Esempio n. 1
def numik(hrp2krobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param hrp2krobot: see hrp2krobot.Hrp2KRobot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161205

    if armid!="rgt" and armid!="lft":
        raise ValueError

    # stablizer
    steplength = 30
    armjntssave = hrp2krobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    for i in range(500):
        armjac = jacobian(hrp2krobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(hrp2krobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength*(np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print("The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity")
            hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return None
        if np.linalg.norm(err)<1e-4:
            if hrp2krobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid):
                armjntsreturn = hrp2krobot.getarmjnts(armid)
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return armjntsreturn
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
            # todo dq definition
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            if hrp2krobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid) or i < 30:
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
                # import hrp2kplot
                # from manipulation.grip.robotiq85 import rtq85nm
                # handpkg = rtq85nm
                # hrp2kplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp2krobot)
                # print(hrp2krobot.rgtarm[hrp2krobot.targetjoints[-1]]['linkend'])
                # hrp2kmnp_nm = hrp2kplot.genmnp_nm(hrp2krobot, handpkg)
                # hrp2kmnp_nm.setColor(.7,.2,0.7,.1)
                # hrp2kmnp_nm.reparentTo(base.render)
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
    hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 2
def numik(hrp2krobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param hrp2krobot: see hrp2krobot.Hrp2KRobot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161205

    if armid!="rgt" and armid!="lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # stablizer
    steplength = 30
    armjntssave = hrp2krobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    for i in range(500):
        armjac = jacobian(hrp2krobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(hrp2krobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength*(np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
            hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return None
        if np.linalg.norm(err)<1e-4:
            if hrp2krobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid):
                armjntsreturn = hrp2krobot.getarmjnts(armid)
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return armjntsreturn
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
            # todo dq definition
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            if hrp2krobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid) or i < 30:
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
                # import hrp2kplot
                # from manipulation.grip.robotiq85 import rtq85nm
                # handpkg = rtq85nm
                # hrp2kplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp2krobot)
                # print hrp2krobot.rgtarm[hrp2krobot.targetjoints[-1]]['linkend']
                # hrp2kmnp_nm = hrp2kplot.genmnp_nm(hrp2krobot, handpkg)
                # hrp2kmnp_nm.setColor(.7,.2,0.7,.1)
                # hrp2kmnp_nm.reparentTo(base.render)
                hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
    hrp2krobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 3
def numik(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param nxtrobot: see nextage.NxtRobot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161111

    if armid != "rgt" and armid != "lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # armlj = nxtrobot.rgtarm
    # if armid == "lft":
    #     armlj = nxtrobot.lftarm

    # stablizer
    steplength = 30
    armjntssave = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    for i in range(500):
        armjac = jacobian(nxtrobot, armid)
        if abs(np.linalg.det(armjac)) > 1e-6:
            err = tcperror(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.solve(armjac, err))
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
            nxtrobot.movearmfk6(armjntssave, armid)
            return None
        if np.linalg.norm(err) < 1e-4:
            armjntsreturn = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
            nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return armjntsreturn
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            if nxtrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter) or i < 10:
                nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
                import nxtplot
                # nxtplot.plotstick(base.render, nxtrobot)
                # nxtmnp = nxtplot.genNxtmnp_nm(nxtrobot,plotcolor=[.5,.5,0.1,.2])
                # nxtmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                # nxtmnp = nxtplot.genNxtmnp(nxtrobot)
                # nxtmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                # print "No feasible IK"
                return None
    nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
Esempio n. 4
def numik(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param hrp5robot: see hrp5robot.Hrp5Robot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161205

