def update_portrait(self, pl): def players(): return {p.account.username for p in self.portraits if p.account} orig_players = players() full = True for i, p in enumerate(pl): accdata = p["account"] acc = Account.parse(accdata) if accdata else None if not accdata: full = False port = self.portraits[i] port.account = acc port.ready = p["state"] == "ready" port.update() curr_players = players() for player in orig_players - curr_players: self.parent.chat_box.append(u"|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已离开游戏\n" % player) for player in curr_players - orig_players: self.parent.chat_box.append(u"|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已进入游戏\n" % player) if not self.ready and full and orig_players != curr_players: from utils import notify notify(u"东方符斗祭 - 满员提醒", u"房间已满员,请准备。")
def handle_chat(_type, args): if _type == 'chat_msg': uname, msg = args[0] uname = uname.replace('|', '||') return u'|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg) elif _type == 'ob_msg': uname, msg = args[0] uname = uname.replace('|', '||') return u'|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg) elif _type == 'speaker_msg': node, uname, msg = args[0] from utils.notify import notify, SPEAKER notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 『文々。新闻』', u'%s: %s' % (uname, msg), level=SPEAKER) node = node and '|G%s' % ServerNames.get(node, node) uname = uname.replace('|', '||') return u'%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (node, uname, msg) elif _type == 'system_msg': _, msg = args[0] return u'|B|R%s|r\n' % msg else: return None
def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == "server_dropped": ConfirmBox(u"已经与服务器断开链接,请重新启动游戏!", parent=Screen.cur_overlay) elif _type == "invite_request": uid, uname, gid, gtype = args[0] from gamepack import gamemodes as modes gtype = modes.get(gtype, None) gtype = gtype and invite_text = u"%s 邀请你一起玩 %s 模式" % (uname, gtype) from utils import notify notify(u"东方符斗祭 - 邀请提醒", invite_text) box = ConfirmBox(invite_text, parent=self, buttons=((u"确定", True), (u"取消", False)), default=False) @box.event def on_confirm(val, uid=uid):"invite_grant", ui_message, [gid, val]) else: Overlay.on_message(self, _type, *args)
def handle_chat(_type, args): if _type == "chat_msg": uname, msg = args[0] uname = uname.replace("|", "||") return u"|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n" % (uname, msg) elif _type == "ob_msg": uname, msg = args[0] uname = uname.replace("|", "||") return u"|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n" % (uname, msg) elif _type == "speaker_msg": node, uname, msg = args[0] from utils.notify import notify, SPEAKER notify(u"东方符斗祭 - 『文々。新闻』", u"%s: %s" % (uname, msg), level=SPEAKER) node = node and "|G%s" % ServerNames.get(node, node) uname = uname.replace("|", "||") return u"%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n" % (node, uname, msg) elif _type == "system_msg": _, msg = args[0] return u"|B|R%s|r\n" % msg else: return None
def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'server_dropped': ConfirmBox(u'已经与服务器断开链接,请重新启动游戏!', parent=Screen.cur_overlay) elif _type == 'invite_request': uid, uname, gid, gtype = args[0] from gamepack import gamemodes as modes gtype = modes.get(gtype, None) gtype = gtype and invite_text = u'%s 邀请你一起玩 %s 模式' % (uname, gtype) from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 邀请提醒', invite_text) box = ConfirmBox( invite_text, parent=self, buttons=((u'确定', True), (u'取消', False)), default=False ) @box.event def on_confirm(val, uid=uid):'invite_grant', ui_message, [gid, val]) else: Overlay.on_message(self, _type, *args)
