
        expect_hid = gnp.zeros(rbm.nhid)
        expect_prod = gnp.zeros((rbm.nvis, rbm.nhid))

        for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
            hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
            cond_vis = rbm.vis_expectations(hid)
            p = np.exp(rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0] - pfn)

            expect_vis += p * cond_vis
            expect_hid += p * hid
            expect_prod += p * gnp.outer(cond_vis, hid)

        moments = tractable.exact_moments(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert np.allclose(expect_vis, moments.expect_vis)
        assert np.allclose(expect_hid, moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.allclose(expect_prod, moments.expect_prod)
Esempio n. 20
def exact_fisher_information(rbm, batch_units=10, show_progress=False, vis_shape=None, downsample=1, return_mean=False):
    batch_size = 2 ** batch_units

    if downsample == 1:
        vis_idxs = np.arange(rbm.nvis)
        temp = np.arange(rbm.nvis).reshape((28, 28))
        mask = np.zeros((28, 28), dtype=bool)
        mask[::downsample, ::downsample] = 1
        vis_idxs = temp[mask]
    nvis = vis_idxs.size
    nhid = rbm.nhid

    num_params = nvis + nhid + nvis * nhid

    E_vis = np.zeros(nvis)
    E_hid = np.zeros(nhid)
    E_vishid = np.zeros((nvis, nhid))

    E_vis_vis = np.zeros((nvis, nvis))
    E_vis_hid = np.zeros((nvis, nhid))
    E_vis_vishid = np.zeros((nvis, nvis, nhid))
    E_hid_hid = np.zeros((nhid, nhid))
    E_hid_vishid = np.zeros((nhid, nvis, nhid))
    E_vishid_vishid = np.zeros((nvis, nhid, nvis, nhid))

    for hid, p in iter_configurations(rbm, batch_units=batch_units, show_progress=show_progress):
        with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
            cond_vis = gnp.logistic(rbm.vis_inputs(hid))
            cond_vis = gnp.garray(cond_vis.as_numpy_array()[:, vis_idxs])
            vishid = (cond_vis[:, :, nax] * hid[:, nax, :]).reshape((batch_size, nvis * nhid))
            var_vis = cond_vis * (1. - cond_vis)

            E_vis +=, cond_vis)
            E_hid +=, hid)
            E_vishid += * p, hid)

            E_vis_vis += * p, cond_vis)
            diag_term =, cond_vis * (1. - cond_vis))
            E_vis_vis += gnp.garray(np.diag(diag_term.as_numpy_array()))

            E_vis_hid += * p, hid)

            E_hid_hid += * p, hid)

            E_vis_vishid += * p, vishid).reshape((nvis, nvis, nhid))
            diag_term = * p, hid)
            E_vis_vishid[np.arange(nvis), np.arange(nvis), :] += diag_term

            E_hid_vishid += * p, vishid).reshape((nhid, nvis, nhid))

            E_vishid_vishid += * p, vishid).reshape((nvis, nhid, nvis, nhid))
            diag_term = ((cond_vis * (1. - cond_vis))[:, :, nax, nax] * hid[:, nax, :, nax] * hid[:, nax, nax, :] * p[:, nax, nax, nax]).sum(0)
            E_vishid_vishid[np.arange(nvis), :, np.arange(nvis), :] += diag_term

    G = np.zeros((num_params, num_params))
    vis_slc = slice(0, nvis)
    hid_slc = slice(nvis, nvis + nhid)
    vishid_slc = slice(nvis + nhid, None)
    G[vis_slc, vis_slc] = E_vis_vis
    G[vis_slc, hid_slc] = E_vis_hid
    G[vis_slc, vishid_slc] = E_vis_vishid.reshape((nvis, nvis * nhid))
    G[hid_slc, vis_slc] = E_vis_hid.T
    G[hid_slc, hid_slc] = E_hid_hid
    G[hid_slc, vishid_slc] = E_hid_vishid.reshape((nhid, nvis * nhid))
    G[vishid_slc, vis_slc] = E_vis_vishid.reshape((nvis, nvis * nhid)).T
    G[vishid_slc, hid_slc] = E_hid_vishid.reshape((nhid, nvis * nhid)).T
    G[vishid_slc, vishid_slc] = E_vishid_vishid.reshape((nvis * nhid, nvis * nhid))

    s = np.concatenate([E_vis, E_hid, E_vishid.ravel()])
    G -= np.outer(s, s)

    if return_mean:
        return G, s
        return G