    if armid != "rgt" and armid != "lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # stablizer
    steplength = 5
    steplengthinc = 10
    armjntssave = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    errnormlast = 0.0
    nlocalencountered = 0
    for i in range(100):
        armjac = jacobian(hrp5nrobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
            # hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            # return None
        print np.linalg.norm(err)
        # if np.linalg.norm(err)<1e-4:
        errnorm = np.linalg.norm(err)
        if errnorm < 1:
            print 'goal reached', armjntsiter
            print "number of iteration ", i
            # if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid):
            armjntsreturn = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
            hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return armjntsreturn
            # else:
            #     # import hrp5nplot
            #     # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
            #     # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
            #     # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genmnp(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
            #     # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # print "out of range"
            #     # hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            #     # return None
            #     break
            # todo dq definition
            # judge local minima
            if abs(errnorm - errnormlast) < 1e-3:
                nlocalencountered += 1
                print "local minima at iteration", i
                print "n local encountered", nlocalencountered
                steplength = 3
                steplengthinc = 7
                if nlocalencountered > 2:
                if steplength < 50:
                    steplength = steplength + steplengthinc
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            # print armjntsiter
            # for i in range(armjntsiter.shape[0]):
            #     armjntsiter[i] = armjntsiter[i]%360
            # print armjntsiter
            # the robot may encounter overrange errors in the first few iterations
            # use i<50 to avoid these errors
            # if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid) or i < 30:
            #     # print armjntsiter
            #     hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
            #     # import hrp5plot
            #     # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
            #     # hrp5mnp = hrp5plot.genHrp5mnp(hrp5robot)
            #     # hrp5mnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # nxtmnp = nxtplot.genNxtmnp(nxtrobot)
            #     # nxtmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # import hrp5nplot
            #     # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
            #     # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
            #     # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genHrp5Nmnp_nm(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
            #     # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            # else:
            #     # import hrp5plot
            #     # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
            #     hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            #     return None
            bdragged, jntangles = hrp5nrobot.chkrngdrag(armjntsiter, armid)
            armjntsiter[:] = jntangles[:]
            print jntangles
            hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(jntangles, armid)
            import hrp5nplot
            hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
        errnormlast = errnorm
        print errnorm
    import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
    hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genmnp(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
    hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 5
def numik(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param nxtrobot: see nextage.NxtRobot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161111

    if armid != "rgt" and armid != "lft":
        raise ValueError

    # armlj = nxtrobot.rgtarm
    # if armid == "lft":
    #     armlj = nxtrobot.lftarm

    # stablizer
    steplength = 5
    steplengthinc = 10
    armjntssave = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = nxtrobot.getinitarmjnts(armid)
    errnormlast = 0.0
    nlocalencountered = 0
    for i in range(100):
        armjac = jacobian(nxtrobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print("The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity")
        # print(np.linalg.norm(err))
        errnorm = np.linalg.norm(err)
        if errnorm < 1:
            # print('goal reached', armjntsiter)
            # print("number of iteration ", i)
            armjntsreturn = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
            nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return armjntsreturn
            # todo dq definition
            # judge local minima
            if abs(errnorm - errnormlast) < 1e-6:
                nlocalencountered += 1
                # print("local minima at iteration", i)
                # print("n local encountered", nlocalencountered)
                steplength = 3
                steplengthinc = 7
                if nlocalencountered > 2:
                if steplength < 50:
                    steplength = steplength + steplengthinc
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            bdragged, jntangles = nxtrobot.chkrngdrag(armjntsiter, armid)
            armjntsiter[:] = jntangles[:]
            nxtrobot.movearmfk(jntangles, armid)
            # print(jntangles)
            # import nxtplot
            # nxtplot.plotstick(base.render, nxtrobot)
        errnormlast = errnorm
        # print(errnorm)
    # print("out of max iteration")
    nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 6
def numik(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param nxtrobot: see nextage.NxtRobot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161111

    if armid!="rgt" and armid!="lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # armlj = nxtrobot.rgtarm
    # if armid == "lft":
    #     armlj = nxtrobot.lftarm

    # stablizer
    steplength = 5
    steplengthinc = 10
    armjntssave = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    errnormlast = 0.0
    nlocalencountered = 0
    for i in range(100):
        armjac = jacobian(nxtrobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(nxtrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
        # print np.linalg.norm(err)
        errnorm = np.linalg.norm(err)
        if errnorm < 1:
            # print 'goal reached', armjntsiter
            # print "number of iteration ", i
            armjntsreturn = nxtrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
            nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return armjntsreturn
            # todo dq definition
            # judge local minima
            if abs(errnorm - errnormlast) < 1e-3:
                nlocalencountered += 1
                # print "local minima at iteration", i
                # print "n local encountered", nlocalencountered
                steplength = 3
                steplengthinc = 7
                if nlocalencountered > 2:
                if steplength < 50:
                    steplength = steplength + steplengthinc
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            bdragged, jntangles = nxtrobot.chkrngdrag(armjntsiter, armid)
            armjntsiter[:] = jntangles[:]
            nxtrobot.movearmfk(jntangles, armid)
            # print jntangles
            # import nxtplot
            # nxtplot.plotstick(base.render, nxtrobot)
        errnormlast = errnorm
        # print errnorm
    # print "out of max iteration"
    nxtrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 7
def numik(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param hrp5robot: see hrp5robot.Hrp5Robot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161205