def main(argv): if len(argv) >= 1: util = argv[0] if util == "notify": print "processando utilitário..." notify() print "fim do processamento..." #elif util == "***" else: print_usage() else: print_usage()
async def check_cookies(): """ 检查配置中的cookies是否已过期, 过期则发送通知 :return: """ println('开始检查账号cookies状态, 共{}个!'.format(len(JD_COOKIES))) title = '\n======📣【过期cookies列表】📣======\n' message = '' need_notify = False for cookies in JD_COOKIES: account = unquote(cookies['pt_pin']) ok = await async_check_cookie(cookies) if not ok: message += ' ' * 6 + account + '\n' println('{}, cookies已过期!'.format(account)) need_notify = True else: println('{}, cookies正常!'.format(account)) if need_notify: notify(title=title, content=message)
def update_portrait(self, pl): def players(): return { p.account.username for p in self.portraits if p.account } orig_players = players() full = True for i, p in enumerate(pl): accdata = p['account'] acc = Account.parse(accdata) if accdata else None if not accdata: full = False port = self.portraits[i] port.account = acc port.ready = (p['state'] == 'ready') port.update() curr_players = players() for player in (orig_players - curr_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已离开游戏\n' % player ) for player in (curr_players - orig_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已进入游戏\n' % player ) if not self.ready and full and orig_players != curr_players: from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 满员提醒', u'房间已满员,请准备。')
def on_message(self, _type, *args): rst = handle_chat(_type, args) if rst: self.chat_box.append(rst) return elif _type == 'game_started': from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 游戏提醒', u'游戏已开始,请注意。') self.remove_control(self.panel) self.gameui.init() self.add_control(self.gameui) elif _type == 'end_game': self.remove_control(self.gameui) self.add_control(self.panel) g = args[0] elif _type == 'client_game_finished': g = args[0] g.ui_meta.ui_class.show_result(g) elif _type in ('game_left', 'fleed'): GameHallScreen().switch() elif _type == 'game_joined': # last game ended, this is the auto # created game = args[0] self.panel.btn_getready.state = Button.NORMAL self.gameui = self.ui_class( parent=False,, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720)) ) SoundManager.switch_bgm(common_res.bgm_hall) self.backdrop = common_res.bg_ingame self.set_color( self.events_box.clear() elif _type == 'game_crashed': ConfirmBox( u'游戏逻辑已经崩溃,请退出房间!\n' u'这是不正常的状态,你可以报告bug。\n' u'游戏ID:%d' %, parent=self ) from __main__ import do_crashreport do_crashreport() elif _type == 'observe_request': uid, uname = args[0] box = ConfirmBox( u'玩家 %s 希望旁观你的游戏,是否允许?\n' u'旁观玩家可以看到你的手牌。' % uname, parent=self, buttons=((u'允许', True), (u'不允许', False)), default=False ) @box.event def on_confirm(val, uid=uid):'observe_grant', ui_message, [uid, val]) elif _type == 'observer_enter': obuid, obname, uname = args[0] self.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r|c0000ffff%s|r[|c9100ffff%d|r]|r趴在了|c0000ffff%s|r身后\n' % (obname, obuid, uname) ) elif _type == 'observer_leave': obuid, obname, uname = args[0] self.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r|c0000ffff%s|r飘走了\n' % obname ) else: Screen.on_message(self, _type, *args)
