def get_data_df(self): doc = self.doc i_0 = self.first_i predicates = doc._.lex_matches n = len(predicates) t = Timer() t.start() data = [{ 'i': i_0 + tok.i, 'sent_i': i_0 + tok.sent.start, 't': i_0 + tok._.subsent_root.i, 'neg': tok._.negated, 'lemma': tok.lemma_, 'text': tok.text, 'R_agent': agent.root.text if agent else None, 'R_patient': patient.root.text if patient else None, **{('L_' + doc.vocab[cat].text): 1.0 for cat in tok._.lex}, } for tok in predicates for agent in (tok._.agents or [None]) for patient in (tok._.patients or [None])] table = pd.DataFrame(data).sort_values('i') predicate_cols = [c for c in list(table.columns) if c.startswith('L_')] table[predicate_cols] = table[predicate_cols].fillna(0) t.stop() logger.debug('%d predicates (%d distinct) [%s]', len(table.index), n, t) return table
def get_entities_df(self): t = Timer() t.start() ent_cls = proc_ent.entity_classifier(self.doc.vocab) df = pd.DataFrame(ent_cls(self.doc)) t.stop() logger.debug('%d entities [%s]', len(df.index), t) return df
pred_dec = mvod_bottlneck_lstm3.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_bottlneck_lstm3.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm4': pred_enc = mvod_lstm4.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_lstm4.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_lstm4.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm5': pred_enc = mvod_lstm5.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_lstm5.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_lstm5.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) else: logging.fatal("The net type is wrong. It should be one of basenet, lstm{1,2,3,4,5}.") parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) timer.start("Load Model") net.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.trained_model, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) net = print(f'It took {timer.end("Load Model")} seconds to load the model.') predictor = Predictor(net, config.image_size, config.image_mean, config.image_std, nms_method=args.nms_method, iou_threshold=config.iou_threshold, candidate_size=200, sigma=0.5, device=device) results = [] for i in range(len(dataset)):
class Predictor: def __init__(self, net, size, mean=0.0, std=1.0, nms_method=None, iou_threshold=0.45, filter_threshold=0.01, candidate_size=200, sigma=0.5, device=None): = net self.transform = PredictionTransform(size, mean, std) self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold self.filter_threshold = filter_threshold self.candidate_size = candidate_size self.nms_method = nms_method self.sigma = sigma if device: self.device = device else: self.device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.timer = Timer() def predict(self, image, top_k=-1, prob_threshold=None): cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") height, width, _ = image.shape image = self.transform(image) images = image.unsqueeze(0) images = with torch.no_grad(): self.timer.start() scores, boxes = boxes = boxes[0] scores = scores[0] if not prob_threshold: prob_threshold = self.filter_threshold # this version of nms is slower on GPU, so we move data to CPU. boxes = scores = picked_box_probs = [] picked_labels = [] for class_index in range(1, scores.size(1)): probs = scores[:, class_index] mask = probs > prob_threshold probs = probs[mask] if probs.size(0) == 0: continue subset_boxes = boxes[mask, :] box_probs =[subset_boxes, probs.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=1) box_probs = box_utils.nms(box_probs, self.nms_method, score_threshold=prob_threshold, iou_threshold=self.iou_threshold, sigma=self.sigma, top_k=top_k, candidate_size=self.candidate_size) picked_box_probs.append(box_probs) picked_labels.extend([class_index] * box_probs.size(0)) if not picked_box_probs: return torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]) picked_box_probs = picked_box_probs[:, 0] *= width picked_box_probs[:, 1] *= height picked_box_probs[:, 2] *= width picked_box_probs[:, 3] *= height return picked_box_probs[:, :4], torch.tensor( picked_labels), picked_box_probs[:, 4]
