Esempio n. 1
    def get(self, verify_code, user_name, password, type, device_type="", des="", param_sign=None, proxy_sign=None):
        http get 请求
        :param verify_code: 验证码
        :param user_name: 用户名
        :param password: 密码
        :param type: 用户类型
        :param device_type: 设备类型,对应设备用户
        :param des: 描述
        :param param_sign:程序签名
        :param proxy_sign: 代理签名
        :return: {}
        if not user_name\
                or not password\
                or not type\
                or not int(type) in enum.USER_TYPE_LS\
                or not device_type in get_device_type(ParamCacher().sm_rpc).keys() if int(type) == enum.DEVICE_USER else False:
            return {'result': error_code.ERROR_PARAMS_ERROR}

        # 如果有param_sign,可使用验证param_sign越过验证码
        is_privilege = Signer().check_sign(param_sign, verify_code, user_name, password, type, des) \
            if param_sign \
            else False

        # 不使用验证码判斷
        if type and int(type) in enum.NOT_VERIFY_CODE_USER_LS:
            is_privilege = True

        if not is_privilege:
            if not cookie.check_cookie(self, "register_verify_code", verify_code):
                logger.error("RegisterHandle check_cookie failed!!!, verify_code:%s\n,param_sign:%s\n, HTTP_SGIN:%s"
                             % (verify_code, param_sign, HTTP_SIGN))
                return {'result': error_code.ERROR_VERIFY_CODE_ERROR}

        rgst_da_tcp = ServiceMgrCacher().get_connection(US_REGISTER_DA, RT_HASH_RING, [user_name])

        if get_user_info(rgst_da_tcp, user_name):
            return {'result': error_code.ERROR_USER_NAME_EXIST}

        new_jid_dic = UserService().new_jid(user_name, password)

        params = {"user_name": user_name,
                  "password": password,
                  "des": des,
                  "jid": new_jid_dic['jid'],
                  "jid_pwd": new_jid_dic['password'],
                  "type": type,
                  "device_type": device_type}

        result = rgst_da_tcp.fetch_async("user_insert", ujson.dumps(params))
        if ArgumentParser().args.use_sign:
            result['sign'] = proxy_sign if proxy_sign else HTTP_SIGN
        return result
Esempio n. 2
    def get(self, verify_code, user_name, password, type, param_sign=None, proxy_sign=None):
        http 请求接口
        :param verify_code: 验证码
        :param user_name: 用户名
        :param password: 密码
        :param type: 用户类型
        :param param_sign: 程序签名
        :param proxy_sign: 代理提供签名
        if not user_name\
                or not password:
            return {'result': error_code.ERROR_PARAMS_ERROR}

        is_privilege = Signer().check_sign(param_sign, verify_code, user_name, password) \
            if param_sign \
            else False

        # 不使用验证码判斷
        if type and int(type) in enum.NOT_VERIFY_CODE_USER_LS:
            is_privilege = True

        if not is_privilege:
            if not cookie.check_cookie(self, "verify_code", verify_code):
                logger.error("CancelHandle check_cookie failed!!!, verify_code:%s\n,param_sign:%s\n, HTTP_SGIN:%s"
                             % (verify_code, param_sign, HTTP_SIGN))
                return {'result': error_code.ERROR_VERIFY_CODE_ERROR}

        rgst_da_tcp = ServiceMgrCacher().get_connection(US_REGISTER_DA, RT_HASH_RING, user_name)

        user_info = get_user_info(rgst_da_tcp, user_name)
        if not user_info or user_info['password'] != password:
            return {'result': error_code.ERROR_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD_ERROR}


        params = {'user_name_ls': [user_name]}
        result = rgst_da_tcp.fetch_async("user_delete", ujson.dumps(params))
        if ArgumentParser().args.use_sign:
            result['sign'] = proxy_sign if proxy_sign else HTTP_SIGN
        return result