def process_start(scripts_cls, name='', process_num=None, help=True, code_key=None): """ 从配置中读取JD_COOKIES,开启多进程执行func。 :param code_key: :param help: :param scripts_cls: 脚本类 :param process_num: 进程数量 :param name: 活动名称 :return: """ multiprocessing.freeze_support() process_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if process_count < PROCESS_NUM: process_count = PROCESS_NUM if process_count > len(JD_COOKIES): process_count = len(JD_COOKIES) if process_num: process_count = process_num if process_count < 1: println('未配置jd_cookie, 脚本无法运行, 请在conf/config.yaml中配置jd_cookie!') return pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_count) # 进程池 process_list = [] # 进程列表 println("开始执行{}, 共{}个账号, 启动{}个进程!\n".format(name, len(JD_COOKIES), process_count), style='bold green') kwargs_list = [] for i in range(len(JD_COOKIES)): jd_cookie = JD_COOKIES[i] account = jd_cookie.pop('remark') if not account: account = unquote(jd_cookie['pt_pin']) if jd_cookie.get('ws_key'): # 使用ws_key jd_cookie['pt_key'] = ws_key_to_pt_key(jd_cookie.get('pt_pin'), jd_cookie.get('ws_key')) if not jd_cookie['pt_key']: println('{}.账号:{}, ws_key已过期, 无法执行'.format(i+1, account, name)) continue else: ok = sync_check_cookie(jd_cookie) if not ok: # 检查cookies状态, 这里不通知, 有定时任务会通知cookies过期! println('{}.账号:{}, cookie已过期, 无法执行:{}!'.format(i+1, account, name)) continue kwargs = { 'name': name, 'sort': i, # 排序, 影响助力码顺序 'account': account } kwargs.update(jd_cookie) kwargs_list.append(kwargs) process = pool.apply_async(start, args=(scripts_cls, ), kwds=kwargs) process_list.append(process) pool.close() pool.join() # 等待进程结束 notify_message = '' # 消息通知内容 for process in process_list: # 获取通知 try: message = process.get() except Exception as e: logger.error(e.args) continue if not message: continue notify_message += message + '\n' if code_key: timeout = random.random() * 10 println('正在提交助力码, 随机等待{}秒!'.format(timeout)) time.sleep(timeout) if type(code_key) == list: for key in code_key: post_code_list(key) time.sleep(random.random()) else: post_code_list(code_key) if hasattr(scripts_cls, 'run_help') and help: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_count) # 进程池 for kwargs in kwargs_list: pool.apply_async(start_help, args=(scripts_cls,), kwds=kwargs) pool.close() pool.join() # 等待进程结束 if notify_message != '': title = '\n======📣{}📣======\n'.format(name) notify(title, notify_message) println('\n所有账号均执行完{}, 退出程序\n'.format(name))
def on_message(self, _type, *args): rst = handle_chat(_type, args) if rst: self.chat_box.append(rst) return elif _type == 'game_started': from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 游戏提醒', u'游戏已开始,请注意。') self.remove_control(self.panel) self.add_control(self.gameui) self.gameui.init() elif _type == 'end_game': self.remove_control(self.gameui) self.add_control(self.panel) g = args[0] elif _type == 'client_game_finished': g = args[0] g.ui_meta.ui_class.show_result(g) elif _type in ('game_left', 'fleed'): GameHallScreen().switch() elif _type == 'game_joined': # last game ended, this is the auto # created game = args[0] self.panel.btn_getready.state = Button.NORMAL self.gameui = self.ui_class( parent=False,, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720)) ) SoundManager.switch_bgm(common_res.bgm_hall) self.backdrop = common_res.bg_ingame.get() self.set_color( self.events_box.clear() elif _type == 'game_crashed': ConfirmBox( u'游戏逻辑已经崩溃,请退出房间!\n' u'这是不正常的状态,你可以报告bug。\n' u'游戏ID:%d' %, parent=self ) from __main__ import do_crashreport do_crashreport() elif _type == 'observe_request': uid, uname = args[0] box = ConfirmBox( u'玩家 %s 希望旁观你的游戏,是否允许?\n' u'旁观玩家可以看到你的手牌。' % uname, parent=self, buttons=((u'允许', True), (u'不允许', False)), default=False ) @box.event def on_confirm(val, uid=uid):'observe_grant', ui_message, [uid, val]) elif _type == 'observer_enter': obuid, obname, uname = args[0] self.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r|c0000ffff%s|r[|c9100ffff%d|r]|r趴在了|c0000ffff%s|r身后\n' % (obname, obuid, uname) ) elif _type == 'observer_leave': obuid, obname, uname = args[0] self.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r|c0000ffff%s|r飘走了\n' % obname ) else: Screen.on_message(self, _type, *args)