params = itertools.chain(net.regression_headers.parameters(), net.classification_headers.parameters())"Freeze all the layers except prediction heads.") else: params = [ {'params': net.base_net.parameters(), 'lr': base_net_lr}, {'params': itertools.chain( net.source_layer_add_ons.parameters(), net.extras.parameters() ), 'lr': extra_layers_lr}, {'params': itertools.chain( net.regression_headers.parameters(), net.classification_headers.parameters() )} ] timer.start("Load Model") if args.resume:"Resume from the model {args.resume}") net.load(args.resume) elif args.base_net:"Init from base net {args.base_net}") net.init_from_base_net(args.base_net) elif args.pretrained_ssd:"Init from pretrained ssd {args.pretrained_ssd}") net.init_from_pretrained_ssd(args.pretrained_ssd)'Took {timer.end("Load Model"):.2f} seconds to load the model.') criterion = MultiboxLoss(config.priors, iou_threshold=0.5, neg_pos_ratio=3, center_variance=0.1, size_variance=0.2, device=DEVICE)
class Predictor: def __init__(self, net, size, mean=0.0, std=1.0, nms_method=None, iou_threshold=0.45, filter_threshold=0.01, candidate_size=200, sigma=0.5, device=None): """Implement Predictor while testing of the model Arguments: net: an object of net to used for prediction size: variable containing size of image as input mean: an array variable containing mean value of all the channels of input std: variable containing standard deviation of image as input nms_method : string variable contaning type of negative mining iou_threshold : a float variable containing threshold value of IOU filter_threshold : a float variable containing threshold value of filter candidate_size: only consider the candidates with the highest scores sigma: the parameter in score re-computation. (for soft negative mining) scores[i] = scores[i] * exp(-(iou_i)^2 / simga) device : variable containing device on which net needs to do computation """ = net self.transform = PredictionTransform(size, mean, std) self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold self.filter_threshold = filter_threshold self.candidate_size = candidate_size self.nms_method = nms_method self.sigma = sigma print("Predictor arg device", device) if device: self.device = device else: self.device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.timer = Timer() def predict(self, image, top_k=-1, prob_threshold=None): """Implement Predictor while testing of the model Arguments: image: image input for predictor prob_threshold: threshold for probability top_k: keep top_k results. If k <= 0, keep all the results. Returns: predicted boxes, labels and their probability """ cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") height, width, _ = image.shape image = self.transform(image) images = image.unsqueeze(0) images = with torch.no_grad(): self.timer.start() scores, boxes = print("Inference time: ", self.timer.end()) boxes = boxes[0] scores = scores[0] if not prob_threshold: prob_threshold = self.filter_threshold # this version of nms is slower on GPU, so we move data to CPU. boxes = scores = picked_box_probs = [] picked_labels = [] for class_index in range(1, scores.size(1)): probs = scores[:, class_index] mask = probs > prob_threshold probs = probs[mask] if probs.size(0) == 0: continue subset_boxes = boxes[mask, :] box_probs =[subset_boxes, probs.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=1) box_probs = box_utils.nms(box_probs, self.nms_method, score_threshold=prob_threshold, iou_threshold=self.iou_threshold, sigma=self.sigma, top_k=top_k, candidate_size=self.candidate_size) picked_box_probs.append(box_probs) picked_labels.extend([class_index] * box_probs.size(0)) if not picked_box_probs: return torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]) picked_box_probs = picked_box_probs[:, 0] *= width picked_box_probs[:, 1] *= height picked_box_probs[:, 2] *= width picked_box_probs[:, 3] *= height return picked_box_probs[:, :4], torch.tensor( picked_labels), picked_box_probs[:, 4]
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="SSD Evaluation on VOC Dataset.") parser.add_argument("--trained_model", type=str) parser.add_argument( "--dataset_type", default="voc", type=str, help='Specify dataset type. Currently support voc and open_images.') parser.add_argument( "--dataset", type=str, help="The root directory of the VOC dataset or Open Images dataset.") parser.add_argument("--label_file", type=str, help="The label file path.") parser.add_argument("--use_cuda", type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument("--use_2007_metric", type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument("--nms_method", type=str, default="hard") parser.add_argument("--iou_threshold", type=float, default=0.5, help="The threshold of Intersection over Union.") parser.add_argument("--eval_dir", default="eval_results", type=str, help="The directory to store evaluation results.") parser.add_argument('--mb2_width_mult', default=1.0, type=float, help='Width