    if armid!="rgt" and armid!="lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # stablizer
    steplength = 5
    steplengthinc = 10
    armjntssave = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    errnormlast = 0.0
    nlocalencountered = 0
    for i in range(100):
        armjac = jacobian(hrp5nrobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
            # hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            # return None
        print np.linalg.norm(err)
        # if np.linalg.norm(err)<1e-4:
        errnorm = np.linalg.norm(err)
        if errnorm < 1:
            print 'goal reached', armjntsiter
            print "number of iteration ", i
            # if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid):
            armjntsreturn = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
            hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return armjntsreturn
            # else:
            #     # import hrp5nplot
            #     # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
            #     # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
            #     # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genmnp(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
            #     # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # print "out of range"
            #     # hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            #     # return None
            #     break
            # todo dq definition
            # judge local minima
            if abs(errnorm - errnormlast) < 1e-3:
                nlocalencountered += 1
                print "local minima at iteration", i
                print "n local encountered", nlocalencountered
                steplength = 3
                steplengthinc = 7
                if nlocalencountered > 2:
                if steplength < 50:
                    steplength = steplength + steplengthinc
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            # print armjntsiter
            # for i in range(armjntsiter.shape[0]):
            #     armjntsiter[i] = armjntsiter[i]%360
            # print armjntsiter
            # the robot may encounter overrange errors in the first few iterations
            # use i<50 to avoid these errors
            # if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid) or i < 30:
            #     # print armjntsiter
            #     hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
            #     # import hrp5plot
            #     # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
            #     # hrp5mnp = hrp5plot.genHrp5mnp(hrp5robot)
            #     # hrp5mnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # nxtmnp = nxtplot.genNxtmnp(nxtrobot)
            #     # nxtmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            #     # import hrp5nplot
            #     # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
            #     # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
            #     # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genHrp5Nmnp_nm(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
            #     # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
            # else:
            #     # import hrp5plot
            #     # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
            #     hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            #     return None
            bdragged, jntangles = hrp5nrobot.chkrngdrag(armjntsiter, armid)
            armjntsiter[:] = jntangles[:]
            print jntangles
            hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(jntangles, armid)
            import hrp5nplot
            hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
        errnormlast = errnorm
        print errnorm
    import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
    hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genmnp(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
    hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None
Esempio n. 8
def numik(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid="rgt"):
    solve the ik numerically for the specified armid

    :param hrp5robot: see hrp5robot.Hrp5Robot class
    :param tgtpos: the position of the goal, 1-by-3 numpy ndarray
    :param tgtrot: the orientation of the goal, 3-by-3 numpyndarray
    :param armid: a string "rgt" or "lft" indicating the arm that will be solved
    :return: armjnts: a 1-by-6 numpy ndarray

    author: weiwei
    date: 20161205

    if armid != "rgt" and armid != "lft":
        raise ep.ValueError

    # stablizer
    steplength = 30
    armjntssave = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
    armjntsiter = armjntssave.copy()
    for i in range(500):
        armjac = jacobian(hrp5nrobot, armid)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(armjac) == 6:
            err = tcperror(hrp5nrobot, tgtpos, tgtrot, armid)
            dq = steplength * (np.linalg.lstsq(armjac, err))[0]
            print "The Jacobian Matrix of the specified arm is at singularity"
            hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
            return None
        if np.linalg.norm(err) < 1e-4:
            if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid):
                armjntsreturn = hrp5nrobot.getarmjnts(armid)
                hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return armjntsreturn
                # import hrp5nplot
                # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
                # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
                # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genHrp5Nmnp_nm(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
                # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                # print "out of range"
                hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
            # todo dq definition
            armjntsiter += dq
            armjntsiter = rm.cvtRngPM180(armjntsiter)
            # print armjntsiter
            # for i in range(armjntsiter.shape[0]):
            #     armjntsiter[i] = armjntsiter[i]%360
            # print armjntsiter
            # the robot may encounter overrange errors in the first few iterations
            # use i<50 to avoid these errors
            if hrp5nrobot.chkrng(armjntsiter, armid) or i < 30:
                # print armjntsiter
                hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntsiter, armid)
                # import hrp5plot
                # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
                # hrp5mnp = hrp5plot.genHrp5mnp(hrp5robot)
                # hrp5mnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                # nxtmnp = nxtplot.genNxtmnp(nxtrobot)
                # nxtmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                # import hrp5nplot
                # import manipulation.grip.hrp5three.hrp5three as handpkg
                # # hrp5nplot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5nrobot)
                # hrp5nmnp = hrp5nplot.genHrp5Nmnp_nm(hrp5nrobot, handpkg)
                # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)
                # import hrp5plot
                # hrp5plot.plotstick(base.render, hrp5robot)
                hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
                return None
    hrp5nrobot.movearmfk(armjntssave, armid)
    return None