
    with open('./challenges.html', 'r') as file:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
        solutions_elements = soup.findAll('div',
                                          {'class': 'list-item solutions'})

    # dict to store the challenges
    challenges = {'%d kyu' % n: [] for n in range(1, 9)}
    challenges['unrated'] = []

    for solution_element in tqdm(solutions_elements, 'Parsing challenges'):
        parser = Parser(solution_element)

        challenge_id = parser.parse_id()

        # using codewars api to get info about the challenge
        response = requests.get(CHALLENGE_URL.format(challenge_id))
        js = response.json()

        # creating a challenge object
        challenge = Challenge.fromjson(js)
        if challenge.kyu == None:
            challenge.kyu = 'unrated'

        challenge.code = parser.parse_code()
        challenge.language = parser.parse_language()