Multiplifier for MobilenetV2') args = parser.parse_args() DEVICE = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.use_cuda else "cpu") eval_path = pathlib.Path(args.eval_dir) eval_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) timer = Timer() class_names = [name.strip() for name in open(args.label_file).readlines()] if args.dataset_type == "voc": dataset = VOCDataset(args.dataset, is_test=True) true_case_stat, all_gb_boxes, all_difficult_cases = group_annotation_by_class( dataset) net = create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite(len(class_names), width_mult=args.mb2_width_mult, is_test=True) timer.start("Load Model") net.load(args.trained_model) net = print(f'It took {timer.end("Load Model")} seconds to load the model.') predictor = create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite_predictor( net, nms_method=args.nms_method, device=DEVICE) results = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): print("process image", i) timer.start("Load Image") image = dataset.get_image(i) print("Load Image: {:4f} seconds.".format(timer.end("Load Image"))) timer.start("Predict") boxes, labels, probs = predictor.predict(image) print("Prediction: {:4f} seconds.".format(timer.end("Predict"))) indexes = torch.ones(labels.size(0), 1, dtype=torch.float32) * i results.append( [ indexes.reshape(-1, 1), labels.reshape(-1, 1).float(), probs.reshape(-1, 1), boxes + 1.0 # matlab's indexes start from 1 ], dim=1)) results = for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names): if class_index == 0: continue # ignore background prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt" with open(prediction_path, "w") as f: sub = results[results[:, 1] == class_index, :] for i in range(sub.size(0)): prob_box = sub[i, 2:].numpy() image_id = dataset.ids[int(sub[i, 0])] print(image_id + " " + " ".join([str(v) for v in prob_box]), file=f) aps = [] print("\n\nAverage Precision Per-class:") for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names): if class_index == 0: continue prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt" ap = compute_average_precision_per_class( true_case_stat[class_index], all_gb_boxes[class_index], all_difficult_cases[class_index], prediction_path, args.iou_threshold, args.use_2007_metric) aps.append(ap) print(f"{class_name}: {ap}") print(f"\nAverage Precision Across All Classes:{sum(aps)/len(aps)}")
def get_map(net_para, dataset, label_file): DEVICE = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") eval_path = pathlib.Path("eval_results") eval_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) timer = Timer() class_names = [name.strip() for name in open(label_file).readlines()] dataset = VOCDataset(dataset, is_test=True) true_case_stat, all_gb_boxes, all_difficult_cases = group_annotation_by_class( dataset) net = create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite(len(class_names), width_mult=1.0, is_test=True) timer.start("Load Model") net.load_weight(net_para) net = predictor = create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite_predictor(net, nms_method="hard", device=DEVICE) results = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(dataset))): timer.start("Load Image") image = dataset.get_image(i) timer.start("Predict") boxes, labels, probs = predictor.predict(image) indexes = torch.ones(labels.size(0), 1, dtype=torch.float32) * i results.append( [ indexes.reshape(-1, 1), labels.reshape(-1, 1).float(), probs.reshape(-1, 1), boxes + 1.0 # matlab's indexes start from 1 ], dim=1)) results = for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names): if class_index == 0: continue # ignore background prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt" with open(prediction_path, "w") as f: sub = results[results[:, 1] == class_index, :] for i in range(sub.size(0)): prob_box = sub[i, 2:].numpy() image_id = dataset.ids[int(sub[i, 0])] print(image_id + " " + " ".join([str(v) for v in prob_box]), file=f) aps = [] print("\n\nAverage Precision Per-class:") for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names): if class_index == 0: continue prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt" ap = compute_average_precision_per_class( true_case_stat[class_index], all_gb_boxes[class_index], all_difficult_cases[class_index], prediction_path, 0.5, True) aps.append(ap) print(f"{class_name}: {ap}") print(f"\nAverage Precision Across All Classes:{sum(aps) / len(aps)}") return sum(aps) / len